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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
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    Had a wonderful time at Brighton Pride. The city turns into one giant party. Happy, friendly, unique people fill the streets and it’s like being at a festival. Really cheered me up after feeling depressed about the riots and women’s boxing upset. All was forgotten for a night and much silliness and chatting shit was done. Suffering today though ?

    Free Member

    Thanks synchro sounds likely then. I will have a go at the double declutch and see if my friendly mechanic feels like investigating at some point. If not I will investigate the gearbox specialists. This van has been a bit of a pain. Only just had 2 injectors replaced.

    Free Member

    These idiots don’t see this, they don’t see the impact they have on normal people just wanting to go about their day.

    Let’s hope everyone who’s caused all this disruption and huge amounts of damage get even stronger sentences than the Just Stop oil protesters. Won’t hold my breath…

    Feeling pretty depressed about the state of world today Tbh. These riots and the whole disgusting rhetoric over the women’s boxing. It’s just culture war after culture war.

    Free Member

    Vegan and gluten free too! I’d want some meat and wheat included for that price for sure!!

    Free Member

    Ginger, chillies, peas, various meat that I bulk order from a local farm but definitely including sausages, pork belly and and beef mince. There’s also always some homegrown or foraged items like berries, wild garlic pesto and mushrooms.

    Free Member

    @kennyp the newer Panasonic higher end models have sourdough settings but apparently they aren’t great and on the Panasonic Facebook group there are hacks on how to make sourdough in them by using the french bread setting. I’ve only had my machine for a couple of months and haven’t got around to trying it for sourdough yet.

    Free Member

    @Twodogs not if you ignore the recipes in the manual and use quality flour they don’t. The manual recipes use too much yeast and sugar and some of the programmes are actually a bit long so the bread comes out too light and airy. Find a bread recipe you like and then use the rapid wholewheat setting (3hr)

    If you want to get really geeky about it there is a whole Facebook group for Panasonic bread machines with improved recipes and hacks for great loaves, rolls and cakes.

    Free Member

    Panasonic. Think it was £200. I like doing the smallest loaf size as it comes out more like a normal loaf of bread shape instead of being too tall for it’s width. Make 2 loaves a week for 2 of us.

    Free Member

    That’s not a useful measure at all unfortunately as supermarkets really do want to trick people into paying more for supposedly freshly baked bread.

    Hardly any bread is baked in supermarkets now. Frozen, massive produced, part baked loaves are sent to the store and then finished off there so they can technically say ‘baked in store’

    Someone up there said it’s supply and demand and that the British people are lazy and vote with their feet. I really disagree with this. There are huge pressures from big food companies and supermarkets to persuade us in a direction. It’s a huge and complex issue around all food in the UK not just bread and has many factors that are affected by the politics of our country.

    It shouldn’t be so hard or so expensive to access quality, healthy food and it shouldn’t be considered snobbish or elitist to want a quality loaf of bread.

    I went to a meeting in my local community centre about access to healthy food. It’s not a rich area and there was a range of people there including several young mum’s from the local estate. They were really concerned about the advertising pressures on their children and how difficult and expensive it was to get quality food Vs junk food.

    Below the article about how supermarkets seek to decieve us and at the same time devalue what real bakeries do.

    Free Member

    Having been on a bit of a health kick the last year and half, including trying to remove most UPF’s from my diet, I got sick of scouring supermarket shelves for bread products without loads of rubbish in them. Even Waitrose and M And S wholemeal loaves are often made with palm fat which I’d rather not have for environmental as well as health reasons. The list of ingredients on some bread products is ridiculous. So I purchased a bread maker and ordered a bulk load of organic yeast and various flours from Shipton mill. Absolutely delicious, filling loaves that take less than 5 mins of hands on time and even with the fancy organic flours the loaves come out around £1. My favourite so far is 200g stone ground wholemeal, 150 white, 50 rye, 1tbs olive oil, 1 tsp raw honey, 1 tsp salt, 1tsp of yeast, 300ml water and 2 tbsp of golden linseed for an extra omega 3 boost. 3 HR setting on Panasonic.

    Lost a little weight despite eating more bread, butter, eggs, oily fish and loads of veg. Haven’t been ill for at least a year, guts have improved and just feeling really good. Sleeping really well too. There are  studies coming out regularly showing the harm of various UPF’s but not sure specifically about bread. It is difficult to do studies on people’s diets and takes a very long time too but there’s evidence that they can harm the gut microbiome which is widely only fairly recently being acknowledged to be a very big factor in our overall health and wellbeing. So whatever you can do to look after your gut whether it’s eating better bread or adding fermented foods is likely to help you be healthier.

    Free Member

    Really pleased with how my meadow is coming on. Loads of poppies this year and a good area of yellow rattle developing. Neighbours half of the adjoining bank gets shaved down to the moss on a regular basis.

    Free Member

    If you can get to 30 without needing to place a stamp is it actually a skill that’s required anymore?

    Free Member

    Red wine vinegar. Will take a few months though

    Free Member

    Friend of mine got a chunk taken out of her lip at by a sea gull recently whilst eating chips by Brighton pier. I love watching them soar around in the valley in front of my house at sunset but they are annoying when they thump down on the flat roof over my bedroom. Sounds like they are trying to break in!

    Free Member

    “If he has held his seat then he will have to resign his seat and step down before leaving, surely”

    Forecast is bad for tomorrow. Do you think they’ll be able to organise a brolly this time?

    Free Member

    1 down! Well done but scary at the same time

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I love a hot sauce but have recently become obsessed (to the point of eating out of the jar with a spoon) with Lao Gan Ma crispy chilli in oil.

    We love this at home! I have to ration the other half! Can only buy 2 jars at a time at the Asian food shop too. It’s so good in stir fry and noodles dishes or almost anything tbf. Have to be a bit careful though as it’s oil to mind the calorie count.

    Free Member

    I’m going on this holiday too. Definitely no bothys thanks 🤣also we aren’t actually wanting to be off grid for most of it and would love some campsite recommendations if anyone has any handy for the trails. Scenic with less facilities and cheaper if possible rather than Caravan club stylee. Many thanks.

    Free Member

    If you can’t be arsed watering it then wait until autumn until you plant anything. Sounds like you would just want turf if you’re worried about it being dug up or do meadow if you only want to cut it once a year and it’s got full sun.

    Free Member

    Well it’s in the news that we are paying too much due to lack of competition so it must be true. Vets costs in Europe are so much less in my experience. My pets have all passed away in the last couple of years and I’m really not sure about getting another with the costs in the UK. My local independent was bought by one of the big companies and the costs went up and the service and attitude went down.

    Free Member

    Yes but this is just a huge pool of data being collected which many scientists from all over the world can apply to use for various research and studies. It’s not in it’s self a single study by a single set of scientists. It’s more like a DNA bank and bio bank sounds like the same thing being done do why not just have the one if it’s a government funded nationwide project.

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    Free Member

    Going back to the cat thread any cats I know have a fear or respect for magpies and won’t go near them, they are like gangsters

    My cat once brought a live magpie in through a small cat flap. **** knows how as he’s a big cat and only just fits through on his own.

    It was fun trying to get the bird back outside.

    Free Member

    Interesting there’s already this bio bank. If so why do we need another separate study to be set up and funded I wonder?

    Free Member

    health data, and definitely nothing nefarious or evil…

    Yeah data protection is obviously a concern and it’s easy to get sucked into thinking ‘what if’ but if everyone felt like that how would any research and development ever occur?

    Free Member

    And how many unsuspecting insects get torched when people go around with their burners? Bet they prefer weed killer.

    Free Member

    Chemical industry pro glyphosate propaganda and marketing is more effective than I thought possible.

    Green hysteria rather than evidence based reason is just as rife as I expected

    Free Member

    I saw a hoopoe in my local park. Quite a striking bird with it’s head crest and long curved beak. It was pecking in the short grass of the path. They don’t breed here and are pretty rare apparently. Later further round the park I found a couple of bird watchers with a massive camera and they were not amused that I’d seen the hoopoe by chance as they’d been there for hours 🤣

    Free Member

    200g organic oats

    140g barley or rye flakes

    60g of raisins

    43g toasted hazelnuts

    43g of toasted coconut

    Pinch of salt

    Actually I get all the ingredients from wholefoods online where you can get everything organic in bulk at good price

    Free Member

    Organic my arse

    Free Member

    I remember hearing a dawn chorus whilst stoned lying in bed in the motorhome during the 1st lockdown. It was a particularly incredible one and my brain kept zoning in on particular songs and it was like some sort of amazing Dolby surround sound.

    Free Member

    It’s a normal question in the garden design and build world and not about screwing you over but about not wasting either of yours time because a lot of people can have unrealistic expectations of cost due to garden make over shows. Also what you spend on plants is a how long is a piece of string question. Instant impact or happy to wait years for stuff to grow. It could be a test question about whether they will want to put time into doing a design for you or whether a more basic trades person would be more suited to your job.

    Free Member

    Lol on a bike ride today and passed a young un who appeared to have forgotten to finish getting dressed. Just looked like they were wearing a largish pair of underpants. I said to OH I must be getting old. It was only 12 degrees at most with a bitter wind 🤷

    Free Member

    Tomatoes coming on nicely about 8 inches high and a few cherry toms have started flowering, chillies and peppers are still pretty small and I have some nice healthy aubergines that need potting on asap. Outside I had my 1st harvest of baby Pak choy just thinning out and have radish, lettuce, spring onions and lettuce that are just getting going. Waiting on cucs, courgettes and dwarf beans to pop up.  Hoping for a better summer this year!

    Free Member

    I think most pubs and also suitable cafes such as those in county parks etc is ok for having well behaved dogs inside. Any hygiene issues are a load of rubbish as long as normal hygiene rules are followed.

    I’ve many a fond memory of great social interactions that have arisen from taking our lab down the pub as they are a great conversation starter but I do think restaurants should be animal and very small child free.

    I went for a birthday lunch at my favourite modern Indian restaurant in Brighton last year and there was a whiney, yapping dog and a small child playing cartoons with the sound on on a tablet. Really not the ambience I expected for an expensive special meal occasion meal.

    Brighton is really dog friendly and dog ownership is very high which is fine but I think there should be some limits.

    Free Member

    Sorry really late to this party but just watched the 1st episode and was very pleasantly surprised. I am of the age who watched as a kid every week the 1st time round and then watched the documentary (about a year ago?)of the making of the original American gladiators. Anyway thought that time has moved on and this had the potential to be a bit rubbish especially with ‘h and s’ these days but absolutely loved it. Laughing out loud at the silly bits (leg end) and just amazing to watch what hard work can do to create an amazing physical specimen of a human being! They are all just gorgeous every one of them. Makes you want to go to the gym and cut out the pies 🤣 oh and bonus points for female DH mtber in the 1st episode.

    Free Member

    You need a selective lawn weed killer otherwise you will kill some grass. Just grab a spray bottle of lawn weed killer from b and q.

    Free Member

    Ah thanks will have to check it out. She was one of my lecturers in Anatomy when I was at Bristol in the early 2000’s. Youngest and coolest lecturer we had.

    Free Member

    Absolutely love my Spesh sl 2. It can do huge days out. Got the range extender which slots into the bottle holder but have barely dipped into it so far. 50 mile rides easily doable but I wanted a bike where I will still work so I do ride in eco a lot and use trail or turbo for nasty steep climbs. It’s super light at 19kg and looks and feels like a normal bike which is what I wanted from a ebike. I’m 70kg so I suppose it may not suit a heavier rider or someone who wants to turbo everywhere.

    Free Member

    Smoothie can be very healthy. It’s juice that is less good because you strain out all the fibre and it tends to be high sugar.

    Free Member

    I think I would attempt to spray the most destructive weed killer I could find on an especially windy day

    That would be very silly. Spraying should never be done on a windy day. It’s dangerous to the person doing it and other living beings around.

    Just cut the roots and add a barrier. Laurel isn’t going to come back from a cut root it’s not like bamboo or other suckering plants. It’s not particularly fast growing but does get big so just keep trimming your side regularly. I expect he’ll eventually realise he’s planted the wrong thing when it gets too big on his driveway.

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