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  • myti
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    Curious to know how you would put in place enough beds to deal with an exponential spread of infection? And then enough care to deal with the long term effects.

    I don’t believe it will be an exponential spread. It seems to be peaking around 20,000 cases similar to Spain. I agree with having measures and think they should be enforced better than they have been and better financial aid to badly hit areas to help people to isolate.

    It’s not really that out there to have doubts about this full lockdown at this time and people who I talk with in the real world are mostly of the same mindset and this is people of all different ages, risk factors and backgrounds but I’m aware there is a very hard set group on this thread who can only see things one way so not sure there’s much point continuing to discuss here.

    Free Member

    Del. Last Autumn 92% of hospital beds were full at this time of year. Instead of locking up our citizens and closing businesses I think we should be holding the government to account on this. If we can get this changed how many lives will that ultimately save in the years ahead.

    Free Member

    Del. I think we should either have listened to our chosen government experts when they said do a 2 week circuit break or say we’re not doing full lockdowns and stick to our guns with regional measures and with appropriate funding for those businesses. We are punishing areas with very low numbers. Just one example but West Sussex where I have family have had 3 cv deaths in the last 2 months. We should wait to see if the tier 3 measures work in the other areas. This faffing is the worst of both worlds. Terrible for businesses and peoples mental health.

    Also I’ve been following Spain’s numbers and they were well ahead of us on cases and deaths a month ago and are using regional measures still. Deaths there are not spiralling exponentially the 7 day average on the 1st of November was 170.

    Yes there will be deaths as this second wave combines with seasonal aspects but i don’t think assuming worst case scenario is the way forward.

    Kimbers thank you for taking the time to explain that to me if only you had been available for interview of Mark Henegan.

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    I’m no expert

    You could have stopped there.

    Yes congrats you scored in an open goal there. Very clever but doesn’t really add anything of interest to the conversation does it. What’s your expertise? I’m open minded about the two sides of this debate and not willing to belittle either side but will listen to people who have scientific training and expertise so I’d like to hear Tired thoughts on the interview and particularly the sensitivity of the test and how this could be overwhelming the test and trace system unnecessarily.

    Free Member

    Some very interesting points in this interview and I’d be interested in the opinion of our resident experts. I’m no expert but I am a scientist at heart and learned to consider things critically and with evidence whilst at University and I still feel that we have jumped the gun with this lockdown.

    For me the most salient points are around testing sensitivity and how we run our NHS to capacity in normal winters. I know we used to hear about the NHS being overloaded every winter in normal years but of course the Tories can’t admit that is the real problem and deal with that proactively.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys…well I will get spamming fb with pictures of beaches and sunshine asap 😁

    Free Member

    I like the idea of this thread. Let’s keep it going through winter.

    I’m worried for the mental health and wellbeing of several of my friends and my Mum and Aunt this winter and as I’m away in Portugal until the end of March I feel rather guilty and useless. I will message and phone regularly but I’m scared to share photos and updates of my trip as I now feel it will be sickening to those stuck in lockdown with horrible weather.

    Free Member

    @rollingdonut I have had similar feelings in the past and particularly since the pandemic and deep down feel the human race needs to stop growing (no kids here) but with where we are now where do we draw the line with medical intervention and prolonging life?

    I certainly wouldn’t opt to not use antibiotics if I got an infection or have to deal with a root canal without an anesthetic so it would be an ethical nightmare deciding which diseases, injuries do we treat and which scientific advances do we make?

    My other thought is that we can’t turn back the clock. It’s human nature to overcome adversity and we are a product of nature /mother Earth so maybe we shouldn’t feel so guilty about what we are. I think we will carry on until our eventual destruction taking lots of species with us but nature is so much more powerful than us and will regrow and we will be a mere blip in the history of Earth.

    Free Member

    I’ve been travelling for the last 6 months in Europe living in a motorhome off rental income from back home and plan to do another 6 months. First few months absolute bliss, no weird feelings of aimlessness or homesickness then a bit of that started to kick in and now there is a certain amount of fatigue with the constant moving, constant new things, do I stay here or is there something better at the next place, missing proper connections with people other than my partner as you are never anywhere long enough to make proper friends. Now we are almost as far South as we can go the next step is to find somewhere nice and make a base for awhile so settle into an area and hopefully make some social connections. We’ve met heaps of lovely people on our travels but it’s for a few days max.

    I think for me to be happy long term I need a stable base and to feel like I’m not a vister/tourist all the time. There’s something really important for me about feeling like I belong somewhere, that I know the lie of the land, the best pub to visit, familiar faces you might bump into down the shop that sort of thing.

    So don’t burn all your bridges till you’ve tried it is my advice.

    Free Member

    It will be hard work but incredibly rewarding if you do take the time and care required. Joy of dog ownership will definitely outweigh the downside of the mess.

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    Free Member

    Globalti have you talked to your GP at all? Could you get a break from the bungalow somehow? Maybe a stay in a nice cosy b and b for a few days just resting and spoiling yourselves? I know it’s harder with covid but maybe a few days away from the hellhole could give some clarity? If the house is making you this unhappy then can you sell it when the build is done and move closer to your family in something smaller? It’s not a failure to admit defeat it’s just a building and your happiness is more important than saving face.

    Free Member

    Yes. Body boarding. Been learning for the last month in Spain/Portugal and have so far managed to hurt my back after being almost snapped in two backwards going over the falls, nearly drowned going around the washing machine 3x and most recently bruised my leg, stomach and bashed my hand so it’s swollen up and 2 fingers won’t bend properly after being smashed into the sand and landing on my board edge on.

    Several tantrums and some tears my have occurred.

    It wasn’t meant to be this hard! Maybe I’m too old to start a new extreme sport plus i hate being the newbie everyone is secretly chuckling at.

    Free Member

    I saw an amazing flock of low flying storks heading to Africa the other day. Enormous but graceful birds in flight.

    Free Member

    Personally i have no qualms about safety on campsites as no business owner wants an outbreak on their hands.

    Ask before booking what their safety protocols are.

    Campsites I’ve stayed on this summer have all had instructions on the toilet block entrances, sanitizer at the entrance, limited capacity, one way entry/exit systems and one place had even installed red and green sliders on the door of each shower/toilet and above sinks so you only use one thats on green(clean) and after using you slide it to red (dirty) and there is a cleaner constantly working to disinfect each ‘dirty’ area and slides go back to green. This was a larger more expensive site though.

    It amazes me the ingenuity of the human race to adapt and get on with life in difficult and scary times.

    No need to stay at home if you don’t wish to just follow the rules.

    Free Member

    Both France and Spain are currently coping with the predictable result of saving the tourist season. Locally we were close to elimination then tourists arrived from all over and many of us went on holiday ourselves to high risk areas. The return to school after all that mobility was as predictable as the usual back to school colds, shits etc. Except this time it’s Covid which is a little more problematic.

    I find it hard to be critical of the decision to let us all have a great Summer. It saved many businesses, and even though the case numbers are higher as a result people are reasonably happy and haven’t started a revolution.

    In the people around me there’s a growing sentiment that people just want to get on with life even if it results in some of us catching the virus. It’s become an acceptable risk that people have integrated into their behaviour. we ride horses and mountain bikes, ski mountaineer, wild swim, share roads and live in houses (which is where most people have serious accidents).

    Most people are happy to wear a mask and keep their hands clean, but living like monks for an undefined period is off the table, people complied with our confinement with good grace in the public interest, it failed and people want their lives back.

    This is where I’m at too and the vast majority of people I know of all ages, genders, vulnerabilities such as obese, diabetic elderly relatives, care worker friends, a whole range of the population basically are of this mindset at this stage.

    These are intelligent people who have happily complied with lockdown and are happy to continue with the current precautions like masks/sanitizer but are wholly against any further lockdowns or restrictions coming in.

    Calling someone a troll for having this view and posting scare stories about tragically sick people is pathetic and just creates a boring eco chamber.

    There are so few people posting on this thread now and no wonder as they are immediately shot down and vilified by the vocal bullies who have no interest in seeing things from another perspective.

    Free Member

    Have made it to season 9 so far. Is 10 on Prime yet?

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear you’re having such a rough time Globalti. I don’t know what age you are but if you really are so unhappy with your current situation could you not discuss getting out of it with your wife and getting back to something smaller/more simple. Surely it’s better to cut yiur losses rather than making yourself so unhappy and ill?

    I’m currently on a year out from work after 15 years of running my small gardening business and we’re living in a motorhome and travelling Europe. I’ve day dreamed about buying a cheap place somewhere warm and moving here once parents aren’t around to consider but being so far from home with no friends, family or work to occupy me has made me think twice about this dream and perhaps we’ll just spend chunks of time in our favourite places in Europe until we’re too old to travel.

    As i am self employed I think i will maybe just keep reducing my hours down as i get older so i still have a sense of purpose and get to interact with people weekly and don’t stagnate. Especially important as we don’t have children to occupy/look out for us as we age. Hopefully I’ll never fully retire just pop my clogs one day after some overly strenuous hedge trimming 😂

    Free Member

    I seek it out from my local butcher. I enjoy it occasionally particularly as loin steak but can get bored with the stewing meat pretty quickly. I’d love to feed my lab on it if there was a cheaper source.

    Free Member

    Sorry that’s vehicle insurance. I meant Staysure

    Free Member

    Safeguard? I believe there are others though.

    Free Member

    What were your original plans? Apart from meeting new people what do you like doing as you listed all that you don’t like…

    City break somewhere like Bristol or Brighton where you can get chatting to people in pubs if you’re brave. Visit some nice restaurants, go to the zoo.

    Free Member

    Really enjoyed our week in Ainsa! I must say I was blown away by the riding!

    We rode 3 loops we found on the Z trails App and trail forks and each one was so varied and I was struggling to pick a favourite. Stunning scenery, very natural singletrack but a great variety to each ride from rocky loose tech, flowing pine needles loam, slab rock and moab style gritty grippy undulating landscape. Just amazing and we barely scratched the surface of the way marked routes.

    I found the altitude gain per mile really tough in the heat though and really started thinking an ebike would be of great merit if I was visiting again.

    We’ll definitely be back and I’ll be encouraging friends to consider it as an alternative to Alps trips.

    Free Member

    Yes went to Tirabed (could be spelt wrong) in Wales several times. Great times with a 1st taste of independence from parents and did some brilliant activities. Will never forget mountain biking on a really hot day and my friend and I coming down with full on sun stroke afterwards.

    Free Member

    Nope i believe most of the spread is being blamed on young people not social distancing and in people spending time in each others homes. In reality it is many factors, back to work, school, pub, shops and people who would spread or catch it on holiday are the types just as likely to do that in their own country. It never went away in Germany or uk so it is creeping back. Nothing to do with crossing an arbitrary border. Particularly within Europe.

    Free Member

    Give us a clue to find it on bbc sounds then..

    Free Member

    Yes I’m like that although depending on the severity of the perceived problem i would normally stop thinking about it a bit quicker than a few hours but when it 1st happens i feel terrible. Tight chest, butterflies in stomach. Partner would brush it off easily but i get upset and he doesn’t understand why i can’t just switch off the ‘giving 2 ****’

    It’s like i hate the thought that this person I’ve aggrieved thinks I’m a bad person and I want to be able to fix that.

    Recent very minor example. Walking down a country path and our dog suddenly changes direction and runs in front of an elderly lady with hiking poles. No collision but could have tripped her possibly if timing was worse and i get a mouthful and a grumpy glare. I felt horrible for a few minutes and my internal dialogue was like ‘if only she knew how lovely and well behaved my dog is and how we are responsible dog owners’ whereas partner barely registered what happened and certainly wasn’t upset by it.

    Free Member

    Good luck with the move! We are planning to spend the winter in Portugal so if you fancy some riding buddies when you’ve sussed out the local trails drop me a pm.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t cut it. I’ve tried. They said “you shouldn’t have moved to Oz, you stupid pom”

    Not even. When it’s 42c in the shade you pray for the Freo Doctor! (Those who know, know)

    I know! What do i win? Last Christmas i experienced living with temps of 40ish for a week in Exmouth not enjoyable.

    Been escaping the worst of the French heatwave by staying up high in the mountains it’s amazing how much easier it is to cope with highs of mid 30’s when it cools down to 14 degrees each night. Respite to recharge for the next assault.

    Free Member

    Enjoy! We’ve just had 4 days up at the col de petit Saint Bernard hiking and dipping in mountain lakes. Now in Pila for a couple of days lift assisted riding. So grateful to have got away and all feels very safe.

    Free Member

    Ok a couple of things:

    I’m pretty sure squash was always made with sweeteners, at least since I was a kid. If you want it without, get the ‘high juice’ versions, which are widely available and don’t have artificial sweeteners. I think Robinson’s do it but Asda definitely do their own.

    Maybe some of the lower sugar ones did but now literally all except the posh very expensive ones have sweetners. I always shop at Asda and maybe yours is different but you can’t buy basic squash without sweetners now. Even the high juice ones have sweetners if you’re lucky you can buy a bottle of branded lime cordial without sweetners at £3ish.

    I am all for encouraging healthy eating but i also believe in choice.

    There are studies that show sweetners are not good for blood sugar responses and also gut bacteria but also i know that it’s incredibly difficult and expensive to run long term trials looking at the effects of diet as it’s really hard to control that over a period of years in humans. Our knowledge is constantly being updated. It was only recently that we altered our perspective that sugar was bad and not fat so much so personally i would like to be able to avoid sweetners if i choose and have an occasional sweet drink without having to make it from scratch (which i have done in the past btw. Elderflower and redcurrant absolutely delicious 😋)

    Free Member

    We’re in Europe for 9 months. We both got Vodafone 60gb sims and an extra one for the motorhome WiFi as voda are apparently the only company that do let you use all your data abroad but not on their unlimited plans. Phone house do crazy cheap cash back deals.

    Free Member

    Yeah that pees me off too. I eat very little sugar but i do like a glass of squash every now and then and try to avoid artificial additives as much as possible. Away in France just now and it’s nice to have a choice of cordials without a hint of sucralose in sight and not costing £3.70 for a 500ml bottle of elderflower and rose petal or whatever. Grrr. Rant.

    Free Member

    My mouth after a night out raving back in the day

    Free Member

    If you all drive it’s no greater risk than heading off on a British mtb holiday away from home but obviously staying at home and not riding your bike or coming into contact with any friends or other people is the lowest risk. We’re in Les Arcs and all the lift handlers are masked, all people on lifts with masks, hand sanitizer everywhere. The French are definitely more on it than back home and daily deaths are lower here.

    Free Member

    Nice superfli that looks a lot like my day today!

    Free Member

    Whilst of course it depends on your personal risk assessment and situation I’d say no reason not to! We arrived in the alps yesterday. We were just hiking today so took the funicular up from Bourg st Maurice. Hand gel and masks. Seems much quieter here than i expected but I’ve only been in August before.

    Riding for the next few weeks and we are self contained in motorhome so able to minimise contact with others and we have months to kill so no issues if a quarantine were to kick off.

    It’s a few years since I’ve been here and I had forgotten that amazing feeling of being in this stunning place.

    Free Member

    Yeah i liked Barry’s when I 1st started riding there but not anymore. Too many ace ones to list though and don’t have a favourite.

    Free Member

    Good to see low numbers on a Friday. Long may the downward trend continue. I personally think it’s right that lockdown is easing now (i know it’s not the the popular view on here) yes we should have acted more quickly at the beginning but how about occasionally focusing on the fact things are improving now?

    Free Member

    Breakfasted in France this morning after a smooth trip through the chunnel. A few days milling about along the coast on the sandy beaches with the dog then off to the Alps for a month! So glad to be out of the uk and only a month after we originally planned.

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