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  • Calibre Line T3 27 review
  • myti
    Free Member

    @sas78 thanks for the recommendation. We have an Envirovent piv system that works really well and has been faultless for 7 years so will definitely look into that.

    Free Member

    So the quote is to skim the ceiling but he has also allowed for skimming the walls if required as he doesn’t know the state of the walls underneath the old tiles and will be burying a fair bit of pipework that currently runs around the room and also up the wall into the ceiling where we had an upstairs loo put in. So i assumed the skimming is just to make good where needed to tile onto but i know nothing about this sort of thing. Interested in what @bigfoot said about tiles being too heavy. Should I ask my builder about this? Good tip on going to builders merchants with Internet price. Will look into that but does the bath i linked to look decent or flimsy just as a guide?

    Free Member

    it’s 14m2 of tiling and we’ll go with larger tiles so the actual tile cost isn’t going to be that big and we want to do this well. The whole bath/shower area would need to be full height anyway so for a clean look and easy maintenance I want this smallish room fully tiled. It will look much less fussy than having different tile heights on different walls and i hate how dust sits on the edges of half height tiling and dog/cat hair always manages to stick to damp bathroom walls so it’s just easier to clean tiled walls and they’ll never need repainting.

    Free Member

    Yes bath has to be 1600mm due to the room size/layout and bath is a must for me as a manual labourer for 20 years for soaking achy muscles. Current bathroom is a weird corner bath with a seat cut out where you hold the shower attachment over your head whilst sitting down. Had that setup for 6 years so a decent shower over the bath will be luxury in comparison.

    Ok humidity sensing extractor sounds good. Any brands/models that will clear that size room well? Only 2 people in the household so max 2 showers a day and we also have PIV unit upstairs.

    Yes i think 9k may be top end but i did specify i wanted a really good finish and i thought burying all the pipes in the walls is a big job plus fully tiled room, making a hole in the wall and a new ceiling and lights plus new waste for the bath as the run off is poor and it doesn’t drain well sounds like pretty big job. Also not easy even finding people to quote in Brighton. It’s a tradepersons market just now and the company seems super reliable in terms of communication anyway.

    Free Member

    No not really. Getting stuff fixed is expensive these days.

    Free Member

    I love a lambic/sour beer but 12.5 percent is too much.

    Free Member

    Chicken Kiev pie in a roll?

    Free Member

    Five alive
    Sunny d
    K cider
    Smirnoff ice
    Redbull vodka
    Can you age me from my drink progression 😂

    Free Member

    Lol my list is all stuff from the 80’s when convenience food started being a thing and my mum was a working single mum who didn’t enjoy cooking.

    Boil in the bag beef in gravy-yuk
    Findus crispy pancakes-yum
    Boil in bag fish in white sauce-yuk
    Angel delight-semi yuk but addictive once you start
    Fish or chicken paste sandwiches in my packed lunch-think i quite liked them at the time but would be yuk now
    Pop tarts-oh my poor teeth! I’m guessing that was advertising/nag pressure on my behalf and not something my mum would have let me have too often.

    I eat very little ultra processed food now but still enjoy the odd tinned spaghetti on toast or tinned macaroni cheese with ketchup.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    Totally missed my point I was replying to the melodramatic comment saying that someone was evil for considering going out for a walk whilst covid positive once the rules change.

    Did someone here say that?

    We’d almost certainly left the house for a walk if it wasn’t illegal.

    Yeah, that sounds really great. It’s not like anyone more vulnerable than you could catch it and die like the hundreds of other people that died yesterday is it?

    I wasn’t even referring to your comment as being melodramatic Kelvin. It was the comment directly above mine from Reeksy. It was melodramatic to the max including bringing in all the deaths from the previous day. Very judgemental and unnecessary.

    Free Member

    No, if you would be a little more British about this rather hysterical. The point was don’t take your germs into work where you stand a good chance of passing it onto someone with a vulnerable relative or friend.

    Totally missed my point I was replying to the melodramatic comment saying that someone was evil for considering going out for a walk whilst covid positive once the rules change. Not suggesting people go to work but obviously that will also happen at some point once testing stops.

    From the Bbc ‘Hospital cases are falling and, despite the large wave of Omicron infections, overall deaths have not risen above what would normally be seen in winter’

    Free Member

    How melodramatic. The same applies to any type of cold or flu. Should no one ever be allowed out to walk the dog if they have the vaguest of sniffles incase they accidentally kill on old person? Half the deaths recored at the moment are actually people dying with covid not of it. The bbc said so yesterday. So it’s actually less deaths than a bad flu year now. People die that is life

    Free Member

    Don’t panic! There are worse people out there than you.

    Free Member

    Thanks matt I’ll have a look

    Free Member

    Good to hear. I’m looking at the model 4 in vine velvet.

    Free Member

    Had a crusty brown slice with aubergine pickle then strong Cheddar then red onion for lunch. The pickle really punches through.

    Free Member

    It definitely works for me for pain and inflammation at menstruation. In the past was having to take codeine some months and always ibuprofen which messed up my stomach so gave cbd a go. Not taken anything else since in the last year. I buy a 1000mg high spectrum oil you drop under the tongue from the Not cheap but there are some questionable strength products out there for sale. Have also purchased various cbd weeds online and in cbd shops in Europe which look and smell very much like cannabis but are hemp with less than 0.2 percent thc. Don’t really like smoking so i just eat it. Also seems to help with a great night’s sleep when i take before bed.

    Free Member

    @Dogbone. Interesting choice. Quite an unusual part of (or not part of) Spain i thought when we visited last year. It wasn’t very motorhome or dog friendly so didn’t spend a lot of time round there but had some great surfs at Zarrutz and San Vincente.

    Free Member

    But incorrect, so less scary.

    It’s technically correct. You’re not meant to spend more than 90 days outside your country of residence within the eu before you need to register. Eg a German in Spain longer than 90 but as there is free movement across mostly unmonitored borders the rule is mostly ignored. We met Germans who’ve been living in Portugal for years on a campsite no problems.

    Free Member

    We have spent the last couple of winters exploring Spain and Portugal. Definitely prefer Spain. The food and countryside are better in my opinion. We’re going to keep exploring each winter and are certainly thinking about whether we’d like to retire here but it’s 15 years plus away. I think having friends about would be the only thing to stop us.

    Free Member

    doesn’t look that way to me going of whats mentioned above from france

    But masks are only worn at certain times. Most infections will come from hanging out with family, friends, in work or drinking in bars. The French live for a long lunch out.

    Free Member

    We have a ridge monkey in the motorhome. Works well and good for large /thick bread and other uses. I do have a sandwich maker at home but it rarely comes out of the cubboard as for standard cheese/ham toasties a cast iron pan is better. I don’t particularly like the rock hard edges the toastie machine makes but it can be good for more unusual/runny fillings like baked beans or egg.

    Free Member

    Fairywell. Much better than the old oralb one. Battery lasts for ages (unlike the oral b) no annoying charging stand and it charges from usb so handy for travel.

    Free Member

    If i was walking towards someone and their dog in this situation i would definitely hop into the road for them like you said it’s important to do what is safest and quickest to get any living beings out of harms way as quickly as possible. Dogs not being human can get confused being suddenly pulled into the road when they are generally taught not to do this by their owners for safety reasons.

    Free Member

    Not a single illness in the last year for me or the other half.

    Had an amazing year out adventure in Europe.

    Decade birthdays for me, partner and my mum with a big joint garden party with loads of friends and family in the summer and we only got rained on a bit.

    Free Member

    Sounds brilliant. Only issue i can see is where the bikes go at night when sleeping inside if they are very valuable?

    Free Member

    Absolutely the worst in the world that I’ve experienced. 10 years ago i had head splitting agony and dentist insisted nothing wrong on xray. Week later huge abcess. 3 sessions of intensive root canal. Same tooth last feb the worst pain of my life, 48+ hours of my whole jaw and head feeling like a lead bullet was repeating trying to burrow outwards. Honestly wanted to die if it wasn’t going to stop. Lot’s of codeine numbed it for a hour or so but then it returned. The tooth took an hour of yanking, drilling and chipping away to get out in bits and the dentist was out of breath with the torque she was applying to my jaw. I now have serious phobia around dentists and just went today for a check up,a filling needed repairing and for some reason took an hour, 2 injections only for her to say to me at the end sorry but it got wet from too much saliva in your mouth so i will have to do it all over again after Christmas as you are too swollen now. Bloody brilliant.

    Free Member

    I fed my lab on raw for a year but she lost too much weight and it didn’t seem to help her arthritis, was a faff and expensive. She has always been super healthy on processed food so she is back on dried grain free wolf of wilderness for breakfast and wet for dinner. Flavours are wild boar, venison, duck etc with herbs and berries. Great marketing but it’s meant to mimic the wolf diet. Good value ordered from zooplus. Poos are very firm and dark but not quite as small as on the raw. She’s 12 and full of life so raw is not the only answer.

    Free Member

    More tentatively positive news.

    Free Member

    No flood defences..really get a grip. What has the last 2 years/previous lockdowns been about building then?

    Waiting to see if our defences that we have invested heavily in will work is not dithering.

    Free Member

    I move South for the Winter and back North in Spring…winning!

    Free Member

    I’ve noticed the sunset getting later already which is nice.

    Free Member

    @dmorts. Sorry missed your reply. I don’t think i need a humidity sensor but it would need to run for a period after leaving the bathroom and then turn off. My builder specced a bathroom fan at £140 but i want to make sure we get something really effective as the bathroom currently has no vent or windows to outside and he is putting a hole in the wall for this as part of a full bathroom refit at great expense so i don’t want him skimping on the fan.

    Free Member

    I’m really a toast person but occasionally get the desire for porridge. Oats, 2/3rds water 1/3 milk, pinch of salt soaked overnight. Then in the morning pinch of cinnamon, grated apple, blueberries or pomegranate, whatever berries are about and gently heated. Honey.

    I’m not mad keen on sweet breakfasts though so I’m thinking of trying a savoury porridge with Spinach and a fried egg. I saw something about fermented porridge that sounded interesting too so will give it a try.

    Free Member

    Not crazy or stupid. Agree life is too short. My partner and I had planned a year out for 2021 travelling France, Spain, Portugal and possibly Morocco in a motorhome with our dog. Plan was brought forward a year due to partner being made redundant. We moved out of our house (tenants moved in) a few weeks before the 1st lockdown.

    Thought it was all going to fall apart for awhile but after the best ever lockdown living with my dad in a tiny village in Oxfordshire we set off for France in July and headed South as the winter progressed. Didn’t make Morroco but overwintered in Sagres. There were a few compromises such as avoiding busier places and sticking to more outdoor adventures. After heading back to the UK for Spring and summer we’ve come back for more adventures and and have been in Spain the last 3 weeks, staying till March. Apart from masks indoors everything feels completely normal and I can only imagine things will be even better by next year.

    I still can’t get over how many amazing places there are out there. Spain is just stunning. Mountains galore, beaches, national parks, so many historical sites. It seems there is a roman, Greek or Moorish ruin round every corner! It can be challenging /tiring at times travelling but it will be a life long memory for the kids and you.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Maid. Felt like misery porn for the 1st episode but really picked up, brilliant acting, characters were very real. Andy Mcdowel was so good if totally nuts.

    Free Member

    Well I do enjoy a Singletrack Christmas thread of course. It never disappoints! Though the thread does seem to start earlier each year 😂

    I like Christmas well enough. Mainly because I’m a foodie, love to cook, love to eat and hate winter so it’s a glimmer of joy at a crap time of year and my work is seasonal so I have a lot of time on my hands. I’ve had all sorts of Christmases from getting on it early with mates in my 20’s and forgetting the dinner, full family Christmas with the other half’s young nieces and extended family in oz to small Christmas with my tiny family or just me and the other half. We mix it up each year and do a mix of what we feel like or sometimes a bit of sacrifice to visit family who live far away and don’t see us often.

    No presents but charity donations instead and just spend a bit more than a normal shop on a nice joint and all the trimmings.

    I get that some people are trapped into Christmases they hate but maybe this thread could inspire some to consider telling those you are close to you that you want/need to try something different. It’s what my Mum did to me when I turned 18. ‘sorry love no more presents or decorations but we can still have a nice meal’

    I might have been disappointed for about 5 minutes but I’ve ended up doing the same thing myself now. We had a brief bit of friction from the mother in law who’s expectations were for presents but now she knows what to expect if she comes to ours it’s fine.

    This Christmas we’re abroad so will be a basic home cooked meal or restaurant and a long walk with the dog.

    I’m loving P7eaven’s Solstice celebration ideas and am inspired to do something similar in future years, though probably a smaller group of friends.

    Free Member

    Can anyone advise what fan would be best for a medium sized downstairs bathroom with no windows but the fan can vent straight through the exterior wall of the house to outside? Thanks.

    Free Member

    So sorry. Bit teary here.

    Free Member

    Wow mostly that was really good fun and not scary at all. Loved the 80’s vibe but how is the mum now 10 years younger than me?! I remember finding the closet scene really scary and intense as a child and then the meat and maggots scene has made me realise why I have a real dislike of maggots now. I don’t have kids but this has reminded how something that seems insignificant to an adult can have a deep seated affect on a kid.

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