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    Free Member

    Yep, all day today as usual, including while walking dog this am and lunchtime in the rain. Been in shorts just about every day since May. However, thinking that the weather today is now definitely turned to Autumn. Could be back in jeans tomorrow :(

    Free Member

    Cool, thanks, Steve! Are you sure its not M675? I can’t find M575 anywhere :)

    Free Member

    Thanks, Steve. No need for receipt though, I think model number is on reverse side of drive side crank – near the end.

    Free Member

    stevemorg2 – Member
    Direct front mech mount – all clear (just) with a 24/36 SLX chainset

    Which model of SLX double are you using Steve? What sort of clearance do you have in the lowest gear?

    I’ve got a 4-5 year old SLX with double and bashguard, and its fouling the chain in the 2 lowest gears so looking at alternatives

    Free Member

    I would have been up for the 101 miles, but at this time of year if the trails were similar, then extrapolating times would lead to quite a few riders finishing in the dark as someone pointed out above. Alternatives would be:
    an earlier start around dawn
    an overall faster route which probably means more fireroads
    a different time of year
    So on balance, unless the last option is picked, I’d rather do the 101km again for the smiles per mile (or errr km)

    Free Member

    Did my back in mid summer, 2 weeks before a walking and climbing holiday in the Dolomites, which was to be followed by a week riding in Dumfries and Galloway. Did it lifting a set of weight lifting weights for my son and it was the first time I’ve ever had a back problem (over 50). Could not walk, sit or stand for a few days after and was really fearing for the hols, but got myself off to physio and after a few sessions, the last of which had some horrendous manipulation that left me feeling worse than the injury, and lots of exercises, things picked up. Worst bit was Mrs M having to lift cases into taxi, on to check in at airport and at other end etc :oops: Holiday was great in the end, managed to do all I’d hoped and though still stiff from time to time, it’s getting to the stage I’ve almost forgotten I’d injured it

    Free Member

    Great day out – chatted to so many nice folk on the way round, including Rob ^. Must’ve been tough on some stages on the CX! Glad you made it round after hearing about the tubeless woes at 50k :(

    Finished faster than I’d hoped, wife and dog got to finish line 2 mins before I did despite me being over 1 hour earlier than my best estimate. And that was after they walked 28k themselves! 8O The old girl was quite stiff today though :wink:

    Free Member

    EVerythign getting in the way of me doing mine, fatlad. Frustrating thing is I’ve had all the bits for months, but just cannot find time at the moment :(

    Free Member

    I’m in. Had been planning to ride my new Rooster, but s series of cruel conspiracies from work, kids, social and domestic issues mean its not ready :(
    So will be there, but on something else. No idea of likley time as I don’t know the local trails and what the climbs are like

    Free Member

    Youngrob – you know that there was some concern about the use of regular CX bikes and there was a ruling made on the Rider Brief Page?

    3: We therefore allow regular MTB’s, Fatbikes, Singlespeed and Monster Cross Bikes (fitted with front/rear discs and with a minimum tyre width of 40c)

    There was some explanation about this somewhere. I can’t see it now, but make sure that your tyres meet this spec or you might need to re-think the bike you are taking!

    Free Member

    I have no idea about the trail at the moment MrG, but I’m watching with interest as I’m planning on riding fully rigid (but with 29+)

    Free Member

    It’s a depressing scenario. One I was actually thinking about when I was out on a long training ride Last night in the back of beyond, thrashing my way up a hill and whilst loving the buzz, suddenly thought ‘What if….?’

    I watch my heart rate on my rides and haven’t noticed anything untoward, but when these thoughts come into my head, although I push them out again, I’m left wondering if I’m being responsible. I’m 54 btw and do 2 high intensity turbo sessions a week, maybe 2 or 3 rides of 2h and longer ones at the weekend (6h+). I do the occasional endurance race , but never more than 8hours in the saddle so far, so not in the same league as resl endurance racers – which makes me worry maybe I’m at risk because I’m not training enough! :?

    At the end of the day, I tell myself just to get on with it, you could go out at any time and something will get you sooner or later. I wonder if I’m kidding myself though as like any addiction, we don’t want to believe that something we love could be bad for us.

    One day I will slow down, just not yet though.

    Free Member

    Sam, I’m having email problems, can you send me head badge? Email is Gerry McGuire

    Free Member

    Hi Sam, I’m one of the few! Sending you email in next few minutes :-)

    Free Member

    Hey Sam, while you’re on line, I didn’t get a head badge. Is it hidden somewhere in the box?

    Free Member

    Thanks, zigzag. That’s what I’m hoping!

    Free Member

    zigzaG69 – Had you received an e-mail notification to say it was on its way or did it arrive without an e-mail? I ask because I’m waiting too but haven’t had e-mail yet

    Free Member

    Cool – thanks :)

    Free Member

    Was wondering exactly the same thing. Nothing new on Facebook since the frames in customs post, but Singular Website says pre-orders will start shipping in w/c 10 August:

    Free Member

    Ordered one a few weeks ago from UK Bike Store. Came with full remote kit, inclusion of which was not always clear from other suppliers. Price was OK too – £180

    Free Member

    Thanks, TS, but I’ve taken the air assembly out too. It comes out the top though – no circlip at the bottom of the stanchion on mine that I can remember seeing, or needing to remove to get it out.

    Free Member

    No-one got any ideas?

    Free Member

    Bump for the evening crowd :)

    Free Member

    Doh! Never thought of that….. Will give it a whirl and report back later in week

    Free Member

    I think that road cyling may not be weight bearing exercise, but not so off road – if our joints take the battering you mentioned, then they must be weight bearing – no?

    Free Member

    Loved the almost subliminal heartbeat soundtrack for added tension!

    Free Member

    :lol: Just keeping an eye on things ..and hoping you’d send over a pint :lol:

    Free Member

    Pffft. One minute you’re intrigued by a bizarre comment, the next the you solve it and share it, then the next you’re elevated to stalker by the hive-mind. I’m allergic to notoriety so I’m off to the pub

    Free Member

    Hey, I’m no stalker! 8O It was such a bizarre comment it got me thinking. I’ve got a good memory and for once the search function worked :-)

    Free Member

    Northwind – think CCP’s is coming back to his earlier post – which also went a bit odd… :

    Free Member

    My wife and I saw 2 rabbits having a go at a buzzard that was trying to drag off a young rabbit in the corner of a field. They kept charging at it and doing kick jumps before dashing off again. Buzzard eventually gave up and left the youngster alone.

    Free Member

    Stevemuzzy – more clues needed! Where is this place?

    Free Member

    RD – yes, that’s the one

    Free Member

    Re Drop out of Pie Run. Why is that the only one of the three exit options available being used, yet in Mushroom Pie there are 2 skinnies where you can choose to bail onto the wider bridges instead? Seems odd to make the trickiest feature in that section compulsory, but to have options for other perfectly straightforward ones

    Free Member

    I didn’t have a good day. Went to unlock my forks at start of stage 5, and discovered they were unlocked. :( Struggled to move them more than a few cms. Hoping its oil in the air chamber again – will find out tomorrow when I strip them. Struggled to get more than 3 cm of travel on most routes unless a really big hit. As a consequence found it difficult to get any kind of flow or rhythm including a horrible off on a steep bit of stage 5. Landed on a tree stump on the base of my spine. Hobbling around now, hoping it improves! Weather bogging – started 14.30 finished 19.00 ish. Could not get my head round that final drop at the end of stage 8 and too pissed off to work at it. Right, thats the moaning over!
    On the plus side, all trails are good, especially enjoyed stage 7 overall, but all had good if not great bits. Had a really nice chat with Patrick and Ben on the climb from bottom of 7 to start of 8. And as another almost plus, unlikely that Sunday will be as bad for me as today ( forks, back and end of stage 8 permitting).
    Fingers crossed!

    Free Member

    You must have watched a different forecast from me, chickenman, but I prefer your version!

    Free Member

    Link to the trails map seems to have gone down. I can get descriptions of sections, but map is ‘page not found’

    Free Member

    Northwind – I know what the problem with your dropper was. Our gear isn’t used to working in dry dusty conditions. If it had been the usual mix, it would have been fine. My bike started creaking like crazy on Lap 6. I blame the weather!

    Free Member

    I got 7 laps in a shade over 7 hours, so got what I was hoping for. Outside chance of getting 8 laps disappeared after getting a 1 cm cut in the middle of the tread just after the first grassy climb enters the woods again. Took a while to repair, then it all came undone on next lap :? Still happy over all, but it was a hot day!!

    Free Member

    I’m going with Magic Mary on front for at least the Day 1. Not decided on rear: options are a Nobby Nic Pacestar or EDIT Minion HighRoller Supertacky (ancient, I know, but in good condition!). What do you guys think?

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