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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • mustard
    Free Member

    Did you not like the lifetime warranty? ‘cos you’ve voided it now if it was longer…

    Orangina’s Epic was blasted, painted and laquered for £120

    did that involve masking off areas and a second colour? Sounds like it would be a time consuming job on something as awkward shaped as a bike frame.

    That comes across as a lot more harsh than it is intended.

    Free Member

    Happy Monday for me after a great weekend – for once the weekend seemed to last a good long time rather than go past too quickly. On Saturday spent the day rock climbing and my gf didn’t drop me using the new belay and karabiner I got for her birthday last week. Sunday was gorgeous up here, very frosty and cold, had a great mtb ride in the sunshine and went to the pub in the afternoon. Lots of good coffee and cake too. Plus its another gorgeous day here and I had a great ride in in the sun. 😀

    Free Member

    I signed up last night too, must be something in the water…

    mustardcolman – not that I’ve anything interesting to say! 🙂

    Free Member

    As Druidh says; SEPA Stirling Office 01786 452595 one of the local officers will be able to help you I’m sure.

    Free Member

    druidh i can’t see that pic from here but I’m going to guess it’s the shorts of the new Garmin Barracuda team kit…

    Interestingly, for followers of the big disc-brakes-on-road-bikes debate, you’ll find a Magura logo on the bib shorts of the new Garmin-Barracuda kit. * Just saying…


    *I’ve edited out their mistake to save confusion 🙂

    Free Member

    why not fix it yourself? sewing isn’t a particularly challenging or technical activity


    Free Member

    I think Iainc may have done some a couple of years back 🙂

    Free Member

    hmmm…looks like the FSA is the front runner by 20grams on the Superstar (marginal gains and all that 😆 ) but the Superstar is available in silver which would go nicely with the seatclamp 🙄

    Free Member

    I’ve just finishe Full Tilt: Ireland to India with a Bicycle by Dervla Murphy it was a great read.

    EDIT: I’m not sure I really enjoyed French Revolutions, a bit whiny and stupid at times, not unlike Beaumont.

    Free Member

    Will they be in Fox kit? – No longer with Animal, Beaumont is/was sponsored by them last year and the head on his shirt is the only clear logo in those shots – am i reading too much into it? Does anyone really care? 😆

    Free Member

    phone holder


    Free Member have down jackets in stock

    No they don’t!

    Primaloft Eco® synthetic insulation fill (100g/m2) | We’re no strangers to rain in the UK – Synthetic fill retains 75% of its warmth when wet, whereas down fill only retains 15% of its warmth when wet

    Free Member

    *raises glass* – except i’m in work so it’s a glass of water 🙁

    Good work and I’m glad you survived to tell the tale! You can tell Forth Ports they can go ahead with the biomass plant at Rosyth now and you can keep them in fuel for the next decade or two; probably without putting much of a dent in your log stores!

    Free Member

    Get a pro in with some decent poison.

    Set traps along the walls as they like to stick to the edges. Use old school sprung traps, not these modern crappy plastic things or anything humane.

    I got one in our kitchen by putting two traps side by side in the gap at the edge of the cooker, that I was sure it was coming out, so there wasn’t enough space for it not to go through the trap.

    Do not release them, kill them!

    Free Member

    If you want a really good coffee I’d go to Artisan Roast although I don’t know Glasgow well enough to know where it is in relation to the stations and I’m on ancient IE at work so I can’t use their site properly. I am a regular at their Edinburgh cafes and like to think I know a good espresso when I taste one 🙂

    Free Member

    My Fergie has a loader.

    and the log splitter primed and ready for action 🙂

    Free Member

    Baldysquirt that was the point I was getting at. I don’t think it matters much if you are on rim or disc brakes as if you need spares that you aren’t carrying they are most likley going to need to be posted out to you anyway.

    I’m going to order a Kaff to replace my Tripster when I can get over the trauma of a 2month old frame having to be binned 😥

    Free Member

    it was two guys…we all took a couple of short turns at the front…etc

    Yeah but that wouldn’t have made as good a dig 😆

    p.s. ride on the first ended up even shorter than the amended version!

    Free Member

    as for sitting in the bunch at a controlled pace, if your legs feel good, ATTACK!

    – been doing Sufferfest recently? 😀

    edit – just saw this

    “fun running” for the bike

    that is exactly how I describe it to non cyclists.

    Free Member

    Do you get a lot of canty brake pads in Ethiopia? – genuine question.

    My 29er is on the fist set of pads I put in and that was before a mere 1000km mostly offroad km in Spain last year. They’ve managed summer and winter over here since and won’t need replaced in a hurry. I also travel pretyy light when I tour so chucking enough spare pads in to last between westernised countries doesn’t seem like too much of an issue to me. If you are more of a four pannier and the kitchen sink type tourer you may have less spare room… I also didn’t have any comfort or overheating issues in the Sierra Nevada (on road) this year. I won’t count the descent from Pico Veletta as the sleet may have had a hand ion temperature regulation there 🙄

    Anyway this is a discussion for elsehwere as I don’t want CGs thread (where she repeatedly says she will be touring for no more than a week and in the UK) to be derailed by a discussion on the merits of long distance touring with discs.

    Free Member

    because there’s no guarantee of a nice well organised group to hide in at a sportive 😉

    But you did find one to drag you round the last of the Bealach route to get in under your target 😛

    I’ve paid for a licence this year so I’m going to try and do enough races that need one to justify it. Will probably do one or two sportives too. It amuses me seeing how upset some MAMILS get when DGOAB passes them 😈

    Free Member

    iDiet tip – Don’t have stuff that’s not on the allowed list

    That’s what I was going to suggest!

    Free Member

    My mate is Stirling based and I think he may be a bit busy at the moment but I’ll mail him and see what he says.

    Free Member

    Ocean Terminal has closed. I don’t know the story but I got the feeling that they got the bootbut I could be doing someone a diservice there and have the completly wrong end of the stick – it may have been a choice due to space constraints.

    Ocean Terminal closed before they built the new site [/quote]The entire park at Ocean Terminal has now been dismantled and all the reusable wood has been moved to the new unit

    Free Member

    because we in the UK have been using the term “enduro” incorrectly

    but have we? It seems to me our use of it is more akin to the mx version, where I presume we got the term from, than something like the Mega.

    Free Member

    a gravity enduro in the UK is an enduro in the Europes as an enduro in the is more like 10under the Ben etc (I think, not 100% on the last bit)

    Free Member

    Monstermarrow I’d have to disagree with you there, but anyway it is a bit irrelevant to this post as CG has said

    for touring, maximum trip a week

    I think you’ll see more and more tourers sporting discs. I’ve read several blogs of people wearing through rims on tours and having to take time out to wait for a rim to be posted out to them. It’s a lot easier to pack a spare rotor in your pannier than a rim.

    CG – what size is your road bike? We spent ages trying to find DGOAB a disc braked tourer and thought the Tripster was the one but it’s just too long to get the fit right so a custom build is being drawn as we speak.

    Don’t discount Ally as a material either the Tripster is suprisingly comfortable while still being sharp and fast – I gave myself a shock when I looked down at the computer while sprinting (on the road) with 35mm ‘cross tyres on and seeing just how fast I was moving it.

    Free Member

    I had some cure-c-cure patches which were too stiff and wouldn’t stick properly (Decathlon own brand ones seem to be very good and aparently ‘made in the UK’). Those and some Airwave tubes, that were covered in rings of what looked to have been bubbles in the rubber when the tube was being made and were consequently very weak, made for a very frustrating couple of days in bike shop free rural Portugal this year. I will never buy Airwave tubes or cure-c-cure patches ever again!

    Free Member

    Go down to Ocean Terminal, hire a BMX and play in the park for a few hours.

    only if you pefer to get a bus to Peffermill from Leith than town 😀 Transgression Park[/url]

    Free Member

    black elbow and knee in stock[/url]

    Free Member

    I just asked a friend their opinion – he’s a tree surgeon – and his response was

    call a pro – hung up trees are really dangerous. Pulling them with machines is a forestry op and not appropriate either for his kit or location


    seriously; the stresses and weights are surprising! Can’t advise strongly enough not to try this unless you’re a very experienced tree jock

    Was trying to convince me to get my chainsaw tickets when I saw him at christmas. I’m tempted if there is going to me more of this weather; there’ll be no shortage of work!

    Free Member

    meerkat testicles

    I thought they were the purple ones top left with the Olives and chilli…

    Free Member

    Are the dried nipples (bottom left box) not a tad chewy?

    Free Member

    Weird, maybe I’ll go back and give them another try. My other spds are Spesh too but they are absolutly ancient so I can’t really judge anything on them.

    I really wanted them to fit too as I’m a bit of a tart and think the new Defrosters look ace 😳

    Free Member

    I’ve tried on the Spesh Defroster and the Shimano and they were both a bit narrow around the arch (Spesh were worse though). Unfortunatly they are they only ones I can find locally. Looks like i’m just going to have to take a shot at something mailorder and hopefully not spend too much on returning things.

    Free Member

    Willie Anderson stands up to the Kiwis

    In front of a 50,000 capacity crowd as Shelford led the chorus, Anderson’s men in green linked arms and began to shuffle forward into the mass of black jerseys.

    Shelford and Anderson smelt each other’s breath as the crescendo of the crowd rose expecting fireworks and a bit of argy-bargy before the game even started.

    Free Member

    They’re council; see them doing rounds of the schools and office buildings at night.

    Free Member

    I was gonna post that other auction with teh 36s too – Druidh; do you think the fuel costs for a trip to Devon in your van would cancel out any potential savings? 😆

    Free Member


    80s Scandinavian rock band?

    Free Member

    Good work Al, I want a shot!

    DGOAB is concerned about the brake situation; the rear is not obvious from that pic…

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