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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • mustard
    Free Member

    I’m not in this league!

    I bet he couldn’t split a log as quickly though 😉

    Free Member

    Sharki earlier (but with more plaster and beer):


    Free Member

    SBZ – if his birthday was anything to go by we’ll still be there when you’re done; 19.25 yeah? 🙂

    Free Member

    Yay! – I’ll get you at the shop if I’m out of work early or on the canal if not.

    and that is all

    Free Member

    choice, fussy and a little bit of shyness


    I just need to find someone with the exact same interests

    Maybe not exact but in past relationships i’ve either;
    -done all the compromising and in doing so compromised myself
    -felt bad that they would be at home on their tod when i was doing my thing or as on one occasion, sitting in the car when I was snowboarding, was amazing of her to want to do that but didn’t feel healthy.

    A healthy relationship needs a balance and I’m happy at the moment. Being single doesn’t stress me out, I’m confident things will happen in their own time.

    Yeti – you can quote me on this when I’m a sad lonely grumpy old man 😆

    Ha! It was a page and more than an hour ago I started typing that!

    Free Member

    Don’t you wear too many layers to tan?


    Free Member

    Did you survive? Where did you go?

    Free Member

    Don’t seem to be able to get the pics to load properly today but see these two; £10 ebay special (on road tour)one of the rails snapped on day two, or was it day one, of an offroad tour in Spain and was replaced with a Zefal one which did the job fine. I was hugely paranoid my seatpost was going to snap though, especially on one of the rocky descents (which broke a spoke in my rear wheel) that I would much rather have been on my full susser for!

    The original plan had been to get a Freeload but they were out of stock so I stuck with what I had…

    Free Member

    Or just use these:

    Free Member

    Has to be Pedros haven’t used the park (normal blue) ones since I got them and the park ones bend out of shape on the first use.

    Free Member

    [stalker] Pink Scandal eh? – Nice! [/stalker] 😆

    Free Member

    It’s probably out of stock anyway!

    Free Member

    Nice one McM! – Milky Bars are on you!

    An artist and engineer who’d a thunk those two were compatible?! 😆

    Free Member

    I feel slightly sick.

    I’m ususally a pretty tollerant person, regardless of personal politics (I always think Goldie comes across really well and I will NEVER vote Torie), but cannot stand Eck, Swinney and Sturgeon, they just get my back up every time I see/hear them.

    Free Member

    Big Eck will soon have banned all things English in his bid for freeeedom so they’ll have a head start 😆

    Free Member

    weather last last saturday is needed in order for me not to have to clean my bike

    But teh wet will wash your bike….won’t it? That’s my excuse for not bothering to remove the crust of energy dring from my downtube 😆

    Free Member

    Stu – I got Ardents from CRC last year, actually need new ones as I can’t seem to find whatever is causing all my punctures post thorny Spanish riding and I want rid of teh slime filled tubes! They seem to have done alright for me, but maybe I don’t have enough of a rubber fettish for this discussion 🙂

    More importantly – what 29er have you bought?

    Free Member

    dd – just be in a low gear as you approach the left turn at Hillside (?) cemetry (near the end), it’s short but sharp and, acording to Druidh, there will be carnage as everyone comes around the bend in too high a gear – I’m sure he’ll be along shortly with more accurate advice!

    Free Member

    Is that code?

    There’s no such thing as dirty pictures, only dirty minds!

    and I really didn’t think that comment through…. 😳

    Free Member

    DGOAB – as it happens my Action Man needs some new shorts 😆

    Free Member

    I suspect DG and Onion have been trying to kill me since that first fateful road ride with them! 😉

    He’ll be a man of leisure soon so will have plenty of time to prepare *not envious at all*

    Oh dear; I appear to have broken my golden rule of not logging in from work. That’ll be productivity out the window today then…

    Free Member

    Bigger? Better? Challengier? *puts hand up as high as possible and bounces up and down in seat for extra attention grabbing*

    DGOAB – I can bring a pocket full of chocolate, although I didn’t mention how much the next bar would cost did I? 😈

    Free Member

    dry matey

    Is that like powdered bubble bath? *innocent*

    Free Member

    They need to record a certain amount of information to ensure that there is no fraud being committed. I have no fears over the anonymity of my votes and this is from a person who won’t have shop loyalty cards as I don’t like giving them all that info!

    Free Member

    TSY – touring gets a bit addictive eh? You made me want to pack my bike and hit the road too so I’ve decided to take a couple of weeks and zig-zag my way back up the country from SSUK in September, if I’m really lucky I’ll get weather as good as you did – except for the ‘Welcome to Scotland’ rain you had with us 🙂

    Free Member – Scotland (Arbroath to be exact) not Glasgow.

    I just got arm and knee warmers from them for much cheapness 🙂

    Free Member

    Just the five of us this week, or six if I count both of me 🙂

    Some great bits of goat track that I’ve never ridden before and are presumably lethal when wet. Cheers for choosing the route TJ.
    Pic was taken by the only properly wet bit we found 🙂

    Free Member

    You LIKE Ghillie Dhu?! – downstairs always feels like a middle aged meat market to me *shivers* – disclaimer; I’ve never been upstairs to one of teh ceileidhs which I’ve been told are much better, but you do need to be in early doors for that.

    Wasn’t overly keen on Under the stairs (underneath the Rutland) either – I think it was the lack of draught beer – but the mojitos did mess me up 🙂

    I’ll add more later if anything springs to mind

    Free Member

    I’ll hang around the canal at Harison Pk and pick up the Cargo crowd half sixish and be at Bonaly for 7.

    Free Member

    I have to disagree about the Brewdog bar: tiny, expensive and pretencious (and I generally like their beers). A far better option, especially for a big group, is Holyrood 9a ( . 5mins walk furher down (and out of) the Cowgate, loads of nice beers on tap (and a huge range of spirits for the non-beer drinkers) and ace burgers to soak it up with. Oh, and Thistly Cross (local) cider on tap last time I was in.

    Closer to Haymarket end of town; Agree Teuchters ( is nice, but again small for a big group, as is the bar across the road, but I can’t remember it’s name. Big corporate bar with scarily cheap, but edible, food is the Haymarket bar – I’d only bother if you have trouble getting in other places. The Caley ( is a great pub and my local 🙂 and for a more authentic Edinburgh pub experience Diggers (–Edinburgh) if you like ale just ask for a pint of heavy and don’t let some of teh reviews of over zealous bar staff scare you off, it’s never been my experience.

    To pick up some ‘afters’ if you fancy something different than the usual supermarket fare have a good range of international beers as well as wine and probably spirits, although I’ve never paid enough attention to notice the latter.

    What is your definition of decent music? – kinda crappy but fun club that we end up in far too often (prob as it’s pretty close to our end of town) a bit further away, but always been a great night when I’ve been (and close to 9a) or a dirty little club in the Cowgate agian, usually a great night but possibly an aquired taste (and don’t wear shoes you can’t wipe clean after 🙂 )

    Sorry about all teh long links but I’m on an ancient version if IE at work 🙄

    Free Member

    *worried raddogair is going to try and rip his legs off after previous comment now he seems to have decided to join us*

    Free Member

    I think raddogair is running scared of my gears (and hair) 😉

    Free Member

    That was a weird kind of hurt, never done anything like that before.

    Survived though and, as far as I can tell, I stayed with the main bunch for the duration.

    Not sure i’m in a hurry to do another, I think I’m more suited to longer/hillier racing.

    Free Member


    Pic is pretty grim but I feel it is appropriate, though probably not what family need to see.

    Free Member

    What Crit are you racing?

    Edinburgh RC Ingliston Crits (support race). Hopefully I can manage to stay out of trouble!

    Free Member

    1st Crit tonight and 2nd ever road ‘race’. 1st was a hillclimb last Sat so somewhat different. Feeling a tad nervous right now..

    Only previous racing has been 10under/around events.

    Free Member

    There’s a Go Ape at Beecraigs by Linlithgow, a bunch of Paintball places nearby (Bedlam by South Queensferry is prob teh biggest) and, not outdoors, the aerial assualt cource at is good craic.

    Free Member

    Definitely not me! 😆

    Free Member

    Will try and make it out next week if I can break the spell the skinny tyres have cast on me the last couple of weeks.

    That’s if my Hemlock is even still talking to me 😳

    Free Member

    Ploughing (sp?) pesky red socks out of your way?

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