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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 10: DMR Bundle of Joy
  • MussEd
    Free Member

    Free Member

    Ok – thanks for the tips – popping out just now but will try later – thanks again.

    Free Member

    Cannae remember that, was about 3 years ago, I'm asking where can i find it now? will it be stored on computer?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Another prop for Monachyll Mhor – lovely setting, greta food and nice room. Worth it for special occasion.

    Free Member

    Vic Mackie from The Shield – sheer bad ass
    Jimmy Macnulty from The Wire -hard drinking/intelligent/womaniser who gos straight

    or Taggart – "THURZ BIN A MURRRRDERRRRR" {as an aside I once got off with a gorgeous english lass on holiday once as result saying this phrase in my Scottish accent}

    Free Member

    I'm right outside the beer tent now and I can't think of a better place to be.

    I'd have thought inside the beer tent would have been better?

    Free Member

    Cool, thanks for that lads have ordered the Nomad.

    Free Member

    Tetosugars – No thanks mate

    Free Member

    Would you say the difference in Size between Apex and Nomad is worth the extra price? i.e can you get loads of extra stuff in the Apex?

    Free Member

    My first Uplift day at Innerleithen on Sat, followed my birthday BBQ so nothing on Sunday except rehydration.

    Free Member

    Either, one of these –

    one of these –

    or one of these –

    So not much then…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    That's the one Mikey thank you!

    Free Member

    Steve at I-cycles in Innerleithen is a cool lad and knows his onions – I'd happily recommend him…

    Free Member

    Yeah needed the Muse track for maximum impact. Must have been copyright/royalties issues. Thanks though.

    Free Member

    ok how does a numpty like me perform a clean install?

    Free Member

    Can I add my voice to those who've recently flown Easyjet to Geneva without a hitch when it comes to luggage? Had box with bike{and some pads etc} in 25.5kg. Also hold bag with clothes etc at 17.8kgs. hand luggage was rucksack which wasn't weighed. No problem either going out or coming back. SteveH is right and I've still got the T&C's in my rucksack we printed in case someone was confused.

    The outgoing flight was cancelled for a day due to lightning strike however that's another story…

    Free Member

    Sorry??? Fuuuuuuccccckkkkk that oldfart – best move you'll ever make. Good on you, anyone coming on here to knock you will likely be jealous and stuck in a shittty job wishing they had the cajones to do th same as you.

    Welll done man, enjoy your freedom.

    Day I left I felt the same mix of emotions but suspect this was cos I was leaving good mates rather than an under appreciatd, under rewarded, tiring job. Ps if you feel you can't stomach another round of industrial action then I think you deserve a break after 27 years.

    Free Member

    Courchevel – not geared up for full on DH scene yet – but mile upon mile of sweet singletrack accessed via free bus uplifts and massive ski lift system. You get the hill to yourself and brake bumps are non-existent.

    Nightlife-wise there wasn't as much as choice but how many pubs full of othr bikrs do you want to spend your time in? And it was cheaper that Morzine for booze.

    Free Member

    skinny skinny road felly's druidh – if there's gravel it'll be puncture-tastic methinks. Hybrid it'll be I think, cheers lads.

    Free Member

    Ok – what about someone who was "no bad" when he did skiing lssons on dry slope at Hillend with school 20 years? How would they gt on learning to ski again/or starting snowboarding?

    Free Member

    Think that's it now, cheers lads!

    Free Member

    Mastiles – checked it loads before coming on here in desperation. Why is this so much more complex than arranging Vinyl/tape/CDs in alphabetical order!!!

    Free Member

    Never went out in 1850 mate – priced for the Russian nouveau riche, not us tramps I'm afraid. Although did have a croque monsieur one day beside Le Verdon lift for tenner! Well worth it though… We were staying above The Bar in 1550, so 4 Euros a pint usually. No need to move on!

    I'm seriously tempted by a winter trip over there too, although complete lack of ski/snowboard experience may temper my enthusiasm!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Take the Super Morzine lift, then the Zorre chairlift, follow signs for descent to Les Lindarets, then take the Chaux Fleurie chairlift and you’re basically at the top of Chatel bike park. From here there are loads of routes down.

    Free Member

    I spent a few weekends in central Scotland many years ago. Mile upon mile of mini roundabouts and horrible boxy houses. The women were hot though.

    Yip, the whole of Central Scotland is exactly like that thanks Spongebob, you’ll spare a few folk the bother visiting in the future…

    Free Member

    Racial epithets already yossarian? Nae need, anyway Scotland failed to qualify as usual.

    However despite having “the best league in the world” and with all the cash thrown at it by Sky, you still cannae quit beat Germany in a tournament can you? Bloody Krauts/Fritz/Bosch/Hun*

    *Whichever the Sun choses today

    Free Member

    Oh yeah, I’m just back from a wee tour of BC in Canada with my wife. She came away from Whistler Bike Park {like BigJohn’s other half} saying it was the best day of the whole trip – and she’d never previously been off road except a 3 mile flat riverside cycle-path.

    Free Member

    Think if you stay clear of the DH race tracks like la Pleny, Mont Chery or Champery she’ll be fine. There are maps freely avalaible with the different graded trails all marked. The signposting can be a little hit and miss but any severe trails/features are usually highlightd so novices don’t get in over their heads by mistake.

    Not sure looking at pics in MBR{the home of Gnarr-core} would be the best way to judge these things, but there is a reason thousands of Brits mak this kind of trip year after year. Lift-assisted trails, and loads of them. If you two are fit, there is an excellent {but hard} climb up to Col du Cou, 1000m gain from Morzine but you will be rewarded with some amazing views!

    Free Member

    Three lifts from Morzine to Chatel if memory serves. Very easy and well worth it.

    Free Member

    How did she get on?

    Free Member

    You’ve still not explained why you’re trying to get your mum to remove your rear wheel though?

    Free Member

    I’m not really a package tour to Benidorm kind of guy….

    No you seem to be more of a take pictures with self-timer whilst wearing various silly headware options kind of guy? Fair enough, each to their own…

    A whale’s tail…

    My wife about to had up into Whistler bike park{first time on a MTB – VERY proud of her}…

    Liking this thread!

    Free Member

    On the ghetto blaster – was in Vancouver recently, guy roller blading about Stanley Park all day with one about the same size. Never got a good look at it, but could have been a iPod docking station. Old Skool.

    Free Member

    What’s the difference between Michael Jackson and Alex Ferguson?

    Ferguson will still be playing Giggs in August….

    Free Member

    Here’s a useful one for those who surreptitiously come on here whilst they should be busy doing office stuff – NSFW. Do Not follow a link with this in whilst you’re at your desk. YHBW!

    Free Member

    From my facebook page cos I’ve filled my Flickr allowance, can only guess it’s off someone else’s FB too. I admit I was wondering what the deuce you were trying to say…

    Free Member

    Correct birky – and it was a Cesna 172 I believe. Awe inspiring views for miles and miles. Thanks to my mate Chrissy for taking me up, a long term wish fulfilled today!

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