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  • Move Over Chris Akrigg, Hello Leo Smith
  • MussEd
    Free Member

    Liking it Nathan – given a classic frame a new lease of life there. Can you send frames to them? or is delivery in person do you know – bit far from here…

    Free Member

    Well to add to this debate, my mate was taking some noob pals rounds GT Blue yesterday and one innocuous comedy crash at ridiculously slow speed, he went down in a heap and has cracked his elbow. No pads when he ususually would cos he was just showing the new folk round and taking it easy. Upshot a while off the bikes he loves.

    So what? So a group of us fly to Chatel tomorrow for a week holiday HE organised and had been looking forward to all year and now he can't go.

    Crashes happen anywhere and if it means no long term injuries, well I don't mind pissing off twunts like the OP…and I would be willing to bet that Sean is a better rider than OP.

    Free Member

    FFS cant a person come on here without seeing threads about bloody rugby!!?
    Don't you know there's a war(ahem) i mean world cup football on?

    Free Member

    Nah – ordered some stuff on Wednesday morning, delivered today. Not as fast as Superstar mind!

    Free Member

    Punctuation actually makes it easier to understand postings, you know…

    Free Member

    Nah – saw it on the news at ten – my opinion is that this lot will shit the bed too…

    Free Member

    Spunk it on bikes and bike holidays…

    Free Member

    In 72 years Germany have failed only once to reach the quarter finals – good luck England!

    Free Member

    Win today & it's Ghana, Germany or Serbia, 2 of those we can beat & it's about time we had the Germans, then it'd be Uraguay or South Korea in the quarters & you've got to fancy our chances against them…..

    Do you really believe all or indeed any of that? Good going on the postivity if you do.

    I think England will scrape a win somehow against Slovenia. However in the second round just assuming you can beat teams no longer cuts the mustard.

    That's why there's been 44 years of hurt – a lethal combination of sense of entitlement, blind optimism, superiority complex and jingoism. "We don't really have to worry about country X cos we exported football around the world and now hav the richest league in the world{manned by many many foreign players of course and funded by foreign investors} oh and we one the thing in 1966 so we fully expect to do so everytime we qualify no matter how disjointd our squad and management appear to be, how badly our team is performing as a whole or our star player in particular".

    Not sure why you think England should fancy their chances against South Korea or Uruguay in the quarter finals – both have been brimming over with invention, energy and more importantly goals – but you never know eh?

    Good Luck England – but lets not assume anything…

    Free Member

    Oh WilkoM6 you are really living life on the edge with that link. You're feet will not touch the ground – noone has hads the balls to a} post a link to that Urban Dctionary entry AND b} ride your bike without protection…

    Crazy skillz m8 – GNARR to the power of sick, duuude.

    Free Member

    Steady on DrJ! There's not that much of it to share!

    Free Member

    Eat my own cock

    Free Member

    Poor Diet, rubbish exercise, smoking and too much alcohol – well 3 out of 4 isnae bad!

    Free Member

    Ok mate thanks muchly was beginning to scratch my head a bit!

    Free Member

    Yeah hobo cos those annoying AND loud horns won't be picked up by the radio commentators mics sitting about three rows back/in front of the TV commentators…

    Free Member

    My missus has just informd me Mary is gay. And that wifey was a silly old ingrate!

    Free Member

    I saw two in 125 miles in Southern Scotland yesterday if that's any use?

    Free Member

    Defo Innerleithen. Black at GT is just a long old slog with not as much fun as Inners has to offer – all my opinion of course BUT I'M ALWAYS RIGHT!!!

    Free Member

    Quite a bit. Obviously I wasn't carrying any, but is the idea that the milky sealant stuff just fills the as you stick more air in? I may give it another try.

    Free Member

    I keep expecting one of them to burst into "I believe….that children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way…" bunch of cocks. Though I'm delighted AleX Salmond isnae there to further embarrass Scotland.

    Free Member

    Woah! lads lads lads, it was already dead when I got there. I never kill them, catch and release is always my motto. They are scary to look at though…

    Free Member

    oops, my bad, sorry! Good luck…

    Free Member

    Boardman are exclusive to Halfords regardless of which Bike Scheme your employer uses. Just get from them and take away check it over yourself or have it done at a shop you trust and enjoy riding it?

    Halfords were fine with me when I got mine, can't see the problem…

    Free Member

    I'm in interestd in Yank-designed Taiwan-built mass money makers!

    Had my first ride on Remedy 8 yesterday. Loved it. Had my heart set on a Fuel EX but after waiting ages nothing in the correct size came up on Classifieds or Ebay. Saw this one for sale local to me so went,tried it and bought it.

    Down Glentress yesterday, really light for a 160mm travel bike, climbs much better than the bike I came from, and is so much fun on the way down. Hope this helps…still think I want the 140mm version but hey…

    Free Member

    For once a Monty Python quote does seem appropriate – " You Lucky, lucky bastard!" Enjoy.

    Free Member

    Think a 17.5' would probably suit you mate. Great frames!

    Free Member

    Thanks, but saying I've no more invites – never invited anyone!? Ah well.

    Free Member

    That is a beaut! Jealous…

    Free Member

    Goan/Smee been up to Iceland on a training trip lately?

    Free Member

    Forgot all about Bikechain! D'oh. Could hav popped up this afternoon but have arranged to head for a wee bike beer crawl now that spring is has arrived in Edinburgh's riviera!

    Cheers for other responses, househusband – I don't have Firefox but mail it if you want – should be able to get the names off the email –

    I'm looking for something like a 4inch trail/xc bike – fuel ex/stumpy, bit of a limited budget so struggling to find something suitable…

    Free Member

    Trying to find a list rather than just put in "bike shops" into google – cheers smart guy…thought there may have been a similar thread on here at some point…but new forum search thing isn't coming up with anything.

    Free Member

    So what are the UK prices on Nickel and Butcher then?

    Free Member

    seriously? you're talking about the two world wars and the champions league? You're the prick.

    Free Member

    Any chance of some pics Swiss? email in profile

    Free Member

    Free parking at scottish hospitals?

    Free student loans?

    Free Prescriptions?

    That's a lot to get wrong in your initial rant mate.

    Fail. Och aye a fail…

    EDIT – I'm Scottish, I live in Scotland. None of the above actually take place.

    Free Member

    Try a really tight tubigrip. sounds silly but after antibiotics didn't work on mine, a different GP{unwilling to drain} askd me to try it for three weeks and if it didn't work he'd gt the big needle out. Lo and behold gone in two weeks.

    Free Member

    Never mind the weight, it's only £985! Bargain, I'm fancying this more and more! Regardless of the weight…

    EDIT – though that may be without shock. Still it's nice!

    Free Member

    Nice! was going to say looks a wee bit like a Lapierre, and if I'm not mistaken there's one behind it in the pic and they do look alike. However I'm sure yours will be much rarer, so good choice.

    Free Member

    Has anyone mentioned Ian Brown doing "In the year 2525" off his latest album? Strange choice, but then he is a bit strange.

    Free Member

    Not trying to post a pic from google street view as it's obviously not working – but here it is…

    Icidentally I am on google street view, cleaning my mates windows not 100 yards from the pub above. Worldwide fame at last.

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