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  • Video: Jeff Kendall-Weed Gets Retro In Durango
  • muppetWrangler
    Free Member

    I would guess that to do that adequately. i.e reasonably well thought through, competent visual design and a decent amount of testing would be a minimum of £35,000. Of course if you wanted something done better than average then you’d be looking at upping that figure.

    Actually the more I think about it, 35k would be a bargain bordering on mates rates.

    Free Member

    I have a sneaking suspicion that the answer is going to be more than you’d want to spend.

    Free Member

    Ours works in a very similar setup to the one you describe. We use an apple airport express at the hifi end of ours and it has been faultless. If you’re picky about your audio then you might want to use your own DAC between the airport and the hifi as the inbuilt one is supposedly not particularly good. I’ve not bothered with the DAC as I’m not sure that I could tell the difference.

    If you want to stream, films/video then you could use an apple TV in place of the airport express.

    Ours is a mac system although the airport express document says that it’ll also work with a PC.

    Free Member

    The snowboard helmets that I’ve seen have made bike helmets look like tin foil hats. I guess that because they are being made without too much consideration to ventilation they can be made much stronger (at least in appearance, I did not do any crash or stress testing while dicking around in the shop).

    If you want to wear a cycling helmet then a proper wooly beanie may be a bit thick but you could try looking in roadie shops for a skull cap that is actually meant to be worn under a helmet in cold weather.

    Whatever you do, enjoy the trip.

    Free Member

    A Marin catalogue?

    Free Member

    The Barber and Opticians journal.

    Given what we’ve got to go on it seems a reasonable guess.

    Free Member

    50 Plus?

    Free Member

    Most of the stuff we did after getting burgled was either more than I would want to spend if I was moving or takes a bit of time and wouldn’t be worth it for the same reason. In the short term I guess it’s just a case of being vigilant, keeping everything locked making sure bushes/hedges are trimmed so as not to provide hidden access. maybe leaving lights and a radio on a timer if your out in the evening, just so the house doesn’t look unoccupied. Lock the doors at night

    In the longer term at the new place you might try:

    Prickly bushes under windows or beneath obvious points of access such as a back wall. We have a combo of some plant with inch long thorns and blackberry bushes which have the added bonus of providing yummy jam.
    Trellis on top of existing fencing, the added height creates a visual deterrent and it tends to brake when climbed making a good amount of noise in the process.
    We added pricka strips along the fence where burglars gained access previously.
    make sure that all useful tools are well secured. Lockable metal cabinet in a secure shed/garage, nothing worse than providing the tools to help someone break into your house.
    Mostly they like to gain access from the back of the house so pay extra attention to this area.
    You could add retractable grills to downstairs windows and doors, maybe just those that a burglar could work on hidden from view.

    The advice I had from the police was that you can’t stop a determined thief from gaining access if they really want to but enough small measures can make it more trouble than it is worth. if they think they are going to have difficulty getting in or out again then they will probably move on and (unfortunately) rob one of the neighbours instead.

    Free Member

    Freelance, so it varies between less than 5 and greater than 100. As a rule I try and draw the line at around 45 hours per week.

    Free Member

    Only downside I can think of is that copying music from vinyl and tape is going to take a frightening long time.

    Free Member

    When your out for a normal ride you tend to move around a lot more than on a stationary bike. Any problem with position/saddles will be quickly become apparent on a stationary bike.

    Free Member

    He’s got a point about “Gawd” I distinctly remember it being used by Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. Doesn’t get much more working class than a Chimney Sweep.

    Free Member

    Given the pedestrian mayhem of the area it is strange that I never had a pedestrian impact in Southall. Clobbered one ped on Holland Park Avenue and one in Acton. Both were unexpected step outs by the pedestrians, no pelicans or zebras were involved in either incident and no one was seriously hurt.

    Free Member

    Ha ha Southall highstreet, happy days. I commuted along the Uxbridge Road for years and it was the only place on my route where I would spend more time looking at pedestrians than traffic, although this may account for why I twice got hit by cars in the area, once while stationary at a set of traffic lights.

    Free Member

    Like _Tom said at the moment it is pretty difficult industry to break into, lots of good people been laid off in the last year or two, so the competition for any jobs that crop up is fierce. Best thing is to do whatever you can for the time being but build up your portfolio/showreel while contacting companies that you’d like to work for, keep checking press and websites for opportunities that do arise.

    On another down note a lot of budget/simpler work that would have gone to junior staff is now being sent to overseas companies with far lower overheads.

    The main thing is that when you do get an interview you need to have a portfolio / showreel that will blow them away. Do not underestimate how good your showreel needs to be, far more important than qualifications. If you do not think that yours is among the best work that you’ve ever seen then you need to improve it.

    Free Member

    Actually I can’t be bothered.

    Free Member


    Loose stereotyping, an observation based on race, but as it’s neither derogatory nor inferring superiority for any race I wouldn’t call it racist.

    Free Member

    As far as I know for proper standalone apps rather than web apps you’ve two options. coding it in objective C or building it flash CS5 and using the publish options to compile for iPhone. If you’re used to simple websites then the flash option may be easier.

    Either way you’re going to need to become a registered developer which is going to cost you a few quid, can’t remember how much but it was less than a ton.

    Free Member

    I don’t want to go to the shop incase it hinders or messes up any investigation they may be doing. I just wanted some help taking it further as nothing seems to be happening now.

    Maybe just contact whoever you complained to in the first place and ask for an update.

    Free Member

    Not going to comment on LA’s guilt or otherwise as without proof he is innocent regardless of my personal view but I don’t really think it would have been a level playing field. There’s likely to have been clean athletes coming home in insignificant (if you can say that about finishing a three week tour) positions that might otherwise have been top ten/twenty and could have had significantly different careers because of it.

    Anyone in that position has certainly been cheated.

    Free Member

    Did you get shabby treatment from the cleaner? I’m sure it would have been a cleaner on minimum wage who would have had to clean up you urine.

    Being young, drunk and full bladdered it seemed like a good idea at the time. After 25 years of reflection I have come to realise that a more considered course of action would have been to find out where the manager lived and pissed through his letterbox.

    Free Member

    I once weed through the letterbox of woolworths after some shabby treatment.

    Free Member

    Go back to the shop and go through the motions of buying the xbox and doohickey but end every sentence with the word ****. I’d recommend starting with your greeting, something like “hello ****” would probably suffice.

    Please feel free to substitute any word you like for the asterisks, I had something fairly obvious and sweary in mind but you could be really nice about it and just say “love”. I think both options would probably freak out your average sales assistant.

    Free Member

    carbon337: I bet you would recommend it really. At 21 that is probably even worth getting sacked for, you can always get another job but happy memories live forever.

    Free Member

    My favourite cables are the Gore ones, rear round pretty much maintenance free. Never got on with full length outers, always felt like it introduced too much friction into the system. No doubt the friction issue would be dependent upon the cable routing so it may well work well for others.

    Free Member

    I’d rather yours than mine to be honest.

    Free Member

    Mid morning man on man fellatio, wasn’t even a discreet trail being about twenty metres from the road. One did the ‘jump up pretending he wasn’t doing what he quite obviously was doing’ while the other just seemed to accept he’d been caught and gave a sort of gallic shrug*

    * I have no reason to suspect he was actually French though.

    Free Member

    I reckon the first stop should be relate for some proper considered and balanced advice as bassspine said go on your own initially if needs be.

    This might sound a bit harsh but is the relationship worth saving? I know you mentioned the kids but you didn’t say anything about the adults. It might be that separated but happy and loving parents are better than a couple that live together in resentment and bitterness.

    Sorry if that is harsh and i genuinely wish you all the luck in the world sorting this out.

    Free Member


    Try an application called mediaRover[/url] it can copy everything from one place to another, moving songs and syncing playlists. It is a free piece of software and works pretty well. I’ve just completed bringing together two itunes libraries (one mac, one pc) into a single library and it didn’t skip a beat.

    Free Member

    i used to use one at work 8+ hours a day. I didn’t find it very comfortable due to the hard edge at the front of the seat. I found that this would dig in a bit.

    edit: Would agree about their longevity though, they are very well built.

    Free Member

    I’ve just checked mine and I’ve only got ITV Player. No 4OD for me.

    Currently this feels more like a punishment than a gift.

    Free Member

    At this time of year i’d probably give the lot to ‘shelter’ or something similar.

    Free Member


    minor thread hijack complete.

    Free Member

    sorry, minor thread hijack.

    clubber, You’re not using iTunes are you?

    I’m having trouble getting some cover art to stick. I can add it to file(s) in the info panel but then when I close the panel it loses the cover art. Most have been found automatically but there are about 5% of files that need to be done manually.

    Free Member

    Doors is a good idea, the little grooves on jewel cases do seems to harbour a disproportionate amount of dust.

    I think you’re right to be sceptical about the quality but if it’s a design that you like then I wouldn’t worry too much, put the thing together carefully, plenty of extra glue and you should be OK.

    Just noticed, that particular one only hold just over 400 cd’s so it might be a bit small for your needs.

    Free Member

    Is it something like this you’re looking for:

    (Not the slightly uncomfortable looking Gambo in the foreground)

    Before going down the iTunes route, I struggled to find anything reasonably priced that looked kind of like a bookcase but was the right dimensions to fit CD’s, which is why I always ended up with regular shelves.

    Free Member

    The real labour of love will be transferring the vinyl collection, I can’t imagine getting through more than about ten a week, so that could take a few years!

    As for keeping hold of the boxes, I just took delivery of a load of cardboard cd/dvd archive boxes, all the disks are going to be packed up and stuck up in the attic just in case I ever need them again. Can’t say I ever read the sleeve notes so for me the loss of easily accessible cases is a small price to pay for the ability to search through the music more easily than i ever could before.

    Free Member

    Had looked at getting something from here Red Displays[/url] in the past. Although I have always made do with regular DIY shelves.

    My ultimate solution is that I’ve just completed putting the contents of around 900 CD’s onto a hard drive. The whole lot has easily fitted on a 1TB drive as uncompressed files and is now easier to play and search through. the hard drive cost half as much as one of the shelf units. Although factoring in the time it took to copy all the disks would make it pretty expensive.

    Free Member

    A bull on the slipway to the M40.

    Free Member

    I think I’ve expressed my opinion on the subject as clearly as I can and I doubt that I will win anyone over to my viewpoint by adding anything further so I’ll bid you all a goodnight.

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