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  • First Look: Ron Burgundy’s 2019 GT Sensor Expert
  • muppetWrangler
    Free Member

    iPads are great.

    The hype around them and pretty much all gadgety stuff is pretty annoying though. Just need to separate one from the other. if you think it can do a something useful or fun for you then get one if it can’t do that for you then don’t.

    We’ve got one. It gets used for streaming radio to the amp, controlling the digital music library (all CD quality), browsing, emailing, games, pretty much everything other than work. It’s the instant on-ness and form factor of the iPad that make it a worthwhile device for me.

    My 80 year old mother also has one because she felt she wanted to dip a toe into the internet but found a fully fledged computer too difficult to use. She mostly uses hers for browsing, emails and as a photo library. She had complained that since she got a digital camera it was difficult to show friends photos that she had taken. now she’ll take the iPad round to the neighbours and still be able to bore them silly just like the old days.

    I won’t be buying a new one though. I was open to the idea of upgrading but there is nothing in the new one that I find desperately lacking from the current model. When they eventually launch version 3 I’ll take a look at that and weigh up whether or not to get that. No pressure.

    Free Member

    Main thing is to try and control the w******. Maybe one or two to ease the boredom but don’t waste the whole day, it is sunny out.

    EDIT: Beaten to it ^^^^^^

    Free Member

    Agreed that for probably a 2 year period Tyson would have destroyed any fighter that got in the ring with him, but he’s not the greatest fighter of all time. No enduring legacy, not great enough competition in the division and ultimately beaten by James Buster Douglas.

    He was one of the few real boxers whose highlights showreel looked like it was made by hollywood though. I remember seeing one fight where an uppercut actually lifted his opponent off of his feet, and that’s only supposed to happen in cartoons.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure that your phone is any indicator of maturity.

    Running around in short trousers and playing in the woods is much more of a marker.

    Free Member

    Get the 4. The 5 generation iPhone will be out in the Summer making 3GS two generations detached. You might find that you start having software update issues. The upgrades that accompanied the release of the 4 were a bit slow on the 3 (not 3GS).

    My thoughts on fast moving technology is normally to buy the current version then upgrade every other version, keeps things reasonably up to date without becoming too obsessed with the latest gadgety thing.

    Besides all that the 4 is a nicer looking thing.

    Free Member

    You wanna know how to get this kid? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the STW way! And that’s how you get him. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that?

    Free Member

    Moon landing.

    In a single human lifespan we got from the first manned flight to putting men on the moon and returning them safely to earth.

    It may not be the best in terms of human evolution or the greatest benefit to humankind. But in terms of awe inspiring unifying achievement it is our greatest hour.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Oh dear. On the plus side at least he didn’t have to go far to dispose of it.

    Free Member

    Dropping my pants to moon at pedestrians.

    Free Member

    I was going to say what Pete and Jamie said…. honest.

    Free Member

    When I used to cycle commute I did 15 miles each way as a minimum during the Summer I’d more often than not take a more scenic canal/river route that was 20 miles each way. Knackering at first but after about three months the body got used to it and if I didn’t ride in I was a right miserable git.

    EDIT: Did ride much less at the weekends though.

    Since my commute has changed to about 8 metres across the landing I am slower on the bike and considerably heavier. On the upside I don’t spend over 10 hours a week getting too and from work.

    Free Member

    Looks like it’s been designed by a thirteen year old boy. Hideously ugly.

    Free Member

    Are my services required?

    Free Member

    Also men always leave bits on the plate and never rinse

    Other way around in our house.

    Although the bit about water temperature is spot on.

    Don’t like marigolds, give me sweaty hands and a dirty boy smell.

    Free Member

    ajc has put forward the most convincing argument so far!

    Free Member

    I did get slipping but then i bought one of the trainer specific tyres, (blue tacx I think) spent a little extra time setting it up and the slippage stopped.

    Free Member

    The camera was done by Yukio Miyamoto there is a link to some more of his work on the page I linked to above or just do an image search if you like that sort of thing. I think the line work is well within most competent illustrator users but what sets his technical projects apart is the colour work which is exceptional.

    Free Member

    There’s a few here they are very heavily biased to engineering/technical illustration but the ship one in particular is good example of the kind of technical work can be done in illustrator.

    It might be an idea to let us know what area your interested in. Is it just learning the tools or getting to grips with particular style of work?

    Free Member

    I might be setting myself to look like a fool here but I can’t see much wrong with that image. Your text is only 16 pixels high even when measured at the angle. That’s not a lot of dots to make a smooth transition. The straight lines above and below the text are equally jagged. I ‘d say It’s just a problem of working at a low resolution.

    Free Member

    I like BBC4 it’s the polar opposite of itv which can only be a good thing.

    Free Member

    It’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    I asume you have a bike computer of some sort. Take a note of the mileage any time you change a component. This may be too simple.

    Free Member

    Who is the man standing to Bonio’s right? He looks like he’s been embalmed.

    Free Member

    Foam roller looks tricky, fella above’s worktop stretch looks easier. Think I’ll give that one a go first.

    Free Member

    What’s the deal with foam rollers?

    Free Member

    They’re cooking a meal, who cares?

    Free Member

    I moved all my music from a PC to a mac in batches using mediarover[/url] which is a free application for moving and consolidating itunes libraries. Might be worth a look.

    Free Member

    I use cycling shoes with spd cleats. Most of the bikes I’ve come across have had the option to clip in. Other than that a towel and water are a must.

    Spinning is the only class where I would regularly get a little bit of sick after the big efforts. Like some said above if you’re not spent after 45 minutes you’ve been holding back.

    If there are different instructors at various times of the week try them all and see which you prefer, the instructor makes all the difference.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a corded black and decker for about 12 years, it has taken a right beating in that time and the only thing wrong with it is the chuck sticks a bit. For infrequent use i would definitely get a corded drill and I wouldn’t spend more than £100 on it. Mine was £40 in a closing down sale.

    I’ve had a few bosch tools and generally the green (DIY) ones have been crap and the blue (professional) ones have been outstanding.

    Free Member

    Safety glasses area good bet for cheap and cheerful riding glasses.

    Try and get something that has a frame that fully encases the lens. Mrs MW saw three patients last Summer that had facial injuries caused by the lens of their glasses cutting chunks out of them.

    I used to use Oakley half jackets for riding but changed to a pair of enclosed lens glasses after getting a graphic description of the injuries!

    Free Member

    Depends if they are Running or Walking Zombies.

    Running Zombies = Breathe by The Prodigy.

    Walking Zombies = Perfect Day by Lou Reed.

    Either way i see it as less of an escape than a last stand. Cornered in a dimly lit passageway automatic weapon in hand, axe by my side and a suicide vest for a final act of defiance. It doesn’t end well but it is glorious.

    Free Member

    What pjt201 said.

    Free Member

    On a lighter note, my favourite drugs and cycling story is the one involving Sean Kelly, who to get around the test had a bottle of his mechanics pee concealed in his shorts. Unfortunately the mechanic had been driving late into the night and had self administered a banned substance to help keep him awake.

    The full story is in Festina masseur Willy Voet’s memoirs.

    Free Member

    Munque-chick, thanks for the recommendation I’ll make a mental note for a holiday read.

    Free Member

    Common sense has not (so far) prevailed. Once a rider tests positive for a banned substance it is up to him to prove how that substance innocently got in his system. From the information that has been made available it appears that the only evidence that Contador has is his say so. That is not evidence. He should be banned for 2 years under the rules as they stand.

    Whether two years is long enough is a different argument. In cases of greyness I would say that it’s probably a little short and should be increased to 3 years from the point of the judgement. In black and white cases I think a 10 year ban needs to be introduced, but only on new cases. Call time on previous doping investigations but draw a line in the sand saying from this point onwards if you get caught you are effectively finished.

    As for Ricco, he needs to banned for life for his own safety, he has been a fool but he appears to have already suffered far more than most for his stupidity. At the end of the day it’s cycling and it should not cost anyone their health or worse.

    Free Member

    If a clear chain of evidence can be produced linking AC with a supplier of contaminated meat then he should’ve been cleared. Without that evidence he should receive the 2 year ban. He is responsible for what he puts in his body. He is a professional sportsman with years of experience at the highest level, he knows the rules. He knows where the responsibility lies.

    As far as I’ve seen there is no evidence beyond AC’s say so, if this really is the case then he should be serving day one of a 2 year ban right now. If evidence does exists AC would be wise to make it public at the first opportunity, as without that evidence I think a lot of people will consider him a cheat and any future wins tainted.

    Free Member

    Yes, you do just need an ariport express plugged in within reach of your hifi (assuming you have a wireless router). There is a “how to” video here.

    We have one airport express and one apple TV, all music is stored as uncompressed wav files on an external drive attached to a macbook pro, control is via the remote app on the ipad. I guess you’re already using remote on the iPod touch. Going to add another airport express shortly for music in the shed for turbo trainer sessions.

    The only aspect of this I can’t vouch for is how well it works or easy it is to set up on a PC, but if it anything like it was on the mac then it will be a doddle.

    Free Member

    Big Society = Small Government.

    Standard Tory policy for generations.

    Free Member

    One possible way of getting it done on the cheap would be to approach your local uni. Find someone looking for inspiration for their final year project and bingo, job’s a goodun.

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