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  • FGF 439 | Where Have All The Good Words Gone? At Least We Have The Goods. It’s Fresh Goods Friday 439!
  • Munqe-chick
    Free Member

    Kylie “can’t get you out of my head”
    Only joking!

    Free Member

    Mmm would’ve been cool if cops did turn up in Chinook and threw a load of troops out of the bottom .. like they did at the G8 summit!!!

    Free Member

    Graeme O’bree “the flying scotsman”

    Free Member

    yeah laugh at them all you like .. this is what they like doing it’s the fun stuff….. don’t have to be in nick doing paperwork can get out and play and get messy!
    Let’s face it they aren’t going to bother parallel parking nicely if they are after robbers … got to be first in to get the nick!!!!

    Oh and key point .. have they actually caught the baddies????

    Free Member

    I have just ordered one of these

    however since it’s a chick bike and I’m guessing you’re not a chick how about one of these

    I really liked the blue and white but dont’ go down small enough for a girlie!

    Free Member

    People should definately have a re-test! I went to an accident which involved a 90 yr old woman who just pulled straight out at the roundabout as she couldn’t turn her head enough to see. When i mentioned this as a danger to her she said “it’s okay dear I don’t drive at night”. She then had no comprehension that she has just knocked a cyclist off who had gone to hospital with a broken ankle and kept saying to me “can I go as I need to get home before it gets dark?” she really couldn’t understand that she wasn’t going to be driving anymore as I reported her to the DVLA for medical reasons! I mean FFS!!!!!

    Similarly (personal story now) I know someone who was driving with Parkinsons, when it was really bad. He needed assistance getting to and from the car as his shakes were so bad. Had to say to family either you stop him driving NOW before he kills someone OTHER than himself or we will report him to DVLA! Again he was over 70.

    I think when you reach old age you beome stubborn and like someone has already mentioned “it’s okay I’ve been driving for 60 years without an accident”. mmm need I say more.

    Definately need to re-test people. They don’t need to make it mega expensive and it only needs to be 1 hour of driving around cities then a bit of dual carriageway/motor way work. Could be the price of a 1 hour lesson rather than silly money!

    Free Member

    Off peak starts after 0930 in the am, not sure about evening, sorry!

    Free Member

    Molgrips I thought you were going suggest staying in Barry ;-)

    Free Member

    I would suggest London Eye!? Not been on it myself but had some good reviews. Or London Zoo went last summer was ace!!

    Free Member

    Balls did he not intend to mislead! He knew the rules and he wasn’t a student at the time! when asked what he was sttudying he said “chemistry” clearly you AREN’t any moer as you work at PWC!!!! Chump!
    Not BBC gettin it wrong, rules are rules!! IF you enterd BUSA MTB race and winnder was someone who had left uni 5 months previously you’d be pi**ed off that they weren’t a student and it was the student champs and you woudl expect to see them excluded! no different here.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the Giant Reign 07 and it’s brill! Sorry can’t help you with measurements etc as I dont’ know .. I’m a chick .. boyf has that remit! I’m not allowed in the garage it’s his “Tinkering” domain so I have no idea! Also my bike magically fixes itself and always works beautifully, must be a leprechaun in my garage ;-)

    Free Member

    MY BIKE!! Kona Fire Mountain from 1994 when I started cycling! Although just ordered today a Cube women’s specific hard tails .. whoop whoop can’t wait to get it Easter weekend and hack it around Afan!! Roll on

    Free Member

    Desf, I don’t know if it’s possible, but if you got her a contract phone, maybe that T-mobile offer that someone mentioned earlier, could you not speak to the contractor directly and see that if she hits the limit they can prevent calls unless it’s to 999 or your home number!?? Just a thought but they probably would say that’s “too difficult” even though it’s probably not in reality!

    Free Member

    Iain Pears “instance at the fingerpost”
    Crumbs I could go on since I read about 2 books a week! am great at recommending books to people, the only think I don’t read is chick lit! What pap …

    Free Member

    You wanted shoes, surely if you’re just going to be staying in a B&B or somewhere like that, flip flops would be enough and super light to carry!?

    Free Member

    Paulsoxo love the fact you are actually an MTBer on a road bike .. look at that kit! Not enough lycra to be a roadie!

    Free Member

    Pearl Izumi do good kit and often getting sold off cheap on wiggle or evans cycles.

    Free Member

    I don’t even think morally he should pay them back! It’s taken them from Nov 06 until now to realise their mistake!!!! Muppets!!! Unsure where he stands legally though. Definately go to CAB as I wouldnt’ bother unless he really had to!!

    Free Member

    Come on the GWLAD!!!!

    Free Member

    people are ars** and irresponsible! once when I lived in a cul de sac with typical awful parking someone actually blocked me in! I parked in cul de sac forward facing and they parked directly behind me, no way of getting out! I left snotty message on car about dialling 999 if they ever needed help since I was a copper I couldn’t get to work due to their shi** parking and hence not to block me in again! It never happened.

    Needless to say when we went house hunting to buy and they say what are your criteria, response “garage and driveway”, “anything else, number of rooms, south facing garden”?

    “nope garage and driveway” to store 5 bikes, 2 motorbikes, 3 snowboards and other paraphenalia!!

    Free Member

    Maybe just don’t call her when you say you will! Or nicer just say to her I don’t think it’s working out for us. You’re never going to know if you will upset her or not, you never know she may be feeling exactly the same way as you!!! But hey better to say “no” now as it won’t take much for her to “get over it” and move on!!!

    Free Member

    Spain every time! Quality of life better, education system good .. look at how many languages their kids speak fluently at 15!!!
    I started studying Spanish at uni, as I always wanted to live in Spain and wanted that 1 year studying in a Spanish uni. I bailed out after 1st year deciding Spanish was too hard (did Psycholinguistics instead) always wish that I’d kept the Spanish. Would love to live there.

    PS Can I come and visit!?

    Free Member

    Shiny the farmer “self-defence” story is a whole different issue. The robbers were running away when he shot them in the back, do you really I think you can claim self-defence? I’m saying I agree/disagree with that situation however that is clearly not self-defencea and a different kettle of fish.
    The facts in that news story are so vague they give us NO information what so ever as to what has happened other than an “incident” where someone has ended up dead.

    Free Member

    Big eared what you said about witness intimdation is so true! Gang members hate other gangs members that have “grassed” them up, they don’t tend to go after innocent citizens who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You’ll be surprised how intelligent some of these gang members are and they are well aware they would get potted for witness intimdaion straight away.

    Free Member

    Oh adn remember you can take paracetemol and ibuprofen together as they work differently on different things. Maybe worth taking if you have the relevant symptoms.

    Free Member

    PS feigning illness isn’t advisable either! If you have given a statement and they want you to give evidence the Judge will no doubt send police officers to your house and drive you to court and unless you have a doctors note again you could be nackered!

    Free Member

    Did you give a statement to the police? If you have then if you refuse to attend they can issue a warrant and arrest you and detain you until taken to court to give evidence. If you thus refuse to give evidence in the witness box then can hold you in contempt of court and recently where I work the Judge sent someone to prison for the night in contempt. The following morning he was brought back before the court and gave evidence.

    Remember if you have given a statement and anyone starts making threats/tries to intimdate you then you must contact the police immediatly as it is an offence to intimdate a witness and holds a 10 yr prison sentence, it will also be taken VERY seriously by the court and police.

    If you have serious concerns about repurcussions it’s worth speaking to both the OIC (investigating officer for the job) and the witness care service at the court where you will be required to give evidence. The witness care service are there to give you advice and support you in these situations.

    Hopes this helps and makes things a little clearer.

    Free Member

    Probably not very well! But I normally take Berocca daily when I get a cold and I find that helps. A massive tablet into water of vitamin c.

    Free Member

    In relation to running and marathons I’m just saying that running for more thatn 1 1/2 hours on the road bores me senseless and hence I know I would not train enough to enter a marathon competitively and I don’t see the point of running ti just to finish (as I know I could).

    I really loved the helly hansen adventure races especially as doing it in a team of 3 was so much more fun. Anything involving MTBing and I’m game! Running off road I like as well however Bicester is sh*** for it and there’s no dam hills! Roll on the move back to Cardiff (whenever that may be in the future).

    I have taken people’s views on board in relation to the 3 peaks so I’ll think about it.

    Free Member

    I guess for me the point is everyone else in the group probably isn’t so “outdoorsy” or as fit as I am but they invited me along for the fun and team spirit of it!

    I can understand people’s views on driving lots, but then most of us drive lots anyway to trail centres, we all fly on holiday so it’s not going make any difference to the environment just because I’m not going to do it!
    Also erodes the lanscape but the hills are there for walking and enjoying and that’s what we would be doing!

    As for a marathon far to dull and boring! Think i’d rather enter a 12 hour roadie time trial!!!!!

    Free Member

    MM guess I’ll have to think! I know people are saying it’s easy etc and normally I probably wouldn’t have bothered but a good friend of mine is doing it and everything is already planned it’s just a case of me saying “yah” or “nay”. I just want another challenge.

    Through the winter we did 2 helly hansen adventure races (MTB, run, kayak) awesome fun. I fancied a triathlon but I haven’t been able to find one relatively locally that I can do in a pool (not confident to do open water swim and too cheap skate to want to buy a wet suit). Don’t fancy a marathon (too boring to train for). Oh done SiTS and others before. So 3 peaks sounded like fun .. unless someone can suggest something else to do!!????

    Free Member

    Mmmm interesting! not sure about the arguments for environment quite so much, how many of you have driven to a trail centre or caught a flight to Morzine!?

    But I will certainly read the link posted above.

    Free Member

    Shame I was about to say surely there isn’t any “real” chocolate in those Walkers crisps and it doesn’t count!! Then I carried on reading and saw the bit abotu the Penguin!

    I don’t bother with Lent as I know I’ll fail!!! Easier that way and don’t disappoint anyone!!

    Free Member

    Have a look at Pauls Cycles they regularly sell of last years models at super cheap prices. Giants are nice, I have a Giant Reign 2 (which is more expensive) and may be a bit heavy but the Trance’s etc are nice bikes.

    Free Member

    Embers merino great on line shop, very prompt and good customer service.

    Free Member

    where is it? in cardiff i’ll buy one!!!!

    Free Member

    I have the Samsung Tocco (their equivalent of the apple i phone) I love it. Unsure on what tariffs you can get it on I only pay £25 a month which is fine for what I use and not silly like a lot of tariffs!

    Free Member

    enter a triathlon or duathlon that will give you something to train for.
    How about studying something new? either that would assist job wise or just that you have always fancied!??? Charity or voluntary work? Go abroad and work for someone doing something cool! Don’t know about your commitments just a few suggestions!

    Free Member

    grilled mushrooms and courgette with some small bits of chicken and some cheesy sauce.

    Free Member

    I think nowadays fasting is so linked to eating disorders in young children that it is more difficult to do a “sponsored fast” like we did when we were kids. I think 12 is a bit young, especially as that’s a core age for developing eating disorders.So I don’t think you’ve over reacted no. Just my views.

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