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  • The New 2020 Orange Five: Many small changes make a big difference.
  • Munqe-chick
    Free Member

    Did you have legal advice when you got interviewed? It’s a really difficult situation as rugby is one of those games where assault is accepted to a point “as it’s part of the game” however it’s when you get plums like this who start making complaints when actually he started it all!
    You need to get your mate to make a statement to police. If he’s in Oz then can speak to him over the phone, write a statement, e-mail and get him to sign it and fax it back.
    Again I cannot re-iterate enough getting legal advice as you’re in a sticky situtation where this chump should not have even reported it however due to our stupid government it’s been crimed and unfortunately you are now in an un pleasant situation.

    Free Member

    Oh no how long is this suspense going to last!?

    Free Member

    Rim tape :evil:

    Free Member

    I have got friends that have moved to Dubai and said the lifestyle out there is awsome. Pay is great and life overall is just tip top, however it’s not something you could live with forever and a day but definately recommended. I went to Oman (pre 9/11) and it was awesome, loved the people, loved the city (Muscat) and would happily have loved life there, only tough thing was being very blonde and getting perved at quite a bit! Not sure on biking you’d probably have to ride in the “winter” or at 0300 in the summer to avoid the ridiculous heats, but you quickly become accostomed to it.

    Definately go if you have the opportunity.

    Free Member

    I dont’ know about Scottish law. But I presume you were arrested and interviewed about this incident and have given your side of the story? Best thing first is to get yourself some legal advice and representation in court. In ENgland and Wales this is free and independant if you just get the “duty solicitor” when you attend court. Try to arrange it before you’re first date though so you have time to talk.

    Do you know what level of injuries he had?

    Key thing is get yourself representation and some support through this matter.

    Free Member

    “bum nuts” makes me laugh every time and is a great response to EVERYTHING!

    Free Member

    MM there isn’t much you can do to get much return at the moment. ISA’s/savings accounts have poor rates of interest. So not much advice to be honest! I’d buy another house and pay off chunk of mortgage with it, but for some reason you said you don’t want to do that.

    Free Member

    Yup everyone I know back in Cardiff has at least 1 Giant … as mentioned about independant bike shops deal them, Giant put money into the small bike shops, helps them re-invent themselves, decorate etc.

    I love my Giant Reign 2, 2 years in Morzine ride it all the time. Friends have got Glorys, Faiths, Trance, Anthems…. that’s what we all ride in Cardiff so come along and you’ll see millions at once :lol:

    Free Member

    Oh my the meat cake makes me want to vomit!!
    I’d have the burger though .. oh and I’m not fat!

    Free Member

    My brother moved there 1 year ago from Oxford. I haven’t visited a couple of times and think it’s great. The scenery a short drive away is awesome, some great outdoors life to be had (no idea about MTBing). Bro lives in Gallowgate (in the City) and seems really nice, never had any problems. Really like it except it’s so far away from me and folks (Bicester and Cardiff!).

    Free Member

    Shows how much it bothered me .. can’t stand watching Comic Relief! Would rather we pumped 50 million quid into sorting out the UK, gun/knife crime, gangs etc. Our youth need support to stop their criminal ways . .that’s why they’ve ended up the way they are!

    Free Member

    To be honest Oz is the one place that I’ve never had any interest in going to visit, not sure why though! Probably as you’ve said want to go to other countries where there is more culture and stuff like that. I lived with 5 Australians when I was in London and to be fair 4 of them were complete a** holes, okay I’m certainly not going to judge 4 people against the rest of Oz but it’s difficult as all they did was whinge how awful England was and how Oz was so aweomse .. so why didn’t they go home?

    I like hot sunny weather but not sitting on the beaches and lounging around in it, don’t think i’d like it too much!! Canada on the other hand ….

    Free Member

    Mmm pork loin steak with apple sauce, jacket pot with a little cheese, green beans and carrots.
    Drinking: Rose Pinot Grigio .. mmmmmm

    Free Member

    No don’t take it off you look like a tw** don’t be going all “roadie”. Full baggies and peak for me when commuting to work!

    Free Member

    I’m probably going to regret saying this!! But what annoys me is every year all this money we raise and put towards the bottomless pit of Africa when there are millions of causes/charities we could be supporting and problems we could be fixing in the UK but we don’t!

    Oh well I gave Comic Relief my £1 this morning to get the man in the bear costume to leave me alone!!!

    Boring TV programme though. All whinged having done “6 months” training! But fair play it was for charity. Enough said.

    Free Member

    Death by dangerous driving has been around for a while, it’s only death by careless and inconsiderate driving that has been brough in recently (There were previous offences of death by careless through being unfit though drink and drugs).

    Free Member

    great bags and last for ages. Love mine (which was £40 from USA whilst on holiday, don’t think they’d be that cheap at the moment but still worth it!).

    Free Member

    I met Mr M-C at SiTS 24 hour race .. that was 6 years ago! We haven’t had a non MTBing holiday since, DHing in Morzine every year, winter holiday snowboarding! off to Morocco on Atlas Mountains trip in April. Couldn’t imagine going out with a bloke that wasn’t active, only differences we do have is that Mr MC HATES walking .. he always says “what’s the point you can ride there quicker” .. but hey that’s my girlie weekends away. I sometimes wonder though if he misses out on boys weekends MTBing? But then since we both do shifts he still gets those if I have weekend on! So works out all round.

    Never understood going out with someone and preventing them from doing something they love. I know how grumpy and irritable I’d get if I couldn’t ride!!!

    Free Member

    I was just about to suggest the XS Giant’s as they are 14″ frames. I know that cyclopeadia in Cardiff can get them in (all us girls from Cardiff have small baby Giants) 029 20377772. He will order it and post it out for you too if required.

    Other option (which Cyclopaedia also sell). are Cubes. They do women’s specific which go down to a 13 inch frame. i’ve just ordered one of these in a 15″ (I’m 5ft 4) for my new hard tail

    Free Member

    would be fun if I could run in heels like that!!

    Free Member

    RudeBoy I completely agree with everything your saying. It’s hard being in the police when people do criticise and normally because they have a valid reason and have had a bad/negative experience. It’s just infuriating and frustrating being on the inside when I see corrupt coppers, I see coppers that have NO clue what they are doing, are rude, ignorant and treat members of the public with disgrace but the management do NOTHING about it! The amount of times I have brought up issues with people within the force and nothing is done about it is enormously frustrating.

    Free Member

    Get a woman to look for it!! he he she will find it in no time at all!!??

    Free Member

    I do agree with some of your points RudeBoy. Due to all the various acts of discrimination you do not have to have any specific education to become a copper. The application procedure now is so pathetic it is unbelieveable! I agree that they need a higher standard. I also agree that the training is so pathetic and we aren’t taught enough law.
    I’m sitting my Sergeants exam tomorrow (After 6 months of solid studying) it is unbelievable how much they don’t teach us and a lot of it is learning as we go along!

    Again I know there are facetious coppers out there and there are a lot that give us a bad name! I would never say that about knowing the law better than someone else for the very example that you have given here!

    In relation to your example of you being nicked, everyone can make mistakes and if there is a small discrepancy in the charge then it can often be corrected at court. So interesting that you got off it!

    I do think the police service needs a big re-think in the way they train, the application procedure and specifically WHAT training they focus on. But hey that’s another topic for dicsussion that go on into next year!!!!

    Free Member

    Like the video that Uplink posted!! They clearly have no idea about their powers, as the resident he should’ve just asked them to leave his land (and carried on filming) as when they refused to get off his land they became trespassers and the police would’ve looked a plum!

    You can tell neither has a clue what they are talking about! Plus we would get boll**ed for standing with hands in pockets! oh and we can only take ties off with the permission of Inspector (and normally only when it’s cooking hot!).

    chumps … give police force a bad name, no wonder people bit** about them.

    Free Member

    There is no training with regards to media and law, you should know by now it’s all about race and diversity!! The old saying of “knowledge is power” is so true and I would not dream of doing something unless I knew that it was either correct in law or I had a duty to do it, for that very reason looking like a prized plum!

    Free Member

    You know what I was simply trying to say that the article is biased, and tried to add in a few more honest bits but I should’ve known better.

    Tht’s about as much as i am now going to say on the matter now, I know there are “dodgy” coppers out there and boy does it rile me that rank within the job do not do enough to get the corrupt/dodgy ones out but I sure as hell know that the majority work their ar** off.

    Free Member

    I’m guessing probably not! although that wil be funny to try and police .. oh look they won’t be able to!

    stupid flipping government!

    Free Member

    “likely to be useful to” is going to be very tough to prove in a court I have no doubt. We are simply going to have to wait until someone gets nicked and we begin to get case law surrounding this new piece of legislation.

    Free Member

    I have cheap women’s specific WTB saddle but I also have an expensive Selle Italia one and both I find are excellent for longer rides.

    Most saddles now have a 14 day guarantee money back if yu don’t like it so I would suggest getting some and just trying them. Not overly help full I’m afraid!!

    Free Member

    It is only an offence to take a picture IF you are going to use it for terrorist purposes. So paparazzi taking pics, tourists taking pics of coppers these aren’t offences, unless they are going to pass them onto terrorist organisations to use.

    The article is really typically journalistic (IMO) and not covering the full facts.

    It metions the powers the police have to just stop and search terrorists. We do not have a power if we are walking down the streets to just stop someone I think is a terrorist. There needs to be substantial grounds decided by a Senior Officer (Superintendent) who then authorises that these search powers can be used in a specific area for a specific length of time.

    It further mentions the presumption of guilt. This is again in correct. It is similar to drugs. If you have a packet of fags which you think is a packet of fags however your mate has put some cannabis in there you commit the offence of possession of a drug. You will then have to show on the balance of probabilities (lesser than beyond all resonable doubt for prosectuion) that your mate slipped the cannbis in and you didn’t know. This isn’t simply saying “you’re guilty tough”.

    let’s face it it is so easy to find out who a copper is. We all overtly (when in uniform) display our unique shoulder numbers and names (on stab vests and jackets). I don’t have a problem having my pic taken but obviously I don’t want it being used for terrorism offences!

    Free Member

    It’s on e-bay really cheaply as well. The point is it is clear so that you can’t notice you have tape on but it preserves the frame from scratches and stuff a tad longer. The paint jobs on Giants are shite and if you have a few major crashes your bike can end up looking cr** after 1 year or so!!

    Free Member

    You can go out and have fun in the nights you will just have to be more disiplined than most about what you do! remember you only have youth once!
    I’m sure if you started talking to some of the older lads they will remember they were 17 and give you help/advice.

    Job in adventure centre in Peaks sounds ace! I live in Bicester and the MTB is shi** whereas I was brought up in Cardiff, desperate to move back riding there ace, oh well one day!

    good luck it will all work out but all I say is do what you want to do but make sure you have fun at the same time as you are only young and carefree once!!!

    Free Member

    Are you sure you dont’ live near a chicken farm? In Bicester there is a chicken farm on the outskirts and regularly you can smell sh**e it’s rank! Why the **** do I live here!? Who knows …… not even good MTBing!!!! I’m clearly just a fool!

    Free Member

    There are lots of girls that are out there that LOVE the same kind of stuff as you it’s just finding them and it takes time. They may be into the climbing, snowboarding more mainstream stuff and you still have to find them through another sport, pull them over and get them into MTBing. You will find one though we are out there!

    If you feel like maybe you are missing out, go out on a night out with your friends, you’ll soon realise at 10pm whether you are having fun and want to stay out or if it’s pap and you want to go home .. and no shame in that! There is nothing wrong and going out drinking (to a point!) but only if YOU want to do it likewise nothing wrong with NOT wanting to drink btu to just ride.

    Free Member

    you say “friends” but aren’t you forging new friendships with the guys that you ride with?
    When I started at MTBing at 13 it was 1993, I had NO friends at school as I hated shopping, nail varnish, had no interest in boys in “that” kind of way. I had a tough time of it at school as I was a social outcast as I lived for the weekends of days out with the boys playing on the bikes up the Castle and down the BMX track. It’s tough when you’re young but you soon realise what YOU want to do and just go with the flow. I found a new group of friends through MTBing and we set up our own club which is now Cardiff JIF with loads of members and I had nothing further to do with those that didn’t really understand.

    As for the girl I guess that’s slightly more difficult (since there’s still a severe lack of girls) maybe that is somewhere where you may have to compromise but only when you want to and you realise she’s a girl worth doing it for! If they don’t understand then often they aren’t worth it.

    what’s the MTBing like in Northampton? Aren’t there some clubs you can get into social sides with as well? When I hit 16 Dad would allow me out, the lads used to have house parties as they were uni students at the time. Dad knocked on the door at this house party once to pick me up, first attempt he had the door slammed in his face and was told to “f*** off” as they thought he wa the neighbour complaining. Second attempt someone opened the door and threw up on his shoes …. he still let me out with them again!

    Free Member

    Get ther early and do the W2 course which covers both The Wall and Whites Level. Park at Afan car park start over at The Wall then stop at Glyncorrwg cafe for your lunch (half way) before coming back. Top ride, you’ll have a great time but be prepared for a LOT of climbing!

    Free Member

    well that’s definately not me but it made me laugh!

    Free Member

    Just do it on the phone (if you feel you should), don’t waste you’re time driving all that way and if he’s going to be grumpy about that then tell me to “get a grip” is the 21st Century!!

    Sorry just my opinion but then I’m not that bothered about marriage and traditions!!!!

    Free Member

    Plumz you are certainly NOT missing out on your youth. Do you enjoy doing it? Do you do it for yourself (Rather than parental pressure)? then if the answer is “yes” to both carry on.

    I got into MTBing at the age of 13 all of my mates were (still are as they are still my mates) 5-10 years older than me (and to be fair were men .. how was my Father so understanding!?). I did exactly that, rode every minute of the day and pushed my body to new extreme levels of fitness. Enjoy the opportunity as you get older you will find passions and may temporarily go off and do other things (when I went to uni in Essex I didn’t do so much as it’s flat!). You will always come back to riding if you enjoy.

    As for girls, we are out there, but obviously we are fewer and further apart in this sport (rather than netball or beach volleyball as a hobby ;-). I couldn’t imagine not going out with someone that wasn’t into MTBing, motor biking, climbing, and all that outdoorsy type stuff. If you meet a girl that isn’t into all that stuff then yes you may have to compromise a bit if you really like her .. but I saw introduce her to riding.

    In short if you enjoy yourself and are doing it for yourself then no you’re not missing out on your youth. While you have no commitments (family, FT job, ties etc) enjoy living. I would give anything to go back to my years from 13-20 … best of my life, care free wonder years of getting dirty, riding bikes and having a ball!

    Free Member

    Oh or “An Evil Cradling” by Brian Keenan about his 5 years in captivity in Beirut!

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