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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • mugsys_m8
    Free Member

    For batch file renaming of any file type I use PowerRename which is in the Windows PowerToys App available for free.

    For music files db poweramp may have something useful

    Free Member

    matt_outandabout has alluded to it. ICE is not just emergency contacts. It’s In Case of Emergency i.e also medical details that may be important to anyone acting as an emergency responder and onwards. As an example in my case if someone found me unconscious in a field in the middle of summer I would very much like them to know that I am allergic to bee and wasp stings and should be carrying an epi pen. That knowledge in the thick of it could save my life. Always been covered in all the outdoor 1st aid course and refreshers I have done over the years.

    Free Member

    Discovering Kirsten Dirksen on youtube has negatively effected my desire to watch grand designs. Far more interesting people/ designs/ communities etc.

    Free Member

    There’s so much to all this, and what has been contributed to above is great. Everyone is different, eveyone has different needs/ views/ things that work for them.  There are sticking plaster methods and then there is deep inner work.

    As a suggestion, easily shared without me possibly oversharing and going down all sorts of crazy paths,  you might find Sam Harris’s work interesting if you are after something with a credible scientific basis, the Waking Up app is great and has a free introductory 30 day course. I find it more stimulating intellectually than the Headspace app which is indeed a great introduction.

    Also Dan Harris’s ‘10% happier’ podcast, is quite accessible. Brad Stulberg’s groundedness book has IIRC some useful practices in it too. These are maybe more on the deeper/ spirtual spectrum of things than practices such as CBT, NLP etc.

    Free Member

    You should try leboncoin.

    French classifieds, similar to craigslist, what gumtree appears to have become in the UK etc.

    My old house got sold via. there, and I bought my new house via. it as well.

    Have regularly used it to find holiday rentals etc.

    Free Member

    Why not just bury it?

    Free Member

    Having been on the shitty end of an affair from my wife of 13 years ( and best friend, adventure partner etc etc of 18 years) I consider myself somewhat qualified to offer what I suggest you do, as what I would wish to happen to me was I in this particular situation: I advise you make him aware of what has come to your attention. I advise you  to do this as soon as possible. I advise you to tell him you know and that you are her friend and you feel obliged to be honest towards all of your friends.  You have then done all what you can, and should for now be expected of you as a friend. As a friend you will have ongoing obligations towards both of them, that will also have to be handled.

    Unfortunately I was made aware of my situation by his wife at the time who was an unknown person by sending me a message on FB messenger. My world has exploded. This started 3 years ago.  To be honest with you all, at the time my wife had told me it was over a few months before I found out about this affair which I found out had started before she told me it was over.  What has ensued is a complete spiritual crisis, a dark night of the soul and I believe it will all be for the best for me. But I wouldn’t wish anything like this to anyone. And I mean anyone.

    Free Member

    Gt. Yarmouth….No!

    Norwich is a great city.

    Between the two are places such as Acle.  Similarly Hoveton or Wroxham might suit…heart of the the Norfolk Broads. On an easy train line for going to Norwich or towards Cromer. Train from Wroxham to Gt. Yarmouth would mean  changing at Norwich, but that doesn’t sound like she is training it anyway….but the train might help with the living outside of Norwich issue. North Walsham could work as well as on the same train line butnot as great  a drive to Gt. Yarmouth but perfectly doable, or at least it was as my mum used to do it daily (I grew up in N Walsham)

    Free Member

    It’s all a game. Like life. It’s up to the individual to decide what game he wants to play. The essay ‘The Games climbers Play’ reminds me how to think about these things.

    Free Member

    Just done some digging on this for us. I live in France and no longer have a credit card (not many people do here…the culture appears to support living within ones means ;) ). I always knew you generally needed a credit card for UK car hire, but have certainly got away without it upwards of 5 times. However you forced my hand to do some research….and I came across this:…. so debit card ok for most enterprise hires.

    Also lots of other hits for ‘credit card for car hire?’ on Qwant search engine.

    Have a great trip back home, and hope lookingafter your dad goes ok.

    Free Member

    Vieux Lyon.

    Roman ruins (Unesco)

    Musée de Confluence.

    The film prop musuem is small but indeed great.

    Fourvière via the funicular for great views.

    Croix Rousse: boho popular wth good views and a bit cooler.

    The bike path tunnel under la croix rousse…

    Spent a lot of time in Lyon. Lived no further than an hour and a half away from it for the last 15 years. Lert me know if you need ideas of things to do around and about. Am also a qualified and fully legal trekking guide should you wish to enjoy some of thé nearby mountains.

    Free Member

    Have you managed to get the old freehub off the built wheel?

    SJS have a freehub that will fit for a reasonable price:

    Free Member

    I had something similar recently on my son’s bike. It was a non-shimano hub though.

    I could get an allen key seated in via. the drive side but could not for the life of me move it…..whether turned anti-clockwise or clockwise.

    A colleague (also at a social bike project where I help out)  noticed that a different sized allen key also fitted into something when inserted from the non-drive side. It turns out there was a bolt held captive inside the hub which screwed into the free-hub body.

    Now I write this it’s not clear to me why I couldn’t undo it from the drive side…but anyway it didn’t.

    So 2 suggestions: tried a different allen key from the non drive side? and considered the possibility of a left hand thread?

    Free Member

    @prezet: my parents live in Ashmanhaugh. I grew up in North Walsham.

    Free Member

    Try the path less pedalled on you tube. He did a review a few weeks ago.

    Free Member

    @cheekysprocket, you got me thinking you were saying they had stopped doing it. They still exist. Bought mine 2nd hand and still my favorite bike. It’s set up fixed with a single brake on the front. If it’s good enough for Ventoux etc. it’s good enough for me. Primarily road use with the odd gravel track/ singletrack foray. Must get round to replacing the rim though…….

    Free Member

    The Steamroller will take 40mm tyres although with road brake mounts rather than cantis and no disc caliper mounting points the braking/ clearance won’t be great but not insurmountable. My Steamroller set up fixed is my main bike. Absolutley love it.

    Free Member

    Un constat / european accident reporting form.

    Free Member

    Agree with what has been written. I did the 1st TNR on what at the time might have been considered quite progressive: a road compact up front with a 33 small ring and a 10 speed xt cassette at the rear. Presumably 36. It is obviously very subjective but I don’t recall having to grunt up anywhere apart from what I remember feeling as very steep tarmac to the col de preit. The other part I remember as giving me a good kicking was the long straight tarmac drag up  Col Agnel before the switchbacks: not steep just energy sapping and a mental game in the heat. From that it’s interesting to note that the 2 hard bits that stick out in my memory were on tarmac and not directly solely related to gearing choices. For  TNR: the game you have chosen to play has nothing to do with not managing to clear a few 100m/ or even km’s of gravel

    Sure stick something on that’s sensible, but don’t fret about it too much.

    Free Member

    Geneva itself as a city is dull.

    Grenoble is very much a mountain university city which is not that interesting architecture wise but certainly has an outdoor activity vibe to it.

    Lyon is a great city with lots of history and culture and food. It’s France’s 2nd city and IMO more interesting than Paris.

    These are of course all cities, which is great if you are after what they can offer. Certainly out of the 3 I would, advise you go to Lyon. I have lived between the 2 for the last 15 years, and currently live only c. 20k m from Grenoble in the Chartreuse.

    If after info for the surrounding info feel free to get in touch.

    Free Member

    2003 ish I think. I was looking for my 2nd mtb, after an entry level MTB and someone I knew put a post up for opinions/ ideas and I signed up. Ended up with a Kinesis Maxlight. Last 3 years I have not posted at all as a rough time in life, but have been very much with you all by listening i.e. reading the posts.

    Free Member

    Everyone. Thank you, and a big thank you to TJ for starting the thread. It has done to me what you were looking for. So I’ll take that as an act of random kindness to me. Needed to hear some hope. Been a right rough 3 years or so and I’m just exhausted of it all, reading about other beings being good to other beings has helped today. I’ll be sure to pass it on.

    Free Member

    Here in France, I think it’s fairly standard (if not the only option? I don’t know)  when you arrange a mortgage you walk out with a list of all the payment dates and amounts for the duration of the mortgage: i.e. the interest rate is fixed for the duration. It’s also normally a requirement that your income gets paid into a current account with the same bank as your mortgage.

    Free Member

    Buying and selling direct, i.e. without an agent was really easy. The solicitors handle more than would normally be expected in UK at least when I bought there back in 2004. Lots of agencies advertise their properties on leboncoin.

    The other one I used a bit was

    Free Member


    I think I’m going insane…

    Free Member is probably the most used.

    I bought my current house via it.

    I also found my old house that I part owned and lived in with my wife and children at the time up for sale on it……

    Free Member

    I don’t have the feeling that the way it’s thought of here in France by the Dr’s: They give the appearance of seeing  them as a pain driven by the insurers.

    I go and see my Doctor for X and they get paid whether I pay them or the Secu pays them on my behalf: . The fee structure is fixed.  I am aware there is in generally a misunderstanding in UK about ‘paying for healthcare in France’

    I said 25 euros. Having checked it’s 23 euros: French state rate for consultation at their cabinet / surgery.

    Free Member

    It’s very much the job of my general practicioner here!

    Usually the only reason they see me!!

    Free Member

    i.e. I’m just trying to explain the situaton here, not offering any opinion/ view.

    Free Member

    c. 25 euros here  for basic one (i.e. without Dr requesting bloods, ecg’s etc) as cost not met by social security. However as I know I need one every year, I often get it done when I go to see my Dr. about something else, at which point it ‘kind of depends’.

    The wording is to the effect of ‘no indications as to why not’ and is obviously at the Dr.s discretion as to what they look at/ test for. They can roll their eyes a bit :I think they are annoyed as the insurers requiring them but they know they are required and it’s part of their role etc.

    Hope that helps explain the way they are seen here: might help put things in perspective. Essentially it’s ingrained in daily life here, I understand it’s not in the UK : but like many cultural differences they have to be accepted if you want to play.

    Free Member

    It’s not just for competitive sport. It’s part of life here in France. Med certs needed for kids sport clubs etc etc. It is an insurance requirement. Forging will be putting the organisers at risk as well as yourself at least financially. Puts the future of events at risk: then there’s  no more events. It’s just the way it is. Admittedly it’s not as easy in terms of logisitics to get one in the UK  as it is here, but hey ho: you want to take part: meet the entry requirements.

    Whilst it’s obviously fairly low priority for the NHS, it’s not inapproporiate to ask a dr. to assess your suitability to put your body under stress….

    Free Member in N. Chartreuse.

    Free Member

    ooohh thanks for the vbc @ocrider

    Free Member

    Bikeparks in terms of chairlift assisted riding? The nearest will be Villard de Lans and probably not worth the trek.
    Not aware that Col de Rousset does lift assisted riding. It’s far from steeep skiing. But the Hauts Plateuax is great landscape. The GTV bike route might interest you but it’s tame technically and misses out the most scenic bits of the Haut Plateaux: for that you’ll need to be on foot.

    Saou is great road ridng terrain. As is most of the Drome. Scratch that the area is great in general. It’s about an hour from me and I know it quite well. There’s more traditional XC signposted type riding in the area: VTT FFC

    Free Member

    If anyone does head out on it I’m happy to help out as I live quite close to it between Grenoble and Chambery. Andy stayed with me a few times whilst he was doing his up and down europe thing…interestingly as a result it goes very close to my current abode and my previous abode ;).

    Free Member

    Flying to Lyon would be way easier than Geneva… few mountains in the way coming from Geneva…. From Lyon you attack the right valley from the plain so to speak….
    Flying to Grenoble is ski-season only (or was..not sure now).
    From Lyon (or Geneva): train to Grenoble then bus.
    (sitting at home just north of Grenoble with my transporter sitting 200m away)

    Free Member

    I’m fixed at 1.5% until 2040…..

    Free Member

    Sounds like a good opportunity for a dinglespeed?

    Free Member

    Foundation design relies on 2 things: the load and how it is applied and the ground. These dictate the foundation type that can work. Sometimes a range of types is available, sometimes not. The only ball park costs available given the information in your post will be those by a builder rather than someone qualified to desgin foundations (sse recent thread on structural calcualtions as outlining the philosophy of similar approaches). The biggest variable is the ground. In extreme cases the ground will dictate the type of structure that can be constructed on that ground.

    I can offer more advice related to ground engineering as this is my profession, but I can offer little idea on costs, but maybe able to steer you towards someone happy to assist you in a proefessional and paid capacity depending on your location.

    The website you link to looks good. I am sure they would be able to provide required loads for whichever structure you wanted to take forwards as a conceptual and then hopefully detailed desgin..which just leaves you with the ground parameters together with any other environmental parameters: wind loadings etc.

    What does your planning consent/ insurers/ finacers require? a signed off foundation design? If that is the case probably worthwhile engaging a professional from the get-go, ramping up their involvement and detailing of their output as the project ramps up.

    Free Member

    Have you looked at Fatmap? Similar pricing and for that you get actual os/ ign etc mapping and satellite imagery and in 3d or 2d and offline downloads are available…

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