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  • mudshark
    Free Member

    Can an MP be working class?

    Why not?

    Free Member

    Got to keep some cash but how much depends on circumstances. Paying off chunks of mortgage is nice but depends on how much other investments you have – I’d choose to build up my investment ISAs first.

    Free Member

    Efficiency? I went to A&E the other week and told I had to have an operation. I waited for 4 or so hours for a bed to become free. After my operation the next day I was free to go once I had got my medication brought over – that took 4 hours. So I was taking up a bed for 4 hours just waiting to leave. How much is cost per hour of bed? Maybe I was waiting so long to come in because someone else was waiting for their medication?

    Free Member

    Yeah construction’s ridiculously competitive.

    Free Member

    It’s so stupid even though it’s surely just said to appeal to the less enlightened. Set targets then competition for contracts is most efficient approach if that’s what’s wanted. If want to cap profits then maybe have to return 50% over 5% or whatever to at least encourage efficiency.

    Free Member

    Given that most people will be looking at 20 to 30 years anything that looks dramatic in the short-term will look like a blip in the long-term. Most would drip money in monthly so unlikely to be hit too hard by a fall, I’ve been through Black Monday, the tech boom/bust and the banking crisis.

    Free Member

    fairly keen on my cars

    Is one a Golf?

    Free Member

    What are you in to?

    Free Member

    yeah- I’m with II.

    That’ll be the same Wealth 150 that omits Fundsmith

    You’re talking about the 150+ which has lower fees for clients.

    Free Member

    I wonder if Mr Tymon sought any sort of compromise.

    Free Member

    You did well out of good luck due to the timing of your investments

    Stock market averages greater returns than mortgage rates over the long-term so that’s no issue, annuity mortgages were not so good due to the high costs as much as anything.

    going for straight repayment is nothing to do with being financially unaware

    Well if you’re not financially aware it’s best not to start picking investments you know nothing about – and may start worrying about. Some financially aware people may choose repayment mortgages of course. I ended up paying my mortgage off just because I could, if I’d been more comfortable with risk I wouldn’t have but it created a good balance with the amount I had invested.

    Enlighten us then

    Well you could do worse than look at hargreaves lansdown’s Wealth 150, I also use Close Brother’s scoring info on funds. I used to work out annualized returns but got bored with that – averaged around 8-9% returns over last 15 years though, my mortgage must have been around 4-5% over that time – I have a base rate tracker offset mortgage of 0.49% over base rate (which I don’t owe much on now).

    Free Member

    No loss – we’ll be watching the 3 of them on Sky soon enough.

    So I guess they’ll re-invent Top Gear again, Evans says he won’t do it though, he’s an obvious choice really.

    Free Member


    Well I was referencing the seemingly frequent suggestion that Fundsmith is the way to go for anything investment-wise. Of course it’s not unusual to invest in order to pay off mortgages, ISA mortgages were very popular but seems repayment more so now. FWIW I did better out of investing rather than paying off the mortgage by quite some margin but it’s perhaps not for those less financially aware.

    Free Member

    Or invest it in a Fundsmith ISA?!

    Free Member

    The other two have always said they wouldn’t do the show without Jez.

    Not a fan but maybe Patrick Kielty or Richard Bacon?

    Free Member

    Not sure Top Gear would want someone so quick to the punch.

    How about someone like that Moby chap from the Gadget Show?

    Free Member

    I’ve done 1/2 dozen different martial arts over the years including several karate styles. Karate can include self defense training which was similar to Jujitsu I think in the one I did. Judo was good but the semi contact karate class I went to was my favourite – mostly as they weren’t too strict and we did loads of sparing and bag work with not so much kata which I wasn’t too bothered about. Oh and I did like breaking!

    Free Member

    Buyer beware – after sale any issue is your problem not there’s, though if they lie about something that’s a problem you’d have to deal with or swallow.

    Free Member

    I’ve been ‘into’ investment since I studied it as part of my business studies course in the late 80s – in fact my 1st year coincided with Black Monday. So I’ve seen a lot of ups and downs and invested to some degree for most of that time. In the late 90s some people were investing heavily in tech stocks making large gains in short periods. There was a fund at that time that was doing incredibly well – Henderson Technology IIRC – and a mate of mine decided to listen to another mate who told him he should put his £7k ISA allowance into it. Well then the bubble burst and I’m not sure how much he lost but certainly it was worth less than £1k at one point. So consider what you invest in, will Fundsmith carry on doing so well? Sure it won’t collapse and I doubt it will ever be a bad fund but to assume it will carry on doing so well is optimistic. I’d put some money in for sure but I’m well diversified.

    Free Member

    If you persuade to invest it and it loses money he may well hate you…. I did have unit trusts as a student bought with money I saved from my placement but mostly kept cash.

    Free Member

    Well I’m still here 🙂 I raised my main concerns and get reasonable responses from the managers. Had a bit of a worry about getting my expenses for a while but all sorted in the end.

    They’ve even told me I’ll be getting a company laptop bag – quite exciting really, shame I don’t have a company laptop though.

    Free Member

    Yep my 4 year old goes on alternate days and often leaves something with it’s head out of the water. I gave him some competition last week as the pain killers I took stopped my regularity – a rock hard 3 day stool was quite a shock when it came.

    Free Member

    Is this one of those first world problems?!

    Don’t hassle the builders – just have a friendly chat with the neighbours, if they’re reasonable they’ll sort it out and tell the builders to stop causing a nuisance. My builders years ago upset my neighbours by cutting MDF in the street – I didn’t know as I was at work – apparently this is bad so I told them to stop doing it and they did.

    Free Member

    I got into trouble showing my son Trap Door, he loved it but then had a nightmare.

    Free Member

    As long as the bag can be pushed into the measuring device it’ll be fine – I once saw someone ramming a bag so hard into it to show it would fit, it did but then they couldn’t get it out again.

    Free Member

    How about if the wife murders me?

    Free Member

    I think around £25k/year to have a nice life style but less would work.

    I could retire now – as long as the wife keeps working…not sure what she’d think of that.

    I’m aiming for a pension pot of £500k, 20 odd years to achieve that. Got ISAs too which is there as a backup for the time being but keeping it until I’m old seems a waste.

    Free Member

    Gotta learn to use a razor/foam! Once a month job I imagine.

    Free Member

    Well in the future ISAs will get a better return so if you take one up you’ll have it for future use – perhaps one day you might want to put unit trusts in it rather than cash.

    Free Member

    I think it’s ok to kill most things as long as it’s done in a humane way.

    Free Member

    It did take him about 15 mins – I didn’t watch what he was doing with the loo.

    A bit annoying as he lives about 100 metres away so would be nice to have a reliable chap close by.

    Free Member

    A while back I had a squirrel that kept getting into the garage and leaving nuts in my bike shoes.

    He was peanutting in your shoes

    Free Member

    Bit unfair to say fox hunters are specifically interested in the death of the animal – more the thrill of the chase.

    Free Member

    My Nan used to live next to a canal. She would trap squirrels and drown them in the canal

    RSPCA will prosecute for that sort of thing.

    I killed one once thinking I’d eat it but decided too much trouble as hard to get the skin off without it contaminating the meat I thought.

    Free Member

    Guess he charged an hour, I did guess the syphon would more than that but I’m wrong – he put in one that I can change the diaphram on myself next time without taking the cistern off the wall.

    Free Member

    15 new radiators and TRVs would come in at a similar price if not cheaper!

    It did feel a lot – was expecting about around £500 really but figured I have no idea! Guess he thought I was clueless to…?! He’s just replaced a loo siphon, said it would be £80 and thought not unreasonable but maybe it was, not had the bill yet so hoping he sticks to his quote.

    I had a thread on here a while back wondering about the cost – maybe they’re all expensive here?! At least my problem was fixed this time….

    Free Member

    I did think a bit much and wouldn’t do it for that. Not really into DIY for this sort of thing but will get some other quotes at some point – some upstairs rads don’t really heat up very well so think sludge is the problem.

    Free Member

    What should a power flush cost? I asked for a quote and told £765 for flush, also asked for TRVs which would be £675 but if I do both then take £225 off. This is for a system with 15 rads.

    Free Member

    What do you know that other’s don’t? Surely the ‘experts’ wouldn’t have sold so heavily if they thought it worth investing in. Of course you may be right but it’s a brave choice. Maybe gold is worth buying as fallen so much since the mini bubble? Not for my money.

    Free Member

    It’s for 2 widths as said – I studied technical drawing but am not a kitchen fitter…actually I did fit one and got a mate to cut the how, the sink came with a template.

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