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  • mudshark
    Free Member

    Project – I think you’re a little naive really. Can the retailer do the opposite of what you say when prices are falling? When prices fall they will struggle to sell stock bought at higher prices at appropriate profit levels as others will be lowering their prices as they start to buy the lower priced items. A retailer should always sell stock at a price that will give them the highest overall profit. Can’t price something too highly as others will sell for less or too low as profits will be lower than they could be.

    Free Member

    All the people I know in IT earn around 3-4 times that, they are all code monkeys in the city though


    Free Member

    I work for an IT consultancy and the average there is rather higher than £35k I’m sure. Everyone has many years of experience though – we mainly do .NET and Oracle Apps. A premium is needed for consultancy though as can spend quite a bit of time travelling each day or staying away from home on top of a 40 hour working week though many do a lot more than that.

    Free Member

    I have plenty of cleats due to having 4 mtbs but I lose the bolts occassionally – are these a standard bolt that I could get from a hardware store? I see them on Ebay for £2 for 4 posted which is a lot of cash for bolts but cheap for bike bits!

    Free Member

    My wife seems to have finally decided after 3 years that she likes the idea of mtbing – have taken her out on some simple trails anyway. I wanted a biker chick but they all thought I was ugly or something….

    Free Member

    I don’t know Reading that well but it’s a biggish place so good and bad – I’d certainly look there if I wanted a big town. BTW, when I moved out of London I considered Maidenhead and the surrounding area but decided on Surrey and bought a place close to Leatherhead – figured I’d be happiest close to the Surrey Hills even if less ideal for work.

    As for Beaconsfield and surrounding villages – too expensive for most!

    Free Member

    My parents used to live near Beaconsfield – I have cycled through High Wycombe and suspect it ain’t my sort of place….

    Maidenhead would be my choice if ease commuting by train is important – also Woking and Reading. Camberly maybe but not so good with the train. Plenty of attractive villages about but maybe you’re too young for them – and they ain’t cheap.

    Free Member

    You look for a girlfriend that’ll fit your old bike?

    Free Member

    You see nothing wrong here?

    Free Member

    I’ve seen SLXs cheaper than that.

    Free Member

    I started a thread sometime ago asking how well people got on with their neighbours as so often seem to hear about pointless feuds. I’m lucky as I get on well with mine and we just pop into each others back gardens if we’re looking for each other. However, they’re all well past retirement age so hope that when they leave for the last time their replacements are OK; I chose to live in as expensive an area as I could afford in order to minimize the living near one of those chav-type families I hear about….

    Free Member

    I don’t know how anyone much over 200lbs can be comfortable in an economy seat. I used to weight train and found my outside shoulder was hit by every passing trolley when thinking I’d been sensible by asking for an aisle seat to cope with my long legs – can’t be that long given that I’m under 6′.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    When I was living in a shared house with 4 others we had a problem as too many cars to fit in the drive so the obious place for overspill was in front of the house but there was a bus stop there albeit with no road markings. I tried parking outside the house on oneside but was asked not to – apparently he was friends with Patrick Moore and one time Patrick drove past but didn’t stop as thought he had a visitor due to the car outside…. So I tried parking outside the other neighbour but was shouted at a lot. So I used the space by the bus stop where I got shouted at by bus users, so I tried a bit further down the road but found someone had put bricks under the car and let my tyres down…. The stupid thing about all this is that the road was a wide, busy one, the front gardens quite long and everyone parked in their own drives so really no harm from parking out in the front. Curious really.

    Free Member

    Having to sit next to a chubber in economy isn’t fair for normal people because they’ll take up some of your space and possibly smell bad and even steal your food. So I think there should be a fatty area where they can be kept away from the rest of us though this might have to be thought out to ensure the plane is balanced correctly….

    Free Member

    They spoil my lawn and sometimes come into houses but not had that problem yet except when I once left an apple core in a bag on the floor and the next day saw a line of ants coming in from under the front door to the bag. Lifted the bag up and there were so many I got the electric anteater and sucked them all up. Poor ants….

    Free Member

    I suspect there’s a few on here who have bought bikes completely unsuitable for commuting on! Only fully rigid road bikes should be allowed…. ;)

    Free Member

    …is not believeing in god a wise move?

    Well you can’t force yourself to believe something just because it might be a good idea if you did believe it. I do get the impression that some people in churches take this attitude though!

    Free Member

    Maybe she could meet up with her colleagues before going back to find out how things are? Is she matey with at least one?

    Free Member

    Can you opt out of certain things if choosing to be gay? Can’t be bothered ironing socks.

    Free Member

    I saw them in ’88 – blow up your video – was fantastic even though I prefer Bon.

    Free Member

    I thought the reason that boys made out they liked girls was a front

    I prefer spending time with blokes but wouldn’t want to touch one. Girls can be annoying but I like their wobbly bits. I hear about blokes becoming girls so maybe that’d work?

    Free Member

    I used to use Loot in London for getting lodgers; worked fine!

    Free Member

    ive been told tho once its gone something else will just move in in its place

    Something worse?!

    Free Member

    The top rated mullet on

    Free Member

    My cat/dog/bird/chicken doesnt smell. Yeah right

    To be fair if I shoved a fresh chicken poo in your mouth you’d notice but not if you walked a metre from my pen – not sure you’d notice inside it really; having a big garden helps as my chickens have plenty of space to poo, which I clean up daily, and they’re not too close to my garden boundaries. Once chicken poo has dried up it is barely noticeable. I can smell if my neighbour has used manure on his garden but that’s fine by me.

    Edit – have just popped out to the pen for a good sniffing and couldn’t smell anything, opened the coop which smelt less than a car that sometimes carries a dog – not a strong smell at all but lots of space and regular cleaning helps.

    Free Member

    Just discovered this thread…

    I’m in my 3rd house and it’s the 1st one I don’t have to deal with cat poo – probably because my previous gardens were so much smaller. I tried putting prickly rose bits down to stop the cats squatting but they just pooed on the rose bits.

    As for chickens – well I have some and they don’t smell, the only time I can smell anything is when I open the coop to take out the poo and even that is no where near as bad as the smell from stepping on a fresh cat poo. My neighbours love to help out when I’m out and often pop around with bits of food to give them. The only down side is they can get noisy if scared by a fox or cat but that is nothing compared to a barking dog.

    Free Member

    I was so distracted by her that someone just nabbed my biscuit….

    Free Member

    I looked into my banding and found that the house next door which is apparently worth more than mine is in a lower band. Looking at other houses in the road it does seem that mine is right so wondered if I pointed out to the council that my neighbour is in a lower band than me in an attempt to get my house put into a lower one, maybe they’d end up in a higher one?!

    Free Member

    In the good old days you could just trade her for a camel.

    Free Member

    Sugar doesn’t have much to do with Amstrad nowadays does he?

    Free Member

    So you’re about average then? Why is Wales so cheap…!?

    Free Member

    Is miketually’s area’s council tax low really? Band D is the base band and it looks about average to me.

    Free Member

    A tidy cut helps push the cable through an outer. It’s a one-off cost so I got the Park one.

    Free Member

    My house jumped up a band after I bought it due to an extension the previous owners had put on; about £300 extra a year than I thought…takes it to about £2,400 a year – could buy a bike with that….

    Free Member

    Do organizations, such as Relate, help much? Do they ever suggest that breaking up is the best option?! I’ve been marrried for 3 years now and going OK at the moment despite a few bad patches when one of us might have suggested we’d made a mistake.

    We got some important things out of the way early on;

    Will you still ride bikes when we’re married?
    Would you stop riding if I made you choose?

    Interestingly she’s now showing interest in mtbing and hassles me to take her out which is good though not so good if I’ve just got back from a big ride.

    Free Member

    Ti is stiffer than steel

    Really?! Is a Soda stiffer than a Soul?

    Free Member

    I’ve had a DC07 for a few years and had no problems with it other than the drive belt snapping which I can cope with. I suppose many of us get swept along with the hype for them – I was in two minds until I saw one at a good price and before I knew it I’d bought it!

    Free Member

    Well I’m lead to believe that she’s the most popular PM since Churchill but I’m not sure there’s anybody, let alone PM, I’d be particularly interested in making a jigsaw of. But then jigsaws are for kids aren’t they? A Christmas present for the kid who has everything?!

    Free Member

    Mine are kept in the garage and the garage has a loft. Not sure my wife knows how many bikes I’ve got and certainly not how many wheels I have but not sure she cares and I wouldn’t feel the need to tell her if I was going to get something new. Maybe if we had kids or were short of money things would be different.

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