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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • mudmuncher
    Full Member

    Is this in Swindon?


    Why? Seems like it’d solve all your problems if you did

    Should be a 30mile round trip, so would rather not lug a lock round with me.

    Sounds like I’ll be ok taking it in from most of the replies.

    Full Member

    Another long shot, but I suppose you’ve looked down the side/under your car seat. I’ve lost a few things over the years that have rolled out of my pocket under the car seat.

    Full Member

    I’m assuming the batteries can be replaced on the gaciron as there are 4x mini torx bolts on the battery compartment.

    I have to say the Exposure Axis is excellent, it’s lightweight with a great helmet mount. The key thing for me which makes it worth the extra cash over cheaper lights is the ‘tap’ feature where you can switch the brightness by tapping your helmet, you can also setup 2 or 3 of your favourite brightness settings so you don’t have to cycle through loads of settings. I don’t really want to be trying to press a small button on the top of my head riding over a bumpy rooty singletrack in the dark. Also comes with a lanyard so handy if you want to use it as a normal torch.

    Full Member

    @z1ppy, just weighed the Gaciron and it’s 204g without the mount, dimensions 118x53x33mm. It is a 5000mAh battery (2x 2500mAh 18650 li-ion), and I did think if the batteries ever die I could replace with 2x3200mAh to give a bit more run time.

    Quoted battery time is…
    1600LM 1.5hrs
    800LM 3hr15
    400LM 4hr48
    200LM 9hr35

    It is very bright on 1600, so you can get away with 800 a lot of the time, the external button makes it easy to cycle through the different brightness’.

    Compared to the exposure axis(1150 lumen)it is definitely a fair chunk brighter so I think the lumen rating is accurate unlike some of the real cheapo lights.

    Full Member

    The ‘everyone’ part of the statement is simply not true.

    Yeah, you are right, I didn’t consider that. Maybe VAT free would be a better simpler way of encouraging more cycling.

    Full Member

    Your HR folk are just being Arsey tbh, no other reason for it, it’s a government initiative to get people cycling, aye if it gets cars off the road at commuter time then great, but all cycling is good.

    I’d pursue that tbh, there’s no need for that kind of obstacle.

    I have gone back a couple of times, making those points, but unfortunately I work for a large US corporation with very weak, incompetent risk averse management that live in fear of the tyrants running the show in the US. None of them want to go out on a limb and potentially fall foul of HMRC even if this is very unlikely so it’s not going to happen under the current rules. I did intend to write to my MP to ask the guidance is broadened given the governments current interest in cycling and the increase in home workers due to COVID but I’m not hopeful.

    To the point about the scheme benefitting better off 40% tax payers buying expensive bikes then that’s certainly true, but at the end of the day everyone saves money and the more people encouraged onto bikes is definitely a good thing.

    Edit:Julians point about the scheme has to be available to all employees is an interesting one. I guess it means any company that has home workers can’t really offer the scheme to anyone?

    Full Member

    Bought one of these a few weeks back….

    Has gone up a tenner since I bought it, but still great value. It’s made by Gaciron which I understand are a ‘quality‘ Chinese make. Has a nice wide beam and a remote switch, can also charge your phone with it if you run out of battery. Paired it with an Exposure Axis helmet light and it works really well.

    Edit:-There is a review of them on YouTube and they are a lot brighter than the solarstorm X3

    Full Member

    I spoke to one of the scheme providers who said it really isn’t an issue. However our useless HR department have told me I won’t be eligible as a home based worker. So all down to your company at the end of the day.

    Full Member

    Love my 2012 Anthem 29er1, often wondered what the latest 2020/21 version would feel like in comparison, anyone switched to a newer model with updated geometry?

    Full Member

    Have you checked eBay. Bought a secondhand 70mm OD2 one on eBay about a month ago, but recall there were some Asian sellers listing new ones, albeit with a longish delivery time.

    Full Member

    It’s never been serviced

    No oil or filter changes in 70k+ miles, that’s impressive, and I thought I was pushing it only changing oil every 30k.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    I think you’re missing the point AA, eliminating carbs in the keto diet stabilizes your blood sugar/insulin levels so when you restrict calories you don’t get the severe hunger pangs so it is a lot easier to maintain reduced calories and therefore lose weight.

    Full Member

    I see the latest figures for daily deaths in the US has had the largest daily rise since May. I guess the leap in infections they saw start several weeks ago has started to come through the lag now. Oh dear, they seem to be in a bit of a mess.

    They still have a long way before the catch us up in deaths per head of population, another 75k deaths in fact.

    Full Member

    Mmmm, I’m tempted by the Oakley Prisms now, but they are expensive. Did you guys order online and put your prescription details in. Don’t think speccsavers or my local optician stock them. Seems a bit risky buying online without trying on for fit.

    Full Member

    Is the post holiday quarantine thing even being enforced though?

    Seeing how poorly mask wearing is adhered to on trains, I’d be very sceptical anyone will bother

    A fair chunk of society are selfish enough to only care about themselves so if the government are serious about this (of which I’m not convinced) they should make it an offence to skip quarantine.

    It’s a bit like drink driving, if we didn’t have the drink driving laws the roads would be carnage on a Fri/sat night and although it’s likely you won’t kill someone if you drive home pissed, you certainly might and you are putting peoples lives at risk – exactly the same with skipping quarantine.

    Full Member

    Of course people will ignore it, because people will use their own common sense to come to the conclusion that they are no more likely to be exposed to covid in Spain than in the UK.

    I think anyone cramming on a plane shoulder to shoulder with 200+ people for 3hrs then spending 2 weeks drinking/eating in bars and then finishing off with another 3hrs up in the sky in a Covid bioreactor is probably more likely to be infected than someone who thinks it’s probably best to stay at home during a global pandemic.

    Full Member

    I swapped the shortish 690mm flat bar out on my Anthem for the brand X 780mm carbon riser + put a shorter stem on. It’s much more comfortable now. Wish I’d done it years ago.

    Full Member

    Ok time for some good news. The university of Southampton with a biotech company called SynAirGen (who’s shares just climbed 360%) have been testing inhaled interferon as a means of preventing severe COVID19. They’ve just reported an 80%, yes 80% reduction in severe cases.

    Good news indeed. But now can we expect Trump to buy up the world supply of it as he did with Remdesivir.

    Full Member

    The virus was doubling every 3.5 days prior to lockdown, so the weeks delay ignoring Sage allowed the number of infections/deaths to quadruple. Well done Boris.

    Full Member

    Not really.

    The world as we know it only exists because of feedback loops, carefully keeping everything in equilibrium without it there would not be the diversity we have today.

    You’d also be dead without it. Your heart rate, blood sugar, temperature, blood pressure, salt levels etc are all regulated by feedback loops.

    Full Member

    Might be just a bit simplistic to compare say myxomatosis with Covid

    Not really, high rabbit population pushes R above 1. High human population pushes R above 1. Same thing. Novel viruses/diseases pop up all the time. If Covid had come along in Stone Age times it would have likely fizzled out in wuhan after infecting a few dozen people in an isolated settlement. Same virus in the 21st century travels around the world like wild fire infecting millions.

    The natural world is full of feedback mechanisms. This is one of them.

    Full Member

    If you look at any animal population on this planet, rabbits, mice etc once they become too populous / overcrowded diseases come along to put them back in check.

    We are no different. As I said above the virus is the solution.

    Full Member

    Please, O wise one, give us the solution

    The virus IS the solution

    Full Member

    Went for the 2.25 Ralph/ray combo in the end. Didn’t consider the thunderburts, might try them next time. Think my 19mm id rims are probably a bit narrow for the 2.35.

    Full Member

    Not tried this yet, so don’t know if it will work, but one idea I have up my sleeve if I run into problems is to seat the bead with an inner tube, then rather than breaking the bead All the way around on one side to remove the tube, just break it at the valve then cut the tube in half and carefully pull it out – hopefully keeping the bead in tact most of the way round the tyre.

    Got some new tyres arriving this week, so will try it out if I have problems and let you know if it works.

    Full Member

    So the US has bought up the entire world supply of Remdesivir

    I hope this doesn’t lead to countries being secretive about promising new treatments for fear of the US buying up all the stock.

    Full Member

    Again with the expertery.
    Whatever, you win, largely because you have bored me into submission.

    Not expertery (what ever that is), just basic maths.

    I’m not giving up on you yet crikey

    hope this helps you with your understanding of exponential growth….
    If you had a pond and chucked some blanket weed in on the 1st of Jan, and it grew at a steady rate doubling in area each day taking a year to cover the pond.

    By Christmas Eve, you’d only have 0.25% percent of the pond covered. New Years Eve would be 50% and in the 1 day between new years eve and new years day the pond would be 100% covered and the area of new blanket weed would equal the area it took the previous 364 days to grow.

    That’s the issue with exponential growth, in the early stages it can look harmless but it can very quickly take you by surprise.

    Full Member

    Experts everywhere…

    We had cases, but and I’ll type it slowly… We still didn’t see any increase until mid March.
    The figures are there, have a look.

    Sorry you are wrong……..
    The biggest growth in infection happened before mid-march
    using the worldometer numbers you posted

    15th Feb to 15th Mar – 1391X increase in infection (9 to 1391)
    15th Mar to 15th April – 70X increase in infection (1391 to 98,476)
    15th Apr to 15th June – 2.4x increase in infection (98,476 to 236,711)

    If the govt. acted in Feb we’d literally be able to count the dead on one hand and we would have been covid free months ago.

    Full Member

    Um, we didn’t really see any increase until mid march…

    Not strictly true. The growth was massive in percentage terms, but in absolute terms the numbers were low, so anyone without an understanding of exponential growth wasn’t too alarmed.

    Full Member

    Care to back that up with any proof or let us know your qualifications to decide that?

    Err it’s a chat forum, it’s my opinion.

    The bit about the thousands of daily infections is fact.

    Full Member

    I’m not so sure, I think a large number of those who will stay away probably weren’t going often anyway. It’s a bit like me saying I won’t be going to the Gee Gees anytime soon, it’s entirely true but if racecourses relied on me and people like me they’d have been out of business long before all this started.

    I think a lot of these businesses are on tight margins at the best of times, so it might not take much to make some unprofitable. The reduction in turnover will be for many reasons…

    1. Some will stay away who don’t think it’s safe.
    2. Some will not be bothered about safety but find the experience less appealing – no music, bands, no standing at the bar, sitting at tables behind plexiglass, giving your name and address on entry etc.
    3. Even if demand holds up, capacity will be limited by social distancing requirements, no standing, spaced tables etc.

    Full Member

    Rather than saving the restaurant/pub trade, the government have condemned it to a slow lingering death.

    It would have been better to have stayed in hard lockdown with no easing to get R as low as possible to get the fastest possible decline in infection until we got the cases down to zero (Or close to zero), then we could have opened up with confidence as New Zealand have done.

    As it is, with thousands of infections a day enough people will stay away to make many businesses unviable.

    Full Member

    My 2012 had a conventional size stem.

    Think they used the overdrive 2 on 2012-2014, could yours be a 2011 model?

    Full Member

    @zippykona where did you get your stem? Doesn’t look like a giant one, but struggling to find one with the giant non standard 1-1/4” steerer

    Full Member

    Mud muncher where is your picture?!

    Old pic, shortly after I bought it

    Edit:- can’t manage to embed a pic

    Full Member

    What bars/stem are people running on their anthems?

    Been riding my 2012 x1 29er a lot more since lockdown and I keep thinking I should change the stock 690mm bars and 100mm stem. Always felt I had too much pressure on my wrists and would prefer something more upright. Thinking of maybe an 80mm stem with 760 bars with a bit more rise.

    Any suggestions?

    Full Member

    Alert level just reduced to 3 btw.

    On the briefing yesterday I saw daily CV hospital admissions were at 490 UP from 458 the week before, handjob made some vague reference to downward trends but this is the first time in a long while there has been a rise. Seems like a great time to reduce the alert level!

    Full Member

    Thanks for the tips, gci can do the finance so hopefully the company won’t come up with any objections. Only other issue is I work from home so hardly ever go in the office and would be too far to cycle anyway, but I haven’t seen much evidence that matters much.

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