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  • Off The Beaten Track
  • mudmuncher
    Full Member

    Que similar situation to the yours No TUPE as the original entity I worked for in the UK still existed and I worked for them. They were ‘encouraged’ by the ultimate American owner.

    Yes, I think they are doing this trick – keeping the existing legal entity of my old company alive to do all the dirty work. They’ll liquidate once they’ve cleaned everything up.

    I think they do want to keep me, they just don’t want to pay what I’m on. A number of people have already caved in and signed. I get the feeling they have to make examples of people who stand up to them as the insubordination might spread to other employees.

    Have been there a long time.

    Suspect they would offer me some cash to go and keep quiet. I’d like to expose them though. Can’t really give too many more details incase the bozos in HR stumble across this googling tupe law.

    Full Member

    Their business model is buying up companies – 1 or 2 a year then f*cking people over. Most of the people from previous acquisitions are bitter and resentful. I guess it would be good to know how much I’d get if I went to tribunal.

    Full Member

    I think I can just turn around and say no thanks I’ll stick with my old contract that you have a legal obligation to honour. They can’t pay me less unless I sign their new contract. Suspect they would just fire me though.

    Full Member

    No Union unfortunately.

    Full Member

    My local sainsburys is doing this acer laptop for £149

    Looks pretty good value, but is 2GB ram enough?

    It’s also new not refurb bed as in the link and is available in store

    Full Member

    Under £300 you’re better off going second hand, or getting a desktop. Does she really need a laptop?

    Would prefer a laptop as it takes up less space. Doesn’t need to be lightening fast. I noticed a few in PC world around £300, just wondered if anyone has an recommendations

    Full Member

    Really wanted one with a proper hard drive rather than cloud based as our internet is very slow.

    Full Member

    I think you want the uprated ARBs – in which case, go get them. They’re not illegal. You seem to want to justify them for some sort of safety requirement, and have invented some entirely unsubstantiated theory that accountants have somehow made your van unsafe to save a bob or two. I loathe answering such speculation, but I do remember this (it was a PR disaster for the A class), which suggests if VW accountants thought it makes business sense to make a less stable van just to make a bit of more money, they are asses.

    Haha, I don’t need to justify them if I want them, but not even I’m sure what is going on in the subconscious depths of my brain, so you never know!

    Full Member

    Given that’s exactly what the manufacturer is aiming at my guess would be absolutely standard.

    Just checked the panel vans and they don’t offer the stiffer ARBs as an option. My concern is maybe the engineers decided given the extra 600-700Kg of weight, much of it high up requires uprated ARBs over the panel van, but the accountants decided it would be better to charge an extra £200 to squeeze a bit more out of their customers.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the comments…

    Also just read on another site that although less roll in bends makes you feel you can corner faster the ultimate grip isn’t any better and you get much less warning when you reach the limit before the tyres let go, so maybe the stiffer ARB isn’t any safer.

    Full Member

    It is just uprated stiffer ARBs, the springs and dampers remain the same, so the spring rate wouldn’t change.

    This is a factory option when you order, not an aftermarket kit. I would have thought VW would have tested it out. I’m not actually that concerned about rolling on roundabouts but I just want to pick the best option that will give the safest handling overall over a range of conditions fully and unloaded.

    Full Member

    There are better ways of being concerned about safety than setting your van up for high speed manoeuvres, imho. Don’t be concerned about whether you can stop your van “losing it” @ 100mph on a motorway, but think about what would happen to you, but mostly to those who unfortunately happen to be right next to you, when it does. Then come and tell me you’re concerned about safety.

    Just to clarify I’m not intending to drive it at 100mph or swerve between lanes intentionally, but if I’m on the motorway and I need to swerve to avoid some debris in the road or an out of control sprinter van, I’d like to make sure it is as stable as possible.

    Full Member

    Not looking to turn it into sports car (or drive it like one), but it is a fairly top heavy beast and VW have obviously decided to offers the HD anti roll bars in the option list for a reasonwhich leads me to believe they think it Is necessary. (It is 28mm front and rear vs. the standard 24mm)

    I’m not bothered too much about the roundabouts and don’t mind slowing down for them, I’m more concerned about safety and stability on motorways etc. especially following a merc sprinter van the other day on the M1 at 100mph which changed lanes quickly, rolled heavily and almost lost it.

    I guess the question should be will the heavy duty anti roll bars make the handling safer.

    Full Member

    Looks like there is an extra 600kg+ of weight in the california over the standard T6 panel van, so I’m thinking the suspension probably needs some uprating, but maybe the heavy duty anti roll bars are not the answer.

    Full Member

    porter_jamie – Member
    How much is a brand new wheel from the dealer?


    Tallpaul – Member
    Is it a small wheel with a high profile tyre and plenty of metal at the rim or a 19″ wafer thin rim with rubber band tyres?

    If the former, then it might be ok. The latter probably not.

    Personally, i’d just replace the wheel.

    Not really low profile by modern standards, its 17″ but 245/45 profile on a big car

    Full Member

    Do you “de-vein” them first or just chuck them on?

    Full Member

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Strange thing is I often find food in restaurants too salty and generally don’t put salt on any other food, so don’t think I’m particularly prone to liking loads of salt.

    Maybe it is the combination of potato and cream as maccruiskeen mentions that necessitates extra salt?

    I only use 1 stock cube by the way, 5 seems excessive!

    Full Member

    yunki – Member
    At the risk of sounding a bit (ok a lot) Hitlery..

    Is there nothing we can do to reduce the impact of the ignorant and belligerent on society? I mean.. these **** idiots are actually breeding and raising children, it’s not exactly good for evolution is it.. ?

    We now have a fairly clear idea of where they are, and how many of them there are (about 52% of the turnout)

    Obviously no-one’s going ahead with Brexit cos it’s daft, but could we not be prioritising the building of a giant cannon* to fire Brexit voters into space? Once that’s done we can all have a good laugh, breath a collective sigh of relief and go back to living like normal civilised human beings

    *if we get enough velocity they’ll burn up as they exit the atmosphere which should provide us with a nice celebratory firework display

    Finding the hypocrisy of some of you guys quite amusing.

    E.g. Islam is a ideology in the same way the beliefs behind leaving or staying in the EU is an ideology.

    As a fully paid up atheist I often raise an eyebrow at some of the crazy things religious people believe, but if I were to write the above about Muslims rather than brexiteers you guys would quite rightly go nuts.

    Full Member

    FTSE spent most of Jan, Feb, March below 6000 and it is now above 6000. It’s hardly a disaster. Also the pound is now stronger against the Euro than it was back in early April.

    There is much ignorance and misreporting going on. Of course if you look at the numbers over the last 24Hrs it is a big of a drop given the expectation of a remain vote, but in the scheme of things it is just noise.

    Full Member

    FTSE100 higher than it was this time last week – Not sure why the beeb keeps on talking about billions being wiped off the markets (in the last 24hrs maybe, but not at all in the scheme of things)

    Full Member

    Shoot the lion unfortunately.

    This man was obviously very unwell and as a consequence of his illness he ended up in a lion enclosure, through no fault of his own. I.e. If he wasn’t ill and of rational mind he wouldn’t of done this.

    Full Member

    Junkyard – lazarus

    See third world sweat shop or the dark satanic mills to see what unregulated business would do to the working classes

    Most of these third world sweat shops are in corrupt, undemocratic nations.

    Workers rights will not be eroded while we….
    A. Live in a democracy
    B. Have vastly more workers than employers

    (unless of course the workers vote for it)

    This is why the EU is so dangerous, it is totally undemocratic, corrupt and open to manipulation from big business.

    One of the reasons the late Bob Crow, trade unionist and champion of the working man was so vehemently opposed to the EU project.

    Full Member

    Its not free to do as it please it has to comply with the EU rules or it has to leave. It wants to cherry pick what it agrees to , the EU declined so my point that they have to harmonise is true then.

    What point do you think you just made there?
    I don’t think anything is final yet. Switzerland are not bound by EU law, they may have made a few concessions to get a free trade deal, but their people have spoken and democracy will prevail. If the EU can’t stomach this then maybe they will leave.

    The claim is that they take home more than him not that they are paid more
    The bottom line then, is they are paid more, glad you agree!

    I have no idea how anyone could reach that conclusion from that post it surely took effort to get it that wrong.

    Seems you are trying to win an argument based on semantics.
    Ok, so they may not be “paid” more, but they certainly trouser, pocket, snaffle, (call it what you want) more – whether that is through fiddling expenses or having special low tax rates. If anything that is worse in my book.

    Full Member

    @Jambalaya – good points.

    Lets also not forget Cameron’s ridiculous assertion that Brexit could trigger WW3 in Europe!

    If that’s not bullshit I don’t know what is.

    Full Member

    Switzerland is in the single market and has to harmonise with all the EU rules…did it mention that – its not really “outside” in the sense Brexiters want to be outside

    Oh and it pays and has free movement of people to get access to the free market

    You can check the Switzerland part from 51 mins onwards. Switzerland like any other country outside the EU is free to do deals with the EU if it sees fit and of course any other country selling outside of the EU would have to harmonise with EU rules for products shipped into the EU area. However the Swiss recently voted in a referendum to limit immigration so the EU will have to suck this up or kick Switzerland out of the the free trade agreement.

    this explains how one has to add pensions, tax rate, pay and benefits and then use “take home pay” to get to that point.

    The bottom line then, is they are paid more, glad you agree!

    Full Member

    OK, granted maybe they could have toned down the intro, nevertheless there are some interesting facts in this film such as over 10,000 of the unelected EU bureaucrats (1 in 5) are paid more than David Cameron! Also some analysis of how Switzerland has fared outside the EU.

    Full Member

    Brexit – The movie

    Some very good arguments for voting out, without mentioning immigration once.

    Full Member

    Well X doesn’t take into account the £500 you owed from the previous year, just what you are required to pay based on your 2014-2015 salary and benefits and so they’re adding it on.

    Yes, but it says they alread collected it in the 2014/15 tax code?

    The £500 is in box 7 on the PDF generated from the online form…
    “Underpaid tax for earlier years included in your
    tax code for 2014–15 – enter the amount shown as
    ‘amount of underpaid tax for earlier years’ from
    your P2, ‘PAYE Coding Notice’”

    No, this means that it wasn’t paid previously and is therefore added to 14/15 calculation (code). Doesn’t explain why it wasn’t collected earlier – increase in earnings 13/14? A capital gain? Dividends?
    Are you doing it online?

    Yes online, I’d assumed when it says added to 14/15 tax code it meas the tax code for last year rather than the calculation, seems very ambiguous if they write code when they mean calculation. They explained it wasn’t collected earlier because I went onto self assessment in 13/14 and they didn’t have time to reflect some changes in the 13/14 return.

    Seems tax code did change for 14/15 year but not mid tax year. Also it seems I was on a M1 emergency code for most of 13/14 if that makes a difference.


    I get several letters every year and I have one job, PAYE and my Salary hasn’t changed for years….

    They had my old address as a correspondence address until fairly recently so wasn’t getting coding notices

    Full Member

    Never got a notice of coding letter as far as I can see, will check if my tax code changed, but assuming it must have because it said on the return the £500 was already added to my 14/15 tax code. They provided the calculation for X based on income and benefits so assume this is correct. Just don’t understand why this £500 is being added on.

    Full Member

    Just PAYE regular employee, I’m assuming my tax code was changed to collect this £500 as this is what was showing online when I went into the return

    Full Member

    Used to love the ‘wayman!

    Must be 20+ years since I went.

    I remember there was a blond haired guy who used to turn up on his own every week in a white escort van and stand in the middle of the dance floor playing air guitar from the very first song till the last in a world of his own – a good 6-7 hours of air guitar each week, didn’t seem to have any mates and always made us chuckle.

    Full Member

    I had a virus from hell a long while back and couldn’t get out of bed for 10 days. It took be 7 or 8 months to get back to normal and I also had strange symptoms and convinced myself I had something terrible.

    If you have a bad virus/illness your immune system can go into overdrive and not switch off when it should and this can make you feel ill. Your brain is no different to any other organ in your body and can also be affected by the immune response causing fatigue and possible anxiety/depression. You just need to make sure you don’t get yourself into vicious circle of fixating on it too much and stay positive.

    You will get better, don’t worry!

    Full Member

    I already witnessed some slightly dodgy antics from this estate agent a few months ago, so I certainly think they are capable of making up bogus offers. I guess there is no way to find out.

    Was thinking of going in with a sale price -10% but now I’m concerned if there is another offer I could miss out, but don’t want to be duped into a higher offer if it isn’t real.

    Full Member

    your pics look really good without the flash Grum.

    If I do use the flash usually set the flash comp down to -1 or less so it is subtle.

    Full Member

    If people have photos taken inside at night just using domestic (or pub etc.) lighting I’d be interested to see them

    the rx100 does really well in poorly lit indoor situations by virtue of the excellent flash. It is a lot more powerful than its size would suggest, it has a flash comp setting so you can adjust the strength and most importantly you can angle the flash upwards with your finger to bounce off the ceiling to avoid the artificial shiny forehead look you get with forward facing flashes.

    Full Member

    Thank you dentists of STW for taking the time to explain this in more detail.

    Will take her to the dentist next week. (Or just hang out in Waitrose)

    I just googled the pH of apple juice she sometimes has and was surprised how acidic it is. I guess it would be wise to get her off that if the enamel is a bit weak.

    Full Member

    Timpsons do a “watch battery for life” where they will keep replacing the battery FOC for the life of the watch.

    This is great because the battery they put in only lasted 6 months but bad because I’m buggered if I can find the receipt!

    Full Member

    Looks a bit like the “mild” pic below whitish slightly chalky patches but more in the middle of the tooth rather than at the end shown in the pic.

    Also her front teeth can be a bit sensitive with cold drinks. Bottom adult teeth are fine.

    Full Member

    The visible bits of adult front teeth are forming at or just before birth. Similar to the first adult molar teeth.

    If this is the case doesn’t that rule out excess fluoride causing the white spots as she wasn’t brushing her teeth then?

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