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  • Vote Here! ‘Just Riding Along’ Photography Finalists
  • muddy@rseguy
    Full Member

    Now this is a new emotion that I have…garage envy! 🙂

    Full Member

    Yes, but a man can dream cant he?

    Full Member

    I just want to see Ferarri finally ditch Massa and do something really mad like give the seat to Kobyashi….now that would make 2013 an epic season 😀

    Full Member

    If you already own an Exposure Joystick then you can use the Velcro headband they also sell (costs about a tenner) : works really well for night running. TBH 1200 lumen lights are a bit of overkill for running unless you are Usain Bolt 🙂

    Full Member

    Batman11 took the words right out of my mouth. +1 for Darren at Strada 🙂

    Full Member

    As far as I know it’s not illegal to eat roadkill and it’s not poaching if the game birds are not on the landowners property ( may be wrong about this one but can’t see how you police such things)

    After quite a lot of close calls with Pheasants ( one was crossing the M25….gulp) and having one go bouncing off my windscreen last year on a local road after it flew out a hedge having been disturbed by traffic I think that they are the thickest animals in the world….”Shall I fly away from danger? No, I think I wil run instead…fly high into the air? No, I shall fly at about 2ft off the ground” TBH Clay pigeons have more brains.

    Still, they do taste good roasted ( Pheasants, not clay pigeons) and there are many serving suggestions available :

    Roadkill cookbook

    Full Member

    Ditto the sardines…you can stuff them with herbs and sundried tomatoes and drizzle olive oil over them before cooking too.

    Take some halved corn on the cobb and liberally smear with English mustard and a bit of butter, then wrap the individual cobbs in foil and put on the barbeque for about 20-30 mins…when cooked the mustard becomes sweet as opposed to hot and cooks through the corn, tastes awesome 🙂

    Full Member

    Er, why not try and release the seatbelt? try and reach under the seat back and press the release button … Or am I missing something? There may also be a release button ( press with a screwdriver stylee) inside the actual intertia reel as well.

    Oh and Spooky, just don’t go mentioning who I work for ok? 😉

    Full Member

    Oh dear that pic has caused me to type ROFLPMSL on a chat forum for the first time in my life and actually mean it 😆

    Full Member

    Van driver? It was actually an ambulance…that’s why it stopped.

    Full Member

    Still trying to find that copy of “Nuns World”…

    Full Member

    A ’91 Specialized Hardrock…T bone stem, Brahma bars, LX two finger brake levers, Ground control tyres (fitted after I found out why all my mates called Tioga Mud Dawgs “clog dogs”)

    Sold the bike to my brother when I moved to Germany in the mid 90’s (and bought a Proflex 855… 8) )

    Full Member

    Now I would normally say Mellow Birds ( tagline from the 70’s was “Mellow Birds will make you smile”…more like a Rictus grin) is the worst but I did have the great misfortune to once try “Happy Shopper instant coffee powder” ( snappy name ) and managed to outdo this in spit it out now test by quite some margin…

    Every time someone complains about Starbucks I always remember this.

    Full Member

    All I think has been achieved today is that Julian Assange can now actually leave the one room he is currently in and freely move around the embassy (and obviously enjoy the platter of Ferrero Roche that the ambassador hands out at parties).

    He still cant leave the building unless he wants to be nicked so will be doing a passable impersonation of Tom Hanks in “the Terminal” (only without a slightly odd generic eastern european accent, a group of “hillarious and heartwarming” characters and Catherine Zeta Jones)

    How long do you reckon he will be in there for? My guess, at least 6 months.

    Interestingly there is an election in Ecuador in February…hmmm…. 😉

    Full Member

    The nice thing about a democracy is that if you don’t like it you have a choice:

    Ignore it and don’t vote.

    Vote for someone/something that you feel to be the least worst option.


    Stand for election yourself.

    Please note that if you choose the first option you have won the right to be ignored.

    Full Member

    Oh, really had my hopes up there for a mo….Kate Bush doing a live show….now that really would have made my decade. ah well.

    Full Member

    They could go really leftfield with the music….Cradle of Filth followed by some Placebo? 😉

    Full Member

    Elbow and an en masse conga…. 8)

    Full Member

    The MAMILs were out in force on Boxhill yesterday too (I know, I was one of them 8) )

    The road surface is super smooth and seemed nice and grippy too, pity thats going as well as the speed humps returning too. Ah well, best enjoy it while we can 😉

    Full Member

    29ers? 650b? Pah! Call that niche?

    Why has no one turned up with a singlespeed surly Pugsley or a Jeff Jones and loudly telling all the other competitors that is just sooooo much more real? 😀

    Full Member

    A lot of that course looks a lot like a trail centre….don’t think that’s a bad thing either.

    It also looks like its flippin tough too 8)

    Full Member

    …or perhaps it may be worth looking into to see if its worth doing?

    Note that its a study into whether its worth doing, not a call for a law change.

    The only cyclist I have met who was vehemently opposed to wearing a helmet was the one who had fractured his skull not once, but twice in bike crashes (though, to be fair, he was an @sshat)

    Full Member

    Try “The Graveyard Book” which is utterly awesome, carries on from a Neil Gaiman short story 8)

    Alternatively, try “A graveyard for lunatics” by Ray Bradbury.

    Full Member

    Loving all the negative comments guys….sigh.

    As for the cost: all the transport infrastructure was going to be built regardless, the aquatics centre and the velodrome were also going to be built even if we didn’t get the Olympics ( part of the reason London won the bid…)

    It’s still costing less than two big boats that the navy is getting built, one of which is going to be mothballed as soon as its built…or to rebuild a knackered old plane for £4Bn and then scrap the whole thing becasue we dont really need them and cant afford it…and I am also pretty sure that the Lottery isn’t funding those…

    As for the rather pathetic comments about how all the money gets spent in the south…

    I am pretty sure Manchester (commonwealth Games) and soon Glasgow ( ditto) had or are having a rather large boost from something similar

    Full Member

    Ditto 😀

    Full Member

    Four simple things required for all road users:

    Responsibility: for all of your actions.
    Empathy: See things from other peoples perspective.
    Visibility: Make sure you be seen and you can see what you are doing/where you are going and that others can see this as well.
    Safety (which comes from all of the above)

    I think Wiggins comments about having give and take is probably far more important than the comments about helmets which everyone seemed to pick up on.

    Full Member

    And a much better class of pensioner in Waitrose

    Full Member

    Mine is easy…second lap of Dusk Till Dawn in 2010, if you were there you know just how bad it was. If you were not then try and imagine pushing a bike through a forest in the dark in heavy rain and deep mud for hours on end with no sight of a decent downhill or anywhere you could actually pedal a bike for more than 10 metres and you are surrounded by hundreds of equally miserable,angry, muddy, wet and tired cyclists, oh how we all laughed…My second lap took about 2hrs 50 minutes and was almost fun for approximately the first 2. Oh I forgot to mention I forgot to refill my camelback before my second lap…

    The horror of the course was only matched by the state of the toilet block after 1000 muddy cyclists have used it…

    I am never doing dusk till dawn ever again.

    Full Member

    The zig zags are closing on Wednesday morning, the rest of the route will close on Saturday at 4am

    Full Member

    Frontline and a good powerful vacuum cleaner is the best way, never really got the flea sprays to work well(just dont vacuum the cat as in my experience they dont seem to appreciate this even if you use the “deep pile carpet” setting) As for flea powder treatments ro collars for cats they really dont work well enough or at all to justify the hassle.

    Get the cat treated with Frontline as this means that all fleas that bite it are then infected and cant reproduce any new fleas at all, dont forget to get the cat re-treated every 6 months, the vet has a super powerful injection that is better and lasts longer than the spot treatments you can buy. Regularly Hoover everywhere in the house that the cat goes ( sofas, carpets, beds etc) and wash/clean all soft furnishings too . It does take about 6-8 months to fully clear all the fleas out of the house but the difference within a few weeks of starting is pretty dramatic. Ditto with the flea comb too.

    Full Member

    IIRC the external drive needs to be reformatted before you use it as a media drive for a Panasonic telly, tried this once after much faffage when we first got it and decided it was far too much hassle.

    Full Member

    John Lewis do good bike cover included at no extra cost in the home and contents insurance

    Full Member

    Kanedas’ laser rifle in Akira (with the motorbike of course)

    Failing that, the Gun Carriage from “Against a dark background” or a decent knife missile 8)

    Full Member

    If Stanmer is riding anything like it was on Saturday evening then you’ll have a blast, today is far more sunny and less wind too, perfect 🙂

    BTW, Mings’ Tree of Doom really should have Plaque or something on it now such is its fame…. 😉

    Full Member

    Davidson has a broken t11 and t12 vertebrae…ouch!…apparently he did try and restart the car and try and get it back to the pits after that crash… 😯

    Full Member

    Oh and “Ich habe Durchfall ” is a very formal greeting to be used in all important business meetings 😉

    Full Member

    the phrase “Noch ein bier bitte” got me through a few years of living there…

    Full Member

    Singletrackmind, thats obviously not right…(have you been out windsurfing since being bitten?)

    Regardless please go to A&E or see a Doctor now (and stop using the Internet for self diagnosis or NHS direct for useless advice….)

    Or try the GoPro and scalpel option 😯

    Full Member

    The volvo system is not really the one to go looking at as all the current manufacturer systems are either partial assistance (adaptive cruise control, brake assist, lane departure warning or parking assist) or work at crawling speeds.

    Have a look at the fully automatic system that Google have done which really does work very well.

    Full Member

    Awesome job, well done 8)

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