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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • muddydwarf
    Free Member

    I think you’ll easily find someone who would want it. I’m curing mine as its going in my home wood burner.
    If I use it in my chiminea I’ll burn it any old time.

    Free Member

    I’m lazy, it’ll definitely be slung in!

    Free Member

    Some of it is Leylandii, all conifer though. There is more to come, as my neighbour hasn’t cut the main trunks into manageable sized chunks yet.
    I have an unused space at the side of my shed that is a little suntrap. May just fill it with the wood & let the summer do its work.

    Free Member

    Have it in a slat sided log store so will have plenty of wind through it.
    Splits rather easy doesn’t it? Only felled yesterday.

    Free Member

    Jeez, Ospreys are really awful aren’t they? I said after the red card that there would be two tries – never thought it would come from the oppo!

    Free Member

    The Wicker Man was a show put on by a group called the Dogs of Heaven, a fire/performance art group composed of a bunch of punks/crusties/anarchists etc from the Hulme Cresent flats in Manc.
    We made the frame from some old roof timbers that we ‘liberated’ from a derelict police station in North Manchester, IIRC someone rented the lockup next door & a hole was made in the wall in order to access the roof space:)

    Free Member

    Worked at Glastonbury (as a performer) back in 1992.
    For those who are old enough, it was the year of the burning Wicker Man – I was part of the act. Seem to recall spending a lot of time basically baked whilst covered in body paint, playing with fire toys in a really dodgy manner.
    Great Fun!!

    Free Member

    Worth the £60?
    The caverns were the same price but we were underground for 3hrs.
    Do fancy velocity though!

    Free Member

    We originally planned to do Velocity, but it was fully booked. Fancy doing that as well although it would be an expensive day out.

    Free Member

    This High Hedge Act, how easy is it to get action on it?

    My next door but one neighbour has a line of Leylandii & Fir trees that are a good bit taller than the houses.
    I’ve spoken to the council, who say that because its on private property they cannot act.

    Free Member

    Again, old techniques to counter old weapons. How heeavy, hot and visible would titanium shark mail be – to cover the neck and limbs?

    As someone who has spent a fair bit of time wearing a lot of medieval armour, I can tell you this:-
    It’s VERY heavy, VERY hot & restricts your movements even when its made to measure. It’s ok to say “but we’ll make out of Ti” but you forget the heavy padding that goes with maille. Without that padding its pretty useless, with it it’s horribly warm & heavy.

    Free Member

    I’ve read reports of him having Kenyan ancestry?
    If correct, he may well be of mixed Anglo-African heritage.

    Free Member

    There has been a huge change in the UK since the Scottish vote on Independence, so its quite understandable that the question is asked again, and that the result may well be very different next time.
    I haven’t discovered any great longing for continuing the Union amongst family,friends & colleagues although I quite accept that this may well not be representative of rUK as a whole.

    Free Member

    I occupy an odd position I suppose, I want us to remain in the EU as I can see how the benefits outweigh the negatives; but the reverse is true for the Union with Scotland.
    I never cared much at all, but the last few yrs have brought me to the conclusion that enough people in Scotland hate being in that Union that we (rUK) can never square the circle and keep everyone happy enough to continue. To that end, I say let’s just end it & move on.

    As for rUK, that’s a conversation England,Wales & NI can have once the Scottish question is dispensed with. I have no great feelings either way on that one other than suspecting Wales would suffer more than England.

    Free Member

    Exasperated? I can go with that.
    I just see this whole subject as a waste of time & effort. Any benefits of Union with Scotland are rapidly being eroded by the negative aspects of the argument in my view, I just don’t see what the long term benefits are in keeping it going.

    Free Member

    If you want to think that, I don’t particularly care.
    My view is that the dissolution of the Union is inevitable, so why waste time & effort on trying to keep a population in a Union they nor we appear to want?
    I’d rather we concentrate our efforts on fighting the idiocy of the leave voters TBH.

    Free Member

    Not that I’m aware of. I can only go from personal experience, but the only people I personally know who are strongly pro Union are Scottish. The rest vary from being strongly anti Union to not giving a toss about it.

    Free Member

    I’m not. I want an end to it.

    Free Member

    more fear mongering. England would vote for the union

    You reckon?
    I was out for a meal with friends last night, this subject came up. Not one person around that table wanted to continue a Union with Scotland.

    Free Member

    :lol: :D

    God the whole ‘Ireland we are Special and we deserve two anthems’ thing is tiresome. When Ireland play New Zealand we now get three anthems and a **** dance before kick off. Get on with it!

    You owe me a beer!

    Free Member

    The Curry twins are going to be in the senior squad sooner rather than later as well.
    Alex Shaw was saying last night that “they were a force of nature,ripping up props like they were 12 stone scrum halfs”.

    Very glad Sale got them on 5yr contracts recently.

    Free Member

    Apparently a poll in today’s Telegraph shows 2/3 of respondents place ‘keeping Brexit’ over keeping Scotland within the Union.
    OK, we all know what types are most likely to A) read that paper & B) respond to a poll in it, but it does show how some aren’t at all bothered about ending the Union.
    Personally I think it is inevitable and would rather we focused our efforts on fighting the insanity of Brexit as much as possible.

    Free Member

    TJ, whatever an Independent Scotland calls its currency, it won’t be in a currency union with rUK, that isn’t going to happen. The assets question will be solved, as will any potential liability question, but we aren’t going to be sharing any form of currency. That after all is a major point of Independence.

    Some on here have poo-pooed the idea of Scotland setting up its own Central Bank, I wonder what the obstacles would potentially be.

    Free Member

    Well, the main reason for not allowing Scotland to use the £ is why should we (rUK) be acting as a backstop for any financial shenanigans by a Scots Gov’t?
    Anyway, that is merely a debating point as it isn’t going to happen. That was settled last time round.

    So, take the £ out of the equation & what else helps/hinders the establishment of a Scottish Central Bank?

    Free Member

    so what’s the big draw in retaining it?

    I’m not convinced there is that draw so much anymore tbh.
    I’ve said before that i don’t know many people at all who have any great desire to keep Scotland in the Union, in fact the only ones I know who do are Scottish.
    Of course this isn’t representative across all of rUK & its social strata, just that in my personal experience non-Scots don’t feel much attachment at all.

    Free Member

    Can someone explain to me please, why Scotland cannot have its own Central Bank completely separate from the BoE.
    I’m no expert obviously, but what are the current obstacles to such a bank existing?

    Free Member

    64-0 to the Red Roses.
    Whilst it’s an amusing score line I can’t see how that will do anything to help grow the women’s game in Scotland.

    Free Member

    I once met a small group of Mormon missionaries in the town centre on a Saturday evening, poor souls looked so out of place amidst the drunks.
    Had a fairly long chat/discussion/argument with them, my premise being that Christianity in general was descended from older religions & that the Mormon faith was based in the American desire to be at the centre of everything even a 2000yr old Middle Eastern faith.

    In the end they said they would look up the histories of the older faiths & gave me their book – its an odd belief system & I found it extremely self-congratulatory in the idea of Americans* being a ‘chosen people’.

    *Mormon Americans of course.
    They all seemed very nice, very earnest middle class Yanks, like sheep surrounded by wolves in Rochdale on a Saturday night of course!

    Free Member

    The Omnia pass? We’ve looked at that & will probably buy one before we go.
    I’m a bit of a history fan, and the chance to stand where Cicero & Cato stood is what I’m looking forward to.
    Hotel is Bed & Breakfast, but after that I suspect I’m going to be overloaded with choice for meals!

    Free Member

    That’s how we plan to get around, the hotel is only 1.5km from most of the ancient attractions.
    Will be there for four nights so plenty to cram in.

    Free Member

    Man, just caught the news.
    Just want to wish you all the best of everything.

    Free Member

    Sale will still have possibly the smallest squad in the Prem, so I expect him to get lots of game time. Will possibly mean Cameron Neild moving up to hooker, which is where he apparently wants to be anyway.
    Also, suspect the wage bill will mean he’s a regular starter.

    Free Member

    Breaking News (ish..)

    Josh Strauss will be announced as a signing for Sale Sharks tomorrow, for the 17/18 season.

    Good, but we’ve needed a big powerful lock so i wonder if Beaumont will move to Lock? Wonder how much Strauss will be on?

    Free Member

    For TJ’s sake I won’t post the U20’s result for Scotland/Wales.
    England U20 killed Italy though & Sale’s Ben Curry was MOTM – and there’s two of him!
    Ben and Tom Curry are great prospects so expect to see those Coventry Pests steal them soon..

    Free Member

    I sat on a case where the evidence was distinctly dodgy, coming from a person known to have a grudge against the accused.
    It being a Friday, most of the jury were happy to go for a quick guilty verdict but myself & another argued & argued until we got the not guilty verdict. I feel good about that.

    Mind you, the first case was a defence so stupid the accused deserved prison for that, let alone the actual crime!

    Free Member

    TBH, I’m not sure I’d like to put that to the test – I adore chocolate & put me in that environment & I may just do a ‘Mr Creosote’…

    Free Member

    Sure, but the 1940s were an outlier. Go back to earlier in the 20th century, and the middle classes were gorging themselves on vast quantities of meat, while the working classes were getting whichever cheap calories they could find, such as bread and margarine.

    That was kinda my point, when left to its own devices, the population (when it could afford to) ate massive amounts of unhealthy foods, the poor ate smaller amounts of extremely unhealthy foods in the main.

    Rationing forced the population to eat better/more healthy by spreading the good stuff (veg etc) around to all sectors of society, resulting in a healthier population.

    As for the earlier point about folk working hard, I have a physical factory job & im still slim at 9 stone & 49yrs old.
    Most of my friends are somewhat ‘challenged’ in the waistlines in comparison – certainly those in office jobs.

    Free Member

    Just been watching ‘Further Back in Time for Dinner’.
    This week set in the 1940’s and the interesting point for me was that in the late 40’s, after almost a decade of harsh rationing combined with scientific nutritional education the British people were the healthiest they had ever been.
    Fast forward 80 yrs & look at us..

    Free Member

    How big is the room?
    We have a nominally 5Kw stove (Hunter Herald 5) in a 16x14x9ft room & it gets extremely warm with the stove going, a fan would be pointless here.
    One thing I would say is make sure your log basket is lined, otherwise you will leak sawdust/chips everywhere!

    Free Member

    Maitland went off injured as well, Scotland’s body count is racking up.

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