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  • Review: The Fix It Sticks Mountain Kit brings shop tool functionality to the trail
  • muddydwarf
    Free Member

    One, i don’t know how to post a pic & Two, if i did without permission i’d die!

    Free Member

    :) but she is 32D…..

    Free Member

    I scared the poo out of myself to be honest, especially after promising to stab the bloke who was playing around with the ex behind my back on the Sunday.

    Free Member

    Time to give MIND & the doc a ring i think…

    Free Member

    Terrahawk – that’s what worried me.

    I’m currently taking the happy pills as well, wonder if my doc can fix me up with some councelling?

    Free Member

    Well there is that!

    99% of the time i’m really placid on the road, wave cars past me, say thanks etc obey the rules, don’t jump red lights etc.
    It’s only when people drive as though i’m not there even though i’m in plain view that i get angry.

    Free Member

    I was there 18 months ago & went on a jeep safari-type trip.
    I asked the Scots bloke running it if anyone did mtb tours etc round the island as it would be an ideal place to ride – if a small island.
    It appears no-one runs tours & that pretty much all the island is private land – olive groves etc. – therefore you would have one hell of a job finding the owners of the land let alone getting permission to ride on it. Greeks tend to take ideas like trespass rather seriously!
    I did see quite a few tourists on hire bikes though, proper clunkers they were.

    Free Member

    Well, i re-enact the WoTR so the C14th/C15th in Europe has a particular appeal for me :) The WoTR is often derided by serious historians as a petty spat before the rennassiance hit the shores of Britain but it is an interesting period.
    Also have an interest in the British Civil Wars of the C17th – specifically John Lilburne & the Leveller movement, but also in it’s wider context of the wars of religion that raged across Europe that Century.
    The Peninsular Wars as well, although i’m actually finding the history of Britain’s Empire rather amusing in that it was never actually intended to be, and that as time went on the UK Govt. tried to prevent the aquisition of more lands yet seemed unable to do so!

    Free Member

    Er, George refused to renounce his Christian Faith & was therefore killed by Roman Officialdom.

    His Cross represents his blood flowing between the white limestone paving at the site of his execution.

    Free Member

    But Simon, what we may call ‘cheaper’ the general (i.e. non-cycling) public tend to think “HOW MUCH!!!!”

    Free Member

    Aye Simon, my first hardtail cost me more in parts than i bought it for!

    Free Member

    RichPenny – i was planning to take my pedal spanners so she can have a go on my bike, cake is another excellent idea!
    Planning on finishing at the pub ‘cos she likes her real ale & a pint will be a nice end to the ride.

    All good ideas everyone.

    Free Member

    No ‘urban singletrack’ apart from the canal & there aren’t any woods around here – it’s moorland all the way!
    Where she lives is right on the edge of the Pennine hills, any way we ride is going to involve heading uphill i’m afraid :( still, she will have some good views when we get to the top!
    There are lots of little sections i can show her, must just remember to keep asking if she’s had enough.

    Free Member

    She’s been out on the local trails on her own – allegedly, i don’t know exactly where she’s been riding.
    10 miles sounds about right, factor in the hills & the getting off & pushing that will inevitably ensue (her, not me! ok, both..) and i think that will be enough for her.
    I’m aiming to take her to see the local area from a viewpoint she hasn’t been to before as a way of encouraging her riding.
    I’ve given her a backpack & helmet as well.

    Free Member

    There are some nice little sections she can practice on – unfortunately they are all up on the top of the local hills, she might not be too happy when we get there!

    Free Member

    In Nov 2007 i split with my fiancee, not my idea!
    After several weeks of talking she agreed to give it another go. This led to me tiptoeing around her, accepting all her little foibles & going without any form of sexual contact because she didn’t feel like ‘it’.
    Without warning almost a yr to the day later she upped & left because she didn’t love me.
    Hurt like a bar-steward to be frank & i came very, very close to doing something extremely stupid & VERY final.
    5 months down the line she is seeing someone else i believe – & so am i.
    I’ve had more sexual fun in the last 2 months than i had in the last 6yrs with my ex-fiancee.
    Ok, sex isn’t the be all & end all but if it’s not there then there really is nothing left.
    xherbivorex – get out & stay out. You are worth infinitely more than that horrible situation, believe me for i was there around Xmas/New Year.
    It feels like you are worthless & no-one will ever want you so you stick with what you have. Thing is mate, you DON’T HAVE ANYTHING WORTH KEEPING.
    Sorry for shouting but you know it’s the truth.

    I always sneered at the term ‘depression’ but since being diagnosed & recieving medication my life is a LOT easier & once you have given yourself space & time in which to think you will see where your life was going wrong.

    Kick her out or get out yourself, see your Doc & get help. It’s not something to be ashamed off.

    Good luck bloke.

    Free Member

    Just finishing a bottle of Rioja – very nice, also just polished of a bag of popcorn whilst watching ‘Defiance’.

    Free Member

    excellent stuff, thank you very much!

    Free Member

    oo ta!

    Free Member

    Oi Flashheart – i’m a Northerner & i follow rugby, Sale supporter!

    Free Member

    Aye, i’ll be sad to see ‘Seabass’ leave us at the end of the season, he’s been a real draw for us!

    Free Member

    There are certainly records of siege artillery being used in this Country – Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick took his two great guns ‘London’ & ‘York’ to Northumberland to reduce several castles held by Lancastrian rebels during the early part of the Wars of the Roses.

    Not sure about non-gunpowder projectile artillery though.

    I have fond memories of doing a show at Barnard Castle, coming back from the pub around midnight & using the trebuchet to land water-balloons in the camp of the opposition – got one right in the fire!

    Free Member

    There is the Boot Beer Festival at the beginning of June 8/9th i think.
    Went last yr & had a great time, going back this year and this time i’m taking the bike!

    Free Member

    xherbivorex –

    I’m sorry to hear your news. The same happened to me 5 weeks before Xmas & it’s not been a good time – we were together almost 9yrs as well.
    The thing is this; i let it all get on top of me & in the 1st week of the New Year i came unnervingly close to doing something absolutely stupid & extremely final.
    If you start to get those feelings please, please, please speak to your doctor. I did & whilst i hated opening up to him the medication he prescribed me has helped to stabilise my thought patterns & whilst i am still sad & upset i’m no longer suicidal.

    Yes, life is cr@p at the moment & we both know it won’t get better in a hurry.
    However, have faith that it WILL GET BETTER.

    my e-mail is in my account thingy if you want to get in touch.

    Free Member

    Well i have to say my ‘troubles’ are more linked to personal problems than SAD – although SAD does have an impact,
    I came extremely close to hanging myself last week. No drama meant, that just how close i came to being a ****t.
    It’s not an easy thing to admit & i am grateful to my friends for pulling me through this crap.

    Think on people.

    Free Member

    Well considering my libido has taken a real kicking anyway because of the ex, i don’t think i’m too bothered about that right now!
    I’m going to give MIND a call, apparently they do 6 hrs for free & they have a branch in town.

    Free Member

    CBT ?

    Free Member

    Ta OMITN & mrsflash :)

    Last week was bad – silly bad. found myself outside B&Q ready to buy a rope, that’s when i knew it was time to see the doc. I’ve always been somewhat down at this time of year but add that to the effects of my personal life going t!ts up & it all got on top of me.
    So far the meds haven’t made me ill apart from a little ‘loose bum’ effect on the first day.
    So far so good n’all that….

    Free Member

    Well the doc has just prescribed Fluoxetine for me :(

    It’s been a bad couple of months & i crashed (mentally) big time just after New Year. Feel more stable now but hope i don’t have to be on the pills for too long!
    More bike time i reckon!

    Free Member

    excellent – thank you!

    Free Member

    Have you worked out the cost of the gas you use yourself ?
    Are your readings ‘read’ or estimated ??
    You will find that by working out the average monthly cost yourself it is often lower than the suppliers figure – never ever take their word for it as all businesses need a cash flow and the energy suppliers are the worst for over charging… I always phone my supplier when they try to put up monthly payments and bollock them.. if its an incorrect judgement by them… “

    My current bills are ‘estimated’ after having the meters read at the beginning of Novemember (i think).
    I get completely confused by the way the energy Co.s total up the cost of units used

    Free Member

    I am!
    Two t-shirts, one fleece & two pair of socks.

    Have been known to wear the above plus fleecy bathrobe when it’s really cold. Pretty mild at the moment though – compared to last week.

    Free Member

    My combined gas/electric bill went up from £77 per month to £104.

    Thing is, now i’m single my usage should be much lower. I have the heat on for an hour before i get up to take the chill off, then from 4:30 til 9pm set at 17/18 degrees. However, my windows are shot so really need to get new windows & doors, where i’ll find the cash i don’t know :(
    Front room is the draughtiest & coldest room as well.
    Only run the washing machine 1-2 times a week & don’t use the tumble drier anymore – all hung in front of the radiators.

    Hopefully i’ll be in credit by March.

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