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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • muckytee
    Free Member

    I like those.

    The bloke in the hat is a favourite

    Free Member

    I go MTBing once a week so that means I wash my outer clothes once a month. As for shoes, can’t really wash those, I remove the laces and take the insoles out to dry them. However I always wear clean socks before a ride and this helps reduce the festering.

    I do think the OP has a point though, since it’s the base layers and under shorts that soak up most of the sweat. Out clothes tends to stay clean (mud aside). The thing is though it’s winter; I also have a pair of zymes and I remember in the summer they would smell bad, but they don’t smell now, as I tend to sweat much less in winter.

    An example here I remember not washing my 661 knee pads for about 6 months, they smelt rank, and the smell would cling to my knees even after a shower, they also made my skin a bit itchy.

    Washing all my clothes after every ride wastes energy and water.

    Free Member

    After about 4 rides maximum is when I was my shorts, top and knee pads.

    Base layers and that gets a wash after each ride.

    I apply the sniff it rule – give it a sniff if it smells bad then it needs washing, just mud isn’t a problem, but bacteria is.

    Things go in the bath for a quick rinse before the washing machine, to prevent clogging it with mud.

    Free Member

    Yep older and diesels for that matter – it’s grim up North

    Free Member

    It really makes my piss atomise

    So we have made a high speed line between Leeds and London, where as the rest of the transport network is unreliable, falling to pieces, overpriced and overcrowded.

    Unless transport functions as a network it will always be the above. Take myself as an example for me to get to London I have to: Get a bus (shows up when ever it wants) then I have to get a train to Leeds (again frequently late and overcrowded) fair enough the last part of the route is nice and quick, but it doesn’t matter since all the hassle involved in getting to Leeds means I’ll be in taking the car instead.

    Edit: We need new rolling stock – which has a top speed of about 100mph, however it should be designed to accelerate and decelerate very quickly, because of the amount of stops on Britain’s railway lines.

    That’s why the local train is slow, not so much because of the time taken for people to board at each station, more because of the time taken for the train to slow down and speed up.

    Free Member

    Warning – may scar you for life

    Matt grey frame with red on it, therefore I have ano Red QR’s and a red brake hose but for the front only. Non of the headset spacers match carbon fibre/branded/unbranded. It also has Avid elixir brakes and shimano SLX hubs (different years 2011 and 2013) F+R out of choice. I wan’t some yellow pedals for it too.

    She’s my dirty whore and I love her.

    And I ride my grey/red bike in a white and green jersey 😈

    edit: I was thinking of throwing in a few purple spacers in for good measure too

    Free Member

    Both, It’s spinning the rear at first, then when I do get going I end up slowing down and stopping, and also getting stuck in the deeper parts, I would then have to walk to less deep snow since if I tried to get going in the deep snow I struggled to even move.

    edit: Downhill wasn’t too bad, although more like sledging on a bike than riding..

    Remove Fear-Limiter-Brake-Toucher – is there a special tool for that – I can’t get mine off 😛

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Thanks gravity-slave, it makes sense that does, I shall be giving that a go next time I ride.

    Free Member

    Here’s my (idea from Chris Ball and his Dirt School dvd) take on the heel down cornering thing:

    Forget about it for now; when you go into a corner lean the bike bike into the corner whilst moving your hips out, do this with the pedals level.

    Now do the same thing again but with the outside foot dropped, you should find that you can move your hips further out and lean your bike more.

    The important thing is to get the bike to lean into the corner and to get your hips (and therefore bodyweight) out. Just dropping the outside pedal does very little.

    I also find closely observing the technique of riders in mtb films helps: Loose again is a favorite.

    – disclaimer I am not an expert, rather just somebody who has tried a few things out and found what works for him.

    Free Member

    I have a single speed with 120mm forks and I don’t have a beard…

    They are coil recons so servicing is really simple, drop the lowers and that’s it. I prefer the extra control they give in the rough.

    I can see the appeal of rigids, but for me it’s a step too far, next we’ll be fitting V brakes because they are lighter and make riding more of a challenge 😛

    Free Member

    It’s hard to talk to people about issues you may have, without people judging you and then putting you down because of them. Also there is a fear that what you perceive as a problem will be laughed at and deemed insignificant.

    I’ve felt pretty down about a few things; what has helped me has been volunteer work with singletraction and the Middleton railway, since it gave me a sense of achievement and purpose.. But that’s me and I wasn’t feeling suicidal just a bit down. I wouldn’t imagine it’s easy to pull yourself out from feeling suicidal, IMHO prevention is better than the cure; what is making people feel this way in the first place needs looking into really.

    Free Member

    There has been snow on the ground and trains I’ve been using (First TPE/ Northern) have been running well – even arriving early… it should snow more often as it seems to make the trains run better…

    Free Member

    Sure thanks, that’s what I wanted to hear. I’ll only be going from Huddersfield 🙂

    Free Member

    The TOC is “Northern” no reservations required

    Muddy on the train – maybe just take a clean t-shirt in your bag?

    I meant more the bike – leaving muddy tracks and dirt everywhere.

    Free Member

    Does anyone run a SS as their only bike.>? I would probably go 32-16 (or even 18 to begin with)

    After ripping a mech off recently, I was going to give it a go but its the 5 miles of road before I get to the woods that puts me off… (I dont often have the luxury of the car)

    I do, I don’t have a car either. Riding on road with gears allows you to drop a few gears and get it over and done with, on a SS it’s not any harder to ride on road, you just can’t go a any quicker than your gearing allows so it takes a while to get to the fun bit.

    Try riding your current bike without changing gear.

    I run a 36/19 or a 26er btw.

    -Gnarly isn’t that what Jamie Oliver uses to describe food in 15 minute meals?

    Free Member

    CHB – Member
    Plodding boring episode, hardly up to epic xmas expectations.
    New companion went some way to improve it.


    The actors are great, but the material is dull and lacks imagination such a shame really 🙁

    Free Member

    Baltic Fleet – Towers

    Link to my favorite song from the album

    Free Member

    Have you got a girlfriend nickyg1987?

    Because I heard that blondes are more fun.

    A mate of mine had a brunette, now he’s with a blonde the difference is night and day, she is way more fun.

    So if your girlfriend isn’t a blonde, you should dump her and get a blonde one straight away. 😉

    There is more to a bike than wheel size. Saying that 3 more inches in wheel diameter alone will make you a faster rider is absurd.

    You need a bike that makes you feel in control and confident, because if you don’t feel in control and confident when riding a bike, it doesn’t matter if it’s the best bike in the word on paper you’ll be slow and not have fun.

    Of course you can ask people’s opinions, but bear in mind that just because Dave from Norwich says 29er’s are awesome, that is his opinion not hard fact. The same goes for a lot of things: Tyres, handle bar width, QR or maxle – I could go on…

    Bit of rant there, but it just annoys me that anything new or different is always instantly better, just because it’s new and someone in marketing said it is.

    (Yeah I am up at 2am eating cold pizza and posting on singletrack)

    Free Member

    I have never ridden a 29 so don’t know what it’s like!

    Well I suggest you ride one and then a 26er and decide for yourself.

    Can anyone tell me the advantages and disadvantages of a 29er please??

    One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

    Free Member

    ^ Haha been in that situation so many times

    Free Member

    Escort Missions! 👿

    Why is it whilst you’re quietly creeping behind enemy lines, the person you’re escorting always wanders around like a lost child. “don’t go there! Follow me! Oh FFS run, run, run!” (cue crap AI that can’t run)

    Or as above but in Real time strategy games, the AI vehicle being escorted is always slow and manages to get stuck, just at the moment you need to get away.

    Also in RTS games that unit that took all your resources and 1 hour to make, turns out to be painfully slow and when it doesn’t finally fire at something it misses and takes half the game to recharge.

    Free Member

    tri align? No problems with it here.

    When it comes to bleeding, use 1 syringe first at the calliper, then do the lever, allowing the lever to hang down on the bar helps more bubbles to come out. I don’t bother with the bleeding the line since when I have bled it not a single bubble. IMO it makes more sense to do a quick 1 syringe (also only 1 syringe to degas) bleed every 6 months.

    I have to say though my main gripe really when I think about is the Dot 5.1 fluid, disposing of it, taking precautions with it. A right PITA, I am so tempted by the shimano deore brakes ATM.

    Free Member

    Ahahaha – As soon as I read the thread title – I thought Avid Elixirs; I was right 😛

    I have elixir 5’s and they can be a pain at times. I want some hopes, my only issue with shimano’s is that I can’t take them apart.

    Free Member

    Click to go to the BBC review

    Free Member

    +1 matt outandabout

    College education requires more independent learning, nobody will care if she doesn’t try. That year will also allow her to grow up a bit and gain a mature attitude.

    In college tutors didn’t care that I did the bare minimum, so I just drifted through, I needed a more mature attitude.

    Free Member

    Don’t do BTECs this coming from somebody who has done one, and is now unemployed.

    Most universities don’t accept them, and employers don’t care much for them.

    Do A levels (A level maths would be good) then either Uni or an High level Apprenticeship.

    A lot of people want to do apprenticeships, she will be against people older than her and with possible previous experience in the role. To get an apprenticeship you have to convince an employer that you feel passionate about the role and that you are worth spending 4 years of teaching and funding on.

    I also found it really hard to decide what to do at 16.

    I would recommend you put together a short list of jobs she is interested in and then try to get her some work experience, this will help her make a better choice. Maybe even miss out a year for this.

    Free Member

    Zombies! It’s meant to be the end of the world!

    Dwarf zombies, zombies with gas masks, suit wearing zombies… I could go on

    Free Member

    2011 deore HTII triple cranks, running a renthal 36t single ring

    The cranks were ones that came with the bike.

    If I was in the market for cranks I would be getting SLX cranks. Single ring die-hard though.

    Free Member

    Don’t tell him. If he stops giving you the Pot Pourri he’ll start giving you the only thing worse than Pot Pourri…. scented candles.

    Well at least they burn…

    I would burn the pot pourri – maybe it will burn with a coloured flame?

    Or I would go out in the night and place a bag on random peoples door steps, so they get a nice gift in the morning – a bag of pot pouri.

    Free Member

    Want! I love the yellowish colour, reminds me of Dr martens.

    I need to ride my bike more, my current grips aren’t dead yet.

    Free Member

    That’s quite interesting. I bet most people had the same opinion at 16/17/18 (or whatever age they started), that it’s horrible and wonder why anyone would drink it (although perhaps not to the same extent).

    Well I am 19 and like the taste, I’ll down Guinness happily. If any thing the taste (and being bored on nights out) is the reason I sometimes may have a drink.

    But I don’t really drink, since I feel like crap when drunk.

    If somebody could please explain how standing in a room full of sweaty people whilst listening music I dislike is enjoyable, and how drinking a liquid that will make me feel stupid/restless/tired will enhance the situation, do go ahead.

    Even if I could fathom some enjoyment out of drink, it would be overshadowed by the amount that I enjoy myself at music gigs and when mountain biking.

    Free Member

    house of pain jump around

    by a mile, jumping around is fun…

    being confused whether the singer is a guy or a girl is not.

    Free Member

    Cage the elephant:


    Free Member

    My mate drinks nowt but coffee (carpet salesman) and reckons tea is for wimps so i have this retort.

    I want you to now put on your most many voice and say: “I want a skinny latte please” – doesn’t sound right does it? That’s because it isn’t.

    Real men drink Tea.

    I was stating a mere observation. I myself drink tea.

    Edit: I sometimes get a bit fed up of people liking England for those cliche things, they are good in their way, but IMO there is more to this country; that far overshadows the sausages, beans and Queen Lizzie.

    Free Member

    Have you plugged the sink. Taking a bike apart is fun, unlike a sink U-bend, in search for parts 🙁

    Free Member

    There is quite a bit there, I’ll throw in my 2 cents…

    I had a similar attitude of: If I am not the best then what is the point. Then I would think to be the best I must try really hard, so I did “try hard” I would return home exhausted tired and feeling rubbish.

    To be a good rider you don’t need to try hard, you just need to ride and ride and ride, like the best pilots have flying hours, same with riding.

    I found that if I concentrated or simply riding more often; be that wherever, whenever some days I cba and I’d go for a pootle, some days I would shred. I found that it all adds up, because with every ride you gain experience (especially in the UK with it’s varying conditions).

    I also only do what I feel like doing; if I am tired – going racing uphill isn’t going to be enjoyable, but I can do a bit of track-stand practise or something else on that day.

    Ok so you want to race so there will be training involved, but some days you must go ride without an objective, just piss about and remember why you started riding – for fun!

    Free Member

    Ugh, somebody loves the UK for it’s black cabs, biscuits and tea. 🙄

    People drink coffee mostly round here (Leeds) anyway.

    I love Britain mainly because of it’s humour; the banter you get, various piss taking and satire and this nations ability to find a humorous side to all the crap that ever happens – oh and dark humour, a British speciality.

    And yes I would miss the weather if I left the UK, because only in Britain can you return home feeling like you have genuinely achieved something just by simply being outside.

    Free Member

    I see what you’re saying, makes sense.

    I have raced one of the 2 mile people home to his house, me running, him driving. Guess who won?

    Yes but they didn’t arrive all hot and sweaty. That being the argument against bikes/running.

    It is just lazyness, people would rather sit in traffic for 30 minutes than walk for 20. I just don’t understand them.

    Most people will object to walking because of the weather, I’m fine with a bit of rain – just water. But others will whinge.

    Free Member

    Don’t even mention public transport, it is useless – I would know I use everyday to go everywhere, since I don’t have a car yet

    I have already said what needs to be done.

    Since atm there is no viable alternative to using a car to get about in this country.

    Trains pphah! chances you’ll be stuck in the same traffic on a rail replacement service 🙄

    Owning a car is costly enough, increasing tax will not change anything apart from making peoples lives a misery.

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