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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • MTT
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    Free Member

    He doesn’t love it then.

    In summary:

    – Alienware options appear to sacrifice build/design and cooling in favour of high spec CPU/GPU easier to market.
    – GPU prices are crazy, spec something lower in the range from a reputable specialist

    Free Member


    Good point, to this point I’ve never felt the need to upgrade a PC (wish the same applied to bikes) – I’d rather buy the right PC from the start and just be done with it.

    Free Member

    Jakester has given the only advice you need from STW!

    Talk to a professional, although don’t (willingly) hand it over to a solicitor unless you want protracted back and forth and the associated animosity, at great cost… All before realising the law is often quite clear and it was all just a waste of time and the outcome was probably a foregone conclusion.

    Free Member

    Very relatable subject matter, thanks for posting kaiser.

    Free Member

    Similar position, it made sense from a tax perspective to take an EV than pay tax on a vehicle contribution or higher BIK. This won’t always be the case of course!

    That aside, you’re right, they’re more expensive to run than you’d realise.

    Free Member

    Late-2021 Tesla Model 3 Performance here. First EV.

    Range – anywhere between 50 and 75% of claimed, it’s dire TBH, with upcoming energy price increases it’ll (almost) cost as much to run as a diesel 3-Series BMW.

    Performance – Having come from an BMW M2 and then an X3MC, I can confirm it’s astonishingly quick, but pointlessly quick, it’s a sterile experience.

    Function – The iPad fixes a problem that didn’t exist, the lack of buttons, speed in front of you, is tedious and distracting. The auto lights and wipers are rubbish, as is the inconsistent regen braking. The wheels/rim design makes curbing inevitable. You can’t see the door handles at night. Don’t buy the key, it has no buttons, but does at the same time, they rarely do what you expect.

    Other – Other divers seem to get Tesla rage, it’s odd.

    Free Member

    I completely agree, it floated about the road when you expected it to bite and turn in, like driving a waterbed, not confidence inspiring at all.

    Free Member

    Wonderful car, I had one, follwed shorly after by a 435d xdrive.

    Look up issues with the turbo switchover valve.

    The chap who I bought mine off had spent circa 4k of turbo refurb/replacement – when bills come they will be large.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t look to a group of 40 something, forum dwelling, IT professionals to be a reliable barometer of what is ‘vulgar’ TBH. Your flabby arse in lycra is considerably more vulgar than a soft top Evoque – and that’s saying something.

    Anything made by Audi.

    Free Member

    Well… I rarely contribute these days but thought I’d put in my tuppence…

    As a self-employed person:

    – I can’t/don’t deal in cash, my customers are SMEs
    – My partner works for a living
    – I am a limited cost trader providing professional services
    – I don’t wish to drive a van or ride a motorbike

    There are no meaningful tax reduction avenues available to me.

    Creative accounting is a myth – if you want to skirt the bounds of the law, that’s your call – but I couldn’t sleep at night

    I get paid a slightly higher day rate to compensate for the lack of employee benefits.

    I work for 30-40 companies on small projects over the course of a year, being PAYE is not an option.

    I offset the following against Tax:

    – Mileage (45/25p)
    – Home working – £18/month
    – Software licences
    – Insurance
    – Hotel accommodation (when working)
    – 50% mobile phone costs

    When I purchase a £1500 laptop (for example), I do so out of my own operating income, it isn’t free, I don’t pay £1500 less tax, It costs me £1500 less the tax I would have paid on £1500 profit (say £500). So, the ‘free’ laptop actually costs me circa £1000 from my take home pay.

    In short, I pay just as much tax as anyone, commensurate with the conditions in which I work.

    “I have a mate who has a mate who is paid in cash, pays his wife a wage and rides a Ducati to work….”

    Blurting out this nonsense as ‘the norm’ doesn’t help anyone, it simply isn’t representative.

    Free Member

    I rarely post on STW these days but logged in to say that Craig5’s post is incredibly close to my situation (newly divorced), thanks for posting – I’ve not sought people who’ve had similar experiences so this took me a bit by surprise. All very sad.

    To the OP – you sound like a great guy who is looking for a loving relationship. I too believe in ‘the fight’ for a relationship. In this case, given your own considerations (anti-dep etc.), think about writing down your position (you love her, willing to help etc. but not at any cost), send it, ask for some space for a week or two (no visits or messaging), stand back and stand firm, see what happens. Take some control. Some time/distance may give you/her some perspective.

    Look after yourself. Nobod else will.

    Free Member

    M2, if you have some budget flexibility consider an M2 non-competition.

    I’ve just traded an M2 Comp for a 17 plate M2 + ££££. If you want drama, noise, 25 mpg and to live in fear of your life (on a wet day), this is the car for you. Its brilliant. Comparatively analogue by today’s standards… and… that noise…

    Everything *they* say about the Golf R / S3 is true, extremey capable – rapid, sterile, bland, farting, shopping cart.

    Free Member

    TBF, if you have earned over £50k profit a year for the last three years then you shouldn’t really be needing financial help.

    Extraordinary ignorance displayed here – do you feel better for your self-righteous post?
    Consider someone supporting a family on a single income of 51k/year, with no job security, sick-pay or holiday entitlement… income decimated by the current situation.

    What would your advice be? Save harder?

    Free Member

    I agree, I think it’ll be means tested and possibly contain some form of caveat about savings.

    I’m paid 1-2 months after the work is generally complete – large clients, long payment terms. My income in Mar/Apr/May will artificially look okay. My income in June/July/Aug… etc. will be non-existent because work has fallen off a cliff and it’ll take a while to recover, if at all.

    I expect I’ll not get a bean and just have to ride it out.

    Free Member

    Yep, 14 hour days, 12 days on, 2 off. Miserable. A divorce based distraction until I’m back on my feet.

    Free Member

    I have completely flat feet. I now have Altberg sneekers. Revelatory. If it’s support you need, these have it in spades. I swapped the standard insole for a thin flat foam one from some trainers. Never had an issue in 5 years.

    If you go to their factory shop they’ll fit them for properly.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all of the responses above, they’re genuinely appreciated – particularly monkeysfeet’s offer of a chat.
    I have submitted the petition online via the new .gov gateway. My wife (…) has agreed to the terms/wording so it *should* go through ok. It’s all just so disappointing.

    The next step is a Consent Order, I’ll speak to a legal eagle first. Wikivorce has been invaluable.
    Ps. England and Wales – in answer to an earlier question.

    Free Member

    Thanks, no kids or real complications, all amicable

    Free Member

    I live in the peaks – hope valley.

    Out by 07.30, Hope > Edale > Mam Nick > Bradwell > loop round Derwent and the Ladyboy and back.

    The run home was a wash with walkers but that’s par for the course. I’m a walker sometimes. In short, try getting away early and finish up by 10am at the latest.

    Much of the winter none of this is a problem to be honest.

    Free Member

    Agreed, Meh. It has set the scene though.

    My money is on the undead bypassing ‘the north’ and heading to Kings Landing.

    That way we get to cheer them on as they bash the fella with all the boats etc. Setting up a final battle with ‘the north’.

    ‘The north’ = north of the Tyne, south of the wall.

    Free Member

    Jeffc – Pictures of the 6610 or it did not happen..!

    I have;

    – Rolex 1016

    – Rolex 5513

    – Rolex Precision

    – JLC Master Geographic

    – Omega Speedmaster

    – IWC Mark XVI

    I got into the vintage Rolex world just as the prices were on the rise, I’m effectively priced out of it now.

    Free Member

    I’m in Athens, the taxis, bin men, trams and busses are all on strike, called with a few hours notice, extended with no notice. It could be worse…

    Free Member

    The forum is dreadful, borderline unusable – fubar

    Free Member

    Does it really need to say “plug” on the one with a… plug… in it?

    But we didnt know to put a plug in it until we wrote plug on it. Now that it’s got a plug in it makes perfect sense.

    Do the curtains match exactly? If they do OMG.

    If you mean: Are they the same pattern – Yes
    If you mean: When fully drawn, do the curtains line up with the wallpaper – also Yes.

    Free Member

    That wallpaper tho…

    Free Member

    Ps. thanks again for the feedback, I’ve ordered the timer module so should be good to go soon enough.

    Free Member

    Spoken like a true Sparky, but you forgot to say that he needs a new consumer unit too.

    It needs the works.

    The boiler is 36 years old…

    Free Member

    Ok, thanks all, I’ll give it a go.

    rmacattack – that wall wont exist before long… new wiring, heating/plumbing, floors, kitchen, bathroom, quite a few windows… Saving the money is the biggest issue.

    This is a temporary measure to make things a bit easier in the morning.

    Free Member

    Flap – thanks, the issue with the new module is that it only appears to have one earth connection, see page 4 here

    Could you just bodge both earth connections into the same hole/screw?

    Free Member

    You’ll have to ask everyone who subsequently buys a car from Ling and doesn’t get as good a deal as she’s having to cover the costs of cancelled orders.


    Free Member

    Hands up all of those out of pocket because of the actions of the OP?*

    *not those who’ve wasted an afternoon of their employers time reading this.

    Free Member

    If he wants to finance it in his name that’s his business and he knows the risks, his choice

    Wow. Quite… er…. wow.

    Free Member

    If it’s a Mini Countryman, then I’ll be counter-suing.


    Free Member

    Mid 30’s, no pension, self-employed, 29 years years left on an eye-watering (for me) mortgage and a house in need of extensive renovation. Job that takes me all over, never at home. Something has to give!

    Free Member

    Good spot, Miners V Police for me. Great shot.

    Free Member

    What? I think it’s a perfectly rational response to someone looking at Minis.

    For the record I shall be saying no more because this is now in the hands of a solicitor and I’ve been advised not to add anything else until further notice.

    Free Member

    If youre that fussed about them fitting you may consider trying a pair on before purchase.

    Free Member

    This has been a wonderful read.

    It’s actually refreshing to see a business owner call someone out, striking out of deals or not paying bills has a direct impact on someone – it’s just you’re normally insulated from it, and this time the business owner bit back.

    Ling, could you chase some on my clients please?

    I’m the one in the middle east browsing Mini hatches.

    Free Member

    Other than those mentioned:

    Drag me to hell – Comedy genius,
    The Descent
    The Cabin in the Woods
    Get Out
    A tale of two sisters
    The Conjuring – I love a horror but had to take a break during this one.

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