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  • Last Coal V4 review
  • MtbCol
    Free Member

    I work in DC skate shoes. I'm currently wearing DC Centers at work – all black apart from the red logo.
    Comfy as anything and I'm on my feet all day from 6:30 to 5 without any foot problems.

    Free Member

    They were hard to notice if you were up in the town centre – all the noise was being blocked by the harbour buildings, it was quite funny watching the expressions on faces as people realized there were a pair of chinooks hovering a couple of feet above the waves in the South bay 😆

    Free Member

    The wife's watching it. I've lasted up until some eastenders guy has come on, now I'm listening to Planet Rock whilst I upload some holiday photos

    Free Member

    I got an email saying I won a prize in the user survey, sent my details, but still waiting for said prize to arrive.
    Then again I've been away for a week, but there's no delivery card or nowt to say they've tried…

    I'll let you guess on which prize I've supposed to have won 😆

    Free Member

    Fallout 3.
    And the many mods you can install to improve the gamr no end.
    2 must haves for mods are Marts Mutant Mod and Darnified UI.
    Others of note – Fallout3 Wanderers Edition – makes the game more interesting to play and actually turns it into more of a survival game
    Fellout – a nice weather mod that removes the green/brown shading from everything.

    Free Member

    Forget that rubbish.
    Tune into some of the radio stations available – I like to partake of a bit of Planet Rock on most Sundays when I'm at home (0110 on Sky)

    Free Member

    Bloody Well Done Steve!
    A well deserved win – he's been the nearly man on so many occasions, and this one just puts the icing on the cake.
    Top Bloke!

    Free Member

    1 jaw dislocation.


    It certainly hurt!
    I still have problems with it, and there's been quite a few mornings where I've woken up and had to relocae the jawbone back into its socket too. Now that is bloody painful!

    Free Member

    a mix of disturbed, maiden, metallica, nightwish, within temptation, siriena, hammerfall.

    add some Sabaton, Prodigy and Bruce Dickinson solo stuff and you've stolen my mp3 player!

    Free Member

    Do dislocations count?

    2 cracked ribs, a broken wrist and a knackered collarbone to date.
    As well as 2 knee, 1 finger and 1 jaw dislocation.

    Free Member

    Fallout 3.
    I've heavily modified it though, and the game is more fun to play now.
    Did a 16 hour stint last weekend and ended up having the DC ruins turn into a warzone between Space Marines, Supermutants and Talon Company mercs.
    Great fun! 😆

    Free Member

    Here's a nice site for you afficionados of cold war aircraft 🙂

    Thunder and Lightnings

    Free Member

    Same here.

    Free Member

    Not if you get it in April, but that's dependant on how fast FE are. I got mine quickly enough to get a full years usage out of it.

    Free Member

    Got my SingeltrAction pass at the end of April, plus I have a "works pass" as well as a regular at dig days in Dalby. 🙂

    Please, if you ride Dalby a lot, come and give us a hand, many hands make light work and all that, and it's not all hard graft! And you get to have a say in how your trails are built and mantained/improved rather than just moaniing about the bad bits on some internet forum…

    Free Member

    I like to re ride sections in Dalby as I see fit – I guess it's trailbuilders prerogative as it helps us to understand what needs to be improved and sorted out later on. Yes, I walk up against the flow of traffic, but as a rider I'm fully aware of where I am and where riders are going to be should I meet one. The majority of the time, I'm able to walk up as riders go past me at a fair clip.
    To be honest though, I wouldn't intentionally go out to ride Dalby in reverse, and we do pick late evenings to ride opposite sections of trail, fully in the knowledge that we shouldn't meet too many riders.

    As for walkers on the trail, I believe that they shouldn't be there, and if they get knocked they shouldn't have any reason to complain as the trails are fully waymarked indicating that there is a risk of cyclists coming along at a high speed. We build trails to be fun and engaging, with the odd drop and jump – try stopping when you leave a 5 foot drop only to see a walker come around the corner lower down and walk up towards you! It's happened to me and I would have been riding with care and attention over the drop and into the landing, so then try and work out who is at fault on that one.
    This happened on the Black DOA downhill descent in Dalby which has been built with a specific riding style in mind. And it's signposted as such as well. I suppose a walker can be absolved of blame if the choose to ignore a no entry sign at the bottom of the descent.

    Free Member

    Big applause!
    Sit back and bask in the knowledge that you have just disrupted a whole day at work and got away with it!
    Unless your colleagues frequent this site too….

    Free Member

    Not a chance! If I rewound I wouldn't have my awesome 20 month old boy around would I!
    Life might be crap at times, especially in todays climate, but I just have to look at him and as soon as he gives me a cheeky smile and a hug I couldn't give a monkeys about work, money, crap marriage etc…

    Free Member

    the Maestro system is quality, I've been running a Maestro Faith for a couple of years now and the 8" of travel is just fantastic.
    It sticks to trails like poo on a blanket and will absorb just about everything thrown in its path.
    The only downside is that it's bloody difficult to get big air on it unless you put some effort into the jump.
    Surprisingly, for a 8" travel bike, climbing isn't a no go area, run it with a twin ring setup and it'll actually dig in and give more traction for climbing when you drop it into granny. It's slow going, but that's down to the frame weight rather than the suspension system.

    Old setup, have reverted to dual ring setup so I can pedal a bit up climbs instead of walk 🙄

    Free Member

    Agreed. Just to ride the black is a waste of a trip in my opinion, and that's stated as a local trailbuilder.
    Most of the black is the old red stuff, before the new red route was put in place, so expect worn out trails, and plenty of the famous Dalby mud!
    The best way to ride the black is to use some of the options as you ride the red.
    We (SingletrAction) are currently working on a black option up at White Cliffs, we know what we would like to see in a black graded run, but as usual the powers that be at FE are likely to say no.
    Bit of a shame really, as there's scope for some really good black stuff in Dalby, if we were allowed to build them properly.

    Free Member

    Tomb Raider 1 and 2.
    Bad Boys 1 and 2.
    Transporter 1 and 2.

    Free Member

    I really like Kelly Osbournes second album.
    One Word is ace and the rest aren't too bad.

    +1 for Belinda Carlisle too!

    Free Member

    No new maps at present.
    There's no new sections other than the World Cup XC course that have been put in, and the only stuff that's being worked on is a couple of black options up at White Cliffs.

    Best guess for stuff like updated maps and so on would be towards the end of this year.

    Free Member

    It's open, it just needs signposting.

    The plan was to finish with a steep climb up to the fireroad/black boardwalk section, but it was then agreed to drop down to the bottom fireroad and then a not as hard climb up the road to the top, where you can either double back for the black or continue on for the red.
    Personally, I don't rate Crosscliffe as a black, there's nothing really difficult on it to warrant it being black in my opinion.

    Free Member

    I have a Faith with a rear bolt through and I have to completely remove the axle locking nut so that I can remove the wheel – otherwise it gets jammed up in the rear mech and can't be removed without bending the mech hanger.
    Might be something similar on a stinky.

    Free Member

    China decided to try a different format for their National Lottery

    Free Member

    I'm a hammer!

    Free Member

    Proflex 856 frame. Dunno about the forks. I'm guessing thew rear shock is one of those Risse racing upgrades.
    I've got one sitting in my shed gathering dust. I had planned to rebuild it, but the rear shock mounting is pretty much welded tight and I can't be arsed to source another strut and shock unit.

    I guess it'll gather dust and covbwebs for a bit longer until I can be bothered to take it to the tip.

    Free Member

    No idea!
    I'm more interested in the info for this Sundays dig day in Dalby so I can sort out someone to look after junior as the missus is at work.
    On a side note, there's been more issues with this new forum setup that was put in than the previous one, maybe we should rename the forums shonkytraction 😆

    Free Member

    Now dismantled and parts put onto a more suitable hardtail for general trail riding. Was bloody awesome round a 4x track though!

    Frame is gathering dust in the shed if anyone wants to buy it! 😉

    Free Member

    I’m still using a pair of Rob Warner Basejump pedals.
    They’re still going strong after all these years, all they’ve needed is a regrease every now and then.

    Free Member

    Melt them out?
    I take it you’re going to replace the bottom bracket anyway…

    Free Member

    Hmmm tough one.

    Sharon Den Adel (Within Temptation)
    Karen Orzolek (Yeah Yeah Yeahs)
    SArah Brightman

    Free Member

    You want heavy, here you go!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    White Cliffs is back open!

    Oh and stay off the brakes on the new berms, you don’t need to use them! 😈

    Free Member

    It’s ok, I was using that part of the route anyway, so it gave me a chance of a breather. 😉

    Free Member

    Bet it weren’t as loud as these that roared over my house earlier this afternoon! Same amount of engines, but with extra cool! And I just love the “howl” they make as they throttle back 😀

    Free Member

    Yeah that part of the section is really nice, although my favourite at the moment is the last section back to Low Dalby, you can really attack it and get some serious speed up!

    Free Member

    Drop onto the blue/green and then rejoin the red after turning left where the diversion signs are, you can’t miss them.

    That’s my personal preference – that climb up the valley after Oblivion is a right pain in the rear – too long and too boring.

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