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  • Team GB squad for MTB World Champs (plus how to watch it for free)
  • MtbCol
    Free Member

    I'm just waiting to find out the set up regarding marshalling for the weekend.
    I don't think I'll go just to spectate – marshalling an XC race is interesting and can be fun, but just sitting and watching I think I would find a bit too boring.

    Free Member

    Bought a dirt cheap Toshiba laptop for my missus from their site.
    Saved loads and haven't had any issues either.
    Would definitely use again.

    Free Member

    Ghostflowers by Otep.

    Fantastic screamy shouty stuff by Otep Shamaya.

    Free Member

    The torrential downpour we're having today shoudl clear a bit of it away.

    But then again one of our delivery vans was dwarfed by the snowbanks at Blakey pub yesterday…

    Free Member

    The service road that links Low Dalby to Dixons Hollow area should be fun if they haven't had vehicles up and down it….

    Free Member

    DO what we do at work when our vans can't get in our yard by tools parking across the yard entrance.

    Big Knob* the feckers!

    Cut a numberplate size piece out of a cardboard box.
    With a big black marker pen, draw a huge penis on said piece of card.
    Use Gaffer or parcel tape to attach said card to number plate.
    Sit back and smirk when they can't understand why people are looking at them strange/flashing lights/ tooting horns at them…

    Free Member

    We had a nice snowfall last night. Driving conditions were a bit iffy in Thornton and Pickering, so the hill down to Low Dalby itself might be fun.
    Saying that, a nice bit of sun today will clear it all. 🙂

    Free Member

    Nothing bike related whatsoever.
    And I'm pleased – I buy enough throughout the year, I'd like something different for Xmas ta!

    Got one of these… 😀

    Free Member

    I can get hold of most of them from my local supermarket, something like £1.67 a bottle at the moment so it looks like I'll be visiting sometime this week 🙂

    Free Member

    After a session of testing, I've found Circlemaster is in the lead. Now to find a shop that stocks some of the rest to give them a try 😆

    Free Member

    Born in Brentwood essex, moved to North Yorkshire when I was 4, lived in 3 places since then and now settled in Pickering. Am at the stage where I don't feel like moving unless Pickering is earmarked for a nuking from orbit.

    Free Member

    I'm going to throw a curve ball here and suggest something different.


    The art is completely different, mostly black and white pen and ink stuff, but some of the stories are top dollar.

    I would recommend some older stuff to start off with, and for extra niche, try and get hold of some original Japanese stuff (read right to left with the spine on the right)

    Here's a few suggestions;

    Guyver Bio Booster Armour.
    AD Police

    And my personal favourite – Spriggan (Striker in Western format)

    Free Member

    A sidewinder is an air to air missile.

    That's not totally true…

    The Sidewinder’s simplicity has given it amazing flexibility over the years. It can be mounted on virtually any airplane, and although it was designed as an air-to-air missile, it has spawned ground-to-air versions (Chaparral) and airto-ground versions (Focus). It has even been adapted for ships (Sea Chaparral) too small to handle larger antiaircraft missiles.

    Taken from This article

    AIM 9X Block 2 update

    I've heard these stories for ages, and the SR71 speed check always raises a smile from me.

    Buccaneer pilots also had a story about flight levels, where a pilot requested a low level pass of an airfield at some silly level like 50 feet, and when tower gave him permission, the pilot radio's bacl "Roger, Climbing!" Whether it's true or not is open to discussion…

    Free Member

    The highway will scan all frequencies on installation for a clear area in the band it can use. Currently mine's set at 99.9 and I haven't noticed any interference when driving about. If you do get interfeence, a quick press of one button will allow it to rescan and find a clear frequency again. I assume it'll be a bit of a ballache if you have to do it often, but so far I haven't had to change mine since I installed it.

    Free Member

    I have a Pure Highway radio in the car.
    Does a good enough job and is simple to set up and use. The only drawback being is that it uses FM frequencies with your existing radio in its most basic setup, but I'm happy with that.

    Free Member

    I thought you were giving an alternative title for Frasier….


    Free Member

    I find DC shoes are fine for me. And you can pick some up for as little as £25 if you look around.

    Free Member

    Bike: Giant Faith
    Front tyre: WTB Timberwolf 2.5 dual ply
    Rear tyre: WTB Timberwolf 2.5 dual ply
    Type of riding: downhill and drops.
    Your thoughts on said combo: Heavy but are a nice pair for the trails I ride, seem to be a decent compromise for all types of terrain. Just don't expect to climb fast with them!

    Bike: GT Avalanche
    Front tyre: IRC Backcountry 2.3
    Rear tyre: IRC Backcountry 2.3
    Type of riding: Trail centre/xc type stuff
    Your thoughts on said combo: Nice fast rolling tyres and enough grip for most conditions, although get a little skaty in mud.

    Free Member

    shorten the seatpost on the first pic and you'll have an ace rag about dh hardtail!
    That's what I would do anyway!

    Free Member

    Our Company runs the same sort of system with our vans. If you caused the damage, you pay – if it was caused by someone else then its sorted.
    Fair enough to me. All our drivers are made aware of this policy and as yet we haven't had anyone complain about it.

    So, if it was your fault Lyons, then yes I'd say it is fair that you should pay up.

    Free Member

    36, fresh foods wholesale, adult instructor for Air Training Corps and trailbuilder.

    Free Member

    This is about as far as I go – no spam emails with it either 😉

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Get a Knights Templar Cross tattoo'd on your left wrist and an illuminati symbol on your right and tell them you have no need of petty institutions.
    That'll shut them up. 😆

    Free Member

    Thanks for the info guys, looks like there's a fair bit to decide on before jumping in, so I think I'll let the Cadets decide what they want to achieve and go from there.

    I've used some WYSIWYG programs and learnt a bit of HTML in the past so might go down that route first to build a basic site then improve from there as and when skills allow.

    Free Member

    For the notepad guys – I assume you would recommend starting with the basics from scratch with html and then progres from there?

    As for server access and database stuff, I think we'll try and decide on what the site detail is going to be like then tackle the online stuff at a later date. We do have access to local govt/council webspace, but that is strictly limited from what I can gather, so it will probably be a standalone exercise to begin with.

    Free Member

    Single finger braking for me too – Index finger mostly, but I do use middle finger on my big travel bike for some reason.

    Free Member

    Thanks again, can't wait to see what it's all about 😀

    Free Member

    Yes Please!

    Cheers in advance!

    Free Member

    Sorry, but I, and my son prefer Timmy Time over Shaun

    Free Member

    Battlefield 2 is busy again, loads of extra maps

    Cool, I might have to reinstall and give it another go!

    Free Member

    Another vote for Avast here.
    I used to be an AVG user but found Avast to be a much better solution for me.

    Free Member

    This is one of my favourites in my collection…

    Free Member

    Some days I wish I could nip out and buy a respirator.
    God knows what some of my colleagues eat but its totally rank – it can start at 7 in the morning and last all day!

    Free Member

    I put mine in the forks.

    Free Member

    Freeware games

    Oh and the original Command And Conquer is HERE[/url]

    Free Member

    average 0.182
    I found using your peripheral vision instead of staring a tthe screen works better.

    0.1672 average

    There's always one that slips through!

    Free Member

    Yeah I'm a member, have been for a few years.

    Free Member

    We were at Whitecliffs digging, no pics unfortunately as I had no charged batteries for the camera.
    5 of us turned up and we had a good session form 10:30ish to 3pm ish.
    Managed to get a run cleared of the majority of brush and crap. The initial drop and run out is still to be worked on, and the second drop needs a rock shelf taking out as its just in the wrong place. From the second drop, the runout is nearly finished, but we need to rethink the berm we were going to put in as it would require massive amounts of rock and spoil to make it a solid construction. The problem we've found is that, working on a sandstone cliff area, we've got very sandy soil which is too soft to use as a trail base, so the idea is to dig it out to expose the bigger rocks and then build a rock garden feature which will then push you round into a high corner which will then run down to the first big corner on the Whitecliffs red, maybe having a little double jump or something to allow you back onto to the trail at the corner.

    Will try and get some photos next time I'm up there for a ride.

    Plenty of traffic on the trails on Sunday, and the trails were riding really nice considering the amount of rain we've had.

    Free Member

    Here's a music vid that I find quite funny in a weird what the hell is going on kind of way. Especially the Elvis impersonator.

    Ai Otsuka – Chu Lip music vid

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