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  • Fresh Goods Friday 728: The Fairy Tale Edition
  • mtb_rob
    Free Member

    You need ’em, cos they iz pimp… innit!

    Free Member

    It rained.
    I got soaked.
    It was awesome.
    I love weather.

    Free Member

    Fred Syverson went bigger by accident.
    Jamie Pierre went bigger on purpose.

    Its not riding though. It is jumping off big sh*t with skis/board on.

    The bike road gap is scary looking stuff, reinforced super mega gnarly hardcore rad frame neccesary for landing surely.

    Free Member

    Forza and Dirt 3

    Free Member

    Man the f*ck up and smile. Chin up and walk proud. You are still yourself and if you became so involved you lost self then thrive in the enjoyment of finding yourself again. Doing things for you and loving the world because it is fun as f*ck to be more jolly than all the miserable bar stewards out there. Mwahahahahaha smile mother *****r!

    Free Member

    women are rubbish….cant live without them but continually pick holes and complain when living with them. Be cool. Women are awesome, must say honestly I have had a lot more fun with women than men in my life.

    Free Member

    How long to hold onto things until they become obselete to you? As soon as you see them as obselete their value seems to increase to others. win win no?

    Rubbish is no longer rubbish as soon as you realise it is valuable to others.

    Free Member

    to build.

    learning process is great fun and once built means you know your bike, have the bits you want and tend to look after it better because you understand it.

    Free Member

    Get yourself a Subaru Legacy. 4×4 with a low dif gearbox for those places where you probably shouldnt take a car. Got a ’97 model thats done 210k and is going strong. It does 36mpg. The best part about this car is it has never not managed to get me anywhere I have tried to go, and that includes some silly off roading and driving pretty much up the side of mountains in the snow. Love it and swear by it. There is also a twin turbo 2.5l version if you are aiming to get nearer 20mpg and 250bhp! 😈

    Free Member

    Have a frame for sale that might fit your needs/price bracket. Drop me an email(in profile) and can send through some pics.

    Free Member

    It is a carbon frame yes, it makes sense now, thankyou. Off to smoke my frame then, later dudes.

    Free Member

    the grass is always….

    Free Member

    Is there a benefit of one over the other?

    Free Member

    most fabulous.

    Free Member

    All Mountain seems the best fit.
    Freeride brings to mind lines with ridiculous features. Enduro is enduros is endurance.

    Free Member

    Drumroamin Farm Camping & Caravan Site
    -have stayed here whilst cycling at some of the 7stanes. Good location for Kirroughtree and Glentrool.

    Free Member

    Hunka XL is great. Have one myself and have used it in all conditions, would always suggest the xl so you have more room for stashing things to be dry inside. It’s good to have wriggle room too 😀

    Free Member

    Scottish folk seem tougher than Welsh generally


    Free Member

    fancy a blast on that myself sometime this summer. by the time i got my act in gear last summer it was winter.

    Free Member

    Custom fit, ie never fall out even when skiing and running etc Good sound quality and will not stick out of your ears and get pressed by hats etc. They are epicness

    Free Member

    So have the traffic police just defined that if you overtake on the inside then due to the incompetency of twunts to use their mirrors it is ‘dangerous driving’. They seem to be ok about it if we overtake on the outside when the speed differential between the cars is great. Why would the dangers be any more prevalent on the inside?

    Free Member

    I am guessing middle lane dwellers dont use the mirrors much

    I honetly think this is the root of the problem. If you drive on the continent through Austria and Germany etc then the awareness of drivers of what is behind them is amazing. It seems that at least as much attention is on what is coming from behind as what is in front, if not more. Comparing the lane movement and dexterity of the flow of traffic on the continent to here shows a massive difference. I think we are far too tight collar and regimented.

    Lazy?Childishly competitive?

    You know when they close a lane and the signs say 800m till lane closed and the whole world is in the left lane already. The lane is not closed yet. Utilise the road that is available. Anyway, I had a situation where I decided to proceed along the still open lane and a twud from the inside lane pulled out to ‘block’ me, and continued to track the speed of the traffic in the inside lane all the way until it closed. Come on!? However the vibe I got was as if the whole of that lane was in erupting in applause for the guys heroic act. Quite indicative of the driving attitudes in Britain.

    Free Member

    Make it legal to shoot the twunts who sit in the outside lane because they are too boody lazy to move back in for the 17miles before the next slow moving lorry as it might mean they have to use a mirror, an indicator and a deviation in direction to get back out again.

    Free Member

    I dislike the people who have taken a stand against the word ‘the’.

    I’m off down shops.

    Also the common shortening of I am not to

    I’m nae

    which just changes the meaning completely.

    I do enjoy the doric dialect and the use of

    fit like?

    to mean how are you?

    Free Member

    Interparcel. Charge around £20 for posting a bike.

    Free Member

    rob, any idea what the little grooves are for? I can’t decide what they do. I’m guessing that the idea is that the ‘knobbles’ can move more and spread when they’re on snow….

    Free Member

    OK. A little reading up on tyre tread and patterns will help you to understand how different treads work and how they affect the performance of the car under different conditions. However if you can’t be f*cked then go to scroll down and type in your reg. # and it will (a)tell you what size of tyre your car has and (b)suggest a summer option(yes you guessed it, just click the sun) a winter option(snowflake?you got it) and an all season tyre for your vehicle along with pricing.

    Free Member

    Likewise winter tyres – apart from the studded ones as shown above – snowflakes on the sidewall?

    Snow tires have tread patterns specifically designed to dig down and bite into snow and ice, plus they are made from softer rubber compounds that retain their flexibility in cold weather, allowing the tire to better conform to the surface of the road. You will see tiny grooves in a snow tyre not present in any other type of tyre.

    Free Member

    I think it’s fun too and I can handle it but on one morning I saw 4 or 5 rear end shunts from idiots who can’t. That pretty much summed it up for me.

    It is far too much fun to be far too stupid in the snow. Winter tyres just increase the control, speed and intensity of the fun. It is just too much fun to go too much sideways with the regularity that only snowy roads facilitate. Winter tyres or no winter tyres, roll on the snow.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    a shitty little car with winter tyres is going to go farther than a big 4×4 with summer tyres.
    regardless of driver superdooperness

    Free Member

    I will be chucking the winter tyres on again this year. Only got three left after that blow out so going to just put them on the front axle. Oooo whats oversteer?

    Free Member

    +1 for the Subaru Legacy. If we have another winter like last, you will be fine and can laugh, as you drive by, at all the inferior cars on the road, sliding around/stuck in the snow. It has the best 4wd system of any car I have driven(read 'will go anywhere' trust me). Loads of space. Also can get a 2.5l twin turbo version if you want some fun

    Free Member

    Should their dog be kept under control because a public right of way passes through their land or not?

    No. Their land, they should have the right to let their dog do what it likes. Maybe a sign would be a nice thought though, 'Big Dog, MTFU or bugger off'

    Free Member

    Eh? What's Same Jeans got to do with riding, or are you just linking to YouTube top tunage? in which case,

    The same guy(Kyle F.) who sings 'the bike song' is the lead singer for The View whose best tune, in my opinion, is Same Jeans.

    Free Member

    The View – Same Jeans

    Reckon Kyle Falconer is a top artist…and junkie

    Free Member

    nice bikes just a shame they don't make any big sizes

    Free Member

    That On One top looks a bit tight fit. Have just stumped up and got a Royal Long Sleeve for £24. Hopefully the fit is a bit looser

    Free Member

    The confidence in something that is more solidly built than current running gear will create a far bigger advantage psychologically than the, to us regular human beans at least, detriment of the un-noticeable weight difference.

    Free Member

    no offence taken. Let the man step up though. He's looking for a tougher wheelset, something that will, most probably pshchologically(sp?), give him the confidence when paired with the new forks to step up and hit things he previously shied away from. Surely that is something that we should be encouraging, where does the cynacism help?

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