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  • Tweedlove ends: Management of world enduro partly to blame says organiser
  • MTB-Idle
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    If I saw a robbery take place at the local Apple store would that make me an iWitness?

    Free Member

    Should the Vatican City make a change so that visitors can no longer make payments in cash, cheque, credit, charge or debit card and rely on Papal only (Papal Gift obs…)

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    If I get an odd-job man in and give him my list of eight things to do will he only do numbers 1, 3, 5 & 7?

    Free Member

    Personally it’s easy for me as I do the following:

    – shaved off beard = 0.25 watts saving (not shaving)
    – Tyres at 109 psi instead of 73 psi = 5W per tyre saving
    – No Saddle Bag = 0.5W saving
    – Glasses = 1W saving
    – Helmet with covered vents = 5 to 10W saving
    – Shaved arms and legs = 15W saving
    – always have someone following me as they improve the airflow = 12W saving
    – Clean and Lubricated Chain 1 – 3W saving
    – Tight fitting aero clothing = 15W saving
    – Riding with forearms flat / hands on the hoods = 30W saving
    – Ride 30cm behind another rider = 150W saving

    So with all that I’m putting out 245 watts before even getting on the bike meaning it’s simple…

    I also found that the most effective weight saving is to not carry a 1 litre (1 kilo) bottle of water. I just get a mate to ride with me carrying two bottles and he passes me my bottle every time I need a drink.


    Free Member

    Global Cycling Network are presumably monitoring this thread as they have just published a video entitled ‘how to improve your average speed‘.

    I haven’t watched it so can’t really comment but you might find it interesting.

    I maintain you need to work on your FTP via HIIT. Watts output on it’s own is meaningless, it’s watts/kg which is important.

    Free Member

    Three of my cycling buddies rode from Cheam (south London) to Milan last year. I was hoping to join them but couldn’t sort out the time needed.

    They were on road bikes but the one who planned it all hates traffic so he spent months pouring over Google maps where possible (you can’t preview the Swiss section due to privacy laws preventing Google maps in Switzerland) checking the route and ensuring they were decent rides.

    Ride to Folkestone and then on the Chunnel to Calais (there is a service for bikes that collects you at Folkestone and then sticks you in a van with your bikes on a trailer for the crossing) and then south from there.

    I think they went over the Simplon pass into Italy. It took them ten days for circa 1,600 km (not miles as yours is).

    It sounds like great fun, I’m hoping to join them on a future trip. I could probably get you the route files if you want; I think they are on plotaroute or ridewithGPS or something like that.

    Amusing fact, one of the three rode it without telling his wife. When he raised it she banned him from riding to Italy on concerns over well.. nothing really, just wifely concerns. So he told her he was going to Calais for ten days or so to look around and just rode it without her knowing.

    Free Member

    (minus one for misspelling Bewlay)

    Free Member

    Line from The Bewley Brothers innit?

    Boom! Ten Bowie points for that man.

    Free Member

    To go faster you need to either pedal faster or push a harder gear or both, it’s that simple.

    How you maintain that is the trick and that’s where you need to work on your power output and of course your power to weight ratio (the ‘to weight’ bit is important as you can push out less power than them as long as you are lighter).

    The way to enhance this is usually via HIIT or high intensity interval training. Basically training your heart to be able to operate at a higher rate for longer.

    I’m sure others will have other opinions.

    Free Member

    No idea I’m afraid but I’ve recently got into the Stalking Time for the Moon Boys podcast and am really enjoying it. It covers all sorts of Bowie minutiae.

    (extra Bowie points here for knowing why it’s called that; Google doesn’t count)

    Free Member

    I thought this was about the Sleaford Mods opinion of Planet X (first verse)


    Free Member

    I can’t add anything to this except to say ‘good thread’. I enjoyed reading it and glad it all seems okay.

    Free Member

    an interesting article slightly spoiled by reference to “for an average person” which frankly could mean anything

    Free Member

    If I remove a still serviceable cassette, I keep it in one piece with a zip-tie. It then resides in a drawer until obsolete, at which point I hold on to it, you know, just in case.

    Same here, I must have a dozen of various types & brands across both road & MTB in boxes in my garage.

    Free Member

    I’m lucky enough to have showers and a locker at work so the locker has a holdall with shoes, trousers, belt, deodorant, hair product and a towel in it.

    I work in an office so need to be smart but don’t need a jacket so I carry in with me daily my shirt, tie, grundies and a pair of socks. They pack down quite small in a messenger bag with spare tools etc.

    Funnily enough someone shared some footage of me riding earlier this week and I got a screen grab from it. There I am on the singlespeed Langster with my bag on my back. Shoulda titled it ‘does my bum look big in this?’…

    Free Member

    as already mentioned, sorry to hear that, glad you are mainly ok.

    please, please take action against the driver. they do not deserve sympathy or to be let off with no action. as long as you have reported to police you don’t need them any more, the solicitors will do the rest

    Free Member

    The theory espoused by car drivers that cyclists ride too slowly and so hold up the traffic but that they simultaneously ride too fast and so are a danger to pedestrians is known as Schroedinger’s Cyclist: FACT

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Jambo – I don’t actually hit the brakes – just light up the brake lights for a second.

    tapping the brakes and hitting the hazard lights at the same time is also very effective.

    Free Member

    a brilliant edition of Blue Peter. I too recall watching the original in 1977 and also re-watched it earlier this year. Terrifying.

    Free Member

    Great result for Chelsea. Shame the Europa league final was held in Asia but it’s all about the money.

    Apparently the Chelsea fans were chanting “F%ck you UEFA, Is this what you want?”.

    Onto this weekend and I hear that the Spanish police are worried about Sp*rs fans smuggling flares into the ground.

    Cos that’s what they were wearing the last time they were in a European final…

    Free Member

    I would posit, though, that having read her thoughts on this once, has actually made me much less likely to click on any such link again, so I’m not sure it’s such a great thing in the long term.

    they don’t care about the long term.

    Free Member

    I look at all the problems there are in the world right now and I think “yeah cyclists; that’s what needs sorting”

    Free Member

    All four European finalists have lost to Wolverhampton Wanderers this season.

    this is not something that has been said before.

    Free Member

    …and just for the sake of clarity, anytime anyone ever raises issues relating to compulsory helmet wearing, insurance, hi-viz, whatever you can guarantee that they aren’t interested in promoting safer cycling. They simply want cyclists off the road.

    Free Member

    borrowed from another forum but I read it today and it seems to fit with this thread:

    Nick Day of Chris Knott Insurance said an analysis of his firm’s crash data showed that cyclists make less than half the number of insurance claims as non-cyclists.

    13% of the firm’s insured drivers make at least one claim per year, found Day, but this fell to 6% for cyclists who were insured on the firm’s cyclist-driver policy.

    Day believes cyclists tend to be more aware of their surroundings than motorists.

    Free Member

    Nobeer has it right, this ain’t about sport, it’s about making moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

    Very little to be had from the average fan it’s all about the corporate packages.

    Free Member

    I for one am stunned that Chelsea have got into the CL! Given the paucity of quality in the football played this season it’s incredible & really only possible due to how bad Arsenal & particularly Utd have been.

    Me too and I’m a season ticket holder (MHL) and have been to my fair share of away games this season (Wolves, Brighton, Liverpool, ManUre, Burnley, Spurs).

    We’ll take it though.

    Free Member

    And everyone knows our greatest ever sportsman is Jocky Wilson.

    yup, his appearance on TOTP was the nutz

    Free Member

    drive slower?

    Free Member

    it is indeed shocking but the driver will probably claim hardship or that the sun was in his eyes and get away with a £250 fine and a suspended ban or some cr*p

    Free Member

    I love all this ‘the op chose a faith based school’

    Do any of you actually have children? Have you tried getting into a primary school that is near your house/near another siblings school/actually has space etc etc

    Yes, and yes again. Two boys, 28 & 26. both managed to get through schooling without attending any faith-based schools (as in fact I did as well).

    Free Member

    IMO it’s dangerous, subversive rubbish but you chose to send your child to a church school so I’m not sure why you are surprised that they are teaching them about god and religion?

    Free Member

    A controversial view perhaps but why don’t you just ride it, enjoy it and then see what time you did at the end?

    Otherwise it’s a bit like the London marathon. Last year I managed 3 hours 12 minutes.

    On Sunday I tried to beat that but inevitably I got bored and switched over to something else.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that Ton. I have to admit I have been lucky to have zero experience of this in my 54 years until last year.

    My mate was approaching 50 and he organised for 16 of us to spend a long weekend away in Bedoin last June to celebrate. We rode the cingles du Ventoux and all agreed it was the best cycling day out ever (and I like to think I’ve had some pretty great cycling experiences).

    Three months later he left his house at around midnight (without the wife and two teenage boys knowledge) and cycled 120km down to Beachy Head and well, you can guess the rest. He even uploaded the ride to Strava before he did it.

    I’d known him about five years and on the face of it he was the happiest guy you could meet. always positive and upbeat. He had been encouraging me to return from my badly broken wrist I suffered just after Ventoux.

    Others had known him for 30+ years and still had no idea why.

    It was devastating for all who knew him.

    Free Member

    I went to our staff xmas party in December in Liverpool Street and due to a combination of circumstances ended up missing my tube home.

    Being too tight to pay for a cab from central London out to surrey I managed to stay overnight at St Christopher’s at the Inn Hostel in Borough High Street, 250 metres from London Bridge for the princely sum of £16.

    Okay so it was a shared room but I was last in and first out and the bed was clean and comfy.

    Back into work the next morning still in my DJ.

    Free Member

    Planet of the Apes: Descendant of monkeys gets lost and thinks he’s in a place where monkeys rule but really he’s on the monkey planet all along only the monkey descendants on the monkey planet blew up aforementioned monkey planet because they didn’t like the other monkeys on the monkey planet and thereby left the monkey planet to the monkeys.

    (Yes I know apes and monkeys are different but that’s part of the explaining it badly bit)

    Free Member

    Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: Two cowboys rob lots of banks then get shot dead. And a bicycle

    Free Member

    stolen from here:

    Apocalypse Now; it’s like the Wizard of Oz

    Free Member

    JFK: man got shot by someone

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