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  • Kit Guide For New Riders | How To Have Safer, Happier Bike Rides
  • mt
    Free Member

    rudeboy, so you’ll admit that we have better pies but reckon the bike rides and beer are better. What bike ride from London is better than a bike ride from any city up ere? What London Beer is better than several northern beers?

    Free Member

    Bloody hell! can you imagine getting up one morning in Leed/Brum/Manc and finding that a bunch of Londoners had moved to your town. Nightmare just listening to them telling you how important they are and how everything they do is better/more important/generates more cash, the list is endless.
    All we have to offer is great bike rides, better beer and pies. END OF STORY. Ha!

    Free Member

    Chop her phone hand off. Alternatively her phone ear. No cost to us for prison.

    Free Member

    Hey Nuke, your right give the kids time out to play while we have the white stuff they all grow up pretty quick these days, not more than as day though. Bit of snow brings out the child in us all (for at least 5 mins). Was getting me paper this morning and there was a teacher moaning that today was a training so the kids would not have been in anyway, she felt cheated. Lazy cow.
    Don’t remember having days of school because it snowed, remember having to walk to school even when the snow was above our front door, this was some time ago and people were not so soft (born in the 50’s). Few of the folks at this place walked in today, not just the older ones either. There is some hope at least.

    Free Member

    Southerners, a bit of snow and it’s panic stations.
    Northerners, a bit of snow and they think there hard.

    I note schools all over the country are closed, people have not bothered to go to work. Stay home and be safe, don’t make an effort.

    What a country we live in.

    Free Member

    Mr Smith, A fox shoot! What a waste, get after them with a pack of hounds.

    Free Member

    Stu Price at Dales Mountainbikes! Good courses at whatever level.

    Free Member


    Your view is based on personel experience, I thought there was more to it than you were letting on. Come on now tell us all what it is from your past that makes you hate Christians invading your space (should that be conscience) you’ll feel better. And we can then feel empathy but not blaim those Christians not involved.

    Free Member

    I see the Salvation Army get a mention above. What a great organisation they are, they just get on with it. Great brass band as well.

    mt – Member
    “….climb the ladder in their Cult of respectability” whats that mean? Jacobs Ladder?

    Do I have to elaborate? it would be very interesting if you would Gnargnar how else will we keep the thread going?

    Free Member

    May I recommend a Lurcher. Very nice and quiet, lovely with kids, friendly, great turn of speed at times. This could be used to bring back Rabbits for the pot or if your really hate Cats, there would be no sh1t in the garden with one of the beauties on guard.

    Free Member

    “….climb the ladder in their Cult of respectability” whats that mean? Jacobs Ladder? It would be a miracle to be able to ride that all the way. If they want to use their sport to share their religion with others then fantastic, it’s good to see that there are people around who believe in some thing. Now that shopping is on the decline as a major religion then perhaps we’ll see a return to more faith based beliefs. Obviously it’s not going to a good idea if they were to hold prayer meetings just the start of that “do or die bit” on the last section of the Innerleithen downhill but on one occasion recently it may have helped me.

    Free Member

    DrT, looks like you have had a lot of good advice (some better than others) that should help you. My advice is don’t miss an opportunity that you will regret later, better to have tried etc.
    In whatever capcity you go into the new business look at the partners. Skidartist’s point is very important, can the people you will work with/for build a business, can you imagine working with them for a long time.
    One other thing, companies that start in a recession often go to do pretty well.
    Good luck to you.

    Free Member

    RudeBoy, can see from your arguments that you were not there in the 70’s. Keep it up though it’s a good laugh.

    Free Member

    Can’t have your Granny looked after for free without finding the money from some place. What happened to the ark of prosperity from Iceland, Ireland, Scotland to Norway. Does it seem so long ago since we could spend spend borrow spend. Happy days.

    Free Member

    Wonderful, I love tractors. More please. Any chance that this could replace the friday kylie thing.

    Free Member

    Recession what recession, more like a depression. A little world war and it’ll be sorted. The song "Shipbuilding" comes to mind.

    Free Member

    Did someone mention Black Isle Brewery, did they also say Red Kite, great beer from them. You can order by phone/online and have a mixed case delivered, carful with the Hibenator (bottle conditioned this).

    Free Member

    DrJ I apologise for seeming confused, if a sincere hope for peace is confused. As soon as possible I hope the two sides can come together and talk their way out of war. How they do that I have now idea but I suspect it will be tough for both sides to make the move towards an alternative to war. My philosophy (did not know I had one but you could be right) is to hope, pray and support anyone who makes the moves towards the end of the death and distruction whoever commits it. Peace is a naive concept in this day and age I agree but it’s the only thing that we have. It works very well with love of ones fellow human beings. I can see that I’m going to be drawn into a long discussion here but all I have to offer is they should get talking so I’ll duck out here. Peace again to you and thanks for your comments

    Free Member

    “It’s Wonderful Life”

    Free Member

    Hello DrJ. I must make this clear I only want there to be peace in this situation (and others obviously). I do realise the analogy was apt, that is why I posted it. However please do not assume that I do not know about the situation. I choose not to comment about it because talking peace and tolerance is the only way forward, if some one could start that debate on here and over there. I fear however that hate has taken over the hearts of many. Again peace.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch, You are so full of hate for anyone that does not take your point of view. You suggest that discussing/debating/arguing helps improve your abilities to bring people to your point of view. I thought the idea of discussion was for all sides to be open to new points and perhaps change their own mind. Please rise above the name calling if you are genuine, if not see that the way you are (and others)is a reflection of the intrenched blinkered people on both sides of what is happening in Isreal/palistine. Peace brother.

    Free Member

    chewkw and ernie_lynch are like IDF and Hamas of this forum, do you think you two could get together face to face and discuss the issue. Or would the entrenched views of both sides prevent a positive out come, if you guys can’t do peace how will it ever happen in Isreal/Palestine.

    Free Member

    Still at it I see. When are you lot going to get to the conclusion that you are wasting your time arguing and go for a general consensus. If not then the bigest one of you can use force to shut the others up and write the winners history.

    Free Member

    This has gone on long enough, can you all get together for peace talks. If not can one of you take out all the others and finish the thread as you are being as effective as a bunch of politicians.

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