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  • Christmas Countdown Day 16 – Win Shimano Winter Boots
  • mt
    Free Member

    waihiboy – what do you supply the power industry.

    Some stats from tomorrows chip paper:
    Nuc users France 78% to Holland 3.5%.
    15 EU countries have em and they supply 34% of eu electricity.
    Friends of the earth statement “breathing new life into the failed nuclear experiment”. Then brings on all the usual reasons (some good) but adds the trendy scare words of the moment “terrorist threat”. Perhaps France should retrying the experiment for us, oh of course EDF they will be as we got sold off all our experts (westinghouse Thanks Gordon).
    If I was the goverment I’d be more worried about what my mother in law (and those like her) would do if the power went of while coronation st was on the telly.
    Still think we need a spectrum of solutions.

    Free Member

    TJ – Local combined heat and power (incinerators) 90 sites for this have been chosen some work on them has begin (am working on one now). Unfortunatley the so called “friends of the earth” are objecting to this project (and most others) on the grounds of emmisions(nearly zero), they stop recycling and they don’t look nice near my big house.
    Same sort of issues that face nuclear, coal, wind. Someone from the self appointed environmental industry has got to get there head round the fact that we need electicity and loads of it. My personal view is that we need some of everything that has been discussed above. We should also relax the planning laws so that people can start to generate their own power and encourage more frugal use of electricity (remember SAVE IT from the 70’s). Great debate this and some good stuff on the earlier posts.

    Free Member

    Lets have loads of em, can’t wait. There’ll be that much power well all be able to waste it everyday, oops we do that now. Supose that we would not need so much power if we all stopped using so much electricity, including p1ssing in the wind on here. The G20 thread must have kept sellafield busy today.

    Free Member

    everytime one of those work shy so called protesters gets a smack on the head it’s better that tax money has not been wasted on just them, at least the copper is payed from the same pot as the scroungers. Perhaps we should start showing all protests and riots on live tv, then we could have betting. that would raise a bit more cash, tax and put it into the issue that is being protested about. Bigger the protest, more fights more cash for what ever. Then we could perhaps have professional protesters who would become superstar in the their chosen area. Like most footy fans we could all sit at home pontificating about it but knowing nothing and do nothing.

    Free Member

    i find the bike shop helps reduce the possibility of wallet pocket imbalance.

    Free Member

    on the grounds that eternity is a long time and we do not now really what happens when we kick the bucket, is not believeing in god a wise move?

    Free Member

    Whats wrong with being gay as a lifestyle choice? All your friends would have good taste, have better decorated houses and impecable manners. Also they’ed all be on the telly and be miles more entertaining to have around for dinner parties.

    Free Member

    just minutes after I bought the last one was planning what to change on it and what would be my next one. You got to have plans for the future, reckon when I stop wanting more bikes and bits for bike my time will be up. Sram Shimano gore all depend on me and the happily deluded people like me. Love bikes love life.

    Free Member

    not been as good since Bon Scott drowned in his own sic. You have still got to go though! Just remember, “there’ll be 15 million fingers learn how to play……………………….

    Free Member

    z1ppy – thanks that was great really funny.

    Free Member

    they should just take him out, what is he doing for society.

    Free Member

    I love a bit of old time law and order. Judge Dredd.

    Free Member

    flock of seagulls, cool! Had one of though hair cuts in blue, I thought it was great, girls loved it. It would be true to say that I looked a pillock, oh to young again.

    Free Member

    camels are not good kissers, and a bit tall. What about a ewe and a pair of wellies fitted with velcro.

    Free Member

    richc – sorry trying to hard with the irony there. because freedom to do and think what you want is certainly not what is available for a good portion of the population of the world. Just like the middle ages we seem to have a level of retarded thinking going on that means if you don’t agree your dead.

    Free Member

    We must stop this insane situation were we constantly having a go at various faith’s from around the world. Like old castles, dinosaur bones and what have you, it’s great that these medieval ideas are still around today. It’s living proof that we have moved on and that society has progressed. Stuff like education for both sexes, being able to choose your own clothes, what and how you eat stuff. It’s great that we live in this free thinking civilisation with all views valid and expressable.

    Free Member

    “Took me 4 years to decide that i couldn;t compromise myself any more. Well probably a day to decide and 3 years+ to grow the balls to do anything about it.” NZcol – tough times I presume, do you look back and see good or bad?

    It took me a lot longer than 3 years but I knew it almost from the start, if you are asking then you know it. However being married/living together is not easy and you should try to get things sorted if it’s possible.

    Make your moves but try to think of the other person because there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth on both sides. You can do things to make it easier on both of you. Councelling can be very useful, even if it’s all going to end. Give Relate ago.

    The very best of luck to you and your partner. Whatever happens!

    Free Member

    grumm, rudeboy – apologies was just a bit bored. Did think that you’ed got away this time with the “Yawn” rudeboy but you came back for another nibble.

    Free Member

    Whipppeee – rudeboy as well. will need a bigger keep net at this rate.

    That so called email has been doing the rounds for ages, got it sent to me from the states some time ago.

    Free Member

    grumm-reels him in. I thought that the baggy pants was a give way.

    Free Member

    Ist spotted her on the Wainwright walk programs, she has a bit of a following down at my local. we reckon she would be good company in a bivvy bag.

    Free Member

    oh come of it we could make this run for ages weres all your middle class outrage. freedom of speech and all that, were not in saudi now.

    Free Member

    trap em with a red squirrel, I heard that the greys love killin them.

    By the way grey squirrel is very tasty, you can get free grey squirrel pate for a donation the the red squirrel protection league (or sumat).

    Free Member

    Don’t know why you are all questioning the truth contained in that email after all you know from this weekends papers and tv the security forces have just prevented another outrage that would have been commited by islamic terrorists. wake up and have a look around, before long you’ll all need to have a beard and have baggy pants. It’s like being a stranger in your own land.

    Free Member

    mrsflash – whenever I get there I’d normally eat and drink anything but not there coffee, in fact had I found a weeping young lady by the side of a trail it would be an insult to offer said coffee from Settles premier eatery.

    Free Member

    pantsonfire – Glad you ride in the dales. The reason that there was no one in Settle is because they were all in Swaledale, fantastic rides and brilliant weather. Great coffee and cakes at Dales Bike Centre to, Ye Olde Naked Man Cafe just does not have the quality of coffee.

    PS I have no connection with Stu Price at all But Brenda does make great cakes.

    Free Member

    I thought the new centre was brilliant loved the good food and great coffee, also going home with a clean bike, Cool jet wash. Will be using the place as a starting point for a lot of rides.

    Free Member

    Can recommend the coffee at the Dales Bike Centre but would especially suggest that the the ham and Wensleydale cheese sandwiches are fantastic.
    Careful with Stu’s fancy new grey water bike wash, it’s his pride and joy.

    Free Member

    skill compensator. get a ss

    Free Member

    2nd one must have humiliated (ridden past up hill) by a thin bloke in lycra team kit on a carbon/ti xc bike. Alternatively he could just be a fat looser who has not reached what he thought was his potential because the bag of chips on shoulder holds him back.

    1st on is not fair.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Did not take to the guy at the start but as he hit the various troubles you could see his thinking change and I actually started to feel for him. In particular his comments on what was truly valuable, not so sure he was remembering that at the end. Hips done not so bad but all the other stuff, not nice. Supose once you have started on such a big money pit the only way back is to get it finished. Reckon that they’ll never live there. House was ott for me and really poor, glad that Kevin managed to contain his view (amazement?), one day he’ll smirk like that and it will be removed by a breeze block.

    Free Member

    All the above is correct regarding currency and it’s effects on the cost of imported products into the UK, in fact if the £ stays low against the € and $ the threat of inflation will be a major worry rather than the concern over deflation that has been causing concern. The increase in bikes and related stuff will not be the only thing that goes up when you consider that we no longer manufacture (or grow) all sorts of stuff.
    Raw material costs have bombed not just gone down, we are now back to mid07 price for various grades of steel and ally with some dropping massively in the last couple of months. Will this make it through to us? I’m not sure but if bike cannot not be sold (particularly high end stuff) due to lack of available cash or just people being cautious at this time then we could see some bargins. Bike sellers will have a fine line to walk and I suspect it’s at the top end that there could be trouble (for them)and savings for us. There looks to be a big jump in prices, what was £1000 is now £1400+ £2500 bike is now £3000+ and so on, can we justify this extra as bike buyers. I would (and have) paid £3000 to 4000+ for bikes but right now would I move on to 5k, not on your nelly.
    Sorry for all as it could be mostly b….cks, though I do spend 500k a year on metal.

    Free Member

    turneround – don’t let some of this lot put you off. Choose what you want and go for it. I love my bouncy bike, Ti really is lovely stuff. Got a Ti hardtail as well and love that in a different way (hmm does that sound right). Just think of that welder putting all that effort into getting those super smooth runs. You can’t mess a about with Ti so the work gets done by skilled people, to me thats really brilliant.

    Free Member

    will it go off road?

    Free Member

    Rourke 953 once you see on you’ll be smitten. Deal with Brian, he has years knowledge. Go for it you know you want to. As for money £3000 could go easily choose your spec wisely and you’ll have a brilliant bike. All of this probably applies to Cliff Shrubb or Bob Jackson.

    Free Member

    £7.50 for ziggy, that cost about £2.50 and I thought that was a rip off, mind you it was Bowie so money did not matter. Getting on for 35 years ago now….pass me zimmer frame.
    Well done on the no TV thing don’t watch it much myself but could still do with getting it out of the house, it’s just to easy to sit there watching crap.

    Free Member

    G “he’s got it at long last” Wishful thinking I suspect.

    Free Member

    But can’t open and intelligent debate change views? Your sort of debate is about winning, for a guy that says open your mind a lot yours is pretty closed.

    “Britain did, it could be argued, need it’s own 9-11. And it got one.”

    Free Member

    Oops, I read that you like John Martyn. Did you see the documentry on BBC 3(?) about three weeks ago. Interviews and old footage, a good portion filmed just before and after his leg got the chop. It was pretty good but a bit sad, though he seemed happy enough about what he had done (in life). The stuff they had from the Old Grey Whistle test really reminded me of how brilliant he was and how good Phil Collins was. Why did I get ride of all thoes lps.

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