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  • The Big Giveaway Final Week – What Can You Win?
  • mt
    Free Member

    Goverment spending on borrowed money. I’ll pay of me credit card with another credit card and I’ll pay that with a credit card, with a credit card, with credit card….. Alternatively I’ll make this blanket longer by cutting of the bottom and sewing onto the top. It’s got to stop at some point and all the money paid, it’s going to be a very painful fact.

    The truth hurts on this and we’ll feel the pain, Mr Brown will feel our pain for us I’m sure. In just the same way that Tony Blair felt the pain of the parents who lost sons and daughters serving in Iraq, funny how his son was not there, the pain was real cos “I’m an ordinary bloke”.

    Free Member

    Now Pitt the Younger or Palmeston even Lloyd George, they could sort this mess out. In fact why not resurect a crack team of former prime ministers to get us out of this mess of Gordons making. Impossible you say, no more than any one in goverment thinking that borrowing your way out of an over borrowed situation. Lets give heroin to a heroin addict to cure their heroin addiction.

    Free Member

    This really going to run now.

    Free Member

    Gary_M – Mr Brown maybe sincere but so was Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mandelson etc.

    Perhaps Mr Brown would have a little more support if people thought they had some say in him becomming the PM. Though I do believe he is poor as a PM (and chanceller for that matter) I do feel sorry for him, in the same way as I felt sorry for John Major at the end his go on the banjo. Even on a good day they’ll be some issue that you get blamed for. Who’ed be a politician? Not any sensible normal person.

    Free Member

    The emperors new clothes.

    Free Member

    Sad but happy days those, I ride past his picture and flowers at the spot it happened on the Woodhead on a weekly basis, it always leaves me sad. Bit of a lesson for those that know what happened.

    Free Member

    Not bothered about the rights and wrongs of the mother but what she is doing to her children is child abuse. You can spend all day talking about who to blame but those children need a change now. If a parent was beating them you would not think twice about calling for some sort serious intervention, just what is the difference with this obviously unfit parent?

    Free Member

    noteeth – how much would you whore yourself for some xt thumbies, exactly?

    Free Member

    On the Black Hill – Bruce Chatwin
    Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee – ?
    Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy
    there are others but these stand out.

    for me all weepers.

    Great thread making a list of stuff I’ve not read.

    Free Member

    Second Higgo’s moving pics request! Come fella’s this is a good idea.

    Juan, if you don’t buy don’t moan about the content. You could be from Yorkshire, put your hand in your long pocket and reach.

    Free Member

    Onzadog-Yep it’s true the greenest cars are the most recyclable and the Jeep Wrangler (of major manufacturers) including fuel consumption was worked out to be the greenest. The Toyota was one of the worst due to amount of electronics and that battery which is a recycling nightmare. Our super goverment insists that all minister (below built proof issue) have a Prius, even though Toyota could not(would not) give them CO2 life cost. Prius all marketing and no substance.

    Free Member

    Dales Bike Centre, why help wreck the planet with flying when you could stay at home give yourself a bit of a scare on the ups and downs of the Dales.
    tel: 01748 884908

    Ask for Stu or Benda

    Free Member

    I shall mostly be drinking cockahop at my local and taking the p..s out of football.

    Free Member

    Jimster – whats with the back then stuff. I was in me prime then, it’s all yesterday to me.

    Free Member

    Case-Sound advice and similar to my experiance. My Doc “fitest bloke I’ve seen in weeks”. Stretches and massage and stick at the stretches (he says and forgets himself).

    Free Member

    My advice then is keep an open mind once you are leaving Keswick, both ways are good but differnt. Have done both and enjoyed both.

    Free Member

    It’s not bad just rough to climb, with plenty of loose stuff (you may possibly walk sections). Once at the top it goes along very well with great views. If you are on a tight schedule you may be better doing the cycle way through Threlkeld that then takes you via lanes to Mungrisdale. A consideration if your first day ends at Langwathby and you want to be really up for the next couple of days. Make sure that you do the off road climb up Hartside, the cafe reward is brilliant. Have loads of fun.

    Free Member

    after the 1st serise

    Free Member

    Try Air France

    Free Member

    El-bent good point remade on the society thing, bobbies are just a reflection of the rest of us, scarey isn’t it. You should note also that the policwe are not trained the way they used to be and it shows.

    Free Member

    Mike Basset was probably the best manager ever.

    I note with interest that the debate has proceed with people calling each other stupid for some time now, is it because of a missing person?

    Derby County, Brian Clough, Baseball Ground, say it in any order you like but standing with my Grandad listening to him shouting at/for/with Clough.
    Agree with loads of the facts above but know who I think should have been the worlds best manager….. my Grandad.

    Free Member

    Interesting what has happened here with protest. A person could presume that if protest against things that our goverment do or have done is strictly controlled due to possible trouble but a protest against some issue that is nothing to do wiuth our goverment is not strictly controlled. Now I don’t know about you but I’m getting a bit fed up with all these so called protests but am getting really really p..ssed of with the right not to have a protest. Not being able to read the names of the soldiers killed in Iraq in parliment square, as if this was a threat to national security, more like the threats to national consiousness. What a totally knackered country we now have.

    On the matter of countryside alliance marches/protest, it was not so pleasant at times and a number of official complaints were made against the met, all proved to be groundless (of course). The claim was made that 60 bobbies were injured on the same march but there was no medical treatment of any of them. Funny that, wonder how many injured police there will be once the G20 smear to clear the police campaign kicks in.

    Sorry for the rant but am getting a bit sick of all the lies.

    Free Member

    Bang on with that massage thing Jedi. Regular stretching also helps keep it at bay. I think it’s the illo-tibial band (am happy to be corrected) that pulls the knee cap out of position. When it gets really bad even resting from cycling and running makes no difference. A good massage by some one who knows what needs doing will start to get it sorted. If you really do have a degenerative problem such as arthritis, get in touch with the Arthritic Association, you can hold that back to with diet ajustments. Best of luck.

    Free Member

    Let them all speak, right or left, if we do not know what they stand for how do we stand against it. Supress it and it will take us by suprise.

    The BNP bless them, are just bunch of deluded crooks playing at politics, as they speak they accuse themselves. I will admit they are a bit harder than some of the middle class maoist that spout on here but no more a danger than the so called protesters that climb out of their own reality whenever there is a genuine reason to protest on the streets of London (and I don’t just mean the coppers).

    Free Member

    Jerimiah Johnson…………some say he’s up there still. Westerns I love them but this is the only one made in the 70’s thats good (even without John Wayne). Come to think of it, any weatern with John Wayne in it.

    Free Member

    I want to be a postman, it’s got to be better than this. no stress start early, finish early and be out in the sunshine.

    Free Member

    that Galileo thought he was so clever but wrong wrong wrong. Eveyone knows that the Pope was right.

    Free Member

    Profiteering – is that when you run around trying to find money. Or just some company that knows they have a vertual monopoly so can charge whatever they like, whatever happened to suntour (on 2nd thought perhaps not).

    Free Member

    You should never mess with a hungry driver

    Free Member

    Blair Peach. The man that died with the police radio shaped dint in his head. They got away with it then.

    Free Member

    interesting, how will the met get out of this?

    Free Member

    The Cornhill used to be a good place, may still be. Next door is Clive powell Mountainbikes (01597 811343) he will be able to recommend you loads of routes, places to stay and sell you a beer as his shop is an old pub and he still sells beer. Ask for Clive, Francine (great cakes) or Neil (great bike mechanic).

    Free Member

    I’d go with the Dales Bike Centre, really great pub at Grinton just a few minutes stagger away and loads of biking.

    Free Member

    To many mistakes to short a time. It’s hard getting shut of nice people (had to do it) but nice people can have you out of business. It’s the customers that you need not a nice but dodgy guide. Cruel to be kind.

    I am trying to be helpful here, honest. Would you like your future customers reading this and thinking the guide that is with them is anything other than reliable, knows exactly where he is and what to do if there is a problem? Course you would.

    Let know what happens.

    Free Member

    Look will you all just stop moaning about this! It’ thread after thread, lets talk about nice things. Your are starting make me think that I live in a goverment organised police state were we are suposed to inform on each other! It’s not fair you scaring me like this, I’m off to put me head in the sand.

    Free Member

    Don’t mean to go on but the Relate people can really make a difference, if could help in stopping issues in the future. All the best to you both.

    PS what beer?

    Free Member

    You know it then, he must go for your companies sake. Have had a look at your website and this thread is not making you look good. If you have a customer accident on the trail do you want this guy to deal with it? This guy could have out of business in no time and sued for your trouble.
    Best of luck, oh don’t talk to publishers that can’t supply you with proof of readership and some sort of references, theres alot of them about. We get it all the time.

    Free Member

    More like how do send out a guide that does not know the routes really well, should not need a gps when you have customers to care for.

    Free Member

    your the boss so do whats right for the customers.

    Free Member

    Pook – une petite knee tremblre dans le stylo cabinette sans pantalons

    Thanks I nearly wet myself laughing.

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