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  • Atherton Bikes on sale for £3999 frame or £6700 full build
  • MrsToast
    Free Member

    Pylons. I was absolutely terrified of pylons.

    Free Member

    Asked about it at our company (250+ staff) and they said that it was too much work to set up, and unfair on drivers. :|

    Free Member

    I think the mother is going over the top, to say the least. How is taking her child away from her school and friends good for her?

    I still have fond memories of Alrewas Outdoor Centre, twenty years on. Although it's sad that the little girl can't participate in everything because of her disabilities, is it really fair to deny those experiences for the other kids?

    ""My daughter had put forward several viable alternative options such as a red-carpet film premiere, with pre-film makeovers and a post-film VIP marquee party."

    Er, not really the same as walking through the Peak District, or archery, or kayaking down the canal. :/ And besides, I imagine a lot of the kids (or their parents) wouldn't be happy with the idea of a 'pre-film makeover'.

    Free Member

    I'm a fox.

    Fast-moving – Web Foxes like you are great at finding information quickly, just as real-world foxes are always ready to pounce on an opportunity.

    Sociable – Foxes are highly social animals, maintaining complex relationships with the other members of their social group. When you browse the web you are also a social creature, often using social networks, or other sites whose content is created by its users, as sources of information.

    Adaptable – Web Foxes are highly adaptable multitaskers, able to do several things at the same time – just like real-world foxes who can rapidly change their behaviour to suit their environments.

    Free Member

    Woot! Great success! \o/

    Free Member

    This thread is useless without pictures.

    Free Member

    Ah, the Micra. The car that has a mirror in the driver's seat visor, but not the passenger side. The car with a little hook for shopping bags in the passenger footwell. How I love thee!

    Well, sort of.

    As mentioned by al-london, UK Micras are actually produced in conjunction with Renault. I bought a Nissan thinking, "Woo, Japanese cars, super reliable. I didn't realise it was secretly French. My 04 Micra was fine for the first three years, until…

    1) The engine died. I took it to the Nissan dealership in Leamington, and you know what? They never actually figured out what was wrong with it. It was 'something to do with the engine electronics'. I still have fond memories of them having it for FIVE DAYS then telling me, "The diagnostic computers say that there's nothing wrong with it, but we know there's something wrong with it, because it won't start".

    They ended up replacing a shit load of stuff, including the starter motor and all of its surrounding electronics, to the tune of £800 – fortunately, my car was 2 weeks within the three year warranty. Needless to say, I never bothered going back to that Nissan dealership, as they were a bit toss.

    2) Also around the three year mark – the boot lock went haywire, randomly locking and unlocking. Not particularly entertaining when driving home down the motorway after a 10 hour flight, at six in the morning, in the freezing cold. Just after this, my car went in for its first recall, which was indeed to sort the central locking. The next recall was for the ignition switch.

    3) The connector between the wiper rack and the wiper motor broke shortly after the 3 year warranty expired. You can't actually buy the connector seperately (I tried three different garages, thinking the first was conning me), so I had to replace the entire rack.

    4) Ah, the EGR valve, this was last year, so the car was five, bless its socks. 03-07 diesel Micras have very French EGR valves – the car started losing power to the engine, pooting smoke of various shades of grey out of the exhaust. Apparently this is pretty standard in 03-07 Micras (and Renault Clios). It also had an oil leak around this time.

    5) The rear wheel bearings have had to be replaced twice, last year and this year.

    6) Remember how I said the starter motor was replaced after three years? That was the second starter motor. My six year old car is now on its fifth. The third and fourth burnt out within two weeks of each other last year, this time because the ignition barrel was stuck in the ignition position, apparently…but internally, so there was no way of knowing. Ignition barrel also replaced.

    7) The electronics have always been a bit iffy, my favourite was when I lost ABS, power steering and the like. Whilst driving.

    That's it, so far…other than the rear-wheel bearing needing to be replaced, my Micra's been solid for six months now. I've got to admit, I'm puzzled – I've only ever owned two cars. My first car was an M reg Corsa. It did more miles (120 mile daily commute as opposed to sub-20 miles) but never had any real problems.

    The other downsides of a Micra:

    8.) 6ft 7 husbands don't fit in it very well as passengers, and driving it is impossible for them. If we ever crash, the airbags will have his knees.

    9) There's very little leg room in the back seats. Change 'little' to 'none' if aforementioned 6ft 7 husband is in the front passenger seat.

    10) The boot is tiny.

    On the plus sides, when it's working it's a great little car – awesome fun to drive, very nippy, and great for town driving (and parking!). Fuel economy is very good on diesels (when the EGR valve is working…). It's just expensive when it goes wrong!

    Free Member

    I suspect PeterPoddy is actually a Secret Soreen Agent, and has made this post purely to remind everyone of the greatness of malt loaf.

    I really, really fancy some malt loaf now. :/

    Free Member

    Launch any presents back over the fence with a trebuchet. Not only does it rid your garden of dog waste in an entertaining manner, it's great for teaching the kids about mediaeval weaponry.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    anyone seen the movie "They Live"

    It was the first 18 rated film I ever saw, at the tender age of eight (my brother was an awesome babysitter). It made me scared to wear sunglasses for a couple of weeks.

    Saw it again about two weeks ago, it seems remarkably tame nowadays, plus I'd forgotten how long the fight between Rowdy Roddy Piper and Keith David was…

    Free Member


    It's true, I've always thought Sound of White Noise was their best album, I get into fights over it at work with my manager about that. Not physical fights, mind.

    Free Member

    ^ That one is my favourite, actually makes me well up a little…

    Free Member

    I listen to a variety of stuff – thrash metal, death metal, black metal, industrial metal, battle metal, symphonic metal, avant garde metal, folk metal, doom metal, gothic metal, power metal, hard rock, classic rock and show tunes.

    Free Member

    I've tried various cat repellents, but with no luck. I've never actually seen the kitties responsible, so super soaking isn't an option. I've been told that ea bags soaked in Olbas Oil is a good deterrent, but our neighbours look down on our garden enough as it is – I don't think littering the flour beds with tea bags will improve their opinion of us…

    Next step, I'm trying cayenne pepper!

    Free Member

    Aunt Bessie!

    Ozzy Osbourne!

    Avril Lavinge!

    Janis Joplin!

    By your powers combined, I am Mrs Toast!

    Free Member

    She's gone home, and her sister (big Jeremy Kyle fan!!!) has lapped it up and no doubt fanned the flames. She rang me the following morning saying she was going to make sure her sister pressed charges! Now the dust has settled, my girlfriend has tried to tell her that what happened was her fault, and not as bad as she painted it, but the sis isn't prepared to listen and has told the rest of her family.

    Well, to play devil's advocate, there are a lot of people who suffer domestic abuse who end up refusing to press charges, and downplay the seriousness of the abuse to their family, telling them that it's their own fault, that they provoked them, etc. Obviously that's not what happened in your case, but you can't blame her family for thinking the worst if she's told them you've attacked her. Her sister isn't the villain here, it's your girlfriend who told her you were violent in the first place. Her family are going to have her best interests at heart, and are now probably going to be constantly looking for signs that she's not being beaten, regardless of whether she admits that she was lying.

    I'm with Munque-Chick on this one – it doesn't sound like a healthy relationship by a country mile. Given that she's demonstated that she can be unstable to the point of violence (trashing your stuff) and will then damage your reputation by telling her family that you 'roughed her up'…that's not 'passionate'. That's 'destructively crazy'. If I were you, I'd only go back if she agreed to counselling or therapy.

    Free Member

    Everytime I see Rammstein, I end up thinking, "How the hell are they going to top that next tour?". But they always do!

    Free Member

    Darksiders and Bayonetta are both pretty good 3rd person action adventures. Bayonetta has some cringeworthy character design and cutscenes, but the actual gameplay is great. She can spin around on her head and shoot from each limb!

    Borderlands is also fantastic.

    Free Member

    Nooooo, don't make me choose!

    I'd love a dog, but unfortunately both me and t'husband work full time, and I think it'd be cruel to leave a dog on its own for that long. Plus there's the small matter that we can't afford to buy a house, and most rental properties don't allow pets. :(

    But if I could:

    1) Minature daschund
    2) Minature schnauzer
    3) Malamute
    4) Whippet
    5) Border Terrier
    6) Border collie
    7) Airdale terrier
    8) Lakeland terrier

    I'll stop now…

    I think if we could have a dog, a whippet would probably be the best – they like exercise, but are also quite chilled out.

    Free Member

    6/7, got the one about capacitors wrong.

    Free Member

    The games studio I work at switched from Max to Maya a few years ago – the artists still grumble about it on occasion, but the animators prefer it by far.

    Free Member

    I don’t think flowers are going to cut it. Your girlfriend lives 300 miles away, she doesn’t trust you, and you’re lying to try and avoid her unjustified jealousy. You’ve lied, and in her mind justified her not trusting you. From the sounds of it, your relationship has more problems than a hand tied bouquet can fix, sadly. :s

    Free Member

    All insurance is different – ours would cover our bikes being nicked from our work's secure bike lockup, but only if we had also used our own locks to secure it to something permanent. I'm sure your work won't cover it, as they normally have a 'all stuff is left at the owner's risk' type signs or policies.

    Free Member

    I've had 3 sets of arthroscopies, although the first two were when I was a student. The most recent one I was signed off for two weeks, and for the first few days I was off my face on painkillers. I actually worked from home during the second week (my choice, trying to get promoted), although I did still feel occasionally a bit trippy from the tramadol. Weeee!

    Truth be told, I could have done with another week of working at home, mainly because I wasn't allowed to park in the company carpark and the normally 15 minute walk turned into a rather sore (I had both knees done!) 30 minute trek. -_- As mildly annoying as I found that, the OP's boss sounds like a complete and utter ****.

    I think a lot of it will depend on the individual – everyone has slightly different recovery times, or different responses to painkillers. Just do what the doctors tell you to do, and make sure you do your exercises!

    Free Member

    Exactly, I don't know why people buy anything at all when it's perfectly easy to steal!

    Free Member

    Can they really do that?

    I think so, it's what's in our employee handbook. If the office is open, but people can't get into work, half a day is paid, half a day is taken off their holiday allowance. You only get the half day paid if it's proved that you needed 'Extreme Weather Leave' (police reports saying not to travel, etc), otherwise it all comes off the holiday allowance.

    Free Member

    No snow here in Leamington. Depressing as that is, it's probably for the best, if we can't get in because of the weather we have to take part of it out of our holiday allowance.

    Free Member

    I thought women wore make up and perfume because they're ugly and they smell?


    D'oh, busted!

    Free Member

    Would you change yourself just for your other halfs benefit?

    A lot of women do – they think that to be attractive to their partner, they've got to keep their weight down, keep the makeup on, and keep their hair grey free. That said, I was mortified when I started finding the odd grey hair last year and immediately cracked out the dye – Mr Toast thought I was overreacting.

    If the OP is the sort of chap who wouldn't dream of telling his missus that she needs to lose a few pounds, or asking her to make a bit more effort with her appearance, and he's happy with grey hair, then he should tell her to bugger off!

    If he's the sort that would pass judgement on his missus' appearance, then he should Just for MenTFU! Fair's fair!

    Free Member

    The Phoenix Wright games are fantastic if you've ever been a fan of text/point and click adventures. Utterly bonkers!

    Free Member

    So Aldi or third party can find out my address if they so wish from my car registration ?

    Yep, the DVLA will release driver/vehicle owner details to people who clear their security checks, and are seen to have a valid reason for obtaining the information – such as parking enforcement companies.

    Free Member

    8yo daughter. I think her head would fall off if she spent more than an hour in one place.

    Would that be too young.?

    I think there's a few kids about that age who attend the build days, they normally form a splinter group, and work on their own stuff!

    Free Member

    The Professor:

    Free Member

    I'm teetotal -I've just never liked the taste of the stuff, and never saw the point of spending money drinking stuff that tastes nasty, particularly when I've perfectly capable of making a complete tit of myself sober.

    I do sometimes wonder what it'd be like to be drunk though.

    Free Member

    Mobile phones + petrol station = explosion

    is a rather random urban myth that, for a truly inexplicable reason, as become part of forecourt law.

    Indeed, in my uni years I worked at a petrol station – we had a mobile phone mast built into the price display tower thing (correct terminology escapes me at the moment…)

    Generally it's preferable for people to be concentrating on filling up their car. I have fond memories of the chap who insisted that our pumps were faulty, because the fuel had backed up and spilt over his coat, shoes and trousers. He said we'd have to pay for dry cleaning, and that he was outraged, etc, etc. Turned out he was trying to put diesel into his unleaded hire car – the nozzle was physically too big to be inserted properly, hence the fuel going everywhere.

    Given the inability of some people to mono-task, multi-tasking is to be discouraged…especially around flammable materials! :P

    Free Member

    And Mrs Toast – yes, I understand. BUT he was not medically certified as having bi-polar disorder.

    So people aren't bi-polar until they're medically certified? Excellent, if we stop branding people as being mentally ill, they're will be no mental illness. Does this go for all illnesses and conditions?

    Free Member

    Could someone explain Bi-Polar disorders more rather than giving children as a example?

    "During the manic phase, you may feel very creative and view mania as a positive experience. However, during the manic phase of bipolar disorder, you may also have symptoms of psychosis (where you see or hear things that are not there)."

    The reason I used a child as an example is because if someone's having a severe episode, their reasoning and decision making abilities can be like that of a child's. Like a child, they can't be expected to be fully aware of the consequences of their actions, or to have a full understanding of the situation they're in.

    Free Member

    Actually Rockitman makes a very valid point.

    Smoking is a life choice – it might lead to your death.

    Drinking is a life choice – it might lead to your death.

    Smuggling drugs into China is a life choice – it might lead to your death.

    But mental illness isn't a life choice. If a child had been duped into being a mule – given a teddy containing heroin packets, for example – should they be executed? Should we celebrate their death?

    If the guy was of sound mind, and knew what he was doing, then fair enough. He took the risk and paid the price. But if he was geniunely mentally ill, there's no way he should have been executed.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Nintendogs Animal Crossing is too much like real life, what with all the drugs and sex…

    And the ever increasing mortgage.

    Oh wait, I don't actually earn enough to get a mortgage, unfortunately my bank manager isn't an opportunistic raccoon. -_-

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