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  • Singletrack Issue 141 UK Adventure: Pilgrim’s Regress
  • MrsToast
    Free Member

    Free Member

    Can't believe no-one's mentioned "I Stay Away" and "No Excuses"

    Two posts up, posted an hour before yours. ;)

    Free Member

    If we're just picking one song from each release:

    Man in the Box (Facelift)
    Right Turn (Sap)
    Angry Chair (Dirt)
    I Stay Away (Jar of Flies)
    Heaven Beside You (Alice in Chains)
    Check My Brain (Black Gives Way to Blue)

    Personal favourite is Angry Chair.

    Free Member

    5ft 2

    Small Stumpjumper FSR (just about fit on it)
    14" On-One Inbred HT

    Free Member

    14 for me.

    Free Member

    My brother used to be a big drinker at uni, but completely quit after he went on a health kick. He started drinking again, but just at weekends, and in much lower quantities (no more 16 pint nights for him). He'd be fine until Sunday, where he would be slightly wheezy, his face would be red and blotchy like he'd been sunburnt, and he had the occasional habit of passing out (normally whilst urinating).

    Turned out he'd developed an intolerance to alcohol – his body just couldn't break it down any more, and it did odd things to his blood pressure. Can't remember what his condition is called, something beginning with an A. He'd get drunk on 2 pints, although his condition has eased up a bit now, and he can go up to 4.

    Free Member

    I had a similar issue…however, my Shuffle had been through the washing machine!

    What message is it coming up with?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Conservative 13%
    Green 23%
    Labour 26%
    Liberal Democrat 38%

    Free Member

    Oh btw Mat, Superstar have sintered Elixir pads back in stock, got mine today.

    Free Member

    1. Mrs Toast. AKA 'Missus Toast'

    2. Games Designer

    3. Mr Toast, AKA Toasty

    4. Mr Toast

    5. Whut?

    6. Whut?

    Free Member

    So what do you think about my new Vectra? :P

    Free Member

    Your ISP won't know if your computer's infected or not, and even if they did, they wouldn't actually care enough to tell you. You've been scammed, dawg – it's basically the same as those fake "Your PC is infected, click here for a free scan" popups you sometimes get.

    Get your mom's PC cleared asap (Spybot, MalwareBytes), etc, as it's very likely they've installed spyware on there (so you will keep on needing their 'services'). I'd also phone Talk Talk directly as well, as it may be that they're unaware there's a company using their name to gain access to people's PCs. Whole thing is fishier than Admiral Ackbar, imo.

    From this bastion of technical know-how, This Morning:

    Computer scams

    * Some victims of the scam have had their bank accounts emptied as a result of the con. Consumers across the country have been called by scammers pretending to be from Microsoft or an internet service provider.

    Free Member

    A lucky boy? Lucky? His bloody wheels fell off! :lol:

    Free Member

    Yar, can't believe he's popped his clogs. :(

    Met him a couple of times at signing sessions, the entire band were really nice blokes.

    Free Member

    I love the Daily Fail comments. This is my favourite by far:

    "well not quite but he does get paid very well for doing nothing other than breading kids."

    They're not ginger, it's just a crispy coating!

    Free Member

    The engine is an "interference" type (as the only one I can see with a cambelt is the diesel) You are probably right and it is borked. If you are near Reading I'm willing to have a look if you wish and can get it moved. Mail me if you wish.

    Alas, in Leamington Spa! Thanks for the offer though! :)

    Current plan is to cut the bottom out of it and get Mr Toast to power it Flinstones' style…

    Free Member

    Gah,got quotes from seven different places about 2nd hand Micra engines, ranges from £600 – £900 – not including VAT or delivery.

    Free Member

    Any idea what we should be looking to pay for getting an engine fitted? Don't really trust mechanics at the moment, independent or dealership. :/

    Free Member

    Sounds like he eventually landed on his feet.

    It'd be hard for him not to, look at the size of them!

    Free Member

    That'd be the fault of the garage you took it to then. Any garage should look at a car coming in with mileage near the cam belt service interval and ask questions about the cam belt. Shocking behaviour on their part, NEVER GO THERE AGAIN! Seriously!

    Yeah, still wondering if there's anything I can do about that. :/ It was an '04 reg, and I took it in for a full service Jan '09. So it was nearly five years old, and had 61,000 miles on the clock. According to their official book, the cam belt doesn't need replacing until 72,000. My Nissan booklet says 72,000, or 54,000 if it does over 18,000 miles a year (I do just under that). If they'd replaced the belt, then:

    a) It probably wouldn't have exploded
    b) If it had, the AA cover we have would have paid a good chunk of the cost

    As it is, the AA won't pay up (not entirely unreasonably) as it should have been changed. Seriously though, my Micra has been nothing but trouble for years:

    1) Entire section of engine electronics and starter motor needed replacing one week before the warranty expired.

    2) It's been recalled 3 times for central locking and ignition issues

    3) Aside from the recalls, the ignition barrel had to be replaced because it kept on burning out starter motors

    4) It's had four starter motors over its lifespan – the original, the pre-warranty replacement, the third one two years later, the fourth one two weeks after that…

    5) The wiper linkage broke, had to replace the entire thing

    6) Rear wheel bearings have gone twice

    7) The EGR valve had to be replaced

    And now it's properly pissed on my chips. The garage said it'll cost £500 to strip the engine and diagnose the fault, another £500 to put it back together again, then the cost of any parts, which apparently "Would be the expensive bit". Couldn't believe it when they said £5k – £6k as worst case scenario – the bloody thing was just under £7k at 6 months old with 6,000 miles on the clock. That was the Nissan dealership, mind.

    Free Member

    if you didnt have the potential to have them with each other naturally, you shouldn't be able to adopt them, imo.

    Ow, bit harsh on infertile couples? Surely they're one of the main groups of people who adopt – take them and gay couples out of the equation and there's going to be even more kids unable to get homes.

    Free Member

    I'd say don't be complacent, and make sure you keep on at the doctors. Not to be morbid [cue morbidity] my dad starting having slight tremors and numbness in his right hand – turned out it was a brain tumour. It started being a very occasional thing, but kept on increasing in frequency and severity before he got it checked out.

    No sudden death though, he lasted over 15 years with it, mostly with good health – didn't need chemo or radiotherapy until the last couple of years.

    Free Member

    Kick your sister in the ovaries. What a complete and utter cow.

    Free Member

    Seriously though does part of the Muslim community have nothing better to do than find stuff to get upset about? This is why your average Joe does not get/like (delete were appropriate) Muslims imho, you never see Buddhists getting angry over photos of fat bald blokes saying it's an insult to buddah, or Hindus upset at mountain biking cows.

    It does still happen – Hindus got a bit upset with Monster in My Pocket (apparently a small brightly coloured rubber rendition of the god Ganesh is seen as being a bit insulting, especially when labelled a monster…), and Christians got stroppy when Manchester Cathedral was featured in Resistance: Fall of Man.

    Free Member

    i was at yoga last night, and the slightly overweight woman in front of me was wearing a high cut thong and trackie bottoms that kept falling down every time she moved, it wasn't a pleasant view why do woman do that?

    Pfft, one day people will recognise that the whale tail is the height of 21st century fashion. And wearing clothes that are least one or two sizes too small, because looking like a humanoid shar pei rocks!.

    Free Member

    Wait, did someone mention GHDs?

    Alas, I've never quite been able to justify the cost of GHDs. Q_Q

    And Hora, I hope that sofa is an April Fools. :|

    Free Member

    I saw it at the cinema, and thought it was a bit bobbins. And I really enjoyed the Blair Witch Project…

    Free Member

    "Every Catholic is responsible."
    How does that make any sense? I've already stated my position on this, and I will not accept that simply by being a member of the catholic church I am in some way condoning the acts and omissions of other members. By that argument, would you also state that all muslims are responsible for 911, etc? This is a long standing problem that has long been ignored /condoned by the vatican, which desperately needs addressing, now.

    I think the problem a lot of non-Catholics have is that the Roman Catholic Church has such a rigid heirachy, with the infallible Pope at the head. I find it a bit odd that a Catholic can be excommunicated or put under interdict for supporting a woman's right to abortion, or engaging in pre-marital sex, but not for repeatedly and systematically covering up paedophile priests.

    I think that's why people brand the Catholic Church as a whole, because the top layers are rotten. The question is, if you're on the bottom level of the heirachy and you question the moral authority of the Church leaders, are you still really a Catholic?

    It's a shame – when I was little, I used to be taken to Catholic Church by my best friend's family when I stayed over for the weekend. I wasn't a Catholic, so I found it a bit overwhelming – why are they wearing those outfits? Why are half of the hymns and readings in Latin? Oooh, and what's with all the sparkly gold stuff? But everyone was incredibly welcoming, but not in a JOIN US sort of way. And my friend's parents remain to this day some of the most awesome people I know – whether that's because of their religion or despite of it, I don't know.

    It must be incredibly difficult for Catholics to try and reconcile their faith and their dedication to their church with the shadier aspects of the organisation. I guess they can't win – if they do question it, they get people like me saying, "But doesn't that make you a rubbish Catholic if you don't have blind faith in the Pope?", and if they don't then they get labelled mindless indoctrinated drones. And sometimes both! :P

    Possibly the only solution is for Catholics to go on strike/wee in the Pope's shoes/own the Church's leaders with some bombers.

    Free Member

    TBH what pisses me off about this story is the two gays going to the press, when they should have just 'lived' with it.

    Wow. :|

    I guess there were people saying similar about Rosa Parks – she should have just given her seat to the white passenger and STFU instead of engaging in all that civil rights nonsense.

    Free Member

    wot do we have here thin?

    Free Member

    Most vegetables
    All fruit (apart from tomatoes)
    Fish and seafood
    Baked Beans

    Free Member

    he saw his father dog being ravished by a big dog…had to have 17 stitches

    I hope you meant ravaged and not ravished, although neither would be particularly pleasant for daddy dog…O_O

    Free Member

    Luka is the annoying git from Bayonetta…

    Free Member

    Whippets come in minature sizes? WHY WASN'T I INFORMED?!

    Free Member

    I have a towbar mounted 3 bike rack on my Nissan Micra. No disasters yet…

    Free Member

    Only female golfer I can think of off the top of my head is Laura Davies.

    Free Member

    Borderlands is ace, although the co-op in split screen is a bit iffy (can't select which way to split the screen, can't play split screen with other people online, menus aren't really designed with split screen in mind). Co-op on Xbox Live is good though.

    If you like third person adventury stuff, also consider Bayonetta, utterly trollopy but utterly fantastic. You can breakdance whilst shooting from both your hands and feet. AND suplex a dragon.

    Darksiders is also ace, quite a hefty game though. It's like a cross between the 3d Zeldas and Soul Reaver.

    Out of the three you actually asked about, I'd pick Fallout 3.

    Free Member

    True. What seems odd is that we seem to find it so much more abhorrent when done by a child, who will normally have a less developed sense of right and wrong, than when done by an adult.

    I think it’s because we see children as ‘innocents’ – so when a child commits a horrific offence, people don’t understand how such a thing is possible, given it’s so far outside the norm. And it leads people to think, “If they’re capable of such monstrous actions at such a young age, what sort of adults will they be?”

    Free Member

    I don't gte the connection with cars/car allowances ?

    Lots of folk I know have a bike on C2Work and a company car/car allowance. I don't think there is any rule which makes them mutually exclusive ?

    They're not. At all. We don't have company cars, or even company parking spaces (unless you're a high-up manager), so HR said it would be 'unfair' to give cyclists a benefit, and not give drivers anything. Bizarrely we have 2 extra days of holiday for non-smokers, which smokers complain about, but that's OK. Maybe they can only handle so much moaning.

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