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  • New Uncaged versions of YT Decoy MX and Capra MX
  • MrsToast
    Free Member

    If anyone could tell me where I could get purchase Jamaican hard dough bread in Warwickshire I'd also be incredibly grateful! My best mate when I was a kid had Jamaican parents, food at her house was ace. They used to get in extra loaves if I stayed the weekend, I was addicted to that bread. :|

    Free Member

    Your laddy will be able to browse the internet fine with it. Upgrading it to run the latest applications is a bit of a no-goer I'd say though, it'll be cheaper building a new PC from scratch. However, it should be able to run older versions of Photoshop, and already have Appleworks installed, which is the Mac version of Office.

    You won't be able to get many games to run on it, because most games aren't released for Macs, fullstop.

    Free Member

    When I was at school, there was a local footballer called Dean Sturridge who was done for speeding. Unfortunately for him, the magistrate heard his case the same day our PSE class was in there to learn about justice and citizenship, and other fine upstanding principals.

    We learnt that poor Dean shouldn't be banned because he couldn't afford a regular driver, but was too famous to go on the bus – opposing supporters would mock and harass him.

    Think he got banned anyway…

    Free Member

    A post on an internet forum
    Told of a lady with little decorum
    She'd writhe in man-froth
    While husband jerked off
    Discussed now by an internet quorum

    Free Member

    Daddy log legs and dead insects/arachnids. Daddy long legs are the worst, there was a particularly bad infestation a couple of years ago when I couldn't go near any grassland from about July – October.

    As I've gotten older I've managed to learn to tolerate woodlouse, in that I don't scream anymore. Gardening is still difficult though. -_-

    I also have a really, really strong dislike of painted toenails – I just find them repulsive.

    Free Member

    Who put the 'robe and wizards hat' tag on here? Laughed my head off at that, well done. (-:


    Free Member

    Rolling on things that you don't need and nicking them is where it's at. Just being a complete c*** and ruining somebody's 4 or 5 hour raid by grabbing the lot using an exploit was worth it. Don't think that can be done on the official servers though.

    Blizzard don't like private servers…

    Free Member

    Time to go me thinks…

    /castsequence reset=3600 Divine Shield, Hearthstone

    Free Member

    Adults can actually have hobbies as part of their real life!

    Free Member

    Level 80 rogue here. :o

    Bizarrely encountered another WoW player whilst trail building, one of the Grimey Lymeys. I find it vaguely tragic that I can't recall his name, but that I know he's a resto shaman…

    Free Member

    This may be relevant to your interests.

    And apparently 40% of gamers are women. So pfffft!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    just gone back to check and he's snapped my hoe, stolen my spade and stamped on my squashes which were on the "disputed territory", I confronted him and his argument was that my squashes were using the nutrients in HIS soil and that I would use my hoe to potentially tend HIS territory, apparently I've been "disarmed" to prevent any further "illegal activity" (digging up more stones). My arguments to it being my land have been met with accusations that I'm persecuting him and I'm as bad as the people that persecuted him in the past. The other allotment owners have threatened to burn down his shed!

    Sounds like a police job to me. :/

    Free Member

    Isn't it just PR but tarted up to sound like something else?

    Ah, professional Facebook browser and Farmville player then?

    Free Member

    Flashheart come on you are talking about Keith Vaz and everyone knows he is a terminaly sad man


    Indeed – I find the way he exploited the family of a murdered teenager to be particularly distasteful.

    "The murderer was obsessed with Manhunt! Children are made violent by violent games!"

    Except it was the 14-year old victim who owned Manhunt, not his murderer, and the police said that there was no link – it was drugs related. And the killer was nearly 18 – nearly old enough to legally play Manhunt. Unlike his victim…

    I can understand the family blindly lashing out and trying to find a scapegoat, but you'd expect…well, would hope that politicians would show a bit more common sense and research stuff a bit more before mouthing off.

    Free Member

    To be fair, he's right – it is an un-British game. There are no British soldiers in it, even in the sections set in Helmand Province. It's all American forces.

    I'd be more inclined to get in a snit about that, tbh.

    It's nice to see he's walked straight into's EA's trap, they obviously paid close attention to the Modern Warfare 2 controversy with the airport scene. There's no such thing as bad publicity!

    Free Member

    If you do get a tattoo elaine, don't create a STW thread asking for people to do the design… :lol:

    Free Member

    I'm thinking about it, but your demanding tone's scaring me a bit. In fact, when I first read your post, a little bit of wee came out.

    Less excuses, more labradoodle tattoos!

    Free Member

    Mrstoast – sorry to dissapoint you, but I just made it up.

    Then I demand you get yourself to a tattoo parlour and get it done now!

    Free Member

    What tyres for No_discerning_taste's back garden? :lol:

    Free Member

    phil – one of my tattoos actually says 'I heart labradoodles', so I'm on a winner there!

    I think we need a picture!

    I got my tattoo when I split up from my first boyfriend. He'd always done the 'I don't like tattoos on women' thing, even though I really wanted one. I got Kain's clan symbol from Soul Reaver tattooed, so I can enjoy being both chavvy and nerdy at the same time! \o/

    I'm glad I waited until I was older though, I really wanted a Metallica one when I was 15, just prior to them going shit. I would have had to get a second one underneath, in small text stating "When they were good".

    Free Member

    Unsuccessfully Coping With the Natural Beauty of Infidelity – Type O Negative

    Free Member

    That's absolutely shocking. :/

    Free Member

    We normally stay just down the road in Innerleithen at Glede Knowe[/url] B&B. Absolutely fantastic place.

    Free Member

    We’ve been going to Glentress every year – we first went for our honeymoon, then for our anniversaries. I can’t imagine Glentress without Emma and Tracey, and for me it should be a foregone conclusion that they’ll be moving to the new facilities. If there ends up being a choice between The Hub and another café, The Hub (and it’s delicious flapjacks and carrot cakes the size of your head) will win every time for me.

    Free Member

    Other reported problems include you must wear tight fitting clothing, people who are too thin (scrap the iDave diet) aren't being picked up by the camera.

    Edited, the walls have ears! :P

    Free Member

    Well, bear in mind that's £130 extra to the 360 console itself. I'd say it depends on how old your lad is, and what sort of games he likes. If he's pre-teen and likes Wii-style party games, or you've got people in the family who are, then I'd say go for it.

    If he's more of your typical Grrr I like Space Marines Shooty Shooty sort of gamer, get him a subscription to Xbox Live instead (£40 a year) with some Xbox Live credits to spend on DLC,and wait to see if the Kinect delivers for a hardcore audience.

    Free Member

    The latest one is the redesigned 250gb model. Slightly quieter running that the older models, bigger harddrive, slightly smaller. It's also shiny.

    There's no next generation consoles announced at the moment, so it'll have at least a couple more years of games left. Both the PS3 and 360 are trying to go for the Wii markets with new motion detecting addons, in the case of the 360 the Kinect which is due this Autumn.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed the books, did find the translation to be a bit odd and stilted at times, and occasionally the product placement was so prominent it reminded me of a Bond film. HERE IS MY MACBOOK, PALM AND BILLY PAN PIZZA! AND I SHOP AT IKEA!

    I've got a Swedish mate and he's absolutely livid at how successful the books have been, as he thinks they're god awful.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Mr Toast had a bit of a difficult time chasing me. We met at work, and he would email me, we'd chat, he gave me his mobile number and said we should go out some time, he took me to dinner. I thought he was just being friendly – it did vaguely cross my mind that he might fancy me, but I'd dismiss that thought as being a bit vain.

    Eventually he sent me a text message saying "I LIKE YOU!!". I twigged then…

    Free Member

    Have you been riding across the rail crossing rather than walking? I heard Network Rail can get rather upset! :P

    Free Member

    I think Salad Fingers is ace.

    Free Member

    I wouldn't worry about the EGR. They're the devil's own job to get on and off, and if it's failing, the car will show a fault. Even when they are failing, they don't cause drastic power loss

    I had power loss as a result of a knackered EGR (common in 03 – 07 diesel Renaults and Nissans) – the car would lose power, struggle along, then poot! The car would surge forward and regain power for a short time again.

    Free Member

    Check the EGR valve too.

    Free Member

    That's Mr Toast's birthday present sorted…

    Free Member

    not entirely sure what the big deal is. period.

    Free Member

    Master of Puppets, with Ride the Lightning a close second.

    Free Member

    Yes he should say this out right. She will leave whatever happens and better to do it whilst she is still able to have children with someone else. Does he really want to deprive someone having children? Is he that selfish?

    maybe not how much you have spent on bike stuff, but whether or not you want kids might be something I'd like to make plain

    ^ These men are wise.

    Free Member

    From a female perspective, I’d say end it now. Call me old fashioned (or bitter, if you like), but you shouldn’t be consoling your wife because her boyfriend has done a runner. It doesn’t sound like she’s confessed all because she desperately wants your relationship to work, it sounds like she’s confessed all because she wants to end your relationship, but wants you to be the one to do it. She seems pretty unrepentant and unconcerned about your feelings and that, given with what you’ve said about your relationship having always been rocky/having prior counselling suggests that it’s just not going to work.

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