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  • Big comebacks and strong wins at Albstadt XCC race 2022
  • MrsToast
    Free Member

    Treacle pudding and custard. And steak with peppercorn sauce.

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    Free Member

    C – 37.5 a week, going up to 50-60 hours for some projects

    Free Member

    Can’t remember the details of this Peter Gratwick but he was a shafter.
    Now we’ve worked him out again for what he truly is, he’ll no doubt change his forum name, reappear and be shafting again


    Ha ha, I remember him, a year or two ago Mr Toast lost out on an ebay auction on an Orange 5 to him. After winning the auction, Gratwick immediately put it up for sale again on eBay at a higher price, using the original seller’s photo, lying about why he was selling it (claiming he’d had it from new and was replacing it with a new bike) and shaving a year off the model. All before the original seller had even posted it out. Top fella.

    Free Member

    House of the Dead III, zombies are pretty manly.

    Free Member

    Filled it out at the weekend. I’ve written to my MP too stating my opposition and the hope that they’ll vote against privatisation of the forests, but if the worst should happen that they should ensure that current permissive routes are maintained and businesses (such as local cycle hire shops, skills courses, cafes and horse riding schools) aren’t forced out.

    From the survey’s questions, it does seem like they’ve already made the decision though, doesn’t it?

    Free Member

    I’m still quite sad about The Hub going, their cake was indeed the best cake in the world. But as people have said, at least some locals have been given the tender, and if the Glentress Hotel peeps can do cake as well as they do steak then hopefully all is not lost.

    I do wonder what Tracey and Emma will do though. :(

    Free Member

    Here’s a picture of an angry squirrel punching some snow.

    Free Member

    I once watched Requiem for a Dream, Dancer in the Dark and Lilya 4-ever in one week. It’s a good job I didn’t watch Grave of the Fireflies as well, I think that would have just broken me. :s

    Free Member

    “Here at Chymorvah we have few rules, but please note that as Christians we have a deep regard for marriage(being the union of one man to one woman for life to the exclusion of all others).

    Therefore, although we extend to all a warm welcome to our home, our double bedded accommodation is not available to unmarried couples – Thank you.”

    I’m assuming the B&B owners asked for marriage certificates, and also checked that their guests weren’t remarried divorcees, and had never had affairs.

    Except they allowed non-married couples to stay in their double rooms.

    “Mr & Mrs Bull’s argument that they denied double rooms to all unmarried people, not just homosexuals, has been shown to be false by one of the National Secular Society’s Council members, Dr Ray Newton. He stayed at this hotel in a double room with an unmarried partner – they registered under different names – but they were not challenged, and we understand that the hotel’s website made no reference to declining unmarried heterosexual couples.”

    Free Member

    Frying Nemo
    Thank Cod It’s Fry Day
    Plaice Invaders (have an 8-bit style logo…no? Nevermind…)

    The Star Chip Enterprise

    Like that one!

    Free Member

    Elton John: 63, well publicised addictions to cocaine and alcohol, known wearer of terrible wigs, prominent homosexual.

    Nicole Kidman: 43, no known drug problems, has her own hair, heterosexual.

    Or to turn that around:

    David Furnish, 48, no known drug problems, has his own hair, homosexual

    Keith Urban, 43, well publicised addictions to cocaine and alcohol, has own hair, heterosexual.

    If you’re druggist, you’d also have to object to Kidman and Urban’s surrogacy. I’ll give you ageism and wiggism though!

    Free Member

    Er, because they have a naturally born kid of their own?

    That was nearly 3 years ago, and Nicole Kidman is pushing her mid-40s. Some women can keep popping them out at that age, some can’t. Plus her natural born kid might have been lucky – she didn’t have any kids with Tom Cruise other than the ones they adopted, so she might find it hard to carry a kid to term.

    As with Elton John, good luck to them! Like Nickf I find it quite funny the lack of response compared to the Elton John one, given most people were objecting on the grounds of ‘buying’ a child, or on Elton’s past issues. Urban has known addiction issues, and Nicole’s obviously bonkers as she spent years married to the demented scientology midget.

    Free Member

    Alien Vs Predator was ok, but “requiem” was utter toss

    Oh god, I watched AVP Requiem last night. I have no idea why, having watched the first one.

    Let’s never speak of it again.

    i think putting a $15,000 movie into the ‘Big’ catagory is pushing it a bit…….. but yet the guy in it did deserve the bullet

    I was thinking more about the hype it got, rather than the budget. It was supposed to be terrifying, but we were giggling through it.

    I really liked the LotR films – as a huge fan of the books, I knew there was stuff that would have to be changed to make it filmable, so I knew that Tom Bombadil/Glorfindel etc would probably get the chop.

    There were a few things that niggled mind – Eowyn being turned from a really strong female warrior character to a wet blanket, the bit where Galadriel goes all intimidating made a bit weird as if she didn’t know what she was doing, and the whole “Arwen’s fate is tied with that of the Ring” stuff. Oh, and Faramir being turned into a Boromir clone, whereas THE ENTIRE POINT of his character is that he was a bit estranged from his father because he wasn’t like Boromir. But I still loved the films. It had wizard kung fu and Eomer.

    Free Member

    from what I gather the double award GCSE science only counts as one of the five and you need all 3 triple sciences at c or above to count as one

    Pffft, that’s what I get for doing airy fairy subjects! It’s more difficult than getting 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, I still insist a Terry’s Chocolate orange counts as one. :(

    Would have done more sciences if chemistry had been with Dr Stec more. Dr Stec made things explode a lot. Dr Edgar was boring and had a massive beard.

    Free Member

    Not at all, although as I mentioned many pages ago if I want my kids to see my elderly grandmother I don’t have a great deal of choice. But my kids still have just as much of a right to go on holiday as you do, regardless of the means of transport.

    Trebuchet? :P

    I’m going on holiday next week – if anyone’s flying to the Dominican, I apologise in advance for my incessant cough during the 9.5 hour flight.

    Free Member

    It’s OK, you get to keep your nerd license by spotting that it was two different-but-similarly-themed FPSs!

    Free Member

    Oh, and Paranormal Activity. The two main characters were so utterly unlikeable I was rooting for the key-moving demonic raptor that lived in the attic.

    Free Member

    The last Pierce Brosnan Bond film. God that was awful.

    Alien Vs Predator.

    Free Member

    In the correct subjects?

    Yep, did Art, English, History, Geography, German, Maths and double science.

    I’m not sure, but I think when I was at school we had to do at least one modern language, one of the humanities alongside English, Maths and single science.

    Free Member

    1.26, 2.28 and 2.59 is Black ops not BFBC2

    I believe that’s deliberate to tie in with the lyrics! ;)

    Gonna take more than Black Ops to drive me away from you
    Ain’t nothing that a million C4 Whores could ever do
    Let’s bring the pain down in Arica
    While we’re at it let’s tear them a new one on Port Valdez Too

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    Free Member

    I don’t think anything has beaten the fairy cakes topped with battenburg slices. Oh my.

    And on the subject of cake…

    Free Member

    More likely they’ll be put off by the “how high I have ridden” and “how fast I have ridden” threads…

    Actually the liver and onion thread made me a bit sick in my mouth…

    Free Member

    I would have, 4 Bs, 2 As and 2A*s. Would have gotten 3A* if I hadn’t have botched my German spoken test. Not that I’m still bitter, it was 14 years ago…

    Free Member

    The majority of the A&A pictures are of ladies or men, going about their athletic activities, and only a few are posed in a modelling sense.

    To be fair to TJ, that’s not always been the case. I learnt to ignore the A&A threads quite a while back because they’d always start with pictures of sportswomen (and occasionally men), but normally end up with oiled up nameless glamour models with huge plastic bazongas and wearing wet t-shirts and a g-string, straddling a bike.

    So, yeah, I pretty much see the A&A thread as being a bit pervy (dunno if it’s changed much?), but as they’re a regular thing I just ignore them. I never say owt, because a) ultimately Singletrack is a lot less of a boys club than some other biking (and certainly gaming) forums that I visit, and b) if a woman ever objects to stuff like this on forums, she’s normally told to get a thicker skin, or called a prude/a humourless dyke/a feminazi, or people start saying that she must be fat/ugly and therefore jealous, because that can be the only reason she’d be objecting. I think that the odd 1 or 2 dodgy threads a week that are easy enough to ignore are far outweighed by the awesomeness of the frequent border terrier threads.

    Free Member

    So which is worse – dogs or brats?

    Yorkshire terriers, a terrifying combination of the two. Especially the silky haired ones with little bows.

    Free Member

    3) Do they need servicing?

    If you make sure they’ve got chews and things, it should keep their teeth and claws down. Otherwise they might need the odd visit to the vet to get these clipped.

    4) Environmental impact – do they smell?

    No, not if you clean them regularly (once a week)

    5) How long before it breaks and we have to by another?

    2-3 years, barring illness or accidents. Remember syrian hamsters (the most popular type) are horribly short sighted. Don’t let them run free on high surfaces, as they can barrel off the edge.

    6) Do they run better on their own or as a pair?

    Russian and Chinese dwarf hamsters can be kept in groups. Syrian hamsters are pathologically antisocial towards their own kind – in the wild, they only ever come together to mate, and even that can end in bloodshed.

    Free Member

    Why would someone not WANT to be able to cut something properly?

    Pfft, I refuse to subscribe to your slicing fascism! Freestyle slicing all the way!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’ve got to admit, I quite like the idea of Chinese lanterns. I like the idea of being able to light one and then propel it away from one’s person, whilst shouting “HADOKEN!”

    Saw a couple going over my mom’s house the other week, I did wonder if/how often they ever set stuff alight. I imagine it’d be a much bigger problem in the summer when it’s dry, mainly from people not launching them properly.

    Free Member

    WTF are those!! – can people actually walk in these – they’re not even “bedroom” shoes!!

    They’re Alexander McQueen shoes. High fashion, don’t you know. From the same designer…

    I know it’s wrong to speak ill of the dead, but… eeeeew.

    Free Member

    Do they decompose pretty quickly ? just tissue and bamboo ?

    Depends on the lantern – the worst ones use metal wire rather than bamboo.

    Free Member

    Your powers of ugly shoes are weak. WEAK, I SAY.

    I present, for your viewing pleasure…

    Free Member


    This is relevant to my interests…

    Free Member

    It was a shame Blur didn’t do better – Activision ended up closing the studio who made it (and the Project Gotham and Geometry War games). Sad loss for the UK games industry. :(

    Free Member

    I didn’t think that antibiotics did anything for normal chest infections?

    My last one was bacterial, this one’s viral. Both were/are delightfully phlegmy. Doctor basically told me to WTFU then went back to her Christmas shopping on the Asda website.

    EDIT: Too slow to see Ian’s edit! :P

    Free Member

    sounds like you need to a) see a doctor and b) not leave without antibiotics before it turns into something worse…trust me I’ve been there..

    I’ve had a horrible phlegmy cough for well over a month now – I’ve been avoiding going out on my bike, because last year I had a chest infection from October to March. :(

    After two weeks I went to the doctor to see if I could get some antibiotics (like I needed with my previous chest infection), but I was told it was viral and there was nothing that could be done. Getting really, really bored of it now.

    Free Member

    I always wished that metal nightclubs would have served tea and cake, would have loved a nice cuppa and a slice of cake after a 1am Slayer windmilling thrash fest.

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