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  • A Timely Reminder To Take Concussion Seriously
  • MrsToast
    Free Member

    I think most people under the age of 60 are a bit indifferent, but looking forward to having an extra bank holiday.

    Free Member

    So what is he saying?

    Basically that the protesters are doing the work of the devil, that the west are instigating naughtiness and lying, etc etc.

    Free Member

    I know they’ve been adding some new stuff – they have 2 off-topic forums, one that’s supposed to be a bit cuddly and sensible, and one that’s full of 14 year olds shouting ‘tits’ and ‘gay’ a lot.

    Apparently “the owners and main workers at Bike Radar would rather have NO off topic sections at all: if rules are continually broken, both sections will be removed”. Blimey.

    Free Member

    I’d say any who would wear it is likely to be a bit of a sadsack, and is very unlikely to have women (apart from their Mum) play a major role in their life

    ^ This! As a woman, I think the shirt’s useful as you can see from a glance that the bloke probably reads Nuts and has an IQ that struggles to break into double figures.

    I find the kids t-shirts that say stuff like “I hate school”, “Future WAG” and “WAG in training” more offensive.

    Free Member

    I had a 04 Nissan Micra, which (unbeknownst to me when I bought it) has a Renault engine and electronics.

    A week before the 3 year warranty was up, it had a major engine failure. Nissan couldn’t exactly diagnose what it was, so had to replace an entire section. If it had happened a week later, it would have cost me just under £700 minimum (over £900 if I’d had official Nissan parts).

    In the first three years it was recalled three times for issues with the electrics, central locking and ignition. The boot kept on unlocking itself. The internal lights stopped working.

    The EGR valve popped its clogs when the Micra reached the ripe old age of 4 years and had to be replaced.

    The windscreen wiper rack broke after 4 years, needing to be completely replaced.

    It went through 4 starter motors in 5 years – the first one was part of the block that got replaced just before the warranty expired, the following three were in the space of two weeks. Turned out there was an issue with the ignition barrel getting stuck internally (but not obviously so).

    In five years it went through two sets of rear-wheel bearings. Not sure if that’s normal or not, I swear I’m a sensible driver!

    Bloody good fun to drive though, lovely handling and easy to park. Unlike our Vectra, which has so far proved to be a bastion of reliability but drives like a barge.

    My mate has had 3 brand new Pug 207s and had a few problems with them – a few recalls, again, mostly electronic or with basic finishing issues (loose panels, stuff rattling around inside the door). It’s not all bad though, my mom’s got a V reg 207 and she’s never had any problems with it other than the internal panelling being a bit cheap and coming lose, but she only does a max of 10 miles a week. My dad many a year ago had a P reg Pug estate, and that was a lovely car – never any problems with it at all, other than my brother’s lack of spatial awareness causing it to lose its wing mirror twice. But on the whole, I’d never buy a French car again.

    When you throw in “quirky” features like having to remove the bumper to change the headlight bulb and taking off the entire door innards to change a wing mirror it soon grates.

    Ha ha, had a colleague with a Megane that had that problem, forgot about that…

    Free Member

    Ich bin eine Wellensittich.

    Free Member

    My uncle used to only visit his sister and mother when he wanted money. My nan had severe arthritis in the years before she died, and he used to come around and mow the the lawn, which my mom though he was doing out of the kindness of his heart. My nan was actually paying him £50 a pop.

    When my nan died, she didn’t leave much – a small amount to my uncle, and her jewellry (engagement, wedding rings) to my mother (as is family tradition) plus money to cover funeral expenses. My uncle turned up with his third wife, threw a massive tantrum that my nan’s jewellery went to my mother, and also said he was glad his mother was dead, as she’d been ‘a burden’ in her last years, which as you can imagine, upset my mother.

    Family – can’t live with them, can’t shoot them in the face.

    Free Member

    Cheers! The stuff I’m after is more towards the sort of stuff amt27 posted, but it’s awesome to see the bonkers technical stuff too! I use Photoshop/InDesign quite a lot, but I’m interested in doing more vector artwork – I used a much older version of Illustrator a few years back, it’ll be interesting to see how much it’s changed!

    Free Member

    My parents always took a dim view of kids making a lot of noise in restaurants, and an even dimmer view of kids out of their seats. We went to restaurants as kids, but knew that we had to behave ourselves, sit quietly (but not silently) and eat nicely.

    My dad was very big on manners and etiquette, even now I cringe if I have soup at work because there are no soup spoons…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    C_G, carry dead badger decoys and throw them to distract the marauding canines!

    Free Member

    Actually I think this is a dumbo squid

    Not sure though. Sometimes the internet lies to me.

    Free Member

    Our kid, wtf is that…?!

    Isn’t it a young dumbo squid?

    And for anteater fans

    Free Member

    I’ve got the women’s 510 Karvers, they are so much grippier than my previous skate shoes, plus have got additional padding around the inside of the ankle too.

    Free Member

    Renegade! He was a cop, and good at his job….

    Free Member

    Booked t’husband into a 1-2-1 mtbing skills course. Please note this was a thoughtful gift, and in no way casting aspersions on his abilities. ;)

    As for cost, “money in fair words”, as my dad always used to say (normally when he didn’t want my mom to find out how much he’d spent on golf clubs).

    Free Member

    I’ve never met an aggressive staffie. Had a friend whose parents had four of them, and a family friend had one too. My brother now has one from a rescue home. Every single one of them have been soft as anything – great around kids, very gentle, and usually very friendly to other dogs. It’s a shame they’re getting such a bad rep.

    I like English Bull Terriers too, they’re cute in an ugly sort of way!

    Free Member

    Metric are awesome, only got into them after seeing Scott Pilgrim.

    For me the ultimate rock chick has to be Sean Yseult from White Zombie. She was my idol, I wanted an Ibanez Iceman bass, just like her!

    Free Member

    Please please no mustang Sally.

    Ha ha ha, as soon as I saw the title of this thread, before I’d even clicked on it, I wondered, “I wonder if anyone has mentioned Mustang Sally?”

    Africa by Toto! Since You’ve Been Gone by Rainbow!

    Free Member

    I wrote to my MP a few days before the motion was tabled. I’ve yet to receive a reply. Jeremy Wright MP, tut tut tut.

    Free Member

    Cyberponies will inherit the Earth. This pony is halfway through conversion, next step are the lasers and head-mounted chaingun.

    Free Member

    Anyone know of any way to practice sticking fingers in your eyes to overcome the instict to shut them tight?

    Practice! Took me two 1 hour sessions at Specsavers before I could get one lens in! I perservered because I didn’t want to be speccy on my wedding day, but wanted to be able to see. Wouldn’t be without them now -I don’t wear them every day because I spend all day in front of a monitor and we have air conditioning, so they dry out quickly, but they’re great for biking. Hooray for peripheral vision! \o/

    Never had one fall out on the trail. I normally wear biking glasses over the top, but on the occasions I’ve not I’ve still been fine, even when there’s been a bit of grit or mud fly up.

    Free Member

    I hadn’t ridden since November, went for a ride on Sunday. It felt like I was dying when I first set off!

    Free Member

    I need a Bedlington!

    Free Member

    I like Stanley, he looks a bit like a baby womble.

    Free Member

    This thread is useless without pics.

    Free Member

    Somebody punched my Vauxhall Vectra, makes me quite cross.

    Free Member

    My friend was quite proud when her first ever article was published in Bizarre. The article credits and byline ran across the inside of a Ukrainian stripper’s thigh…

    Free Member


    Layne Stayley


    Guitar – Dimebag Darrell
    Guitar – Jimi Hendrix

    2 bassists (maybe they can take it in turns…)

    Bass/vocals – Pete Steele
    Bass – Cliff Burton


    John Bonham

    Free Member

    John Williams’ stuff – Indiana Jones, Superman and Star Wars in particular. Duel of the Fates was pretty much the best thing about The Phantom Menace!

    Howard Shore’s score for The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

    And Megamind! :P

    Free Member

    I thought it was a well known side effect of Alli that it causes involuntary sharting if you don’t stick to a low fat diet properly? Doesn’t actually recommend to wear dark clothes on the packaging?

    Free Member

    This thread is useless without pictures. Show us your dogs in jackets!

    Free Member

    Th fact that as a woman she has admitted to being in the wrong sets off major alarm bells for me. IME this only happens if there is a sinister ulterior motive.

    She didn’t admit it, she said she wanted to ‘right some wrongs’. She didn’t say who committed the wrongs. :P

    Free Member

    I knew my brother’s hotmail had been hacked because he kept sending me emails telling me about how he could offer me great low-price deals on iPhones.

    Free Member

    Also the ladies of the forum think she is up to something odd – listen to them, they are better at this stuff than we are!

    I don’t know, there are numerous scenarios.

    1) She’s dying and genuinely wants to make amends with people she’s wronged – it may have been a long time ago, but if you’re faced with mortality you are more likely to look back and think about things you particularly enjoyed or regretted. She wants to shuffle off the mortal coil with a clean conscience.

    2) She’s dying and doesn’t have many friends or family, and is reaching out to anyone who she perceives shared a significant part of her life with, just so she doesn’t die alone and unnoted.

    3) She was curious about the OP so hunted him out on Facebook, and got offended/overly curious when he rejected her friend request. She made the story about dying because she wants him to accept so she can dig into his life, just because she’s a weird stalker. Because let’s face it, the request of a dying person is a bit hard to ignore, and a bit hard to accuse of lying.

    Ultimately it’s up to the OP – which of the above sounds most like your ex? Can you live with ignoring her request if she is genuinely ill? If you have a current partner, what do they think? Their wishes should come before an ex of 20 years ago, even if she’s dying.

    Another thing to bear in mind is that she’s called you her ‘soulmate’ – seeing her might actually might make things worse for her, because you’ve moved on and it sounds like she wants more than you’re able to give.

    Free Member

    If you’re after Wii fitness stuff, you’re probably best getting EA Sports Active or The Biggest Loser, as they’re more focussed fitness programmes whereas Wii Fit is more of a fitness-themed mini-game collection (although arguably more fun because of that).

    If you’ve not got the console yet, you could consider a 360 with a Kinect, lots of fitness games out for that (and you can’t cheat at them, heh heh).

    Free Member

    +1 for Strapping Young Lad, especially City.

    Free Member

    KFMDM, Front Line Assembly, Eisbrecher, Reign of Light-era Samael or older Fear Factory (or the remixes) if you want stuff that’s a bit hybridy.

    Free Member

    Buy him some gloves.

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