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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • MrsToast
    Free Member

    I have a Reign E+1 which is basically like yours, bar a little more travel, i had a shut off earlier this year in the real flood like conditions, checked it over and there was a little moisture around the connectors, so dried it up, then protected the area and no issues since, but if left i could see that moisture would have started some corrosion in there at the connectors.

    Hopefully it’s just a simple one, the shop should be able to sort it out ASAP, is it local or an online buy, i bought my giant from the giant shop 5 miles away after a nightmare trying to get a Cube Stereo warrantied, giant shops are dotted around and can do quick diagnostics if you try them sometimes?

    I bought it from Rutland, they said to take it to a local dealer for the warranty claim.

    Water ingress sounds plausible, it’s been out in some torrential rain, plus my regular route involves a couple of water crossings (that never bothered my Overvolt, mind, might just be that the Giant sealing isn’t quite as solid…)

    Free Member

    I’m hoping it’s just some iffy connectors or a sensor issue – it cuts out during a ride, then won’t come back on. The Ride Control will briefly light up, but immediately goes off again, so I can’t even do a system check with the app.

    The first time it happened was on holiday in Scotland earlier this month, but it managed to come back on again after about 5 minutes. It was fine after that, but it conked out again today and never managed to come back on. I think it’s pining for the fjords.

    Free Member

    I’ve pointed out before that the blue/red/black descriptions are FE boilerplate

    Yep, and how they’re applied varies from site to site. At sites where there’s a lot of ‘casual’ users, they tend to grade upwards compared to sites that are more dedicated MTBing venues.

    For example, Cannock Chase recently regraded the original boardwalk on Follow the Dog as black. I didn’t ride it for a couple of weeks, as I assumed that changes had been made to it which would take it above my comfort level. But no – presumably the FE finally decided that too many people had come a cropper, so had regraded it.

    I understand it – at busy multi-user sites, you get a lot of casual riders going for an explore, so the grading is set up to scare them off, almost. It makes it awkward judging what to ride if you travel about though. Depending on where I’m riding, there are blue-graded sections that I struggle with, and black grades features that I can easily ride.

    Thetford sounds promising though! :P

    Free Member

    When you first go around, I’d recommend doing the first black option at the split instead of the red – last time I went, there was a tree at face height on the red option, so I had to dismount. The red option is pretty much a straight descent, the black is rollable jumps.

    I am literally the world’s worst mountain biker (I usually ride blue trails!), but even I find most of Llandegla doable – the main risk is riding too fast/misjudging jumps.

    Speaking of which, the blue is also fun (though YMMV!). There’s a pump track and freeride section, plus a skills section on the start of the climb.

    Free Member

    I’d take take the move, relocate and play it by ear, and you might find other opportunities or paths open up.

    He’s already said that his wife doesn’t want to relocate, and doesn’t want to uproot the kids. Which is fair enough – maybe she has her own career to think about, or extended family that she’s close to, and maybe the kids are of an age where an international move would be disruptive to their education (or they’d bitterly resent being taken away from their friends)?

    Free Member

    I’m a bit of a blue route lameo – I rode the red about 10 years ago, but I’ve lost a bit of confidence since then (or gained a bit of common sense, I came a bit of a cropper on Pennels Vennel!). I normally ride Spooky Wood though. Shame about the skills area – last time we went was the first year we’d seen the central area stripped, was hoping it was in a transitional phase!

    I have no idea about the off-piste stuff, so I’ll be giving it a swerve as no-one wants to be the tourist that rides above their level splatters themselves on a cheeky trail! Especially as I’ll be riding alone (me and t’husband have to take it in turns).

    It’s going to be ace though, I’d happily ride the blue every day (and probably will!)

    Free Member

    I had a SoldSecure Gold rated cable lock that got cut through outside of my offices a few years back. It at least meant that the insurance company were very sympathetic (and approved a replacement two days later, which I ended up not needing because I found my bike being sold by the brother of the thief 80 miles away in Sheffield…)

    Free Member

    The online results seem to be a bit screwy, my one mate’s first lap apparently took 6 hours, my husband competed in both the 12 and 24 hour solo races, and my other mate who got a podium has her entire category missing!

    Free Member

    There’s a bunch of rider photos I took of slightly ropey quality here (on my phone, holding onto our dog):

    I was waiting for my husband and friends to come down, annoyingly the exact moment our two friends came down, an off-lead dog approached our dog and he started going bonkers, so the photo of them is really blurry. Its like an unwritten Alanis Morissette verse. -_-

    Free Member

    And also comparison on tech sections vs the men’s race.

    I read that Evie Richards was a bit salty about them closing some of the a-lines due to weather, as that was what a lot of them had trained on and got used to. She wanted them to keep them open (probably because as a Brit she’s used to riding in crap weather).

    Edit: Found the article! They reduced the number of laps due to the weather as well.

    Free Member

    Can’t quite believe it, that’s #1 and #2 gone. I thought his condition was treatable/not degenerative?

    Poor sod. He was amazing live, even when strapped to a sideways rotating platform.

    Free Member

    Wee in the shoes and send them back?

    Free Member

    This is what you get for watching it in a tiny window on your phone. 😬

    (Still mental though!)

    Free Member

    I’m not racing this year – I convinced Mr Toast to give it a go (not that he needed much convincing – I usually do 24/12, he does Mountain Mayhem). So, I’m on support duties with our 5 year old. Got to dig out a cowbell!

    I’m hoping the course is as great as it was in the years I did it (’17 and ’19). Terrible weather, but still rode really well, unlike some others.

    *has traumatic flashbacks to Mountain Mayhem 2012*

    Free Member

    I can’t get my head around how bonkers some of the features are on competition xc tracks are nowadays, and the fact people are riding them with no pads, on hardtails.

    Free Member

    I have two ebikes – a full susser for the trails, and a hardtail for local road and bridleway riding. Can I justify it? Yes, they both have a purpose, and they’re both fun.

    Free Member

    I’ve got two ebikes – a Lapierre Overvolt 700HT, and my new Liv Intrigue E+1.

    For me, they’ve been a godsend. My knees have been shot since my early teens, and I’d really have to watch how much I rode, be wary of hitting too many hills, etc, because otherwise my knees would be swollen for days.

    Now I can ride every other day, and I’m burning more calories even on the same sorts of rides – presumably because I can pedal uphill and only strain my muscles, not my joints. Before I’d have to sit in the granniest of granny rings and gently and slow spin up.

    The tech seems to have come along a lot – my new bike’s motor is a lot smoother, and the battery lasts for a good while – I can do 25-35 miles of trail centre riding and still have 40% battery. That said, the old Overvolt is still going strong with no issues – it’s done nearly 2000 miles and I’m terrible at maintaining my bikes. The wheels and fork are a bit knackered (because of poor maintenance),but the motor and battery seem fine.

    Free Member

    I remember doing 24/12, and on my last lap I had to pull over repeatedly due to leg cramp. I was repeatedly advised to add electrolytes* to my drink (I usually just have plain water).

    Particularly memorable was when I went over on the final stretch into the arena, and strangers holding brollies over me whilst one held my leg in the air…

    *It’s what plants crave.

    Free Member

    Wonder if the Gove/Cummings affair rumours will turn out to be true after all! 😂

    Free Member

    I feel a lot more sorry for the families of the tens of thousands of people who he and his incompetence and corrupt practices have effectively killed unnecessarily. I’m sure his kids will go on to live a cushy, privileged existence and grow up to be just like daddy.

    I think it’s possible to be horrified about how many unnecessary deaths he and his government has caused, and feel sympathy for children who’ve had photos and videos of their dad groping and snogging another woman plastered all over the press and social media. I don’t think kids having all they require financially/materially makes them completely immune to any other woes.

    Less sympathy for the wife, admittedly, as she married him in the first place…

    Free Member

    Usually there’s a distinct line between people’s private life and work, but obviously there’s a fair bit of blurring here due to:

    1) Him giving her a taxpayer-funded role without declaring the relationship (especially when there’s already questions about him being dodgy in giving handouts to friends and family).

    2) Him being in charge of covid regulations, which at the time said that you shouldn’t go within two metres of someone that’s not part of your household, or in your support bubble, unless you’re wearing a mask.

    3) Him previously declaring that infidelity is no excuse for breaching covid guidelines, and that its right to resign when caught doing so.

    It’s less of the affair that’s the issue, rather the dodginess and corruption surrounding it.

    I feel so sorry for his wife and kids – especially his kids though.

    Free Member

    It’d be better if it was D&D alignments.

    Free Member

    INFP-T. I’m a mediator, which means I’m a daydreaming flake without an ounce of logic.

    Free Member

    This time last year it was glorious blue skies and warm sunshine. I distinctly remember this, as I was stuck in bed with my leg in a cast.

    This year? Fully functional legs, new bike… and it’s endlessly pissing it down.

    Free Member

    Loads of good advice up there. There’s some lovely walks in Innerleithen (which despite visiting annually since our honeymoon, I didn’t know about until I dropped a sprog – we’d always just done riding!). Pirn Hill is lovely and shouldn’t be too taxing for the 6 year old.

    If you can get a dogsitter for the day, you could also head out to Edinburgh, the zoo’s great.

    Free Member

    Driving 324 miles to the B&B we’d booked in Innerleithen, only to find out I’d got the date slightly wrong and we’d arrived early. The B&B owners were lovely though – they didn’t have a vacant room, but they called around friends in the area who owned cottages and B&Bs and got us sorted for the night.

    Or breaking an ankle in the middle of the first lockdown because I was trying to beat my own Strava time. It was a tame uphill bridleway, but the front wheel slipped into a rut and I went over. Rode home nearly 4 miles on a broken ankle, because I hoped that I’d just twisted it. Three months in a cast, followed by 6 weeks in a moon boot. ****.

    Free Member

    Can’t jump or manual, and I’ll only roll the tiniest drops. I’m also comically bad at tight switchbacks (uphill and downhill), particularly turning left. I am not an ambi-turner.

    Free Member

    Anyone look at milko’s picture and think about the olden days of Mrs Toast and fourcrossjohn?

    My artistic peak, tbh.

    On a random note, what ever happened to the wall ride at Glentress? We went every year for years and it was always closed.

    Free Member

    I always wanted to ride my bike loads when I was a little girl, but I wasn’t allowed. My brother was, but my mom was too worried about me going out by myself. I didn’t learn to ride without stabilisers until I was 11, and even then was only allowed to ride in 5 minute loop around the village, on the pavement.

    I tried getting a bike in my early 20s, but was a bit clueless and got ripped off by Halfords (as I said, clueless…) and ended up with a bike that was far too small for me. I finally got to learn to ride a bike properly when I was 27, but I’m still terrible and cowardly, I think largely because I never got to play on bikes much as a kid. Bloody love it though.

    (Incidentally, my school also didn’t allow girls to play football even during breaks. I think people massively underestimate how society shapes people’s perception of stuff).

    Free Member

    Christ, sorry to hear that. Donated.

    Free Member

    17. Storm


    I genuinely don’t mean to keep doing Marvel characters…

    Free Member

    Never been a huge fan of Van Halen, but EVH was an amazing guitarist, and probably a major influence on a good chunk of the bands I listen to (who have in turn influenced a load of other bands I listen to).

    Dimebag Darrell was one of my favourite guitarists, and was a huge EVH fan (he was even buried with one of Eddie’s original guitars, the one he used on VHII).

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear about your loss. My mom died in similar circumstances (oesophageal cancer, in her case) at the start of lockdown in March, and current circumstances do make everything more difficult, especially with the restricted funerals and inability to hold a proper wake. I’ve personally found it hard to process my grief with everything else going on, quite often just feeling numb and then suddenly being hit like a tonne of bricks.

    Hope you’re holding up OK.

    Free Member

    I got chastised elsewhere on the Internet the other day for using the word ‘moron.’ I replied that I’d no idea that this was problematic, asked why and asked what they suggest I use instead, but didn’t get an answer. Is moron problematic / offensive? I’ve no idea any more.

    Some people dislike any insult that has an origin based in disability. Idiot, cretin, moron, imbecile, and more recently flid, mong, spaz etc, were all originally medical terms to describe people with varying learning or physical disabilities (cretin is specifically congenital hypothyroidism, mong is Downs Syndrome, flid refers to thalidomide, etc).

    It’s sometimes hard to tell what’s just an evolution in language, and what’s a massive slur. For example, I’d never dream of using flid or mong, and I’ve tried to make sure that I don’t use retarded, but I find it harder to drop idiot or moron, for example.

    Free Member

    The use of Spastic or Spaz has far from gone away – it’s still well used by teenagers who have no idea of it’s origins

    It’s still used quite freely in the US – it’s regarded as being more of a taboo term in the UK, but if kids are watching a lot of American media (TV shows, YouTubers, etc).

    I remember working on a Bratz video game, and we had to explain that we couldn’t use particular clips from the TV show due to the term ‘spaz’ being offensive in the UK. Mind you, the Bratz TV show also had the classic line ‘C’mon girls, breathe down to size zero’…

    Free Member

    Got a new iPad with a Pencil. Been doodling whilst waiting for colleagues to reply to Slack messages, so… Rocket.


    (I did try and do a version with him holding a gun, but I’m really, really bad at drawing guns…)

    Free Member

    Not true. She is hungry for Justin Trudeau and he totally makes her happy

    She was also pretty chirpy around Obama at Barbara Bush’s funeral.

    Free Member

    I’ve just seen a post, it was from Mrs Toast!
    (poem for the day, I thank you)

    I stopped posting for years because I got out of the habit – there was a phase of really obnoxious pop-up adverts (both legit and dodgy ones inserted by unscrupulous advertisers), some with auto playing audio/vids.

    I’ve kept biking, albeit not as quite as often due to having a baby (who’s now nearly four and being taught to ride a bike).

    I was highly amused to come back to see a post moaning about Planet X customer service, it was like I’d never left!

    Free Member

    I was on the ebike when it happened – I don’t think that I would have made it back on my Stumpy!

    You’re right though, I should probably buy another ebike…

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