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  • Fresh Goods Friday 704 – The Nadir E Me Edition
  • mrsgrips
    Free Member

    Hide under the stairs and hold onto something big & heavy. DOn't come out until you hear the all clear

    Reminds me of when Me Mom and sister were all awoken by our barking dog…big ferocious bark so you knew something was wrong. Long made short some drunk guy trying to get into the house. Called police and they said stay inside and don't come out until they let us know it's safe… they never let us know…I should really be in that house still in the middle of rural America….

    Should I bring the daughter to hide or should I let her fend for herself?

    Free Member

    Two things:
    Now smells strongly of sewage
    It is very windy (outside) could wind pressure wind getting in the sewers somehow be causing it?

    Free Member

    blerg! Molgrips now they're going to think we're YOU'RE a dirty person.
    geez louise!

    Free Member

    allthepies- Well it was the downstairs toilet which is mostly his because it's filled with bike crap and the sink is always greasy soap flecked… but he's not been home for 2 days now so seems unlike

    Free Member

    Best get the bucket and mop ready

    EEEeeeW ! Surely not?! It's not rained in hours either…there's only a little stream down the hill…hmmm perhaps I better build and ark out of books and waterproof gear…

    Free Member

    anaconda seems more likely

    Free Member

    What bothered me the most about it personally was the fact that she was gentle and petting it and then for no apparent reason puts it in the bin. Anything could have been put on top of it, when someone not looking threw something away. It is really very disturbing such thoughtless.

    Free Member

    well molgrips is away working and I'm bored so if I need to go shopping for a suede jacket then so be it…

    Free Member

    The other thing I remember we introduced at about this time, which was/is a life saver, is 'More' and 'All Done' signs (sign language). For 'More' we just used fingers from one hand into the palm of the other, and for 'All Done' we used wiping hands together, like one would on a napkin or when you are washing your hands.
    She picked these up very quickly and it soon helped us to understand when she was done, or didn't want something, or wanted more (without screaming, throwing food, spitting, etc.)

    Free Member

    Yes what the others have said…
    Little bowl/spoon to self feed and then bigger one for you to use to shovel it in when they're not paying attention.
    Finger foods to pick up and explore/eat themselves
    If they like toast or something in particular which is easy, offer the meal you've made first and then after a bit offer the liked food…
    Let them do as much of it as possible themselves, to do this:
    -get smock bibs which cover their clothes (or take their shirts off)
    -find out what types of cutlery they might like to use (if any) -we had major break-through when we started offering a fork (not a spoon) which daughter could poke the food (even cheerios) and put in her mouth
    -try not to stress about the mess -in a few months they stop being so messy, it's just a phase like the leaky yellow poo was, and the screeching at the top of their lungs…

    Take heart, not too much longer… 😉 🙂 You can get through this. 🙂

    Free Member

    Well I kind liked the taxi chase in 5th Element…the way Lilo is continuously yelling at him and he keeps telling her to shut up It's rather funny too.
    And I like the chase/escape scene in the Italian Job (Original)

    Free Member

    🙁 terrible 🙁
    One the the best things my Dad ever did was take the ashes and spread them out over the marsh where they liked to run. Gave everyone closure and makes you remember them (all the more) when you go out there again.

    Free Member

    Molgrips and I spent ages sorting out my saddles… I rode for the longest time without padded shorts because I got pinching in my nether regions…if the saddle is soft enough you may try this. Also changing the bars etc to change the upward position or moving the seat forward or back a bit? Mine was tilted down for while so I'd not have it touching my bits at all.

    Since having my daughter all of that's changed and to be honest I have less trouble now (not that I'm suggesting having kids to solve your problems as they lead to so many other 😉 )

    I'm interested in that shecycles site…my lurk on there for a bit now too 😉

    Free Member

    It always hard when you're in a job you know you hate and want to get out of, but feel obligated for one reason or another.
    If you really think you can get by without it and feel positive about prospects else where I'd say get out of it. But make sure you keep busy and proactive in acquiring a new job.
    If you have the slightest worries about not making ends meet then I'd say stay with it. Do your best within the job requirements, but don't give any more. Stress can lead to bad health etc. and will make you less likely/capable to be able to find a better job. If they don't like it they can fire you or re-negotiate your position.

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy- someone called? 😉

    ianpinder- quite agree get a grip. Text and let be if that's what you need to do. Stay calm cool and collected and don't let anyone rush you into something/anything. You sound like a nice down to earth guy. Keep it like that; you'll find that even if nothing ever happens with this girl another will come along. As others have pointed out we've all lusted/fantasied about someone one time or another. And sometimes we do think 'what if…' but when things are right to happen they do happen. Go with the flow and listen to what your brain is telling you as well as your heart (they sound like they're pretty much saying the same thing).
    😛 A lot of cliche mumbo jumbo but *shrug*

    Free Member

    It's called Welcome to the Zoo by Alison Jay. It a picture book (i.e. no words). It's one of little Grip's favorite books.

    Free Member

    Our dd knows how to press my buttons too. She spends M-F mostly with me as her Dad is gone during the week working. There are days…….well lets just say keeping a calm head/voice is hard but a good idea. And be very consistent about what you expect from her. She can't have good table manners yet, but over time she'll get the point. I.E. mum or dad makes no difference I must still be good.

    Free Member

    I am a Mrs. I am married to Molgrips. 🙂 My real name is not Lucian. Though I do have the letter 'L' in at least one of them 🙂

    Free Member

    We're hoping to enter Little grips into a race next year! It was a lovely event for families.
    Thanks to everyone who made it a great couple of days!

    Free Member

    when are you going to get passed this foreplay though? Something with a little pith… [wink]

    Free Member

    bejeesus this is still going?! You boys have some stamina!

    Free Member

    So upset you forgot your 'i's 🙂

    But I wholly agree with you. In my personal opinion ALL cyclists should be wearing helmets. Though I know so many disagree.

    Free Member

    Well it is obvious she sees you as a really good friend and someone 'safe' to talk with… now it could be because she fantasises about you. Or it could be because you're just always there. I have a really great friend that I only see once in a blue moon (less really) but when we do talk it's like you've said, no time seems to have passed.
    I would suggest calling or giving her a text to ask her how she's doing. And if you really like her then I'd also say give it a go. (But slowly) Try to make the 'every 20 months' an every 20 weeks and then every 20 days and then maybe you can get to every 20 minutes 😉
    If a woman sees you safe enough to unload emotional baggage onto then she sees you as a proper 'good guy' and it's something you can use to your advantage -as long as you don't mess it up by being a donkey!!…My 'good guy' 'emotionally safe' outlet has become my husband in part because he made sure he didn't get pushed out of my life. (Girls need to get over the idea/fantasy that they need mega macho men who whisk them off their feet and ravage them in bed every night leaving them sore in the morning just like men need to get over thinking they need to be with playboy models and women they can **** without giving something back)

    Free Member

    Oooo that's tiny! 🙂 Congrats.

    Free Member

    Kingtut-I got a little hot and bothered. Nothing like playing trains to do that to a woman. 😉

    Free Member

    Knowing clubber that's just the local branch line, he's probably built a mainline that circumnavigates the entire house.

    I'd personally (never mind what little Grips might want) love to have so much track that it could go under the couches and out into the hall and back…and the propect of getting up the stairs!!!… Imagine the fun of putting it all together!
    Forgive me while I go fan myself…

    Free Member

    Oooh! Such manly men we have!
    <<MrsGrips bats her eyelashes and blushes demurely>> 😉

    Free Member

    Clubber- that's what I was envisioning for little Grips. 🙂 She's only got a little circle now, and it's just not enough.

    Free Member

    Jad- that is brilliant! That looks like an ideal Christmas gift actually. Perhaps Santa will bring it. 🙂

    I've not seen any at Asda. I'll look there too perhaps. I was looking at Brio and they are very expensive!…but, even though I'll probably get told to high tail it back to MN again, TKMaxx has been known to carry Brio accessories for very cheap (never seen track though).

    Free Member

    Thanks. 🙂

    Free Member

    Don't you like toy trains? MN is not responding anyhow it's beneath them apparently. Or perhaps it's because I have a daughter…

    Free Member

    See 😉 you guys are more talented then you gave yourself credit for…

    Free Member

    Well it's nice to be kissed and fondled at the same time, I'm sure you'll agree, so don't whinge about the evils of multitasking too much…

    Free Member

    DirtyLyle- That's actually really good to know. It makes things far easier.

    Free Member

    Hariychested- I'm hardly ever out shopping… I'm far far too busy with number 4

    Free Member

    But back to the op -oh men of distraction- I would suggest a nalgene bottle with a wide mouth. Easy to clean and disinfect when the inevitable happens, but sturdy and backpack/bike friendly. Some even fit in bottle cages as you well know I'm sure.

    Free Member

    shopping, shopping, shopping

    …only to distract us from the fact we've not got the other things 🙂

    Free Member

    To further look at things in objective manner her bra is too small…she needs a bigger cup size. 😉 🙂

    Free Member

    "Women like three four things: men in kilts (or computer geeks), southern comfort, Jack Daniels, Chris Isaac's Wicked Game and being shagged senseless (IME :)"

    fixed that for you

    Free Member

    And can you imagine trying to bring it in like that every morning? Though if you stashed her in the back room with the twins it would probably work…but the further up keep of cake and cookies and nom noms to keep things going would not be cost effective I think…

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