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  • Crankbrothers BC18 SOS Bottle Cage Tool Kit review
  • mrsgrips
    Free Member

    Just to let you know in America sticklers of language ‘manners’ also correct others abt replacing Can with May.
    If only the British were such snobs abt everything all the time… 😛
    Really generalisations are silly.

    Free Member

    lol Yeti

    When bringing in frozen clothes try not to bend or ‘crunch’ them, put them over the heater or drier as flat/straight as possible so you don’t damage them.
    I’ve never noticed whites getting particularly whiter in winter but maybe I just wasn’t paying attention.

    Free Member

    I now want mince pies… tho Big Cook and Little Cook cannot act!

    Free Member

    Hope you managed to turn it off before now (Zingzillas) not sure that’s good for hangovers, especially as it’s about drums…

    Free Member

    We’re not having sex for the next four days at least…and there will be no youtube involved in an sex sessions we do have and pocket billiards only gets one so far really I was wondering when things would deteriorate…

    the board game was (mostly) going to be for Christmas boredom when his family is visiting

    Free Member

    We’ll need a board game for at least the next 4 days… after that… well we’ll see.

    Free Member

    Abt ’80 we used to get milk in bags from the local farmer. When we moved I thought it was just a Pennsylvanian thing and made me think Penn. was better than anywhere else in the world…who knew then I could have just gone to England and it would’ve been cool too;)

    Free Member

    Right…Mol it sounds like we need to have more kids so I can play Settlers 😀

    Free Member

    and it’s pretty much free too as long as I eat…

    Free Member

    I’ve got milk in jugs which refill themselves (so as good as glass) and it’s kept for 3 months even thought it’s not been used 😉

    Free Member

    Settlers of Catan looks very interesting. Civ in board form?

    And I’m not fooled Mol you’ve made many excuses when previously asked to play Scrabble… tired, headache, not enough time…. 😉

    Free Member

    Ah Trivia Pursuit! That’s the game Mol and I flirted over first. 🙂 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve obviously not had enough board games in my life as every other one mentioned I seem to have to look up! I blame it on growing up with 4 sisters in American backcountry

    Free Member

    I love Scrabble too, I used to spend my summers playing my mother on the front porch, but Mol is not so keen and so we play Upwards some as he likes that better (I think because he can win that one).

    Free Member

    Interesting you should say that abt the pieces SofB because I’m the exact opposite I want the cute horses and canons to stomp all over Mol’s countries, umm parade in front of Mol, move on the board.

    Free Member

    Jamie -as you may know there’s no real way of persuading Molgrips of anything…well there is but I’m not around him that much…

    And I’d rather him being on here talking to you guys then to be talking to some floosie… 😉

    Free Member

    tho the images you find are interesting.

    Do you search for specific things in mind? or do you just come upon them randomly?

    Free Member

    He is a tool and a very good one… 😉

    Free Member

    Anyone ever tell you you’re on here too much?

    Free Member

    I love a lots action films and graphic novels and actions hero films…I found it rather dull too, very predictable. But it’s good you guys who did like it encourage to the movie producers to produce the same old same old while pretending it’s something ‘new.’
    When was an action hero film really different? But then again, how can they really be different when they’re dealing with ideas/stereotype images that have been around since the ancient times…

    Free Member

    So long as he moves some stuff to let you get your bikes and dog in, what’s the problem?


    Free Member

    Still remember when I went to Mogrips’ for a week holiday and there was a bike in the bathroom… 😆 I had no idea what I was getting into!Oh the joys. 😉

    Free Member

    I call it dwelling.
    I dwell in this place, dark and oppressive which has no start and no end. It enfolds and holds me and my only choice is seems to wait it out. My mind goes round and round in the dark and cannot find solutions to the problems it perceives which causes more questions and more lack of answers until my thoughts overwhelm me. Everywhere I look I see nothing but trouble and trauma and sadness. And I feel ‘what is the use?’
    Every time I’ve had to find a way out for myself.
    But finding a way for myself sometimes means talking to a stranger, sometimes talking to my best girl friend, sometimes talking to my best friend (husband). Sometimes it’s writing myself a long long letter discussing all the troubles. It usually means that I finally remember that any movement forward in life toward my ultimate goals no matter how small IS MOVEMENT and so I am getting some where, and I will get there in the end. ‘Little steps are still steps’ I chant to myself.
    I try as other people have suggested being very healthy; getting exercise, eating better, drinking water, trying to sleep a reasonable amount of time (but not spending too much time in bed sleeping!). I also do little things which make me happy and then revel in them for a moment; I put on vanilla perfume, read a book, make something, or wear pretty things, give littleGrips a hug and a kiss.

    It’s not the same for everyone, and I have a friend who nothing but meds works. We each have to find the balance which works for us.

    Free Member

    To be honest I think if you were ‘playing it cool/tired’ and she still said yeah lets go out for another date that’s not really showing disinterest…

    What do you guys think girls will just jump on you if they’re interested?OyVay. You guys spend too much time egging each other on and living in fantasy worlds. I do hope she’s not on her knitting forum talking about how terrible it is you didn’t pick her up in a carriage with white horses and your armor gleaming smartly…(get my drift?)

    Right… continue going out/making dates. See how goes. See if she continues to show ‘quiet’ interest in you. One date is hardly enough time to really start thinking about does she really want me…she’s probably not her mind up yet.

    Free Member

    I’d rather be killed than tortured. But it is very unfortunate that the rescue went wrong I agree. 🙁

    Free Member

    and they’re home made…trying recipes out for Christmas 🙂

    Free Member

    double chocolate butterscotch chip cookies nom nom nom

    Free Member

    taking her on a ‘fast ride’

    plain old ‘undercover(s)’ innuendo is simple too insert 😉 whenever

    maybe substituting gold paint for chocolate?

    depends on the conversation really 🙂 I love innuendo. Nothing like a good flirt to encourage more interesting ‘fun.’

    Free Member

    Right all this talk makes me wish Molgrips was around

    Free Member

    Well would most girls take a drink from you in the first place? Start with the blindfold I think, then offer the drink, then to cop a feel and nakedness…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    hmmm… Perhaps you should design some underwear which helps to hide those slightly less lovely looking places on a woman’s body which makes them all anxious and obsessive and you get farther… that or blind fold them first 😉

    Free Member

    What are your fashion credentials Yeti? I am suspicious of hairy people from the south with big feet…

    Free Member

    Sounds lovely 🙂

    Free Member

    scaredypants- lol

    Actually weaving scarves for nephews and one likes yellow, but he doesn’t like girly things/colors… I’ve got lemon yellow and a maize like yellow; neither of which are ideal for a boy’s scarf when it comes to textures, but was thinking I might be able to combine them with something else I could buy perhaps… YEAH YARN SHOPPING!!! 🙂 😉

    To offset the yarn shopping I’m going to get white mudguards for my hybrid 😀

    Free Member

    Yellow as a boy color…what shade would it be?
    That’s what I’m wondering currently.

    Free Member


    It’s Oblivion time boys 🙂 MrsGrips will not be paying any more attention unfortunately to your funny antics because she’ll be lost to the world…

    Thank you for cheering me up 🙂

    Free Member

    lol Cougar

    Free Member

    Right so Civ4 or cleaning…
    Civ4 or Cleaning…

    Free Member

    You’ll do anything Mol?

    You should have been home 😉 rather than letting me get swept off my feet by your arch- rival arguer 😛

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