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  • mrsgrips
    Free Member

    I am MN ‘royalty’ (I could give you some names if you want…)

    Free Member

    I wish we could trade sometimes

    Free Member

    Probably 45 mins later I was clearing a tabletop and loving it…

    thought it was about biking not household chores; bet your OH (Or Mother) was pleased too.

    Free Member

    lol 🙂

    Free Member

    there is an answer A or B and you’re avoiding answering it even tho further questions and scenarios would have been brought forward….

    It’s ok TJ. I do understand in many ways.
    You are right in many cases and in many ways…the society we live in is full of imaginary risk which has little basis (perhaps) on truth. People do worry to much in many many cases…
    but, *your* logic is not the logic of reason which some wish to follow because they have placed different (greater) value on the some of the evidence whether it be because of emotion or trial and error, or simply because they are dim (in your mind). I.E -Some people would rather err on the side of safe then deal with terrible consequences which might perhaps destroy them.
    If I ever lost lilgrips because I was a little too blase about possible risk I would be devastated and never ever forgive myself.

    That is all from me now; I have scarves to weave and a life to live.

    Free Member

    We started at 4G, Lilgrips is a G unfortunately, or we’d have quite a few to offload give to you. It really is tough because of the expense! We have got her crocs for the summer (but she’s walking). I’d agree with the outlets and I check Clarks sale items for half price shoes and then order them into store and try them before we buy (you have to do it this way). You don’t pay anything on the site, just order them and you pay in store…if you don’t want them they send them back free of charge.

    Free Member

    Idiots driving on them

    aye, one of my questions would be how much do I trust other people not to be idiots

    Free Member

    Yes but there are more scenarios to be had… this it how logic works is it not?
    You break down a situation (one you set up in your head) and make decisions abt each scenario. From the decisions that you have made abt the scenario you then put value to certain outcomes because of greater or lesser (or positive and negative effects)
    You look at the ‘score sheet’ you have created and form your final decision.

    So A or B

    Free Member

    TJ in the following scenario who seems more likely to get hurt: A or B to answer (don’t add anything)

    Road, blind bend, car comes careening into the ‘space’ which is blind and into an object–

    A. The object is a child on a bike
    B. The object is a another car with a child secured inside

    Free Member

    actually they both could be only partially right because they haven’t actually got all the info…which is why you need to know what they were looking for…

    Free Member

    Poppcock indeed scientists can look at the same info and come to different conclusions…

    Free Member

    Well exactly CM and the thing is with stats is you need to know where they came from, who commissioned them and what (if any) agenda they might have had, you need to know what they were looking for and what their terms were when looking.

    Like any words from any book the same information can be interpreted a number of ways…just ask a room full of lit. students.

    Free Member

    Lounge pants are, for all intents and purposes, mens pj bottoms (tho not usually cotton but flannel).

    Free Member

    Ah GrahamS you just made me giggle and blush thanks.

    I quite agree with philconsquence- I often come in and strip. Clothes are quite restrictive and it’s just plain relaxing not having to be in them every day.
    However I do find it disturbing sometimes when I notice women without bras while out and about… so I understand in some ways

    Free Member

    thanks dd I’m useless with the piccy links

    Free Member

    But maybe they sleep in the nude? and ‘PJs’ are their hanging out attire?

    When I went to Uni I went to school in lounge pants and a t-shirt on some days because it was comfy; I didn’t necessarily sleep in them, tho I could have done…

    If I nap in jeans and a sweater does that make them ‘sleeping attire?’

    Free Member

    GrahamS-I’m 28 weeks preggy and it’s 80’F 😉 think albino beached whale with long brown hair…

    Free Member


    Does it really make a difference whether they got dressed or not? Maybe they got dressed and then got back in their pjs by the time of the school run?daft but possible They are so many factors. And if they’ve got nothing going on besides running the kids to school then … well why bother putting on ‘clothes’

    PS I’ve not gone out all day and I’ve worn about 3 different outfits… I’m currently wearing less than my pjs (tho granted I’m not dropping or picking up my kid from school currently- however I have been out on the balcony like this…)

    Free Member

    And stats can be horribly misleading and misinterpreted…

    Free Member

    Edukator I would agree. However, you cannot expect people who live within the culture to fully understand what is outside their culture. People view things in relationship to what they know, like it or not. You cannot expect people to simply jump out of their culture and be comfortable and understand all…

    Free Member

    Skewed is a negative word in the way that you’re using it. It is different. It is different because we’re not all the same and we see things differently.
    The decisions we make as individuals are not necessarily wrong because they are different from the ones other people have made…

    For instance I really like blue. If I could color and highlight and decorate all the things around me in blue I would because it would make me happy. Someone else might hate blue and want orange instead. If they decorate their house in orange they’re not wrong. They have not made bad decisions; they have made different decisions from me because they have different criteria.

    Free Member

    Edukator you didn’t stay with it long enough to cause the revolution; what happens in the past can affect the future, or it can simply be a blip in the radar or time

    Free Member

    TJ it’s what you personally believe is far from the reality. There are some when they conceive suddenly become aware of how precious life can be; they end up worrying over downs syndrome and all the diseases and deformities that a baby can get,and even tho the risk in their particular group is low, they still feel the need to get every test available and find out what the risks are to their particular child. Some people just smile and say I’m having a baby what what comes comes and if it has SMA, or polka dots I don’t care…
    It depends on how life has treated them what culture they are in and what their personal neurotic tendencies may be…
    ditto the bike riding/ baby carrying etc…

    Free Member

    aye Edukator but they’re not readily available…people cannot go to the store and look at them and determine if ‘that’s the bike for me’
    If something is not around the corner the average person is not going to search it out, it’s too difficult and the decision to be made has too many uncertainties.

    Open a shop and have them available and start a revolution.

    Free Member

    TJ what people are saying is that they have made the risk assessments they have because of the roads they personally ride on. For some people riding with a carrier is acceptable because the roads they are on and their confidence in their bike handling skills are such that they feel safe. For other people they have determined that in their area it is far better to ride with a trailer. Either that trailer is with car seat or with a sling or some such seat for the child.
    Some people have determined that having their child in a bike seat on the front or back of their bike is a safe position.
    No one has said I will never take my child out on a bike. No one has said I discourage all bike riding by children and everyone should always go in cars.
    What people have said (or implied) is that in the circumstances I am in, with my child, with my skills, with my social pressures to deal, with the money at my disposal to buy equipment, I have made the decision which I deem best for everyone involved.

    It is lovely to bring up and point out that in other cultures they do things differently, however, other cultures have a number of factors which create the ideal ‘grass is greener’ situation. And not all those things are obvious to the naked eye. For instance, many of those bikes I’ve seen posted are not available as far as I’m aware in the UK. This could possibly? factor into things?

    Free Member

    Far more kids are in cars than in trailers so the deaths are skewed by that.

    If something is lower down it’s less likely to be seen/noticed then something at eye level.

    Whether scenarios are unlikely or not they can still be entered into risk assessments. For some people even a 1% chance of something happening is too high of a risk; but for others they do not see that as something to be considered.

    Everyone’s experiences are different; they have lived different lives thus come to different conclusions about what is important to them.

    We are not all driving/riding the exact same roads as such we are all making judgements according to our individual circumstances.

    Free Member

    She’s old enough when her mother says she’s old enough…and when she’s been drilled to be a defensive user of the road like all cyclists should be…

    You boys are hilarious. It always breaks down the same way.
    Walk away.
    It’s obvious you’re not going to change each others minds and y’all just getting worked up about it… is this some sort of way to replace the physical fighting/exercise to show ‘machismo’ which you cannot do any longer because you’re not in a tribal society?

    Free Member

    I rather like Swiss brand and Antler, the latter of which you can often get cheap on their website or in their outlet stores.

    TKMaxx is a great place to look to see a lot of different brands all at once and be able to compare and contrast make quality.

    You might consider looking at bags which have a hard backing and 1 or 2 hard sides, but are, for all intents and purposes, ‘duffle bags’ in design as they tend to be quite lightweight and you can pack a lot of items in them.

    Free Member

    Oh one more (small) point abt trailers that I thought about while having my nap… the dust/dirt ‘spray’ issue. When using the trailer even with mud guards on your bike there may be dirt flecks which reach your little one even through the mesh of the front ‘window.’
    Might or might not be a problem in your mind.
    However, ff the trailer has a rain cover you can pull this down over the front and the flecks cannot get in, tho then you may have over heating issues in the hot sun… so you’d need to double check air-circulation in the back and sides of any trailer is available.

    -just trying to think of things not necessarily obvious to help you make your decision

    Free Member

    Right so we’ll cut this short:
    Many people have different opinions about this subject.

    Look at your child and think carefully abt what they are doing and how they are doing it. Is the baby turning it’s head on it’s own yet? Are they holding their head up on their own? Do they still do the ‘wobble’ and lose control if you turn them rather suddenly or if they startle? –

    If they do not have control of their head at all times then a bike seat with helmet is not an option yet for you.
    This leaves you with the option of a car seat secured in a bike trailer, a special baby sling secured in a trailer, or riding with the baby in a carrier of some sort on your person.

    You can get trailers second hand for cheap and with some thought and consideration can probably rig up the straps for the car seat. Have a good look at the trailer options you have available to you and the carseat you have at your disposal. If you feel that spending the money on a trailer is too much and you won’t use it enough in the future it might still not be the option for you.
    The last option of carrier/bike is possible but you must consider the situation which you will be riding your bike. Are you very upright so the head of the baby will still be supported by you chest? or will you be rather sloped meaning support would still be needed for the head? How close are the tubes and handlebars if an accident does occur? Do you feel that the baby and you will be able to safely survive and not be injured if a fall occurs? (will you end up being too nervous to ride in this manner?)

    Our children are precious as we all know and we want to do what’s best for them as well as make our own lives as easy as possible. Hopefully you can find a good solution or compromise to the problem of getting to the shops easily.

    Free Member

    We had a very sweet ‘kitty’ of abt 20 who held on for a long time, sometimes seeming better, sometimes worse. Dad kept putting it off and putting it off, in the end she was found curled up in her favorite spot having died in her sleep. She was not distressed in any way before that (that we could tell), just the same as others have described, not eating much, drinking loads, sleeping for ages and ages even for a cat… I think the last week or so she stopped cleaning herself quite as much and the day or so before I remember she had ‘weepy’ eyes.
    I agree as others have said, if there seems to be no distress and there’s not a lot of incontinence then let it go for a bit, see what happens. (I think there is something rather soothing? to the soul to think they pass quietly and in a favorite place, or in familiar surroundings)

    Free Member

    Mol has a banjo you can borrow if you need one to complete your ‘look’ you’ve got the rickety wicker rocking chair out front (or what was out front right)?

    Free Member

    How about the sound of their tires rolling on the tarmac/cobbles/etc?
    I’m with muppetWrangler on this one…

    Free Member

    The A family should not enter into parenthood until booth people are happy to do so. It’s very very hard to be pregnant and dealing with other health problems too… however one cannot be completely fit in most cases before being pregnant.

    Another discussion without blaming -maybe with counsellor- about all issues involved is needed.

    Some ideas:
    Mr and Mrs should each try writing out a plan of action which lead to ultimate goals in life. Compare them and work on finding compromises to the places where the goals differ.
    Talk about worries and fears with health issues (without blame) I.e. I’m very worried about what it will do to your health… I really worry if WE don’t find a solution to the problem I may end up losing you which scares me and having to raise our future children without you which scares me even more. PLUS I worry that this problem you have combined with my own ill-health will curse our children…

    Make health appointments and go together. Find out a course of action which can be taken (from GP or whomever) and follow this. Do research together about what sort of specialists to see and make the calls for her if necessary. It could be that the ‘unknowing’ is scary but Mrs A fears what she will ultimately find out too and is hiding from the fear. Also, she just might not really know what to do and need some hand holding.
    (It sounds to me an awful lot like when I try to avoid issues that I know I oughtn’t, but I still do because of my anxieties…)
    Help MrsA look at her anxieties and recognise what they are and talk about them (without feeling blame from anyone) and work on a plan of action, a process which she can use to help avoid the anxiety and be pro-active and feel confident and get what she ultimately wants (good health and babies)

    Free Member

    Hi my name is Mrsgrips I’m addicted to clearance yarn buying, Snickers ice cream bars, talking to family on FB

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    Brittany, Christmas Day at his parents
    121- Helsinki

    Free Member

    We’re considering this too… just not sure we want the battle about always wanting to watch a film in the car though…

    Free Member

    Not sure I want you at the door Yeti- unless you babysit and other nanny-like duties???

    Free Member

    What causes stiffness?

    Molly is it not photo day today?

    I told Mol he’s not allowed to post pics of me and my gorgeousness on STW- too many jealous men would end up at our doors…

    Free Member

    Looks like some kid’s handwriting…

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