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  • Bounce, Bags and Bling – Spotted at Sea Otter
  • mrsgrips
    Free Member

    Torminalis- not sure you'd get a whole pint in those unless she's feeding twins…

    Free Member

    It's a sinister alien plot where they are using the bales to grow human look alikes that are going to take over the world.

    OOoooooOOh! Is this paired with

    That's what they stuff the mountains with.

    I knew you Brits were really the baddies! The movies told me!

    Free Member

    Ah yes. I did not think about the flatness of the land and the different types of farming because of the landscape. It makes sense now. I was thinking wouldn't they have the stuff already. 'doh' Poor deductive reasoning -1 for me. 😉

    Free Member

    Hmmmm. Well it looked like the type of bales you'd see around Halloween in people's yards, or around tracks at the derby, or that sort…probably not hay then I'm gathering as it's more useful (I imagine) because it's a food stuff. One wouldn't eat straw I presume (if one were inclined to eat grassy materials of course).

    Free Member

    Well being a city girl I'm not so sure if it's straw or hay… It was in bales, so assumed it was hay…straw comes in bales then too? How can you tell the difference?

    Free Member

    I too worked in a bookstore and I second what PracticalMatt said.
    However on the agent front it is considered really bad matters to send out multiple copies of your books at once…basically you can send one out wait for the 'No Thank You.' Then can send out another…
    On self publishing: I know 2 authors who self publish, both find it very hard to sell books. It is a job in itself promoting your work. You really need to self promote, have cool posters, and flyers and bookmarks (all of which cost money of course). But, you can also go to bookstores and ask to do booksignings. If you do end up doing this you MUST BE OUTGOING! Don't just sit there and expect people to want your book/ come up to you. Be gregarious and chatty, then go 'oh then there's my book…' The biggest problem was authors coming in an expecting their books to just sell… And be creative about your book signings, having themes, or contests can really get people involved. (I was on the promoting/sales side of bookselling rather than the buying)
    I'd be really interested in how you get on as 'some day' I will be looking to publish too…

    Free Member

    … Except Mrs Grips is potty trained so she probably edges it.

    Almost pee'd my pants laughing so hard… 😉 (Nothing's the same after having kids.)

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    Free Member

    It is supposedly a bit slow in places, the second is even slower. It was/is a very popular book for those who like adventure mysteries/ Bourne-esque books.

    Free Member

    Doh Indeed 🙂

    Free Member

    And what kind of plate is that; I like the look of it too.
    <<Mrsgrips realises she's very desirous today.>>

    Free Member

    I agree you're a bastard, but only because I really could use some peanut buttery chocolate, and on cake…well that would be heaven. How dare you put such things up for anyone to come across when they are so needy! It is very inconsiderate. <<stomp stomp stomp off to cupboards to eat boring old dry biscuits>>

    Free Member

    It's def something to look into. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Looks nice Surf. Def more leg room there than what we had in ours. Can someone still be safely sitting in the front passenger seat too or has that seat become un-usable? Knees in the dashboard?

    Free Member

    JulianA 🙂 that would be the reason 🙂 I at first found it a bore, but I'm beginning to understand it now. Sort of like being able to drink more and more without being sick…

    Free Member

    So show us your kids' seat then Surf.

    What surprises me is how many people have kids in front seats in the UK. We're told to never ever to do this in the USA. Things do vary so much from country to country it's got so much to do with the culture and what people have researched because of accidents and publicity of such accidents.

    Free Member

    Seems ok to me (one of the fairer sex -or at least Grips tells me I am)* as long as you've gone through the 'rules' of walking to and from and feel she's a careful child. Ditto looking for friends to go with to make it safer (less likely to get picked up, but more likely to take longer and possibly getting distracted); thus rules are needed. We had a 20minute to get home rule for instance to check in and then you can go back out/over to friends houses.

    *Though being American and growing up in a very safe town I have a very different idea about such things than most of the fairer sex who live over here I have found.

    Free Member

    ernie-lynch's pic desires on that other thread.

    Free Member

    ITNG = In The Night Garden oh my uninitiated friends 🙂

    Free Member

    This must have been answered on mumsnet by now.

    hahaha if it has then you've omitted some major details:
    The 'friend' at the bottom is actually an ex lover. And the zombie being thrown is the best friend of the lover, who is actually the 'thrower's' new main squeeze. And the original couple broke it off in world war III fashion, but now the thrower wants to get the original lover back…
    All I can say is think about the kids!

    Free Member

    What a lovely day. Cannot believe it's half over and all I've managed is dishes, laundry, and playing in the park..oh and ITNG.

    Free Member

    Only thing with flowers is pollen and the reaction you can have to it…or the baby can have to it. I know I was very sensitive to such things. But lilies and those type of flowers bother me in the first place.

    Free Member

    Well that's good, for some of you.

    Free Member

    It's a running joke on 'the other forum' I'm on, that one of the best things you can get a woman after pregnancy…cake. 😉 But barring that, I remember thinking that the Simple range of bath products Molgrips bought on one of his 'outings to pick up stuff' was really nice (it didn't irritate any of my…anything) Also the Ceridwyn Cauldron from Lush was lush.
    Remember, the best gifts are something she's been talking about in passing for a awhile, something which shows you've been listening to her. What's she been saying she's really looking forward to 'after the birth?' Any foods she's been missing, which you could make into a picnic?
    Good luck 🙂

    Free Member

    I finally put my daughter to bed and find you've all been posting without me. Don't you all have better things to do? Did you all get your rides in this weekend?

    Free Member

    Lovely 🙂 I too like the second one.

    Free Member

    I was at the self-scan the other day where you put it straight into the bag, and the lady stops me before I start and say don't you want to use the one behind you? (It was one where you scan and then you let the stuff go down the belt to the end of the 'counter' and then pack all the stuff at that end.)
    And I said 'no, because then I have to do twice as much work because I'd have to scan it put it down and then bag it at the end. While I'd much rather just scan and pack as it is much more efficient especially as my child is whining to go.
    She frowned at me and said, 'Well I could pack the things for you.'
    'No thank you. It's faster this way.' I said.

    Free Member

    Now, I've never been to Reno. Is it nice? A lot of people seem to commit crimes there…high murder rate it seems…

    Free Member

    I used steroid cream when I had eczema around the eye and it was fine for the one time. If it repeats I would search out possible solutions too.


    If you want to go a different route (as your OP suggests) I have heard that Lush's Dream Cream is really good for eczema. All natural and lush on the skin (pun kinda intended) 😉 Plus get some other lovely little things for her and you'll be 'in' for the weekend at least! 😉 🙂

    Free Member

    Those Coons are so cute!

    Free Member

    toddler games online A few of those games lock the keys automatically, (Abc's for infants) but it's American so it's Zee not Zed. Our daughter really enjoys it.
    Not sure what else there is.

    Free Member

    I love waffles! Especially with real butter and maple syrup. MMMMmmmm.

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    Free Member

    I quite like our little one too. It's just that today all I really wanted to do after the stressful morning was curl up on the couch and play video games or watch movies and do nothing much besides enjoy 'being.' Instead I was cook, maid, friend, horsey, bath-mate, comforter, lecturer, nurse, climbing frame, dictator, meanie, clown, in other words 'mommy' all day long.

    Free Member

    Well there are the numerous toys…and if she is awake she must be there with…and if she's in bed, well all I really want to do is fall into bed and sleep too. I could stay up and soak in the bath but it's not the same somehow. I suddenly find I have a million other things I ought to be doing 'quick -encase she wakes up.'

    Free Member

    Is there a trick to killing threads?
    I special spear or something? Or can you strangle them with your bare hands?

    Free Member

    I already like Country music (well some) as I grew up in the Midwest (of America) where such things are the norm…as for the belly, well having my daughter has helped not one bit…Maybe I'll be allowed to pass or 'grandfathered in' because of these things?? 😉

    Free Member

    The sound was more a EEE Eee EEE Eee. Definitely tire screeching.
    That was your wife going EEK EEK EEK EEK EEK as you stopped… she made need greasing though too… 😉

    Free Member

    When I was still reeling from a bad breakup I told Molgrips I only wanted to be friends. Figured it was just a fling with him anyhow…he stuck around and assured me and then before I knew it we were married. Now granted we were made for each other (read that as we're the only 2 people who could possibly put up with the other for any length of time).
    Do you have other things is common with her besides biking? Did she bike before you, or has she only picked it up because of you? The later would be a big hint that she's thinking abt you as a possible relationship, but doesn't want to 'go there' yet.

    As for the creature grafting, you guys aren't romantic enough…need more mermaidy imagery…perhaps that's the thing you're all not getting 😉

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