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  • The Trail Pot Launches: A National Mountain Biking Development Fund
  • mrsgrips
    Free Member

    Would you all still say that if we have one super sensitive to scary things and another super sensitive to ‘cringe worthy’ or embarrassing things?

    Free Member

    And I’d agree abt Afan being a great ride (even for the non-rider)

    Free Member

    I love Chepstow and Tintern Abbey…one of my favorite places to show off to family is the Wye valley. Drive from Monmouth down A49 to Tintern (fantastic peep show of the abbey through the trees in a few places which makes everyone all oooh! what was that?!) and then on to Chepstow.

    Free Member

    or Purple Parking perhaps not Purplecar

    Free Member

    Mol didn’t ask, but I happened to pop on and notice the thread in my munchtime boredom 😉 (munchtime was not mis-spelled) 😀

    We used Purplecar people I think it was called. They were very accommodating and even patiently waited one time (when Mol was not with so he’d not know this) while my SIL feed her baby quickly before going into the terminal 🙂

    Meet and Greet make travelling while burdened SO much nicer.

    Free Member

    Who cares they’re gross and like twinkies should be avoided at all costs

    Free Member

    Dear fellow gentlefolk, please find your way down to the pub where you can have a few pints, as the sun has actually come out today…
    How’s that?

    Free Member

    Aye, cups are standard per se, but if you are using cups from the same set then your measurements are all going to be accurate (relative to each other)…scales aren’t always accurate either…

    Free Member

    y’all need to chillax and have some brewskies; the heat is getting to y’all.

    Free Member

    Well in the USofA butter has measurements written on the side of the sticks so you know how much to add… if you’re scooping it out of jar/container you just scoop it into your cup then scoop from the cup into the mixing bowl…
    Personally (tho I grew up with the system) I love measuring cups; all I have to do is scoop the ingredients and pour into the bowl. Makes cooking very simple and teaches fractions too. 🙂 no zero-ing out scales or thinking little more, shake shake, accident dump…golldarnit now tons less…damn a little more…

    Free Member

    course I am pretty much guessing…

    Free Member

    Right, well you can get around the wide chest/bust by having a dress which buttons up the front (and not doing up the buttons all the way). I’d put you as a 14/16 which is a Medium/Large.
    If you don’t have the choice of the buttons at the bust then you’ll need a 22 (X-large) and need to ‘cinch’ it in at the waist by having a belt.

    Free Member

    seriously, I’d say your biggest problem will be the chest unless by chance you do have hips like a girl… what are your measurements?

    (and the fact you’re a 10- 22 means you’re like every typical female out there…I.e. nothing every fits right, which is why typically we try a million things on when we go shopping…)

    Free Member

    Well you could do it the way women do it…i.e. measure your bust, waist and hips and find out where you ‘fit’ into the sizing charts… Or you could go into a shop and try some on. I’m sure M&S assistants won’t smirk (too much) and will be very helpful. xx
    Oh, and do take pictures and post them if you do decide to try them on in a shop, well all take the piss help you choose the one that matches your eyes the best…

    Free Member

    Various people in my family have used low dosage ADs for 6months or so to help with the ‘jump start.’ I’d say there’s no reason not to give them ago if the gp is also suggesting them… be open and honest as to how they’re making you feel and certainly if they’re not doing anything productive they’ll be stopped.

    Free Member

    you guys are taking this too seriously…. 100 women to one man would mean that man would be surrounded by approximately 200 boobs

    Following on from this 100:1 in favor of men would mean that women would be surrounded by even more ‘Richards;’ there doesn’t need to be more of those around…

    Either way would create a hierarchy of some sort I would think, with breeding being enforced somehow or another to keep population growing/ even vaguely stable. Does not really sound ideal for men or women. Tho I also imagine that same sex relationships would become acceptable to all eyes rather quickly which would be a positive advance to be sure.

    Free Member

    supply and demand

    Free Member

    Questions abt your drunken state reminds me of one that I abhor which I often get asked currently…Were you trying to get pregnant? To which I think, ‘Do you really want to know abt my sex life?’

    Free Member

    Star Wars is nothing like Dune. Well bits of it are (i.e. there’s a sandy planet with caves) in so much as the whole story line is stolen from other stories and rather crudely pieced together a bit like our beloved Harry Potter…

    Most of the other stories to films I can think of have been mentioned, but Lion King is Hamlet loosely…
    Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Phillip K. Dick and Arthur Conrad Doyle, Jane Austen and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales are often the ‘basis’ of many stories lines other people use in their books and/or films…

    Free Member

    and yes, you do have a problem 😉

    Free Member

    then I better get my loom

    Free Member

    Aw come on now, you boys don’t do yourselves any help my allowing yourselves to be marginalised when it comes to babies and kids. Women don’t necessarily know more or less than you (and women are fools to act like they do know in many cases). Most people have no idea what to do with babies or little kids. What you got to do is just get stuck in. Approach them like you would learning about a new computer game (i.e. look up ‘cheats’ online about child development and games you can play with certain age groups) or the way you’d approach learning about your new car…look for an ‘owner’s manual’ once again basic books or online sites about child development and what to expect at certain stages or growth.
    Don’t let people (i.e women) make you feel silly or stupid for trying to figure things out or doing things your own way. There’s not really wrong ways of doing things (especially in the very early years). And bloody well stop acting like it’s all about women and the child. No matter if women are pre programmed to know abt babies or not (which in my personal opinion is a bunch of bullsh**) that’s no reason to let them have all the fun. Babies aren’t some mystery only the female sex can understand.
    Gender equality means you guys have to do some work too…yeah it’s easier to just say I don’t get it, it has nothing to do with me… but really, don’t be such wusses. You’re just as important to child development as women… And if you continue acting like it’s something that’s just beyond you then you’re going to continue to miss out on learning and being a part of some really amazing things.

    Free Member

    All babies are shit apart from your own women just dont understand this about men.

    Oh, Women understand men are babies and full of crap…

    Free Member

    Mol set something up for us here in Germany… some sort of hack that costs us a few quid a month I think… He’ll be around soon and I’ll email to point him in your direction.

    Free Member

    Under ones are seriously the easiest I would say as they expect very little… talk a lot (as language is developing) and don’t use the icklebickle coochycoo language people tend to use as it doesn’t help them. However, you can ‘repeat’ what they say (so if they squeal try repeating it) – this helps them learn that people copy each other to learn. And like I said, as crazy as you might feel, talk to them like you would talk to an adult. If they’re being vocal then pretend that they’re really talking to you and say ‘oh yeah I know… x really is a good striker’ or some such.
    If you want to really get into things playing games where you’re touching their right hand to their left foot while counting (or reciting types of bike forks) or any words, is actually really good for them developmentally (using the hands and feet on different halves of their bodies creates ‘crossing paths’ in their brain linking the two sides together).
    The more often you do it the easier and more natural it becomes (obviously) and if people look at you funny just smile and make a joke about it (or make a joke to the baby abt it… ‘see they just think you’re not intelligent/don’t know anything about football but we know better don’t we? You’re going to be the next…)

    Free Member

    Yeah Mol knows…that wrestling play is good..but some parents frown at the makeup wearing so ask first abt that bit…

    Free Member

    Seriously tho, what age because it makes a difference.
    less than one- walk them around, bounce them lightly, talk about everything and anything (including the game yes) if they gurgle pretend the responded to something you said and acknowledge them by saying their name and smiling and asking them to tell you more or asking them a question and wait half a moment to ‘let them respond’
    1- help them walk or crawl, roll balls to them, point out animals and moving oblects like cars, trains, airplanes, bugs, name objects and colors, read simple books, tip them upside down while sitting on your lap, build towers. Use ‘command language’ i.e. simple phrases, but talk ‘normal’ otherwise
    2- throw balls, kick balls, point out more advanced things (especially vehicles) wrestling play is usually liked, also things like horsey, airplane, build towers and knock them down, build them again. Use simple sentences when giving commands but talk normal and repeat phrases using ‘their’ vocab if you know what it is
    3- more wrestling play, chasing games, kicking and throwing and batting balls, playing with trains (building tracks), puzzles. Just talk normal and repeat things as you need to or say it in a slightly different way if they say they don’t understand or look confused.

    Free Member

    Well my nieces nephews and own child have been (are) truly adorable at 1 and 2…using/learning language (sometimes even telling stories), learning how to walk and jump and run and the overly dramatic faces when they get something right or wrong. It’s fantastic.
    Granted when their language skills (at 3 or so) get good enough that they start talking about bodily functions I can understand that they’re at you guys level and you would find that more amusing, but you know, after a year (if they’re girls) they move beyond that…

    Free Member

    Ha! apparently you guys don’t watch 1 and 2 year old enough, they are full of wonder and do the most hilarious things too…or maybe the kids you’ve been looking at are ‘ahem’ not too bright???

    Free Member

    yook at the ickle baby toes… aren’t they the sweetest?
    …and other such stuff

    no really, how old? what sort of interest is she expecting? has she given you any guidance?

    Free Member

    🙂 We are like this at home (when it comes to everyday chores) yes. Chores so dull aren’t they? And once you do them you really just have to do them again.
    It’s such a pity we all cannot run around naked and do what ever creative fun we want whenever we want.

    Free Member

    Hahaha we don’t do domestic drudgery in this house.
    Mol and I are both lazy unmotivated creatures unless it comes to hedonistic ‘jobs’

    Free Member

    How come this episode of The Grips Show didn’t come up on my STW Planner?

    I’m sure I sent personal invites/reminders to everyone that was important.

    Free Member

    lol we shall see

    Free Member

    good point…any of you want to taste my cooking? that should speed the death along…

    Free Member

    OH NO! I thought this had died…

    Free Member

    Do all you jobs and you can come home and cuddle your adoring wife and child…

    Free Member

    If we can have some gas and air as well as the ‘birthing pool’…

    Free Member

    Mumsnet Minnesota has no royalty

    Free Member

    I’d love to go again if the baby had come… lilgrips would love to too I think… when does ‘booking’ close?

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