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  • mrsflash
    Free Member

    sorry me again, try a sling as a compromise between getting stuff done and holding the baby; something like a moby from Little Possums

    Free Member

    Also remember they don’t know night from day yet, it takes a good few weeks to sort that out – try to expose her to some daylight every day (hard at this time of year I know!) to help with the transition, as well as making day times bright and noisy and night times dark and quiet.

    Oh and forgot the congratulations! It’s honestly the best thing we have ever done.

    ETA tell the mrs to sign up to Mumsnet if she hasn’t already, v useful for all kinds of advice.

    Free Member

    yes I think it’s normal, however I have to disagree with the posters who say don’t hold them when they scream I’m afraid. Tiny babies need lots of contact, they are used to being constantly nurtured, moved about, have noise etc in the womb and being born is a total shock to the system. They are biologically programmed to need to be held and reassured a lot in the early months. Teddy has been picked up and comforted every time he cries since he was born, and rarely cries – only when he is tired or hungry, and is very happy to be put down to play on his own. In the early weeks he wasn’t happy to be in the moses basket, so he slept in bed with us. Now, he is completely happy to sleep all night in his basket.

    There is a school of though that the first 3 months is the 4th trimester, and I can understand the thinking.

    Anyway, feel free to ignore, is just my hippy coth nappy using, un gina ford routine based side coming out 🙂

    Free Member

    I remember hearing something on the radio last year about it affecting roadside trees in some way. Vague, moi?

    Free Member

    also the versatility of eggs and potatoes.

    Free Member

    i know I’ve turned into a total and utter bore, but Teddy amazes me. The fact that I built him from pretty much nothing, and am continuing to grow him now, but also the fact that he’s an actual person, who will grow up in to an actual adult and do stuff. The fact that he’s learning new things every day. I’m in awe, i really am.

    Free Member

    AP is short for Anthony Peter. Tony, obviously, is short for Anthony. His friends and those in the industry call him either AP or Tony.

    I’ve never heard of him referred to as anything other than Tony though until very recently, so I wondered if there was a reason that they started doing it, like when Andy Cole decided he wanted to be Andrew Cole.

    Free Member

    Nope, no payrises at all in our place this year. Have only had payrises in last 6 years from moving jobs.

    Free Member

    There’s a fair bit of snow in Windermere according to MIL, but all roads clear. Side streets taken with care though.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a massive amount of help and support from here, both on and off forum, it’s a great place. As above the only other place I can think compares is Mumsnet.

    Free Member

    I think he definitely deserved to win. Why have they started calling him AP rather than Tony though?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    lol at the swapping van & stones colour!

    How is the little one?

    Free Member

    hope she’s ok mastiles.

    Free Member

    The round one? no, it was sh1t. GF now has some phillips (I think?) clippers where you can alter the angle of the clipper head so you can easily do all over, these work really well. much less stressful than when I used to do it for him.

    Free Member

    Congratulations! lovely name. It’s brilliant, honestly. And don’t sell your bike! I’ve managed 2 rides on mine already and he’s only 14 weeks old.

    Free Member

    good luck!

    Free Member

    sept 5th-7th, having baby.

    Free Member

    I looked this up recently, laundrette – once through with no detergent, then with detergent, then get excess water out with a towel, then dry it. Going to do it this week.

    Free Member

    our cats weren’t interested in the scratching post till we rubbed it with cheese. 😀

    Free Member

    Hora, they wouldn’t there are loads of co-sleepers on there 🙂

    It’s a good place to ask for advice on parenting as there are so many opinions, you get a wide range of suggestions.

    Free Member

    you don’t need to cut his claws, get him a scratching post. When he starts to go out he will scratch them on trees as well. MTFU and take it as a compliment 🙂

    Free Member

    lol, double darkside Cougar, I’ve had a roadbike for a while!

    Hora, I’ve been a mumsnet member for well over a year sorry 😆

    Free Member

    Mumsnet is ace 🙂 There are a few men bashing threads, but not that many really. It’s a great source of help for sleep deprived mums of 13 week old babies (ie me!)

    Free Member

    congratulations! it’s the best thing ever (and I say that after a night of very little sleep indeed!)

    Free Member

    Sounds like you were very lucky! stiff drink needed I think

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that Tom, I think a trip back to the docs sounds like a good idea. That and a lot of cuddles with your daughter 🙂

    Free Member

    only if you already look rough. GF has a no 1 all over and I don’t think he looks rough.

    Free Member

    Mildred I think the only change is that now ( i forget why) dummies are good for sids prevention as well.

    Farmer, Teddy is only 12 weeks but I have lost count of the people asking me if he’s sleeping through yet, or worse asking if he’s “good” by which they mean the same. Drives me up the wall. Still, at least only one person has suggested formula as a “solution” shame it had to be my stepmother!.

    Free Member

    the only change we have made to the heating is have it on more in the day as I’m home more – just made sure baby is dressed appropriately and don’t use hand or feet as temp guages at first, use back if their neck or their chest. The sleeping bags ares good but swaddlibg excellent for keeping the startle reflex (flailing arms) at bay which often wakes them up.

    6 months??? 6 weeks, more like! The sooner you can get baby out of your room the sooner all of you will start sleeping through the night…

    I don’t understand this obsession with getting them to sleep through the night whewn they’re tiny, they need food in the night up till around 6 months because their stomachs are so small. If you happen to have one that does sllep through before that you’re just lucky I guess.

    Free Member

    never had any problems here.

    Free Member

    it’s taken Rich an hour and a half to do about 2 miles on the ring road, I don’t fancy your chances much OP

    Free Member

    don’t know what Scott Hall Road is like, but Rich currently not moving on ring road near the big tesco at Seacroft.

    Free Member

    He looks fab! what a cutie.

    Free Member

    brilliant! my camelbak was useless today, tube froze v quickly.

    Free Member

    Reporting for duty. Not riding much at the mo though, so don’t have much to say on here.

    Free Member

    We bought a mothercare spin for travel system, which we’re really pleased with. Not an off roader (it’s fine for non tarmac tracks in the park, but not proper off road iwswim) but I use a Moby Sling for that and GF uses a mamas & papas carrier thing.

    Free Member

    We loved it when we lived in York, I’d be happy to move back (in Leeds now).

    Re the flooding, it’s only a worry in terms of housing if you live really near the river (which we did), and even then, we were in an old terrace with the long front and rear gardens which were intended to soak up flood water and did. In the year after we moved out, Look NOrth did a peice on the floods from our old front garden, which was completely underwater, not a drop in the house.

    Cons for me; no real local mtb, but otoh great for road riding! also v touristy and stag dos, but like steve says, you can avoid those. I don’t think housing is that much dearer than in a lot of parts of Leeds.

    Free Member

    It’s easy to spend nigh on a grand on a pram when you add in car seat, foot muff etc etc etc – a bugaboo in john lewis is over £600 without footmuff, parasol blah blah b;ah – or there’s a special edition one for over £800, a Stokke inc car seay over £800.

    Free Member

    Congrats 🙂 Best wishes to you all.

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