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  • mrsflash
    Free Member

    Well obv once he is in bed, theoretically I am free then too so could easily do a night ride, but at the moment want to get my fitness back a bit so I am capable of doing a night ride and enjoying it!!

    Free Member


    my mind is boggling! 😆

    Juan, Rich does bedtime every night, not once a week, so that is the most sensible time for me to run. He rides his bike on a saturday morning while I take Ted swimming and catch up with friends.

    apologies, title of thread confused me.

    yeah, sorry can see why it would. I am fatter than I would like, but still only a size 10, so not quite fat yet.

    Free Member

    It’s more about fitness than weight, I am still not, by any stretch of the imagination, fat.

    Free Member

    another vote for the Croft, stayed there many times.

    Free Member

    yy flap, I feel guilty doing something for me, as there is always washing or some other such joy to be done.

    Free Member

    I went for a run on Sunday and I really enjoyed it 😀 I was shockingly slow I think, but don’t care, at least I went, and I ran 3.2 miles without stopping which is more important than speed I think and I am pretty pleased with that tbh. Gym at lunchtime today. Am aiming to do something every other day now to get back in the routine of it.

    Watsontony, as many pressups as I can in 2 mins I think will be 0! Upper body strength has never exactly been my strong point. I do like the idea of a few other things thrown in before the run though – but what are burpees?

    Free Member

    Rocketdog are you the poo troll???? 😆

    Molgrips, I’m not a designer sorry. I’m an ex account manager (PA these days) so do know a few designery types though.

    Free Member

    see, point proven. 🙂

    Free Member

    You need a name with an apostrophe in to be properly classy.

    Free Member

    I like it riksbar, good plan 😀

    Free Member

    I have proper shoes, I have proper bra. I used to run a fair bit. I really have no excuse other than laziness.

    Omintn, Ted has gone from eating whatever was put in front of him to almost total food refusal some days. Still, there is room for missing a couple of meals in his physique 😉 Sorry to hear there is a heart saga, I hope nothing too serious. How is George coping with full time? It was ok at first for me, but then I got stupid busy and Rich does long hours (usually not home till 7) and it just doesn’t work when there are two of you trying to do those sort of hours imo. I never wanted to go back ft anyway, but my pt request was refused – understandably as you can’t do my old job pt.

    Orange, he has a balance bike, but is not quite tall enough to use it without a bit of help yet – he loves it though! “bike bike bike”

    Tucker wins the most random post prize.

    Free Member

    Can I also suggest that if you’ve recently cut down on the amount of exercise/biking that your doing then you may now be eating too much?

    hell yes. I am still eating as though I am doing 30 mile mtb rides plus a night ride every week. Problem is, I am a greedy b@gger, and I drink too much. I am slowly easing towards the biggest I was, which was 9.5 stone – for those who know me, you will realise that is a lot for my build – it’s hidden as I have changed shape since Ted was born, but I reckon I am 9 stone ish. Thankfully our scales currently have no batteries in. I have started cutting down portions (and am stopping finishing off Ted’s meals for him which is a very bad habit).

    Nettles I will text you my email (although it’s the same as it was if you still have it), I don’t think I have an email address for you any more.

    Free Member

    Hello omitn, how goes it? GF and Teddy are great thanks, Ted is huge and talking loads and a good deal of fun at the moment. How is Bea doing? can’t believe they are nearly 2.

    I haven’t had pnd btw, just your common or garden stress of the work related variety combined with ft working mother guilt. Which both are hopefully now resolved by a new, part time role. I am already feeling much more motivated thanks to you all though, you’ve done it before for me and I am sure you can do it again! it’s good to hear stories of people getting fitness back. Someone sent me a message today asking if I or GF wanted to join a SITS team and my first thought was that I didn’t think I would ever be fit enough again. But then I realised that I do at some point want to do another solo as I still have that I could have done better itch, so it is there buried somewhere, I just need to find it again.

    Free Member

    Have you considered setting a goal like entering some big race or event at some future point? That could kick start you.

    that is a good idea and suits my personality. Might see if there are any 10ks or something I can do to give me a goal.

    anyone on here tried that shred dvd thing? heard quite good things about that.

    Free Member

    xiphon, got to drop & collect that boy off and all his associated gubbins. running partner would be good though as a motivator, i will have to have a think on that one.

    I do like running, when I do it I just need something to make me get back in to it again.

    Martyn, thanks for the pep talk, thats the kind of thing I need. I’ll trot my excuse out: I am currently at work so can’t get things ready now. How’s that girls bike of yours 😉

    Nettles I am just going to ignore you. OK?

    wwaswas, the sad thing is I was back running 7 weeks after he was born, and back on my bike 9 weeks after. I did quite well for the first 9 months or so after. Then I hit a black patch again, and it all went down hill. I am climbing back out of it (without drugs this time thankfully) but I’m afraid I can’t claim it’s post child birth anything. Am working part time now which I am hoping will improve things vastly.

    Free Member

    you need to do a service wash – hot wash with nothing in (no powder or anything) once a month.

    Free Member

    mumsnet is why I don’t hang around here much anymore. you can swear on there and everything 😀

    Free Member

    we hired the double and it was a squeeze on some of the tracks, just thing a single would open up a few more opportunities of where you could take it. We do want one for off roading rather than general to the shops an out and about type riding as we don’t tend to do that sort of thing tbh.

    Free Member

    😀 i’ve been called worse!

    Free Member

    Yes, sorry for kids! The one we hired was an Adventure, which I think is pretty basic, but did the job. We only want a single as think the doubles are too wide really, it only just fit round the green route at dalby and we will want to do a bit more adventurous stuff than that. Will have a look for Croozers, thanks for the rec.

    Free Member

    Thanks, the sun is shining and we’re about to set off 🙂

    Free Member

    I brought the map of the east Dean route with us but forgot to check which way round, so should it be clockwise or anti? Thanks!

    Free Member

    very kind of you dave360, but we’re there mid week not on a weekend – if that’s any good to you, drop me an email, it’s on my profile.

    daveagiles, thanks for the link, we’ll have a look on there tonight.

    Free Member

    another vote for Togz. Ted has an allinone for walking & cycling. Checkout ebay for 2nd hand ones as they last well.

    Free Member

    Proper tears being shed here.

    Free Member

    I really like my Gore Packlite (I think its the Alp-x).

    Free Member

    We are taking TeddyFlash on his first bike ride 🙂

    Free Member

    we’ve just bought a zapp for our small holiday out and about option – beuase of the fold size and light weight basically.

    I think the zapp extra reclines, but not sure if it folds as small and it’s a bit dearer.

    Free Member

    We do this sometimes when I get out on my bike, it’s great. Need to do it more often really.

    Free Member

    we had sad boy overnight and have tooth no 1 this morning.

    Free Member

    We are all good thanks Junkyard, just had that real life thing going on so not been around for a while.

    At risk of futher arguments, I have just gone back to work. It’s lovely and relaxing 😉

    Free Member

    I am sure we have all heard parents return after half term saying how relieved they are to get back to work etc that is more what I am getting at than child care per se

    That’s because work is a lovely rest!

    Free Member

    According to my dad (77 on Thursday) ten years older than he is. So 87ish.

    Free Member


    It’s the best thing ever, honestly 😀

    My advice to you is remember that your job for the next few weeks is to run around after your wife. Her job is to sit on the sofa / in bed and recover! Is she breastfeeding? if so if she wants a chat about it or has any questions, I’m now a trained BF peer supporter so feel free to email me 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m so sorry.

    Free Member

    congratulations 🙂

    Free Member

    we use a neoprene suit, it stops them getting cold so quickly, he can easily do half an hour with that on.

    Free Member

    so suggesting that just because you managed fine means it’s fine to go against the general medical advice is a bit odd?

    Mmedical advice isn’t to stop doing what you were doing though, it’s to carry on (sensibly) listening to your body as you do. Exercise is good for you while you are pregnant, same as at any other time.

    Free Member

    Any updates? I would very much doubt its anything to do with her not resting, I rode till 26 weeks and carried on at the gym, digging the garden, walking etc till very late on – please don’t let her feel that this is her fault.

    All the best to the 3 of you.

    Free Member

    There was a similar thread on mumsnet a few weeks ago, it was about as divided – I think Joemarshall speaks the truth.

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