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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • mrsflash
    Free Member

    Aww, a happy ending!

    Free Member

    No way is DeeJay in his late 60s, he's definitely younger than that.

    Free Member

    We stayed in a campsite up on a plateau above Quillan, but can't for the life of me remember the village, it wasn't Chalabre, although we did a couple of routes starting there

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that, will keep an eye out for it over here.

    Free Member

    Had a nice ride out from Grassington with Domino 🙂

    Free Member

    +2 3? for a recommendation for the area, it's lovely. Really unspoiled and fantastic scenery.

    We were there a few years ago:

    more here:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Big Fat Positive.

    er, I think 😉

    Free Member

    We don't have enough money saved, I'll get fat, 9 months of hell & 20 years of looking after it, my life is over, I don't want to change my life, I'm happy the way things are etc etc… all valid concerns, but not really an argument to terminate a pregnancy? Are these just the normal fears and worries every woman goes through, and if I'm honest, the same thoughts that I'm having as well?

    Yes, speaking as a pregnant woman, these are all totally normal fears and worries. I don't think there can be a single person who has not gone through a pregnancy and not thought these at some point.

    I'm always worrying about how we'll cope for money, but we will, as long as you can pay your food, bills, mortgage, anything on top is an extra.

    It doesn't have to be 9 months of hell at all. For me, the first 7 weeks were fine, the next 3-4 a bit crap, but not awful, and since then I've been feeling great. I'm still riding, going to the gym, earlier this week we walked up Crinkle Crags & Bow Fell in the lakes, which isn't exactly an easy stroll, we're about to go bivvying.

    I've not got fat – yes I have put on over a stone, but I'm still a size 6-8, it's all at the front, from the back I look no different at all.

    Obviously life changes, but it's not over, it's different. We were very happy with the way things were, we had a great life, one of the reasons we've been married nearly 9 years and only just getting round to having a baby – I'll be 36 when it's born. But with all my fears and worries, the times I have got up in the night for the loo and wondered what the hell we are doing, I have never, ever wanted to change things, and I suppose that's the difference.

    I don't really know what to suggest, other than counselling to see if that helps her / you both come to a decision you can all live with.

    Free Member

    They were tiny! I'm not exactly huge and they all seemed shorter and petiter than me.

    Free Member

    I think it's staying open.

    Free Member

    Since he got run over, ours sits on the pavement and looks both ways before crossing the road now!

    Free Member

    hmmm pics of travel cot please?? and how much?

    And if anyone's selling a back pack, please let us know!

    Try ebay, I'm buying off there (got our cot from their the other week in fact).

    Free Member

    I do like a happy ending 🙂

    Free Member

    oh fgs don't be so touchy, I was (mostly) joking.

    Although those kind of generalisations do wind me up a bit because I was brought up by my dad, who coped just fine, so I do actually disagree – he is probably more suited to it than I am.

    Free Member

    nice sweeping generalisation 😆

    Free Member

    That is not a bad call at all Dave.

    Free Member

    yes, the snot is flowing freely. lovely.

    Dave we're off to lakes next week so will be trying it out there. But am liking the ilkley moor idea.

    Free Member

    binners we both seem to have got ourselves colds so won't be riding tonight, but I'll see you there to pick up the kit if that's ok?

    Free Member

    unpasturised cheeses are out and blue cheese is out. Google the FSA guidelines on what you are advised to avoid. But remember, it's only advise, and it does change, so it's up to you to make up your own mind about what risk you are willing to take.

    Free Member

    Omitn, up until about a week ago, I didn’t really have a bump at all – it seems to have suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the last few days. I am feeling absolutely fantastic at the moment, no issues whatsoever (why do I think that is going to come back and bite me in the bum big style????). Still riding, on and off road, although road bike is starting to get a bit uncomfortable, so rich has just flipped my stem up to make the front end a bit higher, which helped. Has MrsN finally got over her sickness then? Haven’t really noticed any food affecting baby’s movements yet, but it seems to be pretty busy practicing backflips most days, especially in the late evenings.

    Free Member

    I think I’m probably with Mastiles on this one. Objectively, I am absolutely, positively 100% pro-choice. However, if I were to have got pregnant by accident whilst in a secure, happy relationship, there is no way I could have terminated.

    Free Member

    Rich reckons you don't even have to be pregnant for that!


    Free Member

    oh and congratulations !! 🙂

    Free Member

    I don’t really see how you can go from having unprotected sex to wanting a termination, surely if you have unprotected sex you are aware of the consequences and happy to deal with them, otherwise you’d have been taking precautions?

    Free Member

    Shock is normal, even if you’re planning it, I can assure you. We had plenty of time not succeeding at getting pg to get used to it, but it doesn’t make the shock any less when you actually get a result! I’m still in shock (23wks pg at the moment) and cannot believe that we’re having an actual baby – even though I had a crying session the other night because my baby is going to leave home and get a job. Which brings me on to – be prepared for hormonal weirdness from your wife!!!

    Free Member

    Dur, I have just twigged 🙂

    Free Member

    Yeah, he's a git isn't he!

    Free Member

    Now we just need to decide where to go (we are walking not riding). What hill for sleeping on top of??

    Free Member

    Lol, no. Up the duff, innit – hence the bit about weeing and farting!

    Free Member

    I'm riding a touring bike which is ok for Boggies type rides but I wouldn't want to slow you down.

    you might as well, I'll be there slowing them down already!

    Free Member

    you're v near then, he's near the crown plaza. can you drop me an email on clare dot starkie at communisis dot com and we can sort out?

    Free Member

    Leisurely is all I do these days 🙂

    are you going to come over to Leeds for the film showing again? I think it's 4th June.

    Free Member

    less thank 15 miles you think? yeah, why not. I have an hour awarded at work for good behaviour, so I can always have a lie in the next day if I'm shattered.

    Free Member

    that would be ace plumb 🙂 are you in leeds centre this week? GF works in the centre so could arrange a pickup?

    STW comes up trumps as usual!

    Free Member

    we have bags 🙂

    What kind of mileage then? I'm quite tempted.

    James, we need to go in the enxt month really otherwise I'll be too fat, so I think a bag is essential.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, what sort of distance you doing? I've not been out with a group for a while so not sure what my pace is like compared to un-preggo me really. I shall speak to himself and see 🙂

    Talkemada, believe me, you wouldn't want to share unless you happen to like sharing with someone who gets up for many wees, and snores & farts a lot 😉

    Free Member

    Very kind of you binners. What time are you meeting? I'm probs too slow for a group ride these days (well depending on if Hora's joining you or not 😉 ), but GF may well be able to make it over.

    Free Member

    Ah well done Houns, your no 2, my bench spot 🙂

    that was a good day out 🙂

    Free Member

    I saw loads of bins – black bin bags in a lot of places.

    I agree with the people taking bikes around though, they just got in the way and did cause a lot of problems at corssing points.

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