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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • mrplow
    Free Member

    What is the argument?

    Your tyre will decouple from the ground above a certain speed if you cannot match the terrain with bike/human suspension and tyre diameter. The choice is how fast do you want to go and in how much control? Everyone is different.

    Free Member

    Technically it is not covered by the warranty as it is a suspension part and covered for only one year under the Specialized warranty. But, Specialized often go way beyond the call of duty. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Different at different airports. At Glasgow I slung my bag onto the heavy goods belt and nobody checked the weight and just sent it through. I think in Geneva they did check it but my weight was OK.

    Free Member

    He has taken it to the machine shop in the University he works in so fingers crossed they have ordered up the right bit. Thanks for the heads up on Wiggle Canada, did not think Boardmans were sold abroad for some odd reason.

    Free Member

    Sent them in and R53 sorted them. I bought them at the start of the year.

    Free Member

    Oh oh! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    If you can’t see yourself completing a manouver don’t attempt it. Simple.

    Free Member

    Ace tips – quick print of page before jumping in car. :mrgreen:

    No bikes although we could hire for a day trip but no mtbing.

    Will be taking my camera but won’t equal some of the images above. Lovely.

    Free Member

    I got on very well with my first ride on my 2012 at the weekend. Much better than expected. I am light and floats/RPs usually work well for me until they cavitate. Then the internals get launched for a Push to to get rid of the reliability issue. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Demo them to decide. Alpine fits just like a 06 enduro with a 160 fork which is what you have. The Alpine is a little longer feeling in the tight stuff. I prefered the Enduro as the Alpine felt caught up on square edges but that could have been down to the rear shock alone. The Alpine was not nice if you feathered the rear brake in high speed corners (not that you should be anyway so maybe it teaches good habits :mrgreen:)

    The noise of an orange is “special”. I don’t think you will feel much difference between the two tbh if both are setup well.

    Free Member

    Sweet, all good going on what R53 told me. Now you need to pump them up again all carefully 😆

    Free Member

    Did the fork suck down? I spent ages filling, working the fork but there was an internal fault and I am guessing there was a bad batch. No amount of care will fix it, you have to prove the fork sucks down to know it is working according to R53. Mine did not suck down until sorted. The damper settings and performance will be off if it is not right so worth verifying.
    A difference you feel if it is equalizing is when you do the very slow strokes. At first it feels a little sticky on the first couple of small 10mm strokes then it is suddenly buttery(tm) smooth and very easy to do slowly as the neg chamber equalizes.

    Free Member

    My settings which were last messed with in the Alps are:
    Rider Weight 80ish KG with all gear on
    83-85psi achieving 26/27% sag
    Rebound messed with and has ended up back at factory recommendation of 15clicks from fully closed.
    Low speed 11 clicks from fully closed.
    High speed 21 clicks from fully closed.

    Your fork will only feel like mine if your negative air chamber works correctly. It feels soft in the car park test but works a treat on rough trails and most other stuff with no upsetting diving. 🙂

    Free Member

    This is why you have to check the neg chamber first as you will end up with very different settings if it is not equalizing. About to give the bike a quick wash so can check the clicks but everyone likes different things. My setup would be like a spongy sofa to bwaarp yet it still does not blow through travel which I love. 🙂

    Free Member

    First thing to do is let all the air out of them and see if they suck down before you do any setup etc. This will prove if the neg air chamber is working properly. Mine was not and I ran them for months like that and they still felt good. With it sorted they are very good.

    Don’t get the harsh comments – mine a V plush through fast stuff if that is how you want to set them.

    Free Member

    Cheers Al , sounds like you have a proper day at it. :mrgreen:

    My babysitting did not go well. 3 of the group clearly missed the warning that you had to be able to ride a bike. Granted this is not a true pre requisite of GT but it helps! Still, I was tasked with trying to get them up the hill.

    One gave up on the first climb,
    One fell on the first small descent and was shook so headed down (don’t blame her as it was her first time)
    …We lost the other! 😯

    To the man with the new eggbeaters. I can only say sorry for us getting in the way. You were very patient and it was seriously appreciated. 🙂

    The rest of us marched on and had a pretty good ride from there on in. One of our group was a roadie who had never biked “offroad” (or on small roads like GT ) :lol:. A nice feeling when he said he had a great time. He wants to return the favour with a velodrome session where we will be the noobs!

    The new bike is pretty smart on cheeky dry rooty lines compared to the old one but we need more quality time to bond and mess about with the setup.

    P.S. Anyone going to the Whiteroom – you have been warned what to expect 👿

    Free Member

    I’m showing workmates who have never mountain biked before round GT for a day out tomorrow so it won’t be too stressed… Will let me mess about with it a bit while shouting change gear, level feet, bend legs etc 😆

    Fingers crossed we can get someone into A&E again so that the bosses from other teams pull me up on Monday to do their work for the missing party. The joys of organising something work related.

    Free Member

    Keep at it, you seem quick enough. Not sure what you are doing on the home of misinformation though lol :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Captain – you must work in IT to work that one out so fast. I’ll run it for a few days and when the thread dies gets it nuked clean off the interwebs. My legal team will probably ask me to remove this once they are back on billable hours on Monday! :mrgreen: 😆

    Given all the pain created I had to come on the net as the big man and give it the proper zero achieving hissy fit it deserved!

    Not looking forward at all to tomorrow and finding out how inferior a bakelite frame is compared to the aerospace inspired wonder material that is Aluminium. 🙁

    Free Member

    I kept my Lyriks for a reason, I hope to god I don’t have to lower myself to using them again! lol 😉 :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Vikingboy put a CCDB on his – TFT helped make it work. He posts on here.

    Free Member

    I find the stiffness between my flows and my 721s to be night and day. The 721 wheels are much stiffer. My flows have dents in them after a year and a half of moderate use, my 721s have no dents after 4 years use with uplift days, fort bill etc under them.

    Neither have failed as such. The Flows are lighter but don’t take a pounding as well. For “serious hammer” I would stick with the 721 ime. 🙂

    Free Member

    Andy Barlow = ex Scottish DH junior champion I think…

    Free Member

    Put the bolt just in so that it holds one side together through the cup and cone but flush so that the shock eye can slide in, makes it a lot easier. If you have something the right size you can set up the other side the same making it simple and push through with the bolt. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    If I was BoardinBob there would have been two riders down. Picking up teeth and lots of blood would have me blacked out. Not the best for these situations! 😯

    Free Member

    I get quite noticable numbness in my hands at night and can feel them waking up in the morning. I thought it was just how I was sleeping. May have a read up on this.

    Free Member

    I vote simple DQ, I don’t think she was on such a steep part as to endanger herself to get back to the original point she left the track etc.

    Free Member

    This is the route I see myself going Rob.

    Free Member

    I’m from Glasgow and you are allowed to buy glass bottles of booze at duty free so your litmus test is flawed… 😆

    Maybe not a cool idea then.

    Free Member

    Whitroom site says they will split up the group so you are doing what you like. Not really in their interet to freak you out with hardcore riding unless you ask for it.

    Free Member

    Does this mean that xc Stevomcd can’t do gnar?! 😯

    Free Member

    Easyjet holds are usually pretty empty places as everyone goes budget and takes their stuff in their hand luggage. 🙂

    Free Member

    I have a CRC bag with 2 wheel bags – do you just jam these in the main bag?

    Free Member

    I know this is going to sound a dumb question…where are the wheels in the bike bag pics above? 😳

    Think I still have my frame spacer for the rear. Was going to use the front axle in the fork with something covering it.

    Free Member

    I went through the exact same thoughts sailor74. 😆

    Free Member

    My fork will probably explode this weekend 😆 Don’t worry, I’l post pics.

    Free Member

    I don’t get the drum you are banging. You running inferior(just to wind you up :lol:) Lyriks solid as to get round their inherent diving. I have done this in the past but it removed enjoyment as I don’t want my teeth punched in by my fork and have hand injuries from previous sports which don’t enjoy the Gwin ride quality. The BOS seem to control their travel better without being sluggish from over damping or pumped up to hell. They just work nice, if all forks worked like this the pros might not have to set their forks up so hard 😉

    I read that BOS always design trying to replicate linear coils but have no tested data to say what devilles curves are actually like. I doubt they are linear.

    Free Member

    Bwaarp we should start a thread on tuning of just kick the hell out of this one. It seems difficult for me to accept that you can tell me I am running too much sag unless I was way off the range. There are a whole lot of variables in there and most are personal. I don’t claim to be Gwin or want the cack beat out of me and put most of my weight through my feet, 25% is working just fine and v enjoyable.

    Free Member

    I don’t get the assumption that I am running them soft with mega because they are bos? Currently running 25% sag for most stuff looking for a do all setting.
    If anything they damping feels more open than my lyrik which spikes, the interesting part is that the bos seems to control the amount of travel used without spiking etc.

    I sound like a proper fan boy so I shall balance it out.

    My forks were not equalising between the main and neg chamber. I ran them like this for months and both me and friends that tried them thought they were really good. There was a built fault which meant they would never equalise. Once this was realised and sorted my settings changed to much closer to factory settings. If you have these be careful that they are equalising. I thing I was told they should suck down slighty when you let all the air out but I have not tried it yet. Well worth checking as it makes a fair difference to small bump and damper settings.

    Free Member

    By that Bwaarp you are saying I should have something that dives like hell for grip but that a rigid fork is best so I can get a good rattle on to go like Gwin… :mrgreen:

    We call mine the proto fork because we just don’t know when it is going to explode into lots of little french pieces.

    Everyone is different, I really enjoy the performance of the BOS compared to the other forks I have tried. I don’t back any brand for a particular reason and always had the plan to sell em and try new floats if they did not perform well.

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