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  • Bespoked Bike Check: Quirk Cycles SUPERCHUB
  • MrNutt
    Free Member

    damn you cynic-al!

    I’ve never been comfortable around brooms since!

    Free Member

    well, we have the fiber installed around Swinedum, it then runs on coax to the house, forty quid gives HDtv, 50meg broadband and unlimited phonecalls. Nothing to do with BT, thank god!

    they also don’t choke the traffic during peak times like BT etc apparently

    dunno if you can keep your BT number, probably.

    Free Member


    now thats got me thinkin…

    Free Member

    I had 7.5mbps on BTvision, seriously, you really can notice the difference with this shizzle, damn its fast!!

    Free Member

    oh I got lower!!

    I can’t believe its gonna take me a whole 2mins to download an 800mb movie file, that’s not even long enough to make a bloody cup of tea!

    Free Member

    £40pcm, includes TV & unlimited telephobe

    I’m now playing find the lowest speed I can on the speed testers, above is the slackest I can muster at the moment.

    Free Member

    yep, vmedia quote 50mb, I can has 72.0mbps

    yes 72 meg….

    Free Member

    Free Member

    its astonishing, its gonna spoil all other internets for me though.

    but I can save films/programmes/etc from the Vbox on to USB, that has me pretty chuffed to.

    My god I’m so glad I didn’t go for BT vision again!!

    Free Member

    what does her mother look like?

    Free Member

    hmmm.. …this thread needs buket.

    Free Member

    he think totem pole alive
    he tenderfoot
    that totem pole been here forever.

    Free Member

    Back up your claims with wikipedia links or they are all lies!

    Free Member

    The only thing worth pointing out is that my opinion is rite and you are much too ronger.

    Free Member

    Your rong.

    Free Member

    You wold say that.

    Free Member

    lose the pick, use your fingers. You’ll have a lot more fun!

    Free Member

    a rather blunt looking casio edifice

    Free Member

    special agent Krag is there at the moment, you wanna ask him!

    Free Member

    I bet that’s the bastard! which way did he go?

    Free Member

    I’ve been waking up at least once a night every night wondering about this, thats two years of broken sleep, I need some rest, whodunnit and more importantly…. ….why?

    Free Member

    a pair of old birkenstock-style sandals and a roof rack? hmmm.

    Free Member

    I have a phone, two normal tea cups, one mint tea cup, invoices, magazines, paper, wallet, iphone, doctors MRI referral letter, tobacco and a phone.

    I’m going to build a tower.

    Free Member

    best of luck with it Tim & Co,

    I’d give a +10 for the suggestions to go to relate, they are good, i can really help.

    Free Member

    best of luck with it Tim & Co,

    I’d give a +10 for the suggestions to go to relate, they are good, it can really help.
    They are good at helping fix people and can offer much needed perspective.

    Free Member

    **** me I didn’t think you could get any older Dez! happy birthday ya big old attention whore, cheers for the donut.

    Free Member

    The Alcohol Problem.

    Society deems it acceptable and often encourages the consumption, think of the word “celebration” and what activity comes to mind. Champagne? a few beers? a bottle or two of wine?

    Its all considered to be socially acceptable, “oh he’s had a few” and other such jovial spurts.

    For someone who uses alcohol to “switch off”, “cope” or “release” to actually opt out the socially acceptable convention, and all the pleasure & pain that comes with it, immediately causes feelings of disconnection from society, from joyous participation, feelings of self guilt, weakness, angst and isolation often occur.

    A common approach taken to find a resolution is substitution, for example:

    “I’ll find a new distraction”
    “I’ll do a spot of DIY”
    “I’ll do something creative”
    “I’m going to improve myself through learning, I’ll read more”
    “I’ll go to the gym more, I’ll get fitter”

    But if you think that a substitution activity alone is going to do the trick, then you’re wrong.

    You should give up drink, you have a problem with it, its not an easy thing to accept…

    how could it be? after all, society says its fine to have a drink, why should you have a problem?

    “down in one”

    Alcohol is…

    All drugs have their uses,

    The Alcohol Drug is commonly used as a cleaning fluid or as a popular recreational drug.

    It’s a drug, pure and simple, its up there with speed, coke, heroin, crack or meth.

    It’s just regulated and taxed, and in many cases its considerably more harmful.
    (you’ve probably seen this graph before?)

    – Benzodiazepines: Wide-ranging class of prescription tranquilisers
    – Buprenorphine: Opioid drug used in treatment of opiate addiction
    – 4-MTA: Amphetamine derivative sold as ‘flatliners’ and ecstasy
    – Methylphenidate: Amphetamine-like drug used to treat ADHD
    – Alkyl nitrites: Stimulant often called amyl nitrites or ‘poppers’

    So its more harmful than many other drugs, its actually up there with Heroin and the other really life fuxking drugs.

    So what’s best?

    Quit, just stop drinking… (yes, that simple)

    It WILL be a torment,
    you WILL crave it,
    you WILL want it,
    you WILL fancy “just one”

    you WILL fail.

    But failure is not final, it is very important to understand that.

    [list]Don’t judge yourself on your failings, rather judge yourself upon your continued resolve.[/list]

    Its a tired old saying but its true: one day at a time for the rest of your life.

    Alcohol takes more than it ever gives, it destroys people, it destroys families, it destroys lives.
    It’s only your choice, it is not an easy road to walk down, but you don’t walk it alone.

    From personal experience:

    I got booze out of my life at the start of this year, I’m very pleased with it.
    It is hell, I want to drink, I could every day, why?
    Because I am in love with the Alcohol drug.
    But the Alcohol drug is a dysfunctional selfish lover;
    A lover that I no longer wish to share my life with now or anymore.

    So what’s it like?

    Well being in a band means I am often in pubs, clubs, festivals, rehearsals, parties, etc and it was that aspect of my life that caused me to worry, it seemed like it would be so easy to fall off the wagon at any time. But as time has progressed, and the cost of booze has increased (to its now almost joy killing levels!) I’ve been pleasantly surprised at just how many people don’t actually drink booze when they are out, shitloads! Yes its still there, always there, “can I get you a drink” or worse still when someone puts a full, ice cold pint in front of you. But **** it, I don’t need booze, I don’t need a substitute, It just takes balls and faith in yourself, that you can be better sober than you were drunk.

    Its easy to live inside drink, it makes everything easier to ignore.

    But its far more rewarding to have a great life, with the same kind of fun, but sober.

    And as for how to do it? here’s what I did:

    Drank the house dry.
    Quit drink.
    Stayed in, watched a lot of DVD’s, smoked pot.
    Read a lot more, I objectively learnt about Faith & Religion, enjoyed a few novels.
    Fell of the wagon, the next day I got back on.
    Wrote music, songs and prepared for up coming gigs
    Worked every day, Threw myself into it.
    Suffered 3 subjugated ribs & agonizing back pain.
    Built a couple of websites.
    Did a spot of decorating.
    Trolled a few websites.
    Rode my bike.
    Helped a friend out with some graphic design work.
    Went shopping.
    Played on the xbox.
    Cooked nice food. (buy those tiny wine bottles for cooking)
    Drank lots of Becks Blue.
    Had the odd smoke now and then.
    Have not yet quit the cigarettes.

    But one thing, one day, at a time.

    I hope that helps, keep busy and keep at it. good luck, whatever you choose to do. 🙂

    Free Member

    what did he use to make the stain? is that 72 years worth of, erm?

    Free Member

    looks bet at the frame to me, suprising as I’ve killed loads of those cheese hangers but never managed to bend a frame, is that steel?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The smack is not really a worry, theirs a guy a few doors down that has been running his own meth lab in his bathroom for the past 7mths and he told me over the fence recently that he’s upscaling to heroin production as its better for repeat business without the hassle of the aggressive clientele, as I occasionally represent him in court he’s more than happy to “put something back into the community”.

    As for the age of the kids, most of them take the benefit’s straight off their mothers, they don’t fight as they prefer an easy life.

    Since the Neighborhood Watch was set up to keep the area safe from peados we haven’t had any burglaries, nothing like the sight of the Close deterrent to put folk off breaking & entering.

    A lot of the mothers are quite keen on the idea of a programme like this, anything of an easier life I guess.

    Oh and its not like they would be forced into it, we’d just give it to the bigger “cooler” members for their stupid gangs.

    Free Member

    do you tend to strum or use a pick? if so there’s a whole garden of delights waiting for you, follow the signs that read “fingerpicking”.

    Free Member

    me and the boys from the road club always ring our bells, take our little caps off and hold them to our chests as we power past.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    what on earth? what kind of bread are you cutting?!? do you make your own on the beach?

    Free Member

    good grief, a wet stone should the knife be bunt, for typical domestic use I doubt you’d need one. Even then once a year would be more than ample for a typical household. Unless of course you think stone is a good chopping surface, then you’re just a nutter and clearly live on a cheese only diet.

    And if I’ve just been sharpening a knife I know its gonna be bloody sharp, no need for all this arm shaving or such!

    Free Member

    yes, its all good experience….

    **** HELL!!!!

    and the nameservers thing, thats going to be a proper ballache, how do I sort that shizzle out?

    Free Member

    don’t ever put your knives through the dish washer.

    I’m not a fan of global knives to be honest.

    Free Member

    I *need|* a mustang and a jaguar, oh and a jassmaster, and maybe a gretch, oh **** it I’ll have a gibson hummingbird too.

    Free Member

    down at the bike barn was nice n cheap and you can ride down to perenport beach, its also pretty close to The Track.

    warning: Cornwall is flat with some holes in it, do not expect hills.

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