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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • MrNice
    Free Member

    The great purge? Those in the know refer to the night of the long bans but I may have said too much already…

    Free Member

    Having absentmindedly jet washed my leg in the past I can reassure everyone that the water floss is nothing like it. I too got congratulated on my dental hygiene after buying one.

    Free Member

    There’s another thread from a while ago if you can find it. I prefer the Philips one.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    What are the odds that a story like this turns up when JHJ is on “holiday”? Makes you think, doesn’t it.

    Free Member

    Got a few midlife crisis road riders round my way. Clipless, super expensive bike and lycra all the gear,no idea types. I love going past them on a steel SS with flats wearing baggy shorts and a t-shirt whilst saying a cheery hello

    Free Member

    lycra and flats is an unusual combination. Clipless pedals and road shoes support your feet better which most people find more comfortable over longer distances. Personally I prefer the feel of float compared to sticky rubber stuck on pins but YMMV. I clip in for road and mtb but not on the frankenbike commuter

    Free Member

    hmmmm…. sounds interesting. I’ve not had a puncture on a road bike in a very long time. Will consider it when I upgrade wheels on the summer bike. The winter bike can stay on burly clinchers since low maintenance is the order of the day (year).

    Free Member

    so what’s the downside to tubs then? seems like they’re stupid light – there must be some reason we’re not all using them all the time (not trolling, I’m genuinely ignorant)

    Free Member

    @hanchurch – fair enough. We all have to make choices. I have deliberately avoided getting into fast cars since they make fast bikes look cheap ;-) If we play the game with stereo and record collection it will look worse for me than my bikes…

    Free Member

    @hanchurch – you deserve another bike! just use the rest of us spendthrifts as justification

    someone off here has been used as a reference point by his mates who wished to portray themselves as restrained, i.e. “nosediveX has bought a Merc van, I only got a second set of wheels and I put the spares on eBay”

    Free Member

    is it just me, or does that bike look very, very wrong? feels like looking at the aftermath of a horrible crash where some poor sod’s foot is pointing the wrong way and I want to hurl

    Free Member

    3-4% I think for the mtb. Though struggling to remember what I was paid 5 years ago (the bike is a bit like Trigger’s broom by this time). Probably a bit less than that for the roadie (er, one of the roadies).

    Mind you, comparing to gross salary doesn’t take into account what you have left after the taxman has had at you. An interesting measure might be against net salary, i.e. “of the £X,000 I had to live on this year I spent Y% of it on a push bike”. That really could be divorce-making material for anyone who prioritized carbon fibre bling over the family holiday :lol:

    Free Member

    Totally OT but some neat tag team work by the mods up there. I’ll set ’em up and you knock ’em down etc. Do you two practice this sort of thing?

    Free Member

    joking aside, you can afford to go to the states and you can afford to hire a sports car, but you’re bitching about $220 when non-payment could result in all sorts of immigration grief should you ever want to go back there? just pay up and the problem goes away

    Free Member

    if b) had been ‘fella apologises, does his best humble Hugh-Grant-bumbling-brit act’, it might all have gone away…

    doesn’t always work though

    Free Member

    I thought this was the new forum :?

    Edit: or was that the “joke”?

    Free Member

    Thanks CFH. A bit llame, to be honest.

    Free Member

    I was hoping for a better punch line than that. Surely someone can do better.

    Free Member

    I opened this thread with a nasty feeling you were all going to say it makes a lot of difference. I like beer, and I like food. But I also like not feeling like I’m going to die every time I ride uphill…

    Free Member

    I assume its this you saw. There’s plenty of different bits of trail in the woods there.

    Free Member

    Signs don’t solve the problem because people think they know better. I’ve seen the queue vigilantes doing their thing as they crawl past a sign the height of a double-decker with letters 2 feet high saying USE BOTH LANES YOU BELLENDS (I made up the last bit but it should’ve done)

    Free Member

    sugar free is your problem there. Fizzy drinks don’t work for me without a bucket of sugar in each can.

    Free Member

    pondo – are you that cockwomble who ended up trying to ram me?

    Free Member

    or get yourself a P (and a free T-shirt as a bonus*)

    * or not, if you’ve been a long-term financial supporter of the magazine/website

    Free Member

    when they had a lane closed near Derby there were *huge* signs saying “use both lanes, merge at the last minute” and still people got in one lane so the queue backed up and blocked the exit behind us :roll:

    I nearly got rammed by a bloke who was policing the lane-to-be-closed-half-a-mile ahead

    Free Member

    issue 7 was first for me 8)

    might have to get a shirt since the last one has just disintegrated

    Free Member

    do either of those have the alarm the OP requested?

    Free Member

    I camped at Rosedale. The office had a big sign saying “no groups” so I expected a quiet night. Then a huge van pulled up and disgorged a gang of chavs who’d presumably hidden in the back while their mate claimed it was just him and his missus. They went to the pub and got lashed, then returned to drink more and fire up a BBQ. By 2 in the morning singing and swearing was no longer sufficient entertainment so they started fighting each other. We left early.

    Free Member

    Icke is incredible – on the surface he’s so lucid and plausible but what he’s saying is utterly hatstand

    Free Member

    have you made a suggestion yourself, then? so’s we can see if your musical taste is any better than ours

    Free Member

    The staff in many Evans branches are great. I went to the Sheffield one and they were really helpful.

    Of course, it could just be that one branch.

    Free Member

    I liked this one

    Your man Henderson, that boy with the glasses who is doing a PhD up here at Queen’s in Belfast
    Buncrana, County Donegal

    With the message inside saying “if this has arrived, you live in a village”

    Free Member

    so we’re saying that wearing a camera is some form of honey trap… and all drivers would be considerate, calm and reasonable were it not for those camera-wearing two-wheeled maniacs trying to be run down so they can create footage of purple-faced fat men falling over?

    I feel like I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole

    Free Member

    You made the right choice. Simple and stylish versus so many different dials you can hardly see what time it is.

    Free Member

    re Sleeper – singer Louise Weiner (sp?) writes novels. Of the chick lit variety, I think.

    Hora – you have confused me even more than normal. Why does someone who liked Elastica also suggest such utter shite as deacon blue? :?

    I may have posted this one before on another thread

    Free Member

    are you jivehoney in disguise? I promise I wont tell anyone :lol:

    Free Member

    not just some tyres

    is it wrong that I want a fat bike just so I can have tyres that say Husker Du on them?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    judging from last weekend at Llandegla, every bike requires a van to transport it. And you have a clown bike. Do you have an HGV licence?

    If there are going to be people in the back seat you will likely need an estate. With no passengers in the back then a hatchback with the seat folded will do you.

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