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  • Podcast: Racing, Reform, and Rumours
  • mrmoosehead
    Free Member

    In really cold weather, I use my old Hein Gericke Pathan Lobster motorcycling gloves. Almost too warm.
    But great for those silly rides where it’s so cold your mech and freewheel freeze up… 🙂
    Roll on silly winter rides.

    Free Member

    Ta. Appreciated.

    Free Member

    I hear that sand-blasting is good for getting off the dried mud.

    Free Member

    With the crap we ride through all year round, I’d go Hope every time. They’re only up the road. they know the effect of peat/mud/gritstone on a bike. 🙂
    Most other stuff seems designed for nice dry dusty trails in colorado and dies very quickly.

    Free Member

    Vango omega 350.

    Light enough to share in backpacking
    large enough for a cosy family of 4
    enough room in the front to put a couple of bikes.

    Seems pretty bombproof.

    Free Member

    I have a good quality shoulder bag / satchel type thing from a VoiceGenie conference/course about 15 years ago. Still use it.

    Free Member

    Wot BigDummy said is pretty much my routine as well

    but I did get routine cleaning absolutely nailed

    But, with the addition of hot and cold water taps outside. Not for the bike though, to hose myself down before entering the house. 😀
    MrsMoosehead doesn’t like trails of peaty mud through the house to the bathroom.

    Free Member

    This would appear to be the common sense approach, but when riding at Swinley was allowed but informal Crown Estates found themselves being sued for damages by people who fell off (I think one pay out was in the region of £50k)

    This. On what basis is someone able to sue them.

    If this is the application of the law, then the law is an ass.

    Free Member

    Why is it the responsibility of the landowner?
    Whatever happened to personal responsibility. 🙁

    You fall off, your problem.

    Mind you, then we get into the debate about personal insurance vs the free NHS…

    <lights touchpaper, retires>

    Free Member

    You had a claim on house insurance so you’re struggling for contents insurance? Eh?
    I.e. no-one will insure you, or they are asking silly money?

    Free Member

    Is the Zee crankset the way forward here?

    Free Member

    Not directly the answer you are looking for, but: I am an early adopter of the samsung smartthings v2 platform.
    It shows much promise. But…

    Their release strategy has been push it out and fix it later, so a bit cross about that.

    If they manage to fix the two fundamental problems of the moment, (oath to other systems and multiple users) then it will do so much.

    This would allow all sorts of configurations of control for outdoor lighting – e.g. relay controlled power to multiple standard light fittings etc.

    It’s a black hole of possibility and money though….

    Free Member

    Chopping the hand off is a little harsh, don’t you think?

    I’d start with a finger per offence, working in towards the thumb from the pinkie. 6 offences in, they’d be rethinking their career I hope.

    Think of it as an incentive scheme

    Free Member

    It’s probably all about the drive to send patients to more appropriate local care pathways, rather than the expensive hospital based care.

    E.g. Physio locally is much much much cheaper than hospital based physio.


    Free Member

    Where is this deal you speak of. On the lookout for a similar thing…

    Free Member

    Beards = not having to shave all the time.

    It’s also good as a ruminatory aide.

    Free Member

    I almost ran over an otter on a night ride on the south side of rombalds moor (above Silsden)
    Apparently they are thriving in the Aire and there is a dingly dell stream that runs up onto the moor from there.

    Big buggers, bloody quick as well.

    Free Member

    Someone had to suggest it…


    Free Member

    I had my swingarm break on Trigger’s Broom (Scott Spark 35 2012 – 3 years old, very little original left)

    LBS very efficient – sent all photos and proof of purchase to scott distributor within 2 days of me taking it in. Basically, everything necessary to send the part immediately.

    After 3.5 weeks of prevarication and incompetence by the distributor, I managed to get the attention of Scott Head Office and the distributor got a thorough ticking off.
    Still took them over a week to get the part to the LBS though.

    Ho hum. Still, LBS (Ilkley Cycles / Tim in the shop) loaned me a lovely Lynskey Ti 29er Pro 1×11 for wednesday nights for the missing weeks. I like.

    Free Member

    Great ride in to work on MTB this morning. Warm, dry dusty trails.
    What’s not to like?

    Oh. Yes. The sitting at the desk inbetween that and the ride home. 🙂

    Free Member

    @Northwind – does this not leave mangled metal spring bits in brakes?

    I think I change them too early because I don’t want to get to the point of the spring being mangled, but I suspect that I am not getting my money’s worth, as it were.

    I also wish there was a way of recycling the metal backing into new pads, but I guess it wouldn’t be viable.

    Free Member

    I’m 6’1″, mrsmoosehead is 5′ and half an inch. She says it is a very important half an inch.

    So that’s a 12.5″ difference.

    Free Member

    Love it. Je regret rien

    I’m slowly replacing all the bits on my spark35 with components that can withstand all year riding in Yorkshire.

    Hope BB and headset, wheels

    My bike is becoming like trigger’s broom.

    Free Member

    A bit late to the party, but…

    When we built an extension to the house, we worked out that we could dig back under a top-storey only room. So we did. And I got underground bike storage.

    Hooks are just plain old screw in plastic coated – onto 4×2 which is thunderbolted to the block wall. Had to chisel out scoops for the wheel to sit in.

    Free Member

    Driver is clearly a nutjob and dangerous on the roads, but bejeesus, the rider was just as bad (albeit not driving two tons of killer vehicle dangerously).

    We’ve all had near misses like that where you have a shout, but the continuing barrage of foulness from the cyclists mouth was appalling.

    Yes, if the car was too close, give is a whack with your hand (if you can reach, it’s too close).
    Yes, shout something to let them know how bad their driving was.
    But no, don’t keep on calling them a c8nt and yelling at them in their face – how is that going to help? Was the cyclist deliberately trying to get punched – I can’t see the courts looking favourably at that.

    And that cycle lane looks grim. Not surprised they aren’t on it.

    Free Member

    Wilkommen, fellow ‘un-hip’ person.

    What did you have? Mine were bilateral hip arthroscopies to solve FAI issues.
    Seems to have worked…

    Free Member

    Old thomas or new Thomas? The new stuff is all a bit plasticky and modern. Loved the old original books. But have a soft spot for Ivor too.

    Free Member

    @cupra – if you’ve got a special arrangement with a regular local postie, then I can see that working. But unless that agreement is in place like you have, you’d have to be an idiot of a delivery person to put something in a bin.

    Free Member

    We’ve had that before. Luckily not bin day. What sort of complete muppet would think that a bin is a good place to hide a parcel?

    The other one that annoys me is when something should be signed for and the delivery bloke doesn’t get the signature. I’m sure it might be more convenient for the recipient, but if the sender has paid for a signature, then it should be got.

    Free Member

    The epic tri was another ballgame entirely
    Any one of the 3 activities is massive in itself. To do all three back to back was just, well, epic.

    Free Member

    top job

    Free Member

    I think the only conclusion is that none of us know the facts and are in a position to judge.
    Yet we insist on trying to do so.

    Free Member

    @postierich – I recognise that bit – although when I was there, you’d have been under another foot of water.

    I’ve spent most of my life going to the lakes and the only other time I’ve seen it as wet as that was the weekend of the fateful 2008 OMM in Borrowdale.

    Free Member

    Did Woodcock route Sept some years back. Aiming for 3 days. The rain. Oh the rain.
    Train to Whitehaven on the Friday evening, cycled to Egremont via St Bees in the pouring rain. Soaked before we started – but stayed in a cycle hostel in Egremont. Getting a takeaway for dinner on a friday night in egremont was like entering a battlefield.
    Basically, it p1ssed it down heavily for 3 days – everywhere was flooding.
    Tried to stick to the woodcock route faithfully – what a mistake – the bridleway down to the Duddon is unrideable and guess what – it uses the stepping stones.
    So we had to hike-a-bike 1.5 miles down the gorge.
    Bailed out at Staveley as the rain increasing and getting dark – didn’t fancy mosedale to Shap in that weather. Found last B&B room in Stavely – chintzy double bed for me n Dave.
    Morning sprint up to Kirby Stephen on the road, then slog over the top. Weather foul again – cut out the south loop in swaledale from muker area – road to see Stu at Dales Bike Centre (good place to stay) for new spoke and headset for Dave. Made it to the foot of the moors by dark.
    Last day still foul – missed out north loop at start of moors as needed to get to Whitby for train – going over towards RHB the clay was so think and wet our wheels stopped turning and couldn’t even lift the bike.
    Fish n Chips in RHB were nice.

    Would I do it again. Of course. What an experience.

    just too much hike-a-bike though on that route. Many better routes.

    Free Member

    T-2 minutes – where’s the streaker?

    Free Member

    Replace them with aftermarket Hope ones.

    Srsly though. Depends on the decor around them.

    Free Member

    The trouble with Common Sense is that it’s not very common.

    Free Member

    Did you actually ask for an argument, or did you just expect to be given one for free?

    Free Member

    A hierarchy?
    A table and all its descendants?

    Draw it. That’ll help. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m a big fan of the Cholula. Great taste, hot, but not silly.
    I like hot and spicy food, but I just don’t get the macho hairy chest beating must-have-the-hottest-sauce competition.

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