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  • Leaked document reveals MTB World Cup plans for 2025
  • MrKmkII
    Free Member

    Will the 2.4 version fit in your frame?

    I think so (Inbred from about 4 years ago). Why do you ask? Is knob-shredding associated with smaller sizes?

    IIRC all Schwalbe Evo tyres are meant to be tubeless ready. In any case, isn’t a NN more of a MK equivalent? What about a Racing Ralph?

    Going back a few years but as I recall even the Evos were delaminating. Are you running Schwalbe tubeless yourself? They’ve been fine? Happy to be told it was an old batch/design and no longer a problem 🙂

    Free Member

    Wow, take the piss then ask advice? Brazen. Fine as tubeless. I’m not a hard rider though these days, so to rip a knob off surprised. Seen user reviews mention this happen on the first ride… But from the tubeless angle – no issues.

    Free Member

    Thanks all. No money for B+Bs so mountain tops it is! Last time was camping in a pine forest on a still and humid night…

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone. Had a blast last night and this morning! Stashed my gear in a bush yesterday afternoon, and Laggan Forest Trust took my stuff this morning – what friendly folk!

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone. Was most worried about my gear. Pottery Bunkhouse seems a bit far and not sure I have the nerve to ask a bunkhouse to look after my camping gear! Will just stash my stuff away I think. Shame about the old cafe!

    Free Member

    Nobeerinthefridge: According to Billy Can’s website, it’s not open weekdays just now.

    Spin: Thanks for that. I checked the weather a few days ago and it looked bitterly cold (though Newtonmore looking good when I checked earlier today). Just checking there’s no weird mircoclimate thing there!

    Free Member

    My god, really? I’m with poppydiamond on this one. such bullying language to complain about someone else’s bullying langauage is pretty dispicable.

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone. I’ve decided to ‘go light’ as I’m not sure I have the chutzpah to stash stuff in a leisure centre or the undergrowth! I shall have a scout when I’m down there for next time though 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m guessing the collective silence means there aren’t any?! 😉

    Free Member

    Well, thanks for all your help everyone. It’s much appreciated. I have been trying very hard to find work, but progress is a wee bit slower than I would like. I’ve had a couple of recruitment agencies working for me to find work there, but I’ve come to the conclusion that they’re mostly mouth and not much trousers.

    I’ve contacted some places though via email, and I will be following up with calls soon. Right now I’m putting together an appropriate email for the Hutton Institute.

    owen p – your tips are pretty good there, especially regarding training. I already have a free version ISIS modelling software on my laptop to practise on, and further training with windes and CIRIA is something I’ll be looking into. I am a lapsed member of CIWEM, so might be time to get back to that too.

    As many have already said, work is abundant up there. I am aware that my CV wasn’t great. I’ve rewritten it to highlight my experience (and downplay the masters in whoknowswhat) which is good for watery jobs, but need a second one that is more ‘skills’ focused for those jobs i have no direct experience of doing.

    So yeah, thanks again for everyone’s advice, it really is appreciated.

    Cheers, Kieron

    Free Member

    Plumber with imagination then

    Please! I prefer street plumber 😉

    b r – I finished a masters last year which had elements of environmental ethics and econimics, anthropology and landscape studies. i really got into the landscape side of things, but visual/landscape assessment is not easy to get into without some kind of landscape architecture degree. I don’t know if I have a conversion-type course in me! so realistically, but still a bit ideally, it’d be good to do some kind of river modelling and surface flow stuff. although i’m not too fussy – i’d be pretty chuffed getting any consultancy work! 🙂

    Free Member

    not too sure about specific bulking powders. but i know quorn isn’t that high in protein – compared to meat anyway. there are some pulses that are very high in protein such as quinoa – though some of this may play havoc with his IBS. but best way to find out is to try – for example, my partner has IBS and is fine with quorn. i would suggest checking protein levels of different foods on purchase, and bear in mind what kind of levels you’d get in meat. HTH

    Free Member

    Dont get me wrong – it looks tech and hard but quad whips, double flips etc just leave me cold. Circus tricks.

    I see your point. i once watched a video of some bmx trails. about two thirds in and there hadn’t been a single backflip. just lots of smooth rhythm and style. i was beginning to think backflips were banned, either from the trails, or the video! was disappointed when people started flipping… impressive no doubt, but so ubiquitous.

    Free Member

    i had a DH LTS, might still be at my folks. i thought it rode really nice. but i had to run the seat pretty high or else the shock hit the saddle rails! plus the top shock mount was made from cheese, which meant it needed replaced a lot. but you couldn’t remove it over the shock head as the shock head was too big! had to file off the edges…

    Free Member

    saturday? gosh darn it, i’m working 🙁

    Free Member

    TJ, i once had a set of big un wheels. the front wheel is here, the rear MAY still be at my folks. would you be interested in it for spares? no idea what shape it’s in, though it has the shortened axle for hope’s old disc caliper designed for frames without mounts. let me know and i’ll see if i can get my folks to find it, can’t promise owt though!

    Oh, and this is the ORIGINAL big un, the massive ones, not the smaller, more reasonable ones that came along later. imagine the freehub remained unchanged for either.

    Free Member

    how? there was no reason given, other than the landlord requires the property. this is all that was stated in the papers.

    Free Member

    we saught advice regarding the broken window. were told it’ll cost us, and they can just deny everything, and they will always have more clout than the tenants, and will win. that was from two different CAB officers. this put us off seeking advice regarding the papers being served. and to be fair, why on earth would we want to stay?

    Free Member

    us: “what’s going on?”
    sherrif officer: “i’m not allowed to say”
    us: “can’t you give us a clue?”
    SO: “well, usually it’s because the owner is in trouble”

    later, when moving out, neighbour: “oh, i spoke to the landlord, she’s not in trouble, it’s not that at all”
    no reason given by anyone. letting agency wouldn’t tell us anything, papers just said the landlord requires the property.

    Free Member

    then were evicted without being given any reason as to why

    Sorry, that just doesn’t add up.

    what? says who? you? because they’re such a decent, honest company? i take umbridge at your response.

    Free Member

    we had a dreadful time with edinburgh property management (as tennants). rotten window frame in the bedroom lead to part of the frame falling out. we had such strong drafts that we could only make the temperature tolerable in the flat by having the heating on continuously whihc cost us thousands. we got environmental health involved and EPM about the window then EPM lied and told the council they’d carried out the work to fix it. then the council visited a second time and strongly seemed to no longer care – quite the about-turn from their initial shock and concern. very fishy. we then were evicted without being given any reason as to why, with the sherrif’s office serving the papers. awful awful awful. although it i bet the landlord probably wasn’t too stressed about their unprofessional attitude as it was mostly her who seemed to benefit.

    Free Member

    One person, according to her coach, has labelled her fat.
    Hardly a story is it?

    well, at least two, now. apparently, daly thomson came to her aid, by stating “she’s got nothing to worry about, personally i like fat girls!”

    🙄 😳

    Free Member

    you don’t mention your height but i’m about 12.25 stone, 5″10′. and i see no reason to cut down on my intake! it’s not my idea of overweight, though i have taken to going gym to get some of the fat turned into muscle 😉

    although i’m perhaps not your archetypal cycling athlete 😉

    Free Member

    i was pleased to be able to ride this without dabs the other day, instead of carrying my bike down! 😆

    Free Member

    thanks everyone, for your responses. Sorry I got a wee bit carried away earlier! Edinburgh Sports Injury Clinic in Currie sounds ok (as there’s more than one recommendation above) but I can’t find a website. Anyone have any details?

    I thought I was all fine, but it’s kinda come back again today, while twisting slightly. I’ve been pretty active this week, with two longish (for me) bike rides and a 2.5 hour gym session. I also saw a doctor on Monday, and to be honest, I’m not sure what use it was. I did find one of the stretches she shown me was quite painful on my hip which I thought might be a throw-back to my old IT band problems. So i think I might see a physio…

    Free Member

    This is the first time I’ve seen this thread. Can’t be sure, but I think I saw a bike like the OP’s yesterday in Polwarth, near the Santangello shop. Not 100% but certainly was similar – similar colour, think it was a Giant, and DEFINITELY had one of those panaracer tyres with the red stripe. I’ll be extra vigiliant from now. Good luck!

    Free Member

    Please do not think that freezing your bladder will make any difference. This will not kill bacteria, merely put it into stasis. As soon as the bladder returns to room temperature the bacteria will be back. Plus, freezing a bladder makes it brittle which can lead to it splitting, as I know only too well.

    Free Member

    I’m guessing if I started wearing a kidney belt I’d get even more criticism, eh? 😮 🙂

    Free Member

    Flippin’ eck, I only wanted a cheap and effective way to sort my back! It strikes me as odd that all this hippy stuff comes through, yet in my experience, what I got was a treatment that alleviated some physical pain. I wasn’t asked to think away the pain, or repeat a mantra, or treat something unrelated, or any of the stuff that I’m being told is the essence of chiropractic. Going off that wiki page, I’d suggest that I saw a ‘mixer’, who adhered to a more materialist approach (which, according to that table on wikipedia, lends itself to scientific inquiry).

    Anyway. Who knows a reasonably priced practioner of back pain alleviation based in Edinburgh? 😉

    Free Member

    Junkyard – i never meant to suggest they could! Just don’t ever conflate a peer review process with an a-profitable, moral just, unbiased process that is only ever for the common good. As others have pointed out, the frontline medicinal approach to back pain is simply strong pain killers. If that isn’t isn’t a snake oil cure then I don’t know what is!

    Can someone describe the difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath? because every time someone mentions chakra and auras and other hippy nonsense I start to wonder whether it wasn’t actually a chiropractor that I saw! certainly my experience was not like that in any way at all. I’m frankly quite beguiled right now!

    Free Member

    oh, and the antihistamine is for a runny nose – one that means I can’t sleep. I’ve asked to be checked to find the cause but the old procedure – stamping one’s arm with several potential allergens – is no longer used since someone died after having it…

    Free Member

    ok, thanks for that Fontmoss. I guess the point i just wanted to make was that my chiropractic experience was not one that saw me going back time and time again, shedding money. i’ve been once when I was 17 – 17 years ago! at this rate i’ll go another 3 times in my life 😉 But i see the point re: physio. I’ve been to FASIC and also an NHS one, and while it helped with the symptons i had, it wasn’t without its longish term commitment to it. FASIC cost me over £200 to get my IT band sorted, along with a set of prescription orthotics and all the sessions related to that. If they charge me that kind of money for my back I won’t have enough for bills and rent, it’s that simple.

    Free Member

    No. But my taxes pay for the repeat perscription, ad infinitum. if i stop, I conclude it was the medication, and they start getting lots of money again as I go back on it.

    Free Member

    just like doctors though, right? that’s why i’ve been prescribed an antihistamine for years and can’t function without it?

    Free Member

    woah, i thought that was simple request! surprised at all this chiropractor hating. My experience did not reflect any of this hippy stuff some of you are mentioning. I lay on my front and he grabbed two opposing limbs, and pulled until my back clicked and that was the pain gone. he then then gave me a massage and i was back working the next day, hauling lorry tyres about without any stress. is it possible i actually saw an osteopath?! i’m sure it was a chiropractor though…

    i hear what you’re saying about physios, my worry there being that i have to make loads of visits, which I can ill afford. i got a bad back a couple of years ago and was prescribed diclofenac and i was free of the pain within a week. i wouldn’t say i have terminal problems with my back, i just want a one-off fix!

    Free Member

    debaser – i will be along to POP28. i guess that means heading away from the pentlands at about 2 to get to holyrood for 3?

    Free Member

    perhaps i can make this. you got firm details? definitely clubbiedean reservoir at 10am?

    Free Member

    i saw this guy, right, who was on a comencal meta 5.5 with 6″ forks, and he rode up and down dumyat and finished with those trails in woods. i rode dumyat and the same trails, yeah, and i was on an inbred with 4″ forks, right, so i guess he was doing all-mountain, and i was just trail-riding.

    Free Member

    who cares, lifes to short

    well, i’d wager you, given your ranting 😯

    Free Member

    So anyone else got tips?

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