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  • MrKmkII
    Free Member

    My Kona Hahanna is deep red, with yellow stickers. Imma just gonna pretend 🙁

    Free Member

    Ah, I did see them comment on a Croix de Fer thread! It would have been nice if they could have pointed out the futility of my research 🙄

    Free Member

    Thanks Shermer.

    Alas, got to a well-stock Genesis dealer for a chat, and seems there are no more Tour de Fers left, except perhaps on a shop floor somewhere. 🙁 proper gutted

    Free Member

    Thanks robdob, and everyone. I think I’m gonna go for it! Now, I just need to find a nearby shop that can let me figure out the best size, maybe even go for a test ride….

    Free Member

    So think I’m leaning back to the Tour de Fer! I realise it weighs just over 31lbs. And I’m assuming that weight includes 2.5lbs of racks and bottle cages. And then I could save nearly 2lbs from lighter tyres and seatpost (thanks to Robdob’s comment). Et voila, 26.5lbs! 😀

    Free Member

    Yes but THIRTY THREE POUNDS!!! I could get a downhill bike for that weight! 😉

    Free Member

    Thanks for the offer Marek, but I think I’ll be going for new from a shop 🙂 That is, if I ever decide what’s for the best!

    Free Member

    I see that the Tour weighs 33+lbs?! Definitely swithering towards the Croix with that in mind, but oh! those gears. I tried riding my Kona up the hills in the middle ring today and it was totally beasting. My commute is early mornings, perhaps no one will see if I push?!

    But the Tour vs the Croix – will the Croix be terrible for touring? What’s the difference, other than it being a fair bit lighter? Touring unlikely to occur often – but bike will be used for a plethora of things. I don’t hook my feet on my panniers on either my Inbred, or my Hahanna… Cheers!

    Free Member

    So, in an about-turn and a moment of doubt, I’m now swaying to the Croix de Fer 10. For reasons, including: it’s lighter; I have a spare rack; touring will probably only occur very infrequently. I want something nippier than my Kona Hahanna for long day rides, with drop bars, and with discs. Hmmmm…

    Free Member

    A Fuji Tourer is £499?! Wow!

    Aware it’s no lightweight – what kind of weights are we talking here? I’m looking to buy a bike that’s ready to go – the chainset especially as the last thing I want is to upgrade a brand new bike. I live at the bottom of an unavoidable steep hill, I don’t want to kill myself in the first five minutes of every ride!

    Free Member

    MTB has always been relatively expensive for me, since the start. It took months of saving in a very poorly paid Saturday job to buy a £220 Diamond Back Topanga. When I earned more, my tastes got more expensive. My zenith was probably the 4 grand of GT LTS DH I custom built back in 97.

    However, I’ve grown out of such things now, at least to a certain extent! My last frame was an Inbred, and I’m currently looking at a full-build tourer for under a grand. My last full-build was a second hand Kona Hahanna for which I paid £150, that was in about 2007…

    Free Member

    Thanks simondbarnes. ‘Speedy’ a relative term – related to my long rides on steel MTBs with riser bars and chunky tyres!

    Thanks too robdob and Edric 64 🙂

    Free Member

    Nice, that. Is quite similar to KHS though, but the 1993 catalogue does not have the reversed integrated seat clamp. But does have similar cable guides including the canti guide
    P’raps it’s from a nearby year?

    Free Member

    You’ll be fine! Used to cycle 2.5 miles from my flat to Bristol Temple Meads, mostly flat the whole way. My knees were totally fine, didn’t stress about having no seat. I stopped only because it’s cheaper to get a bus from the top of my hill. Coincidentally, this brisk 10 minute walk gives me sore knees most days!

    Free Member

    Been to Bicycle Works once. And the appalling work, combined with the condescending attitude means I would never choose it again. I found Macdonalds handy as they generally do the work on the day without booking. But be sure you get your spares off them! They’ve had headset spacers and a Head Doctor off me, which I didn’t realise for some time after…

    Free Member

    Tried google, and it generally seems to link to tapered forks… I know Merlin had some, but they’re now sold out.

    Free Member

    Good question. Of the ones I remember: merlin, crc, wiggle, Evans, Edinburgh bike coop, alpine bikes, cycle surgery, on one, leisure lakes, stif, winstannleys, jejames, Rutland, and a few more besides…

    Free Member

    Well, I managed it, eventually! That fizzy juice bottle trick really works, eh? Needed to put 50psi in the bottle, but it’s barely lost any pressure since I did it. Thanks all!

    Free Member

    Is it, perchance, an innertube? Exmoor was ace, even with a tube in the front tyre. Who knew eh?

    Free Member

    So I’ve got it inflated. Inspired by SimonDBarnes, I used an innertube to get the bead to seal. But then, rather than try and remove the tube and hence break the seal, I thought I’d try leaving the innertube in place. THIS REALLY WORKS! YOU SHOULD TRY IT! WHY DOES NO ONE DO THIS!

    Anyway, off to Exmoor for a couple of days. Maybe when I come back I’ll have another go of sweary upset and umpteen homemade bodges. 🙂

    Free Member

    You could probably melt the holes into the lid with a hot screwdriver

    Brilliant! Just the kind of idea my imagination was lacking. Thank you! 🙂

    Free Member

    Can someone link me to a ghetto compressor that doesn’t require a drill to make? Please help my rotted brain, my imagination for such things has died.

    Free Member

    Thanks all. Going for SimonDBarnes tip first. Mainly because I don’t own a ratchet strap. Or a ghetto compressor. I know that these compressors are great, but it’s a lot to have to buy. I don’t even own a drill! There’s a couple of tyre places nearby I might be able to walk to though, so perhaps try that another night. Building up the rim with tape might work, but the bead is -not quite kinked, but wavy – would building up the rim make this worse?

    Free Member

    I’ve not tried that! Will give it a burl. And use sealant brushed on bead to help seal it? Thanks!

    Free Member

    Thanks tubthumped! Swaying towards cheap phone now, especially if I can get one with the same batteries I use in my Nokia Asha…

    Free Member

    Thanks m360 – there’s always one 😉

    Murf – not a bad call. Certainly won’t be checking emails. I have a spare battery for my phone but will be lucky to get two days from each battery. Might get away with it, but don’t want to find out it’s not enough in the middle of nowhere surrounded by rising water and my bike broken! A third battery might be a weight (and cost) effective option.

    Free Member

    Wow – something approaching a consensus – thanks everyone for your help! Will start looking into these various devices. Cheers!

    Free Member

    Hi DanW, thanks for that. They didn’t say it was definitely the case, more that certain things suggest it might be an issue. If they were to do a more thorough gait analysis they might have said more, but they would have had to charge me for it.

    Appreciate what you’re saying about physios though (especially as my lower back has been really bad since I started this thread). My concern is that I have seen 3 different physios in the past 5 years. The first one noticed foot issues, but since then they just seem to focus on the point of pain. I always point out that I have prescription orthotics, have suffered from ITB strain, and have had other back issues, but they never seem to consider these things much. I have asked folk on here for recommendations, and the last one I saw in Edinburgh was atrocious – she was unable to answer simple questions like “why does it hurt” or “how are these stretches going to help”. Not exactly confidence inspiring!

    I work in Bath so thinking perhaps a recommendation for there might be better. Be it a physio or podiatrist. Anyone?

    Free Member

    Thanks DanW. Interestingly, I saw a physio for my IT band who realised there were other issues, so in a sense, perhaps not holistic, but broader-looking (not had ITB issues for a few years, unless I run my seat too high).

    Went to the running shop today who very kindly gave me a free gait analysis, and they can see that my right (possibly shorter) leg is not looking too sharp – toes pointing outwards, and my ankle/hamstring/calf is at a funny angle, which suggests a short leg. Got some new shoes which are a huge step in the right direction, and also got a card for a local sports pod they recommend..

    Free Member

    Thanks, all. I think I need to get some proper-fitting trainers first, as the ones I have been struggling with now are just so uncomfortable, and I’ll take it from there.

    Really keen to see someone different though, so any Bristol podiatrist recommendations would still be welcomed!!

    Free Member

    Anyone else got owt to say? 🙂

    Free Member

    Good words there – thanks. I do always take my orthotics when I buy new shoes, but also go for the highly supportive shoes, and sounds like I’m probably over-correcting as you say. Can I get a pair of shoes for £50 odd at Easy Runner? I don’t run or do the gym, just walk lots both in the city and through the country.

    Free Member

    Thanks, suspect you’re right. Should have mentioned (and this could be significant), I bought some new trainers about a month ago, which are very ill-fitting – still getting heel and toe blisters. I was also getting cramp every morning in my calf muscles, more so in my left leg, and this is why I decided to go see a podiatrist. Apparently cramp in my left leg could be a sign of a short right leg?? Tried to get footwear advice but he didn’t say much…

    Free Member

    There’s a banner on this very website for an extra 10% off accessories! Code is ACC10.

    Free Member

    the 2.4 version is equally good in terms of rolling speed, but the bigger volume gives it a bit more traction (especially run tubless) best of both worlds

    Thanks nickc. My issue wasn’t really to do with volume, but lugs getting pulled off. Maybe would consider the larger size if the other issue was known to be fixed, but not tempted just now.

    Free Member

    Thanks IA, and thanks for the counter-comment, ratherbeintobago! Maxxis certainly rising to the top 🙂

    Free Member

    Well it matters a bit, if you cycle uphill and offroad! But, maybe not quite as critical. Bit heavy that Smorgasbord though, perhaps.

    Free Member

    If anyone could elaborate on ‘knob shredding’ I would like to know more

    Well, what I mean, is the knob has ripped off, to reveal the threads below. Which is also what I have seen mentioned in reviews for many different models with the Black Chilli compound. That’s my reason for not wanting to get another Conti. Not sure why Nickc mentioned the bigger size. Perhaps he’ll come back and elaborate??

    Also, thanks for Maxxis Ardent suggestion, sounds good!

    Free Member

    Anyone else like to add anything? 8)

    Free Member

    Ah yes, you did say that! I do like the Contis, but my confidence is a little shook. Have a pair of Mountain King Mk1 (one on the front of this bike) which are 6 years old! They’ve been fine, seems the newer ones suffer from ripped lugs (if user reviews are any guide). Thanks for your advice 🙂

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