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  • New Affordable Shimano ESSA, Short Reach Levers, and Cross Compatibility
  • mrelectric
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    They have a slightly water repellent finish which you can refresh with that Grangers stuff. I wore mine out after 3 years or so and finally ripped the bum on the saddle, so binned them. I tried the MT500 Spray Baggy shorts, which are really good; better fit and much better in the wet than the Humvees, also tougher & without the clammyness of the PTFE full waterproof shorts.
    Tend to wear 3/4 bibs under these shorts but might get the 3/4 Spray.

    Free Member

    Going to La Palma for two weeks over Christmas. Looks great, any recommendations for routes, even guide/hire?

    Free Member

    I bought an Nerve AM 9 July 11 and it is a really good bike. Cost just under £2k5 whereas similar from LBS, say a Trek Remedy 9, would have been around 3k2. Nice as they are at ATC, that would be a lot of after service added-value from the LBS!
    Repair/service times are 7-10 days there anyway.

    Canyon UK do a 2 year warranty and were good in sorting out Reverb problems out 3 times; all quick & efficient.

    The big problems are from early Sept this year when I sent it back with pivot problems & play in the Hammerschmidt ring. SRAM are not helping (probably would be same with LBS (tho not CRC/Wiggle ha ha)); a month today and still no resolution on either issue!

    I’ve happily recommended Canyon on other threads but recent experience is poor.

    Free Member

    Check seat clamp torque in manual. You can pull it up normally though I found.

    Free Member

    So never mind 2×9, 2×10, 3×9 arguments, put the forks on like that and you get a reverse gear too! 😉

    Free Member

    Got a useful simple hex head one with the Canyon but finally stumped up for the brill Superstar one @£45. Covers all bits on th bike; up to 14nm.

    Free Member

    Lower chainstay pivots gone, esp drive side. The rest of the linkage is so stiff I didn’t notice until shock & wheel were removed for service at TF. Bike back at Canyon for 3+ weeks now; I am confident they’ll honour the 2 year warranty. Hammershmidt supposedly worn out (yearish old) so discussions in hand….

    Free Member

    Yes, last Monday. They’ve got a backlog and should have the prototype ready about now with a production run within the next 7-14 days.

    Then gotta get my AM back from Canyon after they fix the pivots and cranks.

    Free Member

    Nerve 2011 is 69deg.
    I’ve just moved my 08/09 Marin Rock Springs from 70 to 67 by moving lower pivot option and I like it. Very small change in BB height change, none in seat angle.
    I thought 2.2deg might be too much but I’m up for this for my Nerve – seems like a popular choice too.

    Been onto Works and they are prioritising this over next few weeks.

    I’m assuming I can install this easily myself; done std headsets OK.
    Looking forward to this.

    Free Member

    The SS ones looked about the ssme weight as std.
    I guess if I ever went beyond Stainburn or Gisburn I might notice a difference but what I like most though would be to pimp the bike up even more in the SS range of colours (techno green in my case).

    Free Member

    Went with CTC after several years dithering: no regrets. I don’t race at all.
    Wiggle discount is good but the legal support included was great when I got hit by a car. Got a good settlement without having to try too hard.
    MTB side is getting more prominent now and campaigning is strong. I’m a Right to Ride off-road volunteer now and active in the local RoW forum.

    Free Member

    Just reviving this thread re my Nerve AM 2011. From Works Components
    “As your bike uses a fully integrated lower cup we do not currently have an option to suit..
    “Your frame is designed to allow a bearing to drop into the frame – because of this tolerances are much more relaxed than a frame designed with headcups in mind. We could make a cup that would fit but could not cant guarantee fitment accross the range of integrated frames with different manufacturers.

    If we could get an informal list of interested people we would be happy to make a lower cup to suit your frame, but we would need more than 5 or so people interested.”

    Any one else up for this?


    Free Member

    Just bought this for £35 and so far am very happy with it:

    Flexible with brace to secure bar, with QR in several spots. Wobbles a bit when to spin wheels but I’d expect that. Could secure 4 base struts better if it was real problem. Very fast delivery.

    How did I clag on with Workmates for 10 years??

    Free Member

    Hum, I have one on the rear with a smallish sidewall gash. Was thinking of buying a new one but as they all out of stock am now gonna get 2 x Weldtite Tubeless Outside Tyre Repair Kit (see other thread).
    I know these are said by some to made of cheese but I’ve had these for ages without probs. Very sticky….

    Free Member

    Taking the topcap off easy with a 26mm socket and is a good opportunity to check and top up the fluid. I’ve learned the hard (& expensive) way that dry seals lead to stanchion wear.

    Free Member

    I’m Chair of Friends of Baildon Moor, and a CTC Right to Ride volunteer. We face similar pressures of access on this urban common and have agreed a protocol with Bradford Council for all users. This might be of use in your situation. See Info For Users statement on the web site:

    Free Member

    I was knocked off in my village 2 yrs ago; the driver stopped and it was all sorted out well by the CTC lawyers (months on)but police were not interested in my reporting it (careless driving etc?)unless someone was killed, badly injured or the road blocked.

    Free Member

    I went tubeless with Stans 10 months ago and ride most days; no probs. I didn’t think it needed any top up until I got a sidewall puncture. Dosed it up again twice & all fine again. Probably need to do the front now…I’ll be doing it more regularly now.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear this. I see these are already posted on the new FB Stolen Bike group:

    Best of luck.

    Free Member

    Been using SS for 5 years+. No comparison on value/price or on service that I’ve found. Used sintered until the last year which last months even in Yorkshire grit-paste but they do squeal when wet (frightens the horses – literally – (which is a bad thing, I’m sure you’ll agree)).

    Moved to Kelvar as a compromise, and better grip I think. They’ve lasted a few months which is fine.
    Oh, just ordered 4 snap

    Free Member

    I use Fast Lane for my eBay stuff:

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Corker, cheers Colournoise.
    Its Ride Guide Mountain, minus the Canadian accents! They missed “super-stoked”, and rigids were “back in the day”.

    Never mind “low hanging branches”, the journo went for low hanging fruit (now that’s real management speak).

    I remember halftrack though, that was what the Africa Korps used against the 8th Army, but they seemed to catch fire a lot in the films.

    Free Member

    Corker, cheers Colournoise.
    Its Ride Guide Mountain, minus the Canadian accents! They missed “super-stoked”, and rigids were “back in the day”.

    Never mind “low hanging branches”, the journo went for low hanging fruit (now that’s real management speak).

    I remember halftrack though, that was what the Africa Korps used against the 8th Army, but they seemed to catch fire a lot in the films.

    Free Member

    Might be slightly off topic, but I’ve just got some Crank Mallet 3 2012 which seem to combine the best of both flat & clips.
    Flat platform with pins is about right size, with clip in for climbing. Used the previous versions for a few years; these are better.

    Free Member

    I love my Reverb but it has been back twice in the last 9 months to SRAM under warranty to fix,brokrn hoes union, and both side to side and for & aft play.

    Some evolution still needed.

    Free Member

    It is important to remember that a few cyclists, on the bikes of the day, were involved in the trespasses of the 30’s.

    The Ramblers emailed a petition to sign the Early Day Motion in Parlaiment last week in support of this. I tweaked the text to add bikes. Though our local MP (P Davies, Con)was not sympathetic, I’m pleased say the motion went through anyway.

    I am involved in the Bradford Local Access Forum and have a good detail of time for the representatives from the Ramblers. We are all after better access to our countryside.

    Free Member

    Cheers jwmll & all; we should meet up for a ride. Hope I can keep up.

    In reply to FunkyDunc, please do have a quiet word if you do see MTBs digging on the Moor or Glen, and let me know too if you can. Like all users in a shared space, it can only work if we all stay below a certain profile.

    We will be clearing bracken from many paths starting mid May; volunteers are welcome and are needed; see the Facebook page.

    On the MXer; illegal offroad vehicles are a problem on BM too and there are contacts to report this in the user info. 4x4s have chewed up top of Baildon Hill this week. For info, the MXer can be charged and his motorbike confiscated & crushed; this has happened on BM too.

    Free Member

    I was told about it by some guys in All Terrain. We cut the bracken away from the part above the Crook Farm road last year to open it up. Plan to do the same again, but riding it in helps.


    Free Member

    Hi FunkyDunc,
    As you say, mostly we all rub along OK.

    There is a good path through Walker & Midgeley Woods.

    The new runs on the Moor below the caravan avoid the sensitive areas where a very few people on the Moor who were “enhancing” some of the natural runs by digging in the ancient bell pits. This damage to the archaeology caused a lot of concern and bad PR, with the police notified. I got flak for it too, but it was not defensible. The original switchback is still there but is suffering from heavy use, so we are trying to get people to use the various new runs.

    As I’ve said, I did some work with the council who have formally agreed that biking IS permitted on the Moor, PROVIDED certain guidelines in the Information for Users are observed:

    The deal is basically we can ride the many existing tracks on the moor but can not dig or use tools on them. Care and consideration for all others and the land is expected. This might not suit every rider but the Moor is more good varied XC than AM/DH anyway. It is a shared public space.

    The pay back is that MTBs are now formally permitted on the Moor and that digging jumps & berms within the Quarry itself IS OK.

    I’m involved with the council & the local access forum too; persistence is all-important.

    As far as Sconce path goes that you mention, this has been and still is controversial (it was not Council funded). It was a fun run, though boggy in places. It has naturalised better than expected but there are other paths that are more technical, such as under the Crag by Joes’s Well.

    Hope to see you up on the Moor. I’m usually on a grey Canyon Nerve FS.


    Free Member

    Yes, I’m Chair of Friends of Baildon Moor, and a CTC Right to Ride volunteer. The protocol B A Nana refers is part of Info for Users statement on the web site, which covers the agreement with Bradford Council on cycling on Baildon Moor.

    I agree with the above: “Bradford Council are generally pretty cool about most stuff MTB in the valley on their land, within reason. ie if you’re sensible and considerate to other users.” and “don’t physically alter anything”. There was some trouble 2 years ago with digging in bell pits on the Moor below the caravan park, but this has stopped and there several other lines now to spread the load.

    I’m hoping to get further agreement for routes within the woodland areas too.

    Free Member

    I’m part of Friends of Baildon Moor and we do have these conflicts, notably a year or two ago when a very few people on the Moor who were “enhancing” some of the natural runs by digging in the ancient bell pits. This damage to the archaeology caused a lot of concern bad
    PR, with the police notified. I got flak for it too, but it was indefensible.

    We did some work with the council who have formally agreed that biking IS permitted on the Moor, PROVIDED certain guidelines in the Information for Users are observed:

    The deal is basically we can ride the many existing tracks on the moor but can not dig or use tools on them. Care and consideration for all others and the land is expected. This might not suit every rider but the Moor is more good varied XC than AM/DH anyway. It is a shared public space.

    The pay back is that MTBs are now formally permitted on the Moor and that digging jumps & berms within the Quarry itself IS OK.

    I’m involved with the council & the local access forum too; persistence is all-important.

    Free Member

    I got a Reverb with my Canyon last July. It is a great thing to have but developed lateral play after 1st ride which got worse, with for & aft play too. It went back to SRAM twice, lastly with a new design of tube. Play came back every time, so may have to just live with it. This is 3rd gen design but it is still not quite everything we’d want.

    Free Member

    i have been sent one to play with
    looking to slot 4 xmls in and a lflex when they arrive
    when i had a go at the first one none off these new thingies existed so its hope four revisited

    Hi, I posted on an other post:
    Hope Vision 4 upgrade
    I know this is Hope 2 thread but I couldn’t find one for the Vision 4 upgrade. I have 2008 model with rev 3 PCB and what I think are SSC P7. I’ve ordered some Cree XM-L T6 and a U2 from Cutter on a 10mm MPC. I’m pretty sure I can get this to work as straight swap with same current and optics with a increase of 960 lm to about 1500.

    Does anyone have a schematic to share so I can look at boosting the current slightly? I’d want to check the series I sense resitor value and the FET etc ratings for safe operating area. I’ve got the Linear Tech v reg datasheet but any other knowledge gratefully received.

    Happy to swap experience! BTW, I am an electronics engineer as well as a MTBr.
    Regards, David Sturge

    Free Member

    Hope Vision 4 upgrade
    I know this is Hope 2 thread but I couldn’t find one for the Vision 4 upgrade. I have 2008 model with rev 3 PCB and what I think are SSC P7. I’ve ordered some Cree XM-L T6 and a U2 from Cutter on a 10mm MPC. I’m pretty sure I can get this to work as straight swap with same current and optics with a increase of 960 lm to about 1500.

    Does anyone have a schematic to share so I can look at boosting the current slightly? I’d want to check the series I sense resitor value and the FET etc ratings for safe operating area. I’ve got the Linear Tech v reg datasheet but any other knowledge gratefully received.

    Free Member

    I wash my bike where the water drains into my garden so have moved to Green Oil. It works well too!
    Got the other products too, but not yet tried them

    Free Member

    BTW, on the thread: Downgrading of bridleways in Cullingworth
    These are still ongoing after 10 years or so. The first, uncontested by the council, is going to public enquiry in Jan 2012. The other one will go to another PI in the summer.Both are opposed by range of groups doing good work, though I not sure how co-ordinated we all are.
    Any new evidence as to use prior to 1952 as anything other than a footpath is important.

    Free Member

    Hi, I am active in Friends of Baildon Moor and have recently become a Right to Ride rep with the CTC, with an off-road focus. I’ve been to two LAFs in Bradford and more to follow; I was the only MTBer there.
    I do have a good relationship with the council too who are quite supportive of biking.
    Personally, I was against the surfacing of the path to Sconce on Baildon Moor, if that is was referred to earlier but I don’t think this will be the norm here. There are plenty of other routes on BM which are good technically and away from most other users and sensitive areas.


    Free Member

    Got a Reverb with my Canyon Nerve AM HS. The bike was a big step up spec wise from my 07 Marin Rock Springs but the seatpost is the biggest single wow. Great to drop it for a steep drop or tech bit, then up again straight away to power away. It can be slightly sticky as first on a ride so you do need to press the remote button in time (there’s a knack to not pulling the front brake lever at the same time – doh!)

    It developed some rotational and for-aft play after 1st ride but Canyon UK got Fox to fix it quickly and efficiently.

    Got top reviews with ST too; Recommended.

    Free Member

    The CTC is continuing to pursue this, but I am new to this particular case and was not aware of the August date. Does anyone have an update please?


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